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More Incredible Package Offers Are Now Available! Strengthen Your Glorious Army!

More Incredible Package Offers Are Now Available! Strengthen Your Glorious Army!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Aug 8, 2015, 14:4508/08/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:48(edited)

ThatBloke said:

Of course, He intended it that way.

Some people may chose to pay, others will rather master the game to avoid it.

You can add that Plarium will try and have you paying anyway... Somewhere, they have the right to try, and you have the right not to fall for it. ;)

Master the game rather than pay!!!! Great words.

As a moderator your opinion has a lot of weight and we all will follow the same. Thank you.

As of their right to try, I was a bit puzzled why they weren't trying it that much on me. Probably they figured out that I'd give in without them even trying. Now, with your advice, I'll try to master the game and I assure you, they have to try really hard this time. :)

Aug 8, 2015, 15:5808/08/15

Believe me, I seldom see any offerings below 99.00 and and they always start with the 330.00 package, then 198.00 then the 99.00 and if I ignore it for a few weeks, I get a 49.00 thrown in the mix to try and entice me.  The packages offered yesterday were quite nice and yes I took advantage of a cavalry package that will benefit me down the line with dominion and resource boosts.  

I find that the drachmas are easily spent while starting out and building. Now that I am almost nearing completion, drachmas do nothing for me except for dominion and resource boosts,  I have even trimmed down my army to just phalanx and cavalry. No point having any of the other useless troops.  I build a steady supply of Javs and swords for persian positions and if I could take it all back, I would have never advanced them beyond level 20 as they are now a pain in the ass when you build 5k lights and lose them in 10 minutes with little reward. I should have stayed in the teens or 20's LOL!
Aug 9, 2015, 00:4908/09/15

My way, exactly. :)

Now keeping Persians down to level 20 wouldn't have been a good idea either, as they would have gotten you only low level crap and not even enough points to break the damn new 100 points limit during tournaments... :p

However, I find playing with levels 50-60 comfortable enough. It takes a week to build a decent infantry party and I'm getting only crapy 50-70 cavalry since my last big payout, but hey, it's still 50-70 more horses and I won't look down to them. And maybe some day, i'll have built the bank and get some new cattle. ;) LOL

Aug 9, 2015, 11:0008/09/15
Someone else said they enjoy the 50-60 range too.  I am in the 30-40 range now and I did several raids yesterday for minimal PvP and not one payout had cavalry.. Very disappointing and somewhat surprising as they usually do.
Aug 9, 2015, 12:5708/09/15
Aug 9, 2015, 12:58(edited)

Yes, 30-40 is probably a bit too low for cavalry. You may get mostly heavy infantry and phalanx. A big payout in this area could be a hundreth of Spartan Hoplites as I got recently from a level 42, for instance...

You should have to hit higher for better rewards anyway.

Aug 9, 2015, 13:0408/09/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:06(edited)
ThatBloke said:

Hundigo said:

Borowulf has every right to ventilate his remarks of it. There is nothing wrong with it and he didn't violated any forumrule neither.  

Excuse me ?

Have you even learnt how to read at school ?

I just congratulated him for writing the first sane phrase in the month, unlike most of you!

So those of us who are complaining are insane or what? we are all grownups here some us very old so, respect yourself and others.... all of us are here to express whatever we feel, otherwise, shut and delete this forum!
Aug 9, 2015, 13:2408/09/15
Aug 9, 2015, 13:25(edited)

Who said that ?

Read again, and note how not all posts are just about complaning. Some people are going into speculating. The sentence you're quoting was precisely a reaction to Hundigo pretenting I was saying the exact opposite of what I had written, proving he was writing insanities. Right now, you're slandering me again. What do you know about what i'm thinking ? You know nothing, you're just inventing. I wouldn't even have written that is Hundigo wouldn't have created all this mess.

And yes, you have the right to express yourself, and yes, I also have the right to find Borowulf's wise sentence refreshing. It's my right. I'm not your dog, I'm a human. Thanks.

Aug 9, 2015, 18:3508/09/15
Aug 9, 2015, 18:54(edited)
ThatBloke said:

Who said that ?

Read again, and note how not all posts are just about complaning. Some people are going into speculating. The sentence you're quoting was precisely a reaction to Hundigo pretenting I was saying the exact opposite of what I had written, proving he was writing insanities. Right now, you're slandering me again. What do you know about what i'm thinking ? You know nothing, you're just inventing. I wouldn't even have written that is Hundigo wouldn't have created all this mess.

And yes, you have the right to express yourself, and yes, I also have the right to find Borowulf's wise sentence refreshing. It's my right. I'm not your dog, I'm a human. Thanks.

I have friends who called me on my cellphone because you ThatBloke mentioned my name in a topic of yours. I shall answer you, and I shall even do more, I shall open a new topic about it. I already wrote you in the past, you are a moderator and nothing more, so your job is to moderate a forum ( you are payed in drachmas for it, so called  free player ;-)  ), not to insult other players that ventilate's their opinions on a public forum and public space Plarium game company provides for them . 
Aug 9, 2015, 22:5508/09/15
Aug 18, 2015, 02:36(edited)

Well, hello Hundigo, then your friends will have the joy to call you on your cellphone again. :)

My task as a moderator is to help people and keep the forum tidy from criminals advertising for scams, and to try to prevent the flame wars people like you are starting here and there.

I have to remind you that you did this a lot on the "Coalitions" section of the forum in the past. You seemed to be struggling wth a coalition and I won't judge your reasons, but you didn't seem to be the most compliant person who was posting there.

Maybe you think moderators should stand your insults and slanders without a wink, but I wanted to remind you i'm not a robot, nor your dog either, and I still think I had to correct you when you were lying.

