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Banking Battlegrounds

Jan 13, 2017, 13:5601/13/17
Jan 13, 2017, 13:57(edited)

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark, I've edited your post since it's permitted to publicly share private communication between yourself and the Support Team.

Thank you for censoring !

Thank you for your help !

I realy dont know what we will do with out you !

BTW: Very acurate answer to my problem !!!!

Jan 13, 2017, 16:2901/13/17

Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark, I've edited your post since it's permitted to publicly share private communication between yourself and the Support Team.

Thank you for censoring !

Thank you for your help !

I realy dont know what we will do with out you !

BTW: Very acurate answer to my problem !!!!

Lord Mark, as I said, Battlegrounds is a very complicated and interesting part of the gameplay. If the work not the way you expect them to work, it doesn't mean they're broken.

Jan 13, 2017, 16:3201/13/17

djmoody said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark, I've edited your post since it's permitted to publicly share private communication between yourself and the Support Team.

Out of interest why would that be?

I would have thought the level of your support was so good you would be glad to see it publicised?

It's the rule of the Forum. Each conversation between Support team and the player involves confidential information of the account. That information shouldn't be shared with publicity.

Jan 13, 2017, 18:2301/13/17
Jan 13, 2017, 22:07(edited)

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark, I've edited your post since it's permitted to publicly share private communication between yourself and the Support Team.

Thank you for censoring !

Thank you for your help !

I realy dont know what we will do with out you !

BTW: Very acurate answer to my problem !!!!

Lord Mark, as I said, Battlegrounds is a very complicated and interesting part of the gameplay. If the work not the way you expect them to work, it doesn't mean they're broken.

Ban me !

At least i will not get angry on this so called help forum ...

If u need a reason PM me ...I will just tell the truth to the people...

Jan 16, 2017, 16:2801/16/17

Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark, I've edited your post since it's permitted to publicly share private communication between yourself and the Support Team.

Thank you for censoring !

Thank you for your help !

I realy dont know what we will do with out you !

BTW: Very acurate answer to my problem !!!!

Lord Mark, as I said, Battlegrounds is a very complicated and interesting part of the gameplay. If the work not the way you expect them to work, it doesn't mean they're broken.

Ban me !

At least i will not get angry on this so called help forum ...

If u need a reason PM me ...I will just tell the truth to the people...

Lord Mark, please be patient. You can always take a break in doing Battlegrounds and concentrate on the rest of the regular gameplay in the meanwhile.

Jan 17, 2017, 12:3501/17/17
roadstar Pitbull said:

You talk of different things in game for different players,, well this is his.

Now the response is to do something else...
Can you please specify what do you mean?
Jan 17, 2017, 15:1201/17/17

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark said:

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark, I've edited your post since it's permitted to publicly share private communication between yourself and the Support Team.

Thank you for censoring !

Thank you for your help !

I realy dont know what we will do with out you !

BTW: Very acurate answer to my problem !!!!

Lord Mark, as I said, Battlegrounds is a very complicated and interesting part of the gameplay. If the work not the way you expect them to work, it doesn't mean they're broken.

Ban me !

At least i will not get angry on this so called help forum ...

If u need a reason PM me ...I will just tell the truth to the people...

Lord Mark, please be patient. You can always take a break in doing Battlegrounds and concentrate on the rest of the regular gameplay in the meanwhile.

I will do like this:

I will train until March.

I will hit a high lvl BG then...and if I will not get reward ....then prepare to ban me couse i presume i will go nuclear !

The first action will be to ''recomand'' plarium to ALL social networks !

If i quite...i will not go alone !

Good luck Eugenia!

Jan 18, 2017, 09:5001/18/17

My Lords,

CM's informed us several times so far that support didn't find any abnormalities in BG's algorithm. Players are receiving their rewards and the algorithm is working as intended. Why don't you make your own calculation and try to predict the outcome?

Jan 18, 2017, 11:3301/18/17

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

CM's informed us several times so far that support didn't find any abnormalities in BG's algorithm. Players are receiving their rewards and the algorithm is working as intended. Why don't you make your own calculation and try to predict the outcome?

Just because they continue to say it does not make it true for all the people playing BG, No matter how many times they say the sky is purple does not make it so.

Massive amount of people are not geting their due.

And many others are still getting regular pays out that they put in.
Jan 18, 2017, 14:2201/18/17
Jan 18, 2017, 14:26(edited)

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

CM's informed us several times so far that support didn't find any abnormalities in BG's algorithm. Players are receiving their rewards and the algorithm is working as intended. Why don't you make your own calculation and try to predict the outcome?

U know me...

My last reward was on 04.12.2016 - 9800 dragons

Until then all my rewards was 15% from what i loaded in the bank.

I know that other people at low level are getting rewards ok...

