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Champions - Guide

Champions - Guide

Nov 10, 2018, 03:5211/10/18
Nov 10, 2018, 03:53(edited)

Scrolls R US said:

That does not answer my question at all. What I want to know is, do you lose the ability to use them twice if you don't hit prior to level 50? Understand?

Lord Juglar's response does answer your question, if you've already read the Tower Guide.  If you haven't read it, I recommend that you do.  The answer you seek lies in wait for you there.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but your response reeks of attitude.   That is generally not a good method of obtaining help.

Nov 10, 2018, 09:5711/10/18
Thanks for the reprimand. I DID have attitude, for the lack of clarity in the response, and the time it took to answer. But at least in your snooty comment you at least tried to guide me in the right direction.
Nov 10, 2018, 10:1111/10/18
I read the guide, it doesn't answer my question, so I'll answer it myself by hanging onto one unblocked. Thanks a lot. 
Nov 12, 2018, 11:3211/12/18

Scrolls R US said:

My question is, in the tower do you have to use all 14 champions before level 50, or can you use certain champions twice AFTER the unblock at level 50? 


After Level 50 you can unblock a Champion's type that was used already.

For example, before Level 50 you used a Champion of the type "Raids". After reaching Level 50, you will be able to unblock this used type and use it once again.

Even if you used this type after passing Level 50, you still will be able to unblock it. 

In general, you can send Champion to Tower 28 times.
Nov 13, 2018, 02:2911/13/18
Nov 13, 2018, 02:31(edited)
The last thing you said was what I was asking. Thank you for clarifying AFTER the event was over. That helped a lot. 
Nov 13, 2018, 02:3211/13/18
Alina Phoenix said:

Scrolls R US said:

My question is, in the tower do you have to use all 14 champions before level 50, or can you use certain champions twice AFTER the unblock at level 50? 

Even if you used this type after passing Level 50, you still will be able to unblock it. 

Nov 13, 2018, 02:3711/13/18

Also, a couple of things you should know.

The guide is wrong. Grade does not determine the xp sacrificed from geists , RANK does. If you don't believe me, select a level 1 champion, then hit upgrade. Click on a rank 1 geist of any grade, now try other rank 1 higher grades, the xp you get is EXACTLY the same. 

Also the claim that geists give you HUGE XP is patently untrue. A geist gives the exact same XP as any other champion of the same rank. Your claims are misleading and just flat out false. It isn't right. 

Nov 13, 2018, 16:2311/13/18

Scrolls R US said:

My question is, in the tower do you have to use all 14 champions before level 50, or can you use certain champions twice AFTER the unblock at level 50? 

You can use unblock on any champion after level 50

you dont need to use any champions before level 50
Nov 14, 2018, 11:5711/14/18
Scrolls R US said:

Also, a couple of things you should know.

The guide is wrong. Grade does not determine the xp sacrificed from geists , RANK does. If you don't believe me, select a level 1 champion, then hit upgrade. Click on a rank 1 geist of any grade, now try other rank 1 higher grades, the xp you get is EXACTLY the same. 

Also the claim that geists give you HUGE XP is patently untrue. A geist gives the exact same XP as any other champion of the same rank. Your claims are misleading and just flat out false. It isn't right. 

Nothing? No reply at all?
Nov 15, 2018, 13:3811/15/18

JAX 2 Scrolls Boogaloo said:

Scrolls R US said:

Also, a couple of things you should know.

The guide is wrong. Grade does not determine the xp sacrificed from geists , RANK does. If you don't believe me, select a level 1 champion, then hit upgrade. Click on a rank 1 geist of any grade, now try other rank 1 higher grades, the xp you get is EXACTLY the same. 

Also the claim that geists give you HUGE XP is patently untrue. A geist gives the exact same XP as any other champion of the same rank. Your claims are misleading and just flat out false. It isn't right. 

Nothing? No reply at all?


The number of XP depends on the Rank of Geists and is equal to the XP of Champion with the same Rank as Geist has.

Please show me where in the guide we said the number of XP depends on Grade.
Nov 15, 2018, 20:3411/15/18
Nov 15, 2018, 20:39(edited)

Alina Phoenix said:

JAX 2 Scrolls Boogaloo said:

Scrolls R US said:

Also, a couple of things you should know.

