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How are Moderators chosen?

How are Moderators chosen?

May 10, 2017, 23:2505/10/17

IronApex Turok said:

brunsonthomas said:

IronApex Turok said:

brunsonthomas said:

Skycooldude said:

Oracle said:

The 1.2 was for swearing, 


Reason for edit( rule), onother reason for edit

Who edited it



1.2( first reason for edit), calling a member ''a****face''

second edit, screenshot edited, Removed in game location( another reason for edit)

Those are not meant for you but for the forum admins and other mods

So if I am reading the second edit.. you can't put ss's in here with ingame locations?
Correct. You should obliterate or otherwise eliminate locations from any screenshot.
what rule number is that?
That is the expectation of privacy and not revealing any personal information on the Forums without express consent.
and what rule number is that?

I am totally agree. This is no where in the rules.. Screenshots have been posted in the forum for 3 years and just suddenly now they are not allowed to contain ingame locations..

Should this actually be a rule... the rules need to be updated to make it extremely clear that is the case.. however.. I feel it is more of a taking the rules FAR past their intention and actually infringing upon the rights of the players to post information.

Ingame location is common knowledge and not personal at all.
May 11, 2017, 05:5205/11/17
May 11, 2017, 13:30(edited)

Skycooldude said:

I am totally agree. This is no where in the rules.. Screenshots have been posted in the forum for 3 years and just suddenly now they are not allowed to contain ingame locations..

Should this actually be a rule... the rules need to be updated to make it extremely clear that is the case.. however.. I feel it is more of a taking the rules FAR past their intention and actually infringing upon the rights of the players to post information.

Ingame location is common knowledge and not personal at all.

Sorry Sky, Brunson has spoken and laid down the law - you must now bow down to his new rules (that isn't actually anywhere in the forum rulebook) which seems to be applied at random, against the former policy that stood for nearly 3 years.  Brunson has uttered this new standard and it has been set forth against everything that was allowed previously.  

And by the way, there is a really good chance that if someone else Brunson happens to like does this disallowed action, there will most likely be no issue with it as everyone in the forums saw when reading the thread in the tavern where he did just that.  (here's the link:

If you dare discuss his actions as a moderator, be prepared for a ban, as that is strictly prohibited.

Enjoy the "fair" moderation, from one of the forums "fairest" moderators, Sir Brunsonthomas!

May 11, 2017, 07:3105/11/17
May 11, 2017, 08:15(edited)

Is true there isn't a rule that governs that. Its a golden rule that arises from the act pf people reporting someone of being an alt without proper evidence. These then drives the community to harass the player involved, in-game and in the forum. Since such act can also lead to player being targeted for attacks, Which leads to bullying,  screenshot must be edited to exclude all form of in game locations. 

Location of Beacons, Hamlets and Settlements are the exception. But fortress location and players location are removed. Fortress location if you remember were first removed when location of Emperors fort was posted ( the first  level 20 fort). The policy is that such screenshot or pictures are to be removed without notification. But I prefer to edit the screenshot and remove the in-game locations( like I did with Anarchy members screenshot). 

May 11, 2017, 07:3905/11/17

test said:

If you dare discuss his actions as a moderator, be prepared for a ban, as that is strictly prohibited.

Enjoy the "fair" moderation, from one of the forums "fairest" moderators, Sir Brunsonthomas!

Discussing forum moderators decision is against forum rules. You can only discuss those actions with the support team. Players are not normally banned for those actions, but given a warning, or the thread is closed, and later deleted, but it will depend with the crime. Personally I think most players just want to make moderators look bad, something I don't understand. 

You try to remedy the situation, and they keep pushing you for a ban, and example being that of DV, who have blocked my PM( which you know are very important for moderation duty). Repeated violation will definitely leads to a ban, especially if the party has been made aware, and given a time to remedy the situation( something that is not in the rules, violation compels immediate ban, without notification)
May 11, 2017, 07:5905/11/17

"After all you guys need a moderator who will be your enemy, maybe you might just get one"

"Discussing forum moderators decision is against forum rules"

It seems the latest trend is to attack volunteer Moderators, and the questioning of their decisions is filling the forums, and killed the main Leagues sub-forum. I read the threats of bans, but unless threats are followed through with, I only see this continuing.

Personally, I don't see the need to hide coordinates as they are easy enough to find in-game. But if that has become a general rule, then I'm sure the community can come to terms with this. If not, then the problem of mods being trolled is worse than I thought.

May 11, 2017, 08:0605/11/17

"Enjoy the "fair" moderation, from one of the forums "fairest" moderators, Sir Brunsonthomas!"