I REPEAT : players that didnt achived lvl 160 !

After i reached lvl 160 everithing does not work !

Nemanja, why u dont understand ?

U will remain here with out players and u will be happy ...

The voice of the people wins every time !!!

Jan 19, 2017, 01:2601/19/17
Jan 19, 2017, 01:26(edited)

djmoody said:

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

CM's informed us several times so far that support didn't find any abnormalities in BG's algorithm. Players are receiving their rewards and the algorithm is working as intended. Why don't you make your own calculation and try to predict the outcome?

OMG - where have you been?

I have posted absolute definitive proof they don't work. A member of KoK has kept one of the most amazing logs which details the entire history of their BG's from the very earliest ones they did (about 700 odd BG's now).

The account is down 100m. Any experienced player can see the game has lost bank and the exact point it lost the bank. There are many bits of the log that make this clear.

Plarium never addressed the evidence provided either via support, CM's or posting to Lord Oberon. Even in the face of definitive proof, Plarium won't enter into any kind of dialogue either here or privately. They are only interested in a cover up.

I have even offered several times to get on voice comms to explain and walk them through it.

Plarium are now at best willfully negligent in defrauding customers, or they just intended it from the start. Neither is a good place to be.

And if you have faith that Plarium know what they are doing with BG's and can be trusted to QA them, explain how there is still a BG trick you can run that creates 30-50m power free troops that they can't find (even though though I spotted it immediately I read the text of the last major update).

I have my ultimatum at 01 march 2017

No reward...i delete my account

Jan 19, 2017, 13:3401/19/17
roadstar Pitbull said:

This discussion is such a joke to Plarium, they started thier own thread in the 'entertainment' section on BG's.

This shows clearly what they think of the situation...
That post has been created to give some tips to players which find those tips useful. You're free to develop your own strategy of doing Battlegrounds and follow it.
Jan 19, 2017, 13:3601/19/17

Lord Mark said:

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

CM's informed us several times so far that support didn't find any abnormalities in BG's algorithm. Players are receiving their rewards and the algorithm is working as intended. Why don't you make your own calculation and try to predict the outcome?

U know me...

My last reward was on 04.12.2016 - 9800 dragons

Until then all my rewards was 15% from what i loaded in the bank.

I know that other people at low level are getting rewards ok...

I REPEAT : players that didnt achived lvl 160 !

After i reached lvl 160 everithing does not work !

Nemanja, why u dont understand ?

U will remain here with out players and u will be happy ...

The voice of the people wins every time !!!

Lord Mark, there can be several reasons why you feel like you get a small reward. First of all, remember that the reward size may differ even for the same Battleground level. Also, try to minimize your losses by analyzing the Balur's Units on a Battleground before raiding it. Check the Unit Defensive stats. Choose the type of Units that will be the most successful against Balur's forces. Remember that Cavalry Units may be the strongest ones, but they're not always the best type of Units to send at a Battleground.

Jan 19, 2017, 13:3901/19/17

djmoody said:

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

CM's informed us several times so far that support didn't find any abnormalities in BG's algorithm. Players are receiving their rewards and the algorithm is working as intended. Why don't you make your own calculation and try to predict the outcome?

OMG - where have you been?

I have posted absolute definitive proof they don't work. A member of KoK has kept one of the most amazing logs which details the entire history of their BG's from the very earliest ones they did (about 700 odd BG's now).

The account is down 100m. Any experienced player can see the game has lost bank and the exact point it lost the bank. There are many bits of the log that make this clear.

Plarium never addressed the evidence provided either via support, CM's or posting to Lord Oberon. Even in the face of definitive proof, Plarium won't enter into any kind of dialogue either here or privately. They are only interested in a cover up.

I have even offered several times to get on voice comms to explain and walk them through it.

Plarium are now at best willfully negligent in defrauding customers, or they just intended it from the start. Neither is a good place to be.

And if you have faith that Plarium know what they are doing with BG's and can be trusted to QA them, explain how there is still a BG trick you can run that creates 30-50m power free troops that they can't find (even though though I spotted it immediately I read the text of the last major update).

Lord Djmoody, as I mentioned, we have no reason to believe that there's an issue with Battlegrounds.

Battlegrounds are one of the gameplay elements, it's an optional daily in-game activity, in which our players can, but not obliged to participate.

You can assume what's the most effective way to destroy Balur's Units, and what determines the size of your Rewards. But it's not a required condition for Battlegrounds raiding.

Jan 19, 2017, 15:1401/19/17
Jan 19, 2017, 15:15(edited)

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark said:

Nemanja said:

My Lords,

CM's informed us several times so far that support didn't find any abnormalities in BG's algorithm. Players are receiving their rewards and the algorithm is working as intended. Why don't you make your own calculation and try to predict the outcome?

