IronApex Turok said:
lately is seems its the opposite. We have moderators closing threads and taunting other players, admitting to having alts in other leagues has a history of name calling DJMoody during discussions. how is that keeping the forum clean?
I haven't closed any threads. I only closed thread which I was asked to close by the person who started those threads/the threads is about.
I don't know why I would research, and place an article here saying the practice of alts is a manifestation of a disease while I have an alts. I don't know why I would have an alts while I tell people here everyday not do have alts. All my friends know I hate alts, and will report them, for using alts. Why would I have an alt ?
I believe alts are a manifestation of a serious physiological, maybe even Psychological problem, and I have placed a thesis here( Alternative accounts and DID), which people debated on, and reached a consensus on.
He called me out on something that I didn't say, only to prove what I said, after the facts where laid down he didn't apologize. The apparent calling out was just to use me, then an Ex-member of UE to fight UE. DJ is a respectful member of the forum, and I have nominated him to became a moderator before applying myself. We have disagreement, and we debate at times, and will continue to do so.