The guide is wrong. Grade does not determine the xp sacrificed from geists , RANK does. If you don't believe me, select a level 1 champion, then hit upgrade. Click on a rank 1 geist of any grade, now try other rank 1 higher grades, the xp you get is EXACTLY the same. 

Also the claim that geists give you HUGE XP is patently untrue. A geist gives the exact same XP as any other champion of the same rank. Your claims are misleading and just flat out false. It isn't right. 

Nothing? No reply at all?


The number of XP depends on the Rank of Geists and is equal to the XP of Champion with the same Rank as Geist has.

Please show me where in the guide we said the number of XP depends on Grade.


And here's your proclamation of "huge amounts of xp", which is completely misleading, since there is NO difference in the amount of XP granted, than a regular champion of the same rank. Shame on you.


Nov 18, 2018, 23:4411/18/18
Radio silence, and you still haven't fixed it.
Nov 19, 2018, 15:2111/19/18

JAX 2 Scrolls Boogaloo said:

Radio silence, and you still haven't fixed it.

I'm sorry for a delayed reply, but there is nothing to fix here, my Lord.

In the screenshots you gave it's said that the number of XP depends on the Geists Rank and it's a correct information.
Nov 20, 2018, 23:3011/20/18
Alina Phoenix said:

JAX 2 Scrolls Boogaloo said:

Radio silence, and you still haven't fixed it.

I'm sorry for a delayed reply, but there is nothing to fix here, my Lord.

In the screenshots you gave it's said that the number of XP depends on the Geists Rank and it's a correct information.
No it doesn't. You have got to be kidding me. Did you even bother to look at it? What a joke, deny in the face of direct evidence. Something is seriously wrong with you. Can I get confirmation from somebody else who ISN'T lying to protect their mistake? It says GRADE not RANK. 
Nov 20, 2018, 23:3311/20/18
Nov 21, 2018, 00:12(edited)

It says, and I quote, There are 5 rarity grades (Grades I-V), the higher the grade of the Geist the more champion XP they will yield when sacrificed. 

Nowhere does the word rank even appear. You might wanna put your pants out, they are on fire.
Nov 21, 2018, 00:2311/21/18

Anybody else see the word rank? I don't. 
Nov 21, 2018, 00:3411/21/18

JAX 2 Scrolls Boogaloo said:

It says, and I quote, There are 5 rarity grades (Grades I-V), the higher the grade of the Geist the more champion XP they will yield when sacrificed. 

Can i suggest that the geist XP is gained by sacrificing geists instead of fighting not upgrading to a higher grade.. which provides zero XP.. its very unclear from your ranting posts. obviously rank of any unit provides more XP.. its limited by the XP on any rank.. a more accurate way to define if geists provide more XP at any grade would be if a higher grade uses less than standard champions in terms of sacrifice.. i have not investigated this myself and using geists as champions to upgrade ranking is far more cost effective than sacrifice to avoid fighting undead targets with energy and an XP boost on..

the wording in guides and advertising of geist's does appear misleading .. you would need a mamouth amount of geists and need to sacrifice so many to increase rank.. i cannot imagine that its justifiable to use them in this manner. unless you plan to save them over several tournaments and use them to win occasional XP tourneys.. but then you would need to calculate XP fights compared to sacrifice champions XP and also then do comparisons to geists sacrifice.. and frankly i think your more than capable yourself of determining this than demanding alina give you the answers. This is gameplay you need to learn and plarium would no sooner give us the champion mechanics as battleground mechanics.. if as you seem to be claiming geists do not give higher XP than champions.. wait for the next XP tourney and league tower to complete and post screenshots if you wish to challenge the geist claims. with the comparison you complete and answer your own question and provide the evidence to back your claim... because frankly nobody can take your rather ranty and very unclear claims that all the plarium tower info must be re written or geist mechanics re programmed... as the stormfall saying goes provide screenshots

plarium staff play a test server and i cannot think that mechanics of tower won geists can have been tested to the degree you yourself can test. the responses are based on developers designs and claims.. perhaps a grade 1 rank 1 geist is equal to a grade 1 champion XP but is a grade 2/3/4/5 at various ranks equal to its counterpart champion.. test that and if they do not give greater XP proved with screenshots.. then perhaps it is time for the developers to amend claims.. with so many variables your assertions sound strange a single sacrifice cannot prove your claims.. investigate the variables yourself or wait for someone less ranty to write a geist guide.. might take a year before someone wants to give away the advantage to mechanics they discover
Nov 21, 2018, 00:4711/21/18