U know me...

My last reward was on 04.12.2016 - 9800 dragons

Until then all my rewards was 15% from what i loaded in the bank.

I know that other people at low level are getting rewards ok...

I REPEAT : players that didnt achived lvl 160 !

After i reached lvl 160 everithing does not work !

Nemanja, why u dont understand ?

U will remain here with out players and u will be happy ...

The voice of the people wins every time !!!

Lord Mark, there can be several reasons why you feel like you get a small reward. First of all, remember that the reward size may differ even for the same Battleground level. Also, try to minimize your losses by analyzing the Balur's Units on a Battleground before raiding it. Check the Unit Defensive stats. Choose the type of Units that will be the most successful against Balur's forces. Remember that Cavalry Units may be the strongest ones, but they're not always the best type of Units to send at a Battleground.

Eugenia, are u serious ??? Do you teach me how to attack BG???

I have created my own BG calculator since 2014.... 

Your replay is an insult to me and all High lvl BG players!

Jan 19, 2017, 16:2501/19/17

Lord Mark, I don't have any intention to offend you. I was just giving you some tips which may be helpful, but you can ignore them if you already know that or if you find them useless.

Jan 19, 2017, 16:5401/19/17
Jan 19, 2017, 18:22(edited)

Eugenia Misura said:

Lord Mark, I don't have any intention to offend you. I was just giving you some tips which may be helpful, but you can ignore them if you already know that or if you find them useless.


U know there is a saying :

'' If 1 person is telling you that you are drunk...ignore him.

  When the second person is telling u that u are drunk...think a little...

But if the third person is telling you that you are drunk....GO TO SLEEP :) "

So ...u understand the ideea!

If u dont admit that the BG mechanics are changed after we reach lvl160...

Go to sleep :)

I recomand u to stop spamming all posts on this forum if u dont want to help!

Jan 20, 2017, 09:4501/20/17

Lord Mark said:


U know there is a saying :

'' If 1 person is telling you that you are drunk...ignore him.

  When the second person is telling u that u are drunk...think a little...

But if the third person is telling you that you are drunk....GO TO SLEEP :) "

So ...u understand the ideea!

If u dont admit that the BG mechanics are changed after we reach lvl160...

Go to sleep :)

I recomand u to stop spamming all posts on this forum if u dont want to help!

Lord Mark

please, i can understand ur frustation with bgs and can understand how you feel.

This does not mean I can understand the lack of respect that your comments seem to have. People are trying to help you and if you do not respect that you are not on the right track.

i cant check bgs levels 160 cause im not on that level, but i can understand if the people who tests them and check them says that all seems is correct i have to think that may be some is different on that level and at least give them the benefit of the doubt as the moment we as players dont know the mechanism and dont know how bgs works.

may be at those levels all our thoughts as players should be changed and try to change the strategy.

by the way on FB on battlegrounds pages i still see huge payouts on level 160. may be you should ask to players again although i thinks those players will keep the secret for their leagues as it happened even the change of mechanism.

Regards and please refrain of ur actitude to some people

Jan 20, 2017, 19:4601/20/17
Jan 20, 2017, 19:49(edited)

Juglar del Viento said:

Lord Mark said:


U know there is a saying :

'' If 1 person is telling you that you are drunk...ignore him.

  When the second person is telling u that u are drunk...think a little...

But if the third person is telling you that you are drunk....GO TO SLEEP :) "

So ...u understand the ideea!

If u dont admit that the BG mechanics are changed after we reach lvl160...

Go to sleep :)

I recomand u to stop spamming all posts on this forum if u dont want to help!

Lord Mark

please, i can understand ur frustation with bgs and can understand how you feel.

This does not mean I can understand the lack of respect that your comments seem to have. People are trying to help you and if you do not respect that you are not on the right track.

i cant check bgs levels 160 cause im not on that level, but i can understand if the people who tests them and check them says that all seems is correct i have to think that may be some is different on that level and at least give them the benefit of the doubt as the moment we as players dont know the mechanism and dont know how bgs works.

may be at those levels all our thoughts as players should be changed and try to change the strategy.

by the way on FB on battlegrounds pages i still see huge payouts on level 160. may be you should ask to players again although i thinks those players will keep the secret for their leagues as it happened even the change of mechanism.

Regards and please refrain of ur actitude to some people

1. FB is other server.

2. If i revive truppes I bet U BG will work...VISA RULES

3. All the players that remainend in tops revive... U can see allso that castle they have...

4. After 60 days ...i didnt see the help...
Jan 20, 2017, 21:2001/20/17

Lord Mark said:

1. FB is other server.

although the server is other i think the mechanism and updates are the same. actually i only have seen one difference between both and is about catacombs, not about bgs.