I can personally say that over the past 2 weeks, Brunson has helped me with a couple of problems. These have had nothing to do me crying about other contributors, but rather:

1. Deletion of a thread that was in very poor taste that luckily very few had the chance to view

2. Fast feedback and updates on a bug I reported (which btw was fixed in a very timely manner)

I think the problems others have with the mods are due to their own actions/behaviour in the forums, and these "trolls" should have a good look at themselves before lashing out at the mods that do a job for the community on a volunteer basis.

May 11, 2017, 08:1605/11/17

you two dont understand....

you cant go around making up rules, editing peoples posts, closing threads just on  your own whim!

thats why you two should have never been made moderator!

if there is no rule about posting someones coords... you cant just decide its a rule and edit my post. 

what if you decide there is a rule that IronApex cant post on thursdays and you just go around and delete everything i post on thursdays.   and according to you guys, im not even allowed to discuss. 

I got this thread reopened by oberon after you closed it because you were basing it on some unknown rule.


Thats why the two of you are the WORST POSSIBLE players to be chosen as moderators.   i realize we arent supposed to talk about decisions that youve made as a moderator, but when your credibility as moderator is called into question, i dont think there is any other option but to openly discuss why. 

May 11, 2017, 08:2505/11/17

IronApex Turok said:

you two dont understand....

you cant go around making up rules, editing peoples posts, closing threads just on  your own whim!

thats why you two should have never been made moderator!

if there is no rule about posting someones coords... you cant just decide its a rule and edit my post. 

what if you decide there is a rule that IronApex cant post on thursdays and you just go around and delete everything i post on thursdays.   and according to you guys, im not even allowed to discuss. 

I got this thread reopened by oberon after you closed it because you were basing it on some unknown rule.


Thats why the two of you are the WORST POSSIBLE players to be chosen as moderators.   i realize we arent supposed to talk about decisions that youve made as a moderator, but when your credibility as moderator is called into question, i dont think there is any other option but to openly discuss why. 

Since we work for you, you can decide weather, after 3 years of excluding in-game locations on the forum something that is done in other forums, and across many games should continue or not?

May 11, 2017, 08:3105/11/17

Also, the rule is we cant CREATE a post discussing moderation decisions, but since we Community managers have moved comments here, a thread created for another discussion on moderators, we are allowed to talk about moderator actions. it seems i am not in violation after all when i discuss your decisions, so long as i dont create the thread. 

3.15 Create posts discussing forum moderation decisions, such as banning, closing forum threads, deleting forum posts / threads, etc. This also includes publicly sharing any private messages from Community Administrators or Moderators regarding disciplinary actions taken towards you. The discussion of forum/group moderation actions generally leads to inflaming the community and trolling Community Administrators and Moderators. As such, this type of discussion is strictly prohibited under the forum rules.

May 11, 2017, 08:3205/11/17
Oracle said:

IronApex Turok said:

you two dont understand....

you cant go around making up rules, editing peoples posts, closing threads just on  your own whim!

thats why you two should have never been made moderator!

if there is no rule about posting someones coords... you cant just decide its a rule and edit my post. 

what if you decide there is a rule that IronApex cant post on thursdays and you just go around and delete everything i post on thursdays.   and according to you guys, im not even allowed to discuss. 

I got this thread reopened by oberon after you closed it because you were basing it on some unknown rule.


Thats why the two of you are the WORST POSSIBLE players to be chosen as moderators.   i realize we arent supposed to talk about decisions that youve made as a moderator, but when your credibility as moderator is called into question, i dont think there is any other option but to openly discuss why. 

Since we work for you, you can decide weather, after 3 years of excluding in-game locations on the forum something that is done in other forums, and across many games should continue or not?

is that it? are we playing by other games' rules?
May 11, 2017, 08:4005/11/17

IronApex Turok said:

Since we work for you, you can decide weather, after 3 years of excluding in-game locations on the forum something that is done in other forums, and across many games should continue or not?

is that it? are we playing by other games' rules?

Plarium games, If you read other games forum, you will see that they have similar rules. 

May 11, 2017, 09:0205/11/17

"3.15 Create posts discussing forum moderation decisions, such as banning, closing forum threads, deleting forum posts / threads, etc."

You are posting. I.e. creating a post. Different from creating a thread (minor detail), but it's there in the rules. 

How about you all make up, and let the forums get back to normal. Or is this obsession with moderation of a GAME forum too much to get over for some?

Personally sick of the handful of players destroying OUR forums just because they feel the need to troll mods. There is plenty of other interesting action happening on the server that could be discussed. Just my opinion.

