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Emps get knocked down

Emps get knocked down

Apr 15, 2017, 06:0404/15/17

"I didn't lose my army". Bloody hilarious stuff. But guess you deserve some bragging rights to boost your ego. I'm sure it needs a boost based on the screenshots I saw :-) Brag on, but try to keep it real hey.

Btw, I will post in any thread I wish to, especially where I have a vested interest.

Apr 15, 2017, 06:1304/15/17
Trentos said:

"I didn't lose my army". Bloody hilarious stuff. But guess you deserve some bragging rights to boost your ego. I'm sure it needs a boost based on the screenshots I saw :-) Brag on, but try to keep it real hey.

Btw, I will post in any thread I wish to, especially where I have a vested interest.

Neither did Test - yes there were losses but he hit 10 BEACONS and a LEVEL 19 FORTRESS what would you expect???  At least he uses his army and doesn't sit around and talk about other people's game :)
Apr 15, 2017, 12:0504/15/17
I use my army everyday Cheerleader. What is you your league called? Might have some fun with you. Better than constantly raiding Destiny alts for res with no response. Might be fun.
Apr 15, 2017, 13:3804/15/17

Trentos said:

I use my army everyday Cheerleader. What is you your league called? Might have some fun with you. Better than constantly raiding Destiny alts for res with no response. Might be fun.

Sure look me up while you're at it you can check my stats and see how WE compare :)

ohhh but you only hit the ones that aren't around to defend right?
Apr 15, 2017, 14:1504/15/17

Given I've played for nearly 2yrs less than you chearleader, and you have pulled away from the game to "change the way you play", overall statistics is a pissweak comeback. Lets see how we compare in the future. How petty to stand behind the stats you earnt off the back of others efforts (beacon hits). Hope your league is also prepared.

Don't know what you are talking about about hitting those that aren't around? They are active but everyone knows they are alts. Obviously your hero's don't have the time to manage these alt accounts, or just unwilling to lose the offence/defence that was handed to them by the hoards of players that left the cult 55555 

Apr 15, 2017, 14:2404/15/17

DJ as always we basically (?) see eye to eye. Would love to see a though coverage of events, rather than one player trying to boost his ego to warrant the loses he took.

Basically, petty bragging about grudges that individuals can't let go isn't big news. If I want to respond to one-sided BS, that is my prerogative. Personally I think the forums deserve better 
Apr 15, 2017, 15:1004/15/17
Apr 15, 2017, 15:11(edited)

Trentos said:

Given I've played for nearly 2yrs less than you chearleader, and you have pulled away from the game to "change the way you play", overall statistics is a pissweak comeback. Lets see how we compare in the future. How petty to stand behind the stats you earnt off the back of others efforts (beacon hits). Hope your league is also prepared.

Don't know what you are talking about about hitting those that aren't around? They are active but everyone knows they are alts. Obviously your hero's don't have the time to manage these alt accounts, or just unwilling to lose the offence/defence that was handed to them by the hoards of players that left the cult 55555 

your math also sux I have been playing for 11 months longer - I earned my stats if I wasn't confident enough to use my troops Destiny would never have recruited me in the first place - you have a problem with me bring it to me my league has nothing to do with it

i have earned about a third of my stats since leaving Destiny and as for beacon hits - sure I hit beacons but not on the backs of our hammers if you know anything they would be the ones getting the brunt of the points - hammers hit with hammers - they don't want lil ole me to hit with them 

Apr 15, 2017, 15:2104/15/17

djmoody said:

Can we get some screenshots. Would be fun to see the fights.

Apr 15, 2017, 15:2704/15/17

As your hero has continued his obsession with leagues in any way associated with Emperors, why do you think your league is safe? I will personally pay you all a visit. I put my troops on the line everyday, not someone that bailed on their league to avoid losses.

See you on the battlefield cheerleader 555555
Apr 15, 2017, 16:2504/15/17
Apr 15, 2017, 16:27(edited)

Trentos said:

As your hero has continued his obsession with leagues in any way associated with Emperors, why do you think your league is safe? I will personally pay you all a visit. I put my troops on the line everyday, not someone that bailed on their league to avoid losses.

See you on the battlefield cheerleader 555555

I post the SS's of the battles and Trentos wont stop crying about and he finds something else to start in on.


It sure is funny watching Trentos contradict himself:

Earlier in the thread he brags about never loosing troops, and now later in the same thread, he brags about using his troops every day.


Crying nonstop, pressing 5 a whole bunch, and contradicting himself in the same thread!

Time for another nap to collect your thoughts?  #mommy411

Apr 15, 2017, 16:4004/15/17

Trentos said:

As your hero has continued his obsession with leagues in any way associated with Emperors, why do you think your league is safe? I will personally pay you all a visit. I put my troops on the line everyday, not someone that bailed on their league to avoid losses.

See you on the battlefield cheerleader 555555

I didn't bail on Destiny to avoid losses I put my troops up daily - you can try you will eventually lose or get bored - I imagine you will target my smaller members and will likely send them some lame message about how I the Marshal am at fault ... fortunately I have trained them well enough to catacomb and pick their battles so the most you will likely get are a few builds - GO!!! Use those teleports and spend some more money to try to make a point

I have not done anything to Knights if you can't handle a flame war I suppose your skills on the battlefield are just as pathetic - I look forward to your visit 
Apr 16, 2017, 01:4304/16/17
Apr 17, 2017, 04:39(edited)


I am sure Trentos is talking about the beacon 590, seams u have forgotten to add it to your post and posted 2 times  beacon 534 instead :/

Thanks for the update, apologies for the double post instead of the different battles, my mistake.  We had fun wiping out 75% of your defense on that beacon.

