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Emps get knocked down

Emps get knocked down

Apr 17, 2017, 03:4304/17/17

Since you want to call me out in response to another players response Test, I will just add a few points:

1. There is no crying going on. You are the only one crying. Continuing to justify some shitty excuse for a thread with increasingly manic responses

2. No-one is calling you a liar. They are just pointing out that you show only half the facts to boost your own ego, and justify said "shitty excuse for a thread". For example, why do you only show Emps losses in all those screenshots of yours?

3. Now you admit that said beacons were weakly held, and hardly the massacre the opening post is intended to make out

4. And lastly you start rambling about some past player that no longer plays the game (a good friend of mine btw), which I suspect is your entire reasoning for continually creating such silly propaganda.

I could pick to pieces all your BS as your rambling becomes more erratic and contradictory (which btw is funny to watch 55555), although that was never my intention when I posted in this thread. I made my intent very clear, but seems nobody is allowed to question the almighty keyboard warrior Test, without copping schoolyard insults.

Apr 17, 2017, 04:1404/17/17
Apr 17, 2017, 04:42(edited)

Trentos said:

Since you want to call me out in response to another players response Test, I will just add a few points:

1. There is no crying going on. You are the only one crying. Continuing to justify some shitty excuse for a thread with increasingly manic responses

2. No-one is calling you a liar. They are just pointing out that you show only half the facts to boost your own ego, and justify said "shitty excuse for a thread". For example, why do you only show Emps losses in all those screenshots of yours?

3. Now you admit that said beacons were weakly held, and hardly the massacre the opening post is intended to make out

4. And lastly you start rambling about some past player that no longer plays the game (a good friend of mine btw), which I suspect is your entire reasoning for continually creating such silly propaganda.

I could pick to pieces all your BS as your rambling becomes more erratic and contradictory (which btw is funny to watch 55555), although that was never my intention when I posted in this thread. I made my intent very clear, but seems nobody is allowed to question the almighty keyboard warrior Test, without copping schoolyard insults.

You sound upset.

Did you miss your nap today? #mommy411


Since I'm bored and enjoy making fun of your horrendous posts here we go again:

1)  Manic responses?  hahahaha - your funny.  You lied, I called you out.  And you can't stop crying about it.

2)  It's common place to show the opposing kills, rather than your side of the battle.

Just like frenzie only showed the offense side of the battle, rather than all the defense she lost.  

I'm not surprised that you aren't aware of how common that is and it hurts your tiny little brain to try to comprehend, and you then go into some sort of rant about "only showing half the facts" and then go on and attempt to show off your circus side show mind reading attempts and try to say the reason why I do what I do.


3) I never called it a massacre you're the only one who has as far as I can tell. 

I simply said emps got knocked down and showed a picture of most of the beacons that I knocked down.

I know it's really hard for your to comprehend what I wrote and you like to make up stories about what was said, but go back, use your eyes and that tiny pea between your ears and try to understand what was posted.   Rather than all of the imagined stuff that you keep dreaming up and rambling on about...

4) umm, your talking nonsense (again).  I've only responded to you, dj, frenzie, and sarah.  Not sure who you're imagining I'm rambling on about who no longer plays the game.  Might wanna double check your meds, you've gone off the deep end.

Please go on and keep making up more lies.  It continues to drive home the point for everyone reading just how insane you appear to be.

I really like the part at the end where you talk about "without copping schoolyard insults".  As far as I can tell, that's what you've done in most of your posts.  I even itemized it in the other thread how silly you are.  I won't bother again here, but you sir, it's rather hillarious how much you contradict yourself and hit 5 a bunch of times while making up stories which aren't true (lies).

Again, pathetic.

Apr 17, 2017, 08:4104/17/17

"Wasn't it the great grandmaster shin that said in his forum post that if anyone didn't have 50 mil on a beacon, they didn't deserve to have one?"

