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Banking Battlegrounds

Nov 12, 2015, 14:3511/12/15

Mehnslayer said:

Lord Techway, 

I believe that even if they pay out the same it varies on what actually get paid out

For example, spending another 50k + on a battleground (making it yellow) might give a higher chance to get higher ranked units instead of lower tier units (ballistas etc)

Say you complete 1 battleground... it might pay out 20 ballistas and wardens etc... however if you lower them all first you might just hit the big reward immediately and all those small ballistas get converted to griffins and demons.

I hope I explained that ok? I dont think I did honestly

I understand what your saying. but when your doing BG's over level 50 there all necros wayversn dragons warlocks. your never getting those infantry troop pay outs.

if you can clear all your battle grounds everyday. Does the strategy of yellow baring really make a difference if in the end the bank is always going to pay out the same.

to me it sounds like yellow baring really only allows you to know when your going to get the big pay out instead of getting it randomly. or am I wrong?
Nov 12, 2015, 16:2711/12/15

Techway_GrandMarshal said:

I understand what your saying. but when your doing BG's over level 50 there all necros wayversn dragons warlocks. your never getting those infantry troop pay outs.

if you can clear all your battle grounds everyday. Does the strategy of yellow baring really make a difference if in the end the bank is always going to pay out the same.

to me it sounds like yellow baring really only allows you to know when your going to get the big pay out instead of getting it randomly. or am I wrong?

i put in yellow several bgs by several reasons.

imagine i have just got a big payout from about 29.8M of resources. now i have to spend that amount + tax (arround 33.6M of resources). now i want a payout on a full 65 i have.

well i look for full bgs from 51 to 65 and beguin to send troops to bank those 33.6M. if i finish one bg i know two things one i dont have spent still the required amount and second it is going to pay me a small payout that i have to add to the big payout and it will increase the amount i debt to balur. i dont want that.

i notice i have 65 65 64 64 60 59 59 for example

i put on yellow 65 65 64 64 and i notice i have spent the requiered amount

now i have several chances to get a big payout

i finish the first 65 and i get the big payout ... nice !!!! process begins again

i finish the first 65 and i dont get the big an small payout

spent that small payout + tax on 60 and 59 to yellow.

go for the second 65...if happens again i have a 64 ready and if happens i have another 64

that is why i bring to yellow as many i can when spending my last big payout got from balur.

hope this can help you

Nov 15, 2015, 14:4911/15/15

Does anyone have info on Bg's above LvL 100 ?

Nov 15, 2015, 16:2811/15/15
Nov 16, 2015, 16:35(edited)

WorldWar3 said:

Does anyone have info on Bg's above LvL 100 ?

Lord WorldWar

i still havent reached level 100 but what i have read from masters of bgs is for getting a big payout from a level 100 you have to spent your last big payout plus a tax banking in levels 96 to 100.

so bank it yellowing bgs from those levels and when you think you have payed back all then finish the level 100.

Bgs above 100 i dont control them yet.

hope this can help you

Mehnslayer said:

I'm not there yet... but i thought level 100 was the max level?

you are right .. the max level is 100 on facebook server and 125 on plarium server


Nov 18, 2015, 02:4211/18/15

Dear Lord TECHWAY,

I understand your question and would say the short answer is; 

In theory, you don`t need to yellow bar and should get big payouts as a matter of course.

In practice, it may well be different.

Perhaps like myself, you have heard of people taking a much less scientific approach, in hitting each BG with all they have got.! Some of these people have said that they receive big payouts just fine.

This would suggest that yellow barring is indeed merely a way to know when a big payout is due & not a necessary process to get maximum payouts at all.! 

I am not advocating this idea but trying to answer the question posed by you. :)

Obviously, more data is required to give a precise answer but I hope it at least addresses your question.

If anyone can add further info on this it would be helpful no doubt.

Nov 18, 2015, 02:5711/18/15

A point I have not seen mentioned so far is the question of Resources.

Sometimes you get payouts that include resources. 

To maximise troop only payouts, it is suggested that one does BG`s with a full Barn/Warehouse storage capacity of resources.

3 Barns/Warehouses hold a maximum of just over 220,000 resources.

To get the maximum total troop payout, if you have 220k of each res. in storage, then in theory, it cant/wont give you any res. reward and just gives a total troop payout.

I don`t know how or why it may give any res. payout. I would hazard a guess at it being when the `bank` for the lvl has been either miscalculated by the player or exceeded, therefore the BG pays out the excess in res.

Any further info on this is welcomed.

Nov 18, 2015, 04:0711/18/15
Nov 18, 2015, 04:08(edited)

Dear Lord VAMP BL,

I have heard something like this about the Quest/Skull BG`s also.