I wondered about this also.  All information I've read does say grade not rank.  Is it written incorrectly?  I also expected increased XP when a geist is sacrificed.  It doesn't give any additional XP what is up with that?  

Nov 21, 2018, 01:3511/21/18

HAN, I have to say I disagree with you.  Jax 2 Scrolls clearly described and documented the issue, he was simply asking if he misunderstood  the documentation or if the documentation was wrong.  The correct answer should have been "we will look check our information and correct it as appropriate".

Nov 21, 2018, 01:4511/21/18
Nov 21, 2018, 01:51(edited)

Han said:

JAX 2 Scrolls Boogaloo said:

It says, and I quote, There are 5 rarity grades (Grades I-V), the higher the grade of the Geist the more champion XP they will yield when sacrificed. 

Can i suggest that the geist XP is gained by sacrificing geists instead of fighting not upgrading to a higher grade.. which provides zero XP.. its very unclear from your ranting posts. obviously rank of any unit provides more XP.. its limited by the XP on any rank.. a more accurate way to define if geists provide more XP at any grade would be if a higher grade uses less than standard champions in terms of sacrifice.. i have not investigated this myself and using geists as champions to upgrade ranking is far more cost effective than sacrifice to avoid fighting undead targets with energy and an XP boost on..

the wording in guides and advertising of geist's does appear misleading .. you would need a mamouth amount of geists and need to sacrifice so many to increase rank.. i cannot imagine that its justifiable to use them in this manner. unless you plan to save them over several tournaments and use them to win occasional XP tourneys.. but then you would need to calculate XP fights compared to sacrifice champions XP and also then do comparisons to geists sacrifice.. and frankly i think your more than capable yourself of determining this than demanding alina give you the answers. This is gameplay you need to learn and plarium would no sooner give us the champion mechanics as battleground mechanics.. if as you seem to be claiming geists do not give higher XP than champions.. wait for the next XP tourney and league tower to complete and post screenshots if you wish to challenge the geist claims. with the comparison you complete and answer your own question and provide the evidence to back your claim... because frankly nobody can take your rather ranty and very unclear claims that all the plarium tower info must be re written or geist mechanics re programmed... as the stormfall saying goes provide screenshots

plarium staff play a test server and i cannot think that mechanics of tower won geists can have been tested to the degree you yourself can test. the responses are based on developers designs and claims.. perhaps a grade 1 rank 1 geist is equal to a grade 1 champion XP but is a grade 2/3/4/5 at various ranks equal to its counterpart champion.. test that and if they do not give greater XP proved with screenshots.. then perhaps it is time for the developers to amend claims.. with so many variables your assertions sound strange a single sacrifice cannot prove your claims.. investigate the variables yourself or wait for someone less ranty to write a geist guide.. might take a year before someone wants to give away the advantage to mechanics they discover

If I seem pi$$ed off and "ranty" as you claim, it's because Alina basically called me a liar in the face of evidence. Everything I said is true and could easily be tested by you or anyone else simply by clicking on different grade geists of the same rank and looking at the amount of xp it says you get. You don't even have to sacrifice it. You can do the same thing with geists and other champions of the same rank. You don't need screenshots. It takes seconds. They lied, they were misleading, what else is new. At this point it isn't even worth my time to argue since my whole purpose for being here was simply to help everyone else who was deceived by their nonsense. Instead Alina spits in my face and disrespects me by not even looking at the screenshots and calling ME the liar. Well, we KNOW who the liar is now. The proof is in the proverbial pudding my friend. I'm out. Good luck to you. 
And for the record I have tested everything up to rank 4. Maybe it is different at rank 5, but I doubt it. It takes a lot of sacrifices to get a geist up to rank 5. Not there yet.