sollten auf server 2, weiterhin cheater ihr unwesen treiben, werden sehr bald, sehr viele spieler, stormfall beenden. es kann doch nicht sein, das chat-moderatoren das spiel zum cheaten nutzen. sollte auch nur eine einzige cheat-liga, eine 20er festung zerstören, werden wir dieses spiel beenden. desweiteren werden entsprechende bewertungen bei googleplay abgegeben. euer eigenes personal zerstört dieses spiel. es wird zeit, endlich zu reagieren.
server 2, stormfallSadly there are truly a couple of things go wrong here.
First off all Plarium moderators are abusing there power and chat ban a lot of good behaving players for no reason in multiple chases.
And secondly there are cheaters ruin the long-time game by short cutting it by cheating offensive units and/or ranking points.
In addition there was a case 2 days ago a holy castle from a fallen player got hacked and abused to attak without having the opportunity to attak him on return, the same league with the moderators that abused there power before.
Please react on that problem, things are urgent!!
Before you play this game make sure and read how this company treats their “investors” People spend a lot of money helping them pay employees and they can’t even and don’t seem to care about answering questions that concern the game play.
There are corrupt Moderators in the game all in one big league on server 2. Very rude, Horrible customer service, belittling players and mass banning people in forums.
Then there is the most dispicable of it all. When a player passes away in this game there castle is given a “Fallen Warrior” status. So no one can attack them which is deserving, they should be remembered. Except in the case where there castle is hacked and sending fireballs at people with no way to retaliate.
Then there is the new cheaters, lots of new accounts that are ranking High in the “All Time Offense Ranking” we are talking a level 72 castle higher than players that have been playing this game from the start. Which is impossible because there is almost a 1 to 1 experience point per offense ranking point. Which would put them at least in the 90’s if not close to level 100 without any experience buffs.
We are close to over two weeks now if not over with no reply. Since someone always replies to these we are waiting with bated breath.