We weren't hitting any beacons with our biggest player, so that was technically our secondary hammer out having some fun :D

Apr 16, 2017, 08:2004/16/17
Another fine example of Test blowing his own trumpet on forums , well done , now if you could just get the people of stormfall to believe you that would be even better 
Apr 16, 2017, 13:3104/16/17
Apr 16, 2017, 13:49(edited)

Sarah Walker said:

Another fine example of Test blowing his own trumpet on forums , well done , now if you could just get the people of stormfall to believe you that would be even better 

I enjoy watching you arguing with a screenshot (especially assuming you had troops on that beacon and should have the report for yourself) - in the meantime you can endulge in arguing against your marshal's posted screenshots, I guess you now assume she's working with me to spread "propaganda" on the forums considering our SS's match up.

It's a clear and quite hilarious example of your inability to understand the truth or even basic concepts for that matter.

Happy Easter!
Apr 16, 2017, 19:4304/16/17
Please feel free to tell me where i am arguing with a screen shot , I dont come on forums that often but when i do , you are locked in your own little bubble calling everyone a liar or showing off your latest take downs , Why would you feel the need to do that ? more to the fact who cares ? Its a game,win some lose some , It happens to us all , But only you comes on your forums  and starts blowing your trumpet , Everybody look what TEST did and how high and mighty he thinks he is 
Apr 16, 2017, 19:5004/16/17

Sarah Walker said:

Please feel free to tell me where i am arguing with a screen shot , I dont come on forums that often but when i do , you are locked in your own little bubble calling everyone a liar or showing off your latest take downs , Why would you feel the need to do that ? more to the fact who cares ? Its a game,win some lose some , It happens to us all , But only you comes on your forums  and starts blowing your trumpet , Everybody look what TEST did and how high and mighty he thinks he is

the main topic of this thread in the forums might have something to do with it ... just sayin

Apr 16, 2017, 20:5004/16/17
Apr 16, 2017, 20:55(edited)

I'm going to re-highlight this since your having a really tough time with basic concepts and ideas:  

Sarah Walker said:

Another fine example of Test blowing his own trumpet on forums , well done , now if you could just get the people of stormfall to believe you that would be even better


That statement you just made insinuates either that what I'm saying is not true or that it's not believable.  I'm not sure what was no believable or not true, but you are having a very tough time with it - so I'm taking the time to help you and everyone else who might be just as confused as you (*cough* trentos *cough*) understand.

As jezebel stated, the thread is called Emps got knocked down (they did) and my screenshots are true and accurate.  Not sure what's not believable or true about either of those things.

Sarah Walker said:

Please feel free to tell me where i am arguing with a screen shot , I dont come on forums that often but when i do , you are locked in your own little bubble calling everyone a liar or showing off your latest take downs , Why would you feel the need to do that ? more to the fact who cares ? Its a game,win some lose some , It happens to us all , But only you comes on your forums and starts blowing your trumpet , Everybody look what TEST did and how high and mighty he thinks he is.


Contrary to what you say or believe - nowhere in my post did I talk about how high or mighty I think I am, instead I talked about the fun that was going on around the server. 

it was purely a knock against emps.   Most any league on the server could of taken down those 6 beacons, no one except destiny dared or cared to hit weak emps level 5 beacons.  And since I don't like you or any of emps for that matter, I decided to show just how weak Emps beacon defense really is.

Wasn't it the great grandmaster shin that said in his forum post that if anyone didn't have 50 mil on a beacon, they didn't deserve to have one?

You guys were dumb enough to break your own "rules" - you paid a price for it and got made fun at the same time.

Happy Easter!

Apr 16, 2017, 21:5404/16/17

Sarah Walker said:

Another fine example of Test blowing his own trumpet on forums , well done , now if you could just get the people of stormfall to believe you that would be even better 

What part of that did i say anything about this post ? I am talking in general , maybe you should read what has been written before you start picking at little pieces of what people say and twisting it all round TEST style 

You have a bee in your bonnet about truth and whos telling lies and in fact you are no angel and mix things up and have been caught out telling lies in the past yourself , What does it matter anyway , its a game 
Apr 17, 2017, 03:1304/17/17
Apr 17, 2017, 03:22(edited)

Sarah Walker said:

Sarah Walker said:

Another fine example of Test blowing his own trumpet on forums , well done , now if you could just get the people of stormfall to believe you that would be even better 

What part of that did i say anything about this post ? I am talking in general , maybe you should read what has been written before you start picking at little pieces of what people say and twisting it all round TEST style 

You have a bee in your bonnet about truth and whos telling lies and in fact you are no angel and mix things up and have been caught out telling lies in the past yourself , What does it matter anyway , its a game 

I agree, it is a game.  Emps along with Trentors are the ones crying and lying in this thread.

The sooner you stop posting, the sooner this topic will go to the back-burner of the forums - instead of continuing to be the focus of the league section that people can't seem to stop talking about.

"Picking at little pieces of what someone says" is quite different than debating your entire post.  


You claimed I posted to blow my own horn.  Not true.  I posted to make fun of emps / show some excitement going on in the dying server.  

It involved Destiny, so I posted about it.  Then the rest of ya got your knickers in a bunch and started crying and lying.

Random guy logs on and posts a lie:

Trentos follows up a little later on and makes up another lie:

You then talked about people of stormfall believing what was posted.  It's all fact.  There is no debating the validity in what I had posted.


I've debated both sections of your post (not taking apart little pieces as you claim) and now I'll re-affirm my initial post which was:

Emps got knocked down - full stop.