May 11, 2017, 10:3505/11/17
May 11, 2017, 10:44(edited)

Just a comparison

A very important thread

Impressive number of views, per replies. 

Check these recruiting threads.

In less that a short time , those thread generated, half of the the views generated by the important, and pinned thread.

Now check these thread. 

Numbers tells a lot. 119 replies, but less than a thousand views.  
May 11, 2017, 13:1905/11/17

Oracle said:

Just a comparison

A very important thread

Impressive number of views, per replies. 

Check these recruiting threads.

In less that a short time , those thread generated, half of the the views generated by the important, and pinned thread.

Now check these thread. 

Numbers tells a lot. 119 replies, but less than a thousand views.  

#1.. the first post is pinned. Thus it is always on the first page and will thus get more views. Flawed argument.

#2. League threads are much more active than Tavern threads as a whole. Flawed argument.

#3. This thread is the second most viewed thread in the Tavern subthreads. Second only to a post made in July of 2016 which has around 1100 views in 10 months.. or around 110 views on average per month.. but this thread has almost 1000 views in 3 weeks.. This is one of the most active threads that this forum has ever seen.

#4. The assumption that views counts anything toward credibility is absurd. I can put an article up on the web that there is no gravity and have 1 million views on it.. then write an article on 10 reasons why gravity exists and only have 100 views.. The view count does not change the fact however, that gravity exists.
May 11, 2017, 13:5305/11/17

Trentos said:

"3.15 Create posts discussing forum moderation decisions, such as banning, closing forum threads, deleting forum posts / threads, etc."

You are posting. I.e. creating a post. Different from creating a thread (minor detail), but it's there in the rules. 

How about you all make up, and let the forums get back to normal. Or is this obsession with moderation of a GAME forum too much to get over for some?

Personally sick of the handful of players destroying OUR forums just because they feel the need to troll mods. There is plenty of other interesting action happening on the server that could be discussed. Just my opinion.

I am surprised you have your own opinion .... did you ask permission?
Weird you were the last player I though would up up elbow deep in those moderators ar... ah well you get the picture :)
They pay good or do you have to pay?

May 11, 2017, 13:5505/11/17
May 11, 2017, 13:57(edited)

Oracle said:

Just a comparison

A very important thread

Impressive number of views, per replies. 

Check these recruiting threads.

In less that a short time , those thread generated, half of the the views generated by the important, and pinned thread.

Now check these thread. 

Numbers tells a lot. 119 replies, but less than a thousand views.  

As always you are full of sh*t, sky was perfectly on the ball with his debunk of this foolishness.

Btw, most threads in leagues sub forum are closed, wonder why is to blame for that .... "special boy"
May 11, 2017, 19:5305/11/17
Trentos said:

"3.15 Create posts discussing forum moderation decisions, such as banning, closing forum threads, deleting forum posts / threads, etc."

You are posting. I.e. creating a post. Different from creating a thread (minor detail), but it's there in the rules. 

im not creating a post, im replying to one. 
May 12, 2017, 02:3605/12/17
Oracle said:

Just a comparison

A very important thread

Impressive number of views, per replies. 

Check these recruiting threads.

In less that a short time , those thread generated, half of the the views generated by the important, and pinned thread.

Now check these thread. 

Numbers tells a lot. 119 replies, but less than a thousand views.  
Also still has 4 stars. Should get all those views into more replies for other threads. A lot of people play this game, would like to have more people on the forum discussing everything so we can move forward with game progress :)
May 12, 2017, 02:5105/12/17

Marcel Stokvis said:

Trentos said:

"3.15 Create posts discussing forum moderation decisions, such as banning, closing forum threads, deleting forum posts / threads, etc."

You are posting. I.e. creating a post. Different from creating a thread (minor detail), but it's there in the rules. 

How about you all make up, and let the forums get back to normal. Or is this obsession with moderation of a GAME forum too much to get over for some?

Personally sick of the handful of players destroying OUR forums just because they feel the need to troll mods. There is plenty of other interesting action happening on the server that could be discussed. Just my opinion.

I am surprised you have your own opinion .... did you ask permission?
Weird you were the last player I though would up up elbow deep in those moderators ar... ah well you get the picture :)
They pay good or do you have to pay?

I don't need anybody's permission to voice my opinions. As for being elbow deep etc etc, you are missing the whole point here Dutch Viking. 

I do not want animosity with you or others. I am just trying to point out that this mod bashing fad has done the full circle now, and is becoming dull. Surely as a league Captain you have better things to do with the time you have for the game.

I definitely don't make the forum rules (in fact, I've never bothered to read them), but am happy enough to play within them. Just saying, you might have a more relaxed time if you gave it a shot.