Perhaps Jugular or someone could clarify if the Quest/Skull BG`s also count in the same way or if they are to be treated differently and if so, how so.?

The point about the `left over` BG`s is a good one. It is not clearly explained I think.

I myself was thinking about these whilst doing some recently. At first, I was just doing the higher BG`s for payouts and using the smaller ones just to clear, sometimes using the `no troop loss` method.

I don`t know how others do it but I was thinking of a `top & tail` method. Do the big BG`s as normal, then with any of the smaller ones, simply calculate how much is needed to do it whole and then complete it as normal also.

Once you have banked the amount needed, finish it and thus get the maximum payout for that lvl also, instead of `clearing` it just to get rid of it and getting a fresh one.

At some point, there may not be enough fresh or yellowed BG`s to `bank` to maximise all of them. This is when one could simply `clear` some to reset or resynchronise the rest of the BG`s.

I do not know about your third point but I would suggest that it is some evidence for Lord TECHWAY`S question about not having to yellow BG`s and getting max payouts as & when they are ready, perhaps, in any way you do them.

Again, I am not advocating doing BG`s in any order or in any way. I am though exploring the ideas.


Nov 18, 2015, 11:1711/18/15

vamp bl said:

Hi Juglar, I have a couple of questions and if you can please answer me.- I heard once that the payout from a quest BG its is less than in a normal BG, that the skulls drain part of your payout, is this true? and if it is by how much?

yep, in old system if you finish your rune or quest bg (which gives your the skull runes) and you got a payout you knew your bank was ready and the payout was a partial payout. when we did then was to choose one bg 3 or 4 levels bellow to get the rest of the payout

now every bg pays you so you have to set if its the small payout or a partial payout...if the payout supposes the 10% of what usually pays that bg this mean its a small payout and your bank is not ready. if supposes a percentage over at 10% it can suppose a partial payout and then you have to look for the rest in one smaller.

Lets say that I want the payout from a BG level 30 so I need to feed it for 'x' amount of resources. To do that I had to yellow 2 level 27 1 level 26 and some level 20, 19. I go and clear the level 30 and I get max payout. What do you do with the rest of the BGs? Do you cash them too? if you do those units are also added to the payout? I think by doing this I got into "negative" which gets me to the next question.

once you have your big payout you have two options....if you have a lot of bgs yellowed you can clean them during a bg tournament and get all small payouts. that small payouts you have to add to the big payout + a tax to get the new data to bank for the next big payout. 

if you still have a lot of bgs without yellowing you can bank in those to get another big payout before the cleaning.

 I remember I did once some BGs, I'm not completely sure but I thought that my Bank was reseted (I finished like 3-4 bgs and I didn't get max payout, I got really small payouts). So I started "fresh". I wanted the payout from a level 25. I fed my bank and when I got my payout, that pay was a lot more than what I fed already. Like I fed 1.5 Million and got 2 in troops, in this case how should I count it?.

your bank does not reset. it that cause you got a big payout spending less that required...

imagine you need to bank 3M to get a big payout. once spent you hit a bg by error which its max payout is 1.5M and you get that amount.

in your bank still remains 1.5M. so now you spend your last reward + tax (lets suppose 2M) and hit the first one that pays you 3M.

as the moment you started fresh you dont know what amount still remains in your bank. continue from the known data you have, i mean, you have got 2M in troops, so start again from zero to spent that 2M + tax and hit another bg.

hope all this can help you


Nov 18, 2015, 11:2111/18/15

TrippedOut said:

I was wondering if anyone could tell me where I went wrong today working on a payout for a level 20 battleground

Level 20 defense= 105600

Level 20 offense= 125890 7500

Level 17 offonse= 70400

Level 16 defense= 68000

Level 16 defense= 57000

Level 13 defense= 26400

Level 18 offense= 117345

Level 18 offense= 117345

Level 18 offense= 117345

Level 15 offense= 15000

855125 of 764000

My payout 2 skull runes, 100 of each res, 54 demons and 17 warlocks. That is nowhere near the max payout for a 20. Just two days ago I doubled my investment of off 17s. Any assitance here would be appreciated.

Lord Tripped

as the data you give me it seems that you hit your rune bg, so you got a partial payout. you have to set as reward only the demons and warlocks and them suposses about 420K of resources. so you now have to hit a bg arround level 16 to get the rest and set this last reward as new amount to bank.


