Mehnslayer said:
Lord Techway,
I believe that even if they pay out the same it varies on what actually get paid out
For example, spending another 50k + on a battleground (making it yellow) might give a higher chance to get higher ranked units instead of lower tier units (ballistas etc)
Say you complete 1 battleground... it might pay out 20 ballistas and wardens etc... however if you lower them all first you might just hit the big reward immediately and all those small ballistas get converted to griffins and demons.
I hope I explained that ok? I dont think I did honestly
I understand what your saying. but when your doing BG's over level 50 there all necros wayversn dragons warlocks. your never getting those infantry troop pay outs.
if you can clear all your battle grounds everyday. Does the strategy of yellow baring really make a difference if in the end the bank is always going to pay out the same.
to me it sounds like yellow baring really only allows you to know when your going to get the big pay out instead of getting it randomly. or am I wrong?