Lord WorldWar3
you are right, now you have to bank 35.621.955 to get another big payout
personally i have my own excell sheet to trace all expendings and gainings on bgs, so i could recomend you do the same to know when you have reached the total amount to bank. if not, its rather diffficult to guess if i have reach them or not.
i dont calculate the bank every bg needs. all numbers are cause the experiencie of players and the amount is an average of what a certain level usually pays. so when i said that a level 65 needs 32.500.000 for a payout its cause usually it pays arround that amount.
the bank increases after each bg ?? it depends where did you had your big payout. for example you got that payout on a 65 and you have to bank that amount... ok now when you reach that amount you have you big payout ready from low leves bg to level 66 which needs arround 34 millions for a payout. if you for example have spent that amount and wants a payout in a 69 (f.e.) its not going to pay cause a 69 needs more expending for a payout. so i can recomend you to hit another 65 or 66.
well, on this point, now i have to warning you all, cause last experiments of bg experts seems you have to bank in some certains levels depending in which level you want your payout. this is not completely confirm but it seems. They call them this corridors or lanes.
for example you are on 65's so i suggest you banking on corridor from level 51 to level 65 or above to get a payout in that lane
this mean: if you are on task level from 51 to 65 and want your payout in one of those levels, you have to spent them and bank in that lane or corridor.
the corridors that seem to be are:
from 1 to 50; from 51 to 65; from 66 to 75, from 76 to 85; from 86 to 95 and from 96 to 100.
i post here this pic to help all you what amount of resources you need for each level

hope this can help you...feel free to ask everything you dont understand and i will try to answer to them till the points i know.