Nov 18, 2015, 19:4311/18/15
Nov 18, 2015, 19:56(edited)

hi juglar

when i add the small pay out you mean my bank+tax+the price of my small rewards?

i mean this small rewards reduce the recourses i need till i reach my big pay out ?

thank you :)

ah i have and a second question ,i saw you said something about the rune bg,the guy over me asked about it and you told him that he take a partial pay out from rune that means that the rune bgs give us partial rewards?

sorry for the second question i just saw and wonder :)
Nov 19, 2015, 14:3211/19/15

sison said:

hi juglar

when i add the small pay out you mean my bank+tax+the price of my small rewards?

you have to add the small payout + tax to the amount you need to spent before the next big payout.

i mean if my las big payout was 12M for the next big payout i have to sped those 12M + tax. so i know i have to spend 13.5M.

well if i get a small payout,f.e. 1.2M i have to add that 1.2M + its tax to the in this case are 1.350.000. so the new amount i have to spent to get the next big payout is 13.500.000 + 1.350.000 = 14.850.000

i mean this small rewards reduce the recourses i need till i reach my big pay out ?

no, its totally the opposite. you have to deduce the troops you have spent and increase the amount to bank as explained in first question

ah i have and a second question ,i saw you said something about the rune bg,the guy over me asked about it and you told him that he take a partial pay out from rune that means that the rune bgs give us partial rewards?

im not totally sure but arround 96% sure...if your bank is ready its possible that if you hit the rune bg you can get a partial payout as it used to be with old system. in this case you have to look for a bg 3-4 level lower to get the rest of the payout.

Hope all this can help you to clarify all doubts you have...dont be shy and be free always to ask all your posible doubts...i will try to answer inside my posibilites.

Regards and good haunting.
Nov 19, 2015, 14:3411/19/15

TrippedOut said:

Thanks Juglar,

So after getting the rest of my payout which was also around 420k resources. My bank has been reset so how would I go about knowing how much resources is needed  for a 21 bg?

you now have to spend those 420k plus 12.5% tax to get the next big reward.

a level 21 requires arround 918k for paying... you can take a look in first post of the second page of this thead where i inserted an image with the amounts (estimated) to bank for each level.

Nov 19, 2015, 18:2911/19/15
Nov 19, 2015, 18:58(edited)

yes juglar you are clear on it,so to start calculate the new bank i look my last big pay out+small prizes+taxs  thats  clear.

i was looking your post on the first page the last comment whith this picture  you have put and i try understand how  is connected the banking amount need every level  whith your explanation about previous pay out+small+taxs ,i need to add  the  amount that need every level on it ?

so to  calculate my new bank i need to cover my last big pay out+tax+small prize whith its tax +the bank need every battleground level according whith your picture?

Nov 19, 2015, 20:1211/19/15
Aug 24, 2017, 19:31(edited)

Hi Lord Sison

we construct our bank for 2 reason mainly. first because we have to spend what we have been payed with last big reward.(plus a tax) and this first condition have to be done yes or yes to be able to receive another big payout.

once we have spent it we have to look the amount and see the level we have to be paid.

f.e. if you have to spend 33M from your last payout + tax and once we have spent it we can hit a level 64 which requires 30M to bank. but if we add 3M more to our bank we can hit a 65 that requires 32.5M to bank.

hope you can understand this


Nov 20, 2015, 12:4611/20/15
yes you are clear i can see excatly what do you mean your examples is helpfull ,thank you
Nov 23, 2015, 17:0311/23/15


Any info on how legendary units contribute to banks? WOndering if my niathis and heroes can be put to some use there.

Nov 23, 2015, 18:0511/23/15

Falcon said:


Any info on how legendary units contribute to banks? WOndering if my niathis and heroes can be put to some use there.


Lord Falcon 

every troop counts on bank except those troops got in Saga Bgs..i dont know exactly how much bank the troops you mention.

usually i dont use in bgs legendaries, eldrich units or vampire units.

Nov 23, 2015, 18:1711/23/15
Nov 23, 2015, 18:33(edited)


here in forum i had read from lord oberon that legendary units make the banking harder,units whith saphire cost,

i will try find that part to help our friend whith his question a part very helpfull for all users


hello falcon  unfortunately i didnt find that part this is my edit of the first reply its not the same :)

your question is good and this think i had read i am also sure but i can t find the place oberon wrote this it was an answer on a player.

so the best you could do is go to the forum->game discussion->ask oberon,there he will tell you this  if you put your question,he will tell you that the banking whith saphire costs units is different and prefer the originall unit created from recourses

oberon will realy help you whith your great question!

Nov 24, 2015, 02:5511/24/15
sison said:

so the best you could do is go to the forum->game discussion->ask oberon,there he will tell you this  if you put your question,he will tell you that the banking whith saphire costs units is different and prefer the originall unit created from recourses

Cheers Sison! Will do.
Nov 24, 2015, 15:1811/24/15
So I must spend the bank amount on troops? Troops I have won in a BG or  quest or resurected from the infirmary do not count in my bank total?