Emperor Shin did this. Emperor Shin said that. Waaah waaah waaah. At least we no longer have to put up with threads from you dedicated to this ex-player you are still obviously obsessed with. And I'm called pathetic 55555

And there you go again with personal insults. How low do you want to go? Obviously I have pressed the right buttons. My meds are good. In fact they are REALLY good!!!! You should give them a try. May make your rambling somewhat legible, rather than random yellow/orange text and red boxes. I don't even try reading your mad ramblings. Just sit back and laugh, knowing you are obviously trying harder to justify yourself, and boost your big ego 55555

Apr 17, 2017, 10:3304/17/17
So no problem in me simply saying destiny lost the corner beacon then , Its swings and roundabouts destiny loses emps lose , only thing is emps dont make a post about it on forums  , so whats the message behind all the BS  you post Test ? , to me its a waste of time , its just same BS different day with you calling people you dont even know liars when your just as bad as they are 
Apr 17, 2017, 11:5504/17/17
Too right Sarah. He doesn't even know who the players he is abusing. He's that self absorbed. You have to realise that Stormfall has been his life for such a long time and he's lost track of reality. That's why all his threads you only see people calling out for his BS (who he goes on to personally attack) or his ever dwindling cheersquad.
Apr 17, 2017, 14:0104/17/17
Apr 17, 2017, 14:01(edited)

Trentos said:

"Wasn't it the great grandmaster shin that said in his forum post that if anyone didn't have 50 mil on a beacon, they didn't deserve to have one?"

Emperor Shin did this. Emperor Shin said that. Waaah waaah waaah. At least we no longer have to put up with threads from you dedicated to this ex-player you are still obviously obsessed with. And I'm called pathetic 55555

And there you go again with personal insults. How low do you want to go? Obviously I have pressed the right buttons. My meds are good. In fact they are REALLY good!!!! You should give them a try. May make your rambling somewhat legible, rather than random yellow/orange text and red boxes. I don't even try reading your mad ramblings. Just sit back and laugh, knowing you are obviously trying harder to justify yourself, and boost your big ego 55555

Oh you mean Shin, the person that messages me on facebook about the game? 

Yeah, I'm "sure" he's quit.  

Let's look at a few facts to relate to what must be his twin brother from another mother:

- who is as just active as shin

- who talks like shin

- who uses the same emotes / syntax as shin

- who happens to be online the identical timeframes as shin

- who remembers and talks about the same history as shin

- who was proven as posting from different accounts on the forums that have the same IP (confirmed by a moderator who can see everyone's posting IP)

- who joins and helps recruit for the same league as shin

- who mails people around the server saying "hello old friend" to people he has never met, but knew shin well.

started playing the week after shin announced he had quit and happens to have a different account name, but was immediately given identical rank and league responsabilities as shin.  (how convenient, lol)

Most of the people on the server who I've talked with in the past know who I'm talking about.   But yeah, if you wanna say he's "no longer playing the game", by all means continue on with that drivel.  I can't be certain he hasn't quit now since I stopped playing a number of months ago (outside of some beacon hits I did the other day), long after "shin" quit, he was all in. And to boot, Shin has messaged me on facebook after he had "quit"


And sarah, yup, there is no problem with you sharing that emps took out an empty beacon after Destiny sent out multiple league-wides to empty it over the past week, and then booted approx 15 people from our league to empty it out and left it sitting for 2 days.

You and trentos can keep dictating and trying to say what should and should not be allowed to be posted on the league section of the forums.  It's kinda funny really.


Speaking of cheersquads - trentos has been in multiple threads that have nothing to do with him or his league and cheering on some while being busy insulting others.  Still not sure why he's enters these threads other than to cry and lie and put on his pair of pom pom's.

Keep it up, if you work hard enough trentos, maybe you'll have a good nap one of these days #mommy411

Apr 17, 2017, 15:2404/17/17

55555 @ Test

You have really lost it now. 

Buttons pressed. Truth told. I acted like a man. My job is done 55555

Apr 17, 2017, 15:5904/17/17
yeah your way off there Test , I can honestly say to the best of my knowledge that shin quit months ago , You havent proved otherwise with that post all that is , is coincidental drivel fueled by your obsession with Shin , As far as im aware the troubles between our leagues was between you and shin , Dont you think its time you let that one go now and moved on like a big boy 
Apr 18, 2017, 02:2404/18/17
Apr 18, 2017, 23:28(edited)

awww, you two sound upset.

maybe nap time together would solve that for ya?

2 peas in a pod for sure :D


Regardless of all of the ancillary stuff being said throughout the thread, Emps still got knocked down as I originally stated.

Full stop.

Jun 6, 2017, 17:2806/06/17
Nothing changes LOL