Thank you for your attention.

Aug 10, 2015, 08:3208/10/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:06(edited)

i am just a newbie, i will get the rope of things when the time comes, but for now i just observe, wait and see...

Aug 25, 2015, 15:3608/25/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:55(edited)

i would really like to see some of the smaller packages.  I keep hearing about $5 and $2 packages but all I ever see are $99 and $49 packages. They are great deals but not all of us have a couple hundred dollars lying around to spend on a game. $2 or $5 I could manage but really $100?  

There has to be more to this than a money grab isn't there. 
Aug 26, 2015, 04:5708/26/15
Aug 26, 2015, 04:59(edited)

The $20.00 packages are my favorite gives me just the right amount of stuff without breaking the bank but after purchasing two of them awhile back I never see them anymore only $50.00 and $99.00 packages. I'd never pay that much. I find it funny that Plarium thinks everyone just has 50 or 100 dollars sitting around in today's economy. And then if I did spend that much for a package I'd get them all killed by some bloke that spent twice as much.

Aug 26, 2015, 07:5508/26/15
Aug 27, 2015, 10:42(edited)

... Or some "bloke" who just plays the game right, has built 10x as much and has earned 100x as much from Persian positions... ;)

Only champions are to be bought. One can regret it, but drachmas can be earned as well, so the possibility exists not to use money. However, they're really efficient when used wisely, so they're stll to be considered if you ca get the drachmas (whatever way you get them).

Of course, people don't create a company nor invest in heavy servers and infrastructure out of pure philanthropy, it would juts be suicidal. Have you just though about tit ? Now some people are more in a hurry than others, use money instead of patience and wisdom, and their haste benefits Plarium.

However, maybe you should think about this : people wanting to rule the game out of pure money may not be your most dangerous opponents... Learning how to master the game without paying much needs more skills. Pure credit card players are probably compensating their many errors and may be actually easy to beat. Give it a thought... ;)

Some people seem to be piling up errors. Of course, they should be learining over time and play better... Except if they actually don't try to really play it right. I was recently confronted with a really weird event, making me think an account either got hacked, or passed to someone who's really unexperienced. Unless it was one of those credit card players ?

I would have never imagined a level 71 would be able to behave in such a weird manner.

- 1st error : attacking me (especially knowing my coalition, but he didn't have to face them). He took one of my colonies and sent me siege at the same time, which is also very strange for somone I've venr met before

- 2nd error : he left his offense in the colony ! He lost all when I took it back.

- 3rd error : he defended against the raid I sent to his city in retaliation. Always a bad idea when tenths of millions offense are sent rampaging. He lost all his defense, of course, plus all his offense and spying units that were out, which is his 4th error. :p

- 5th error : when his siege reached me, it was composed of defense units, that are of course worth nothing in offense. So they met my own defense, enhanced by my fortifications, and of course, he lost all of them.

It's a known fact most of sieges sent to an active payer's city are fake (e.g. : 1 swordman), as they're vowed to fail. In this case I'd have bet it wasn't fake, and the previous events even made me sure he was stupid enough to send defense, and I was waiting for him... It sounds amazing, bu it was the case.

In a matter of an hour or so, he ended up completely naked. He never answered my messages either, so I'm wondering if he wasn't actually being using someone else's account.

I can't believe someone would reach level 71 and would still being adding up all the possible tactical errors that only complete beginners would do (with much less units and much less negative consequences, of course). It was totally unreal, but it did happened.

I'm not sure he was a credit card player, as there were no champions involved. Only his city had the most expensive schema applied, which may still be a hint, but not uncommon for a high level player to complete and enhance strong level 5 fortifications. The hypothesis someone very unexperienced took over somebody else's account seems more probable. The strange fact a complete stranger attacked my city in addition to my colony without any reason (it would have been logical if he was the victim, not the aggressor) may mean it's someone who hates me : they're quite rare, and certainly not aliens out of nowhere...

Anyway, he has to be the worst player I've ever seen, so if your paying opponents are acting in such a catastrophic manner, you really have no reason to worry ! :D

Aug 27, 2015, 02:2308/27/15
Why does the percentage fluctuate on the bonuses of these packages? For instance the boost and troops package being offered to me tonight has less than the one earlier today?  I was going to pull the trigger but the difference was quite noticable but yet thje price was the same. 
Aug 27, 2015, 10:4708/27/15
Aug 27, 2015, 10:50(edited)

Was it really the same package ?

There are several categories, with variants for the "cheap" and  the expensive ones : ones with boosts, regular troops, marauders and a few champions, ones with champions and regular troops, etc. (I think there are 3 pairs of them in all, with maybe  variant based on resources if i'm not wrong).

Contents may also be slightly rando, so when you have the money ready, you can pick the best offer for your needs. They only last for 2 hours, so you can come back in a while and check for possible best ones...

Aug 27, 2015, 11:1208/27/15

ThatBloke said:

Was it really the same package ?

There are several categories, with variants for the "cheap" and  the expensive ones : ones with boosts, regular troops, marauders and a few champions, ones with champions and regular troops, etc. (I think there are 3 pairs of them in all, with maybe  variant based on resources if i'm not wrong).

Contents may also be slightly rando, so when you have the money ready, you can pick the best offer for your needs. They only last for 2 hours, so you can come back in a while and check for possible best ones...

Yes you are correct. I am offered packages with two different prices only.  3 different style packages only too: Acceleration, Boost and Troops and Winners Army

And I am noticing that they do fluctuate with the amount offered within each package. Same products but different amounts.  Lets see how the Boost and Troops package does this afternoon, if Plarium is listening, please stack it well and I may pull the trigger 
Sep 13, 2015, 23:3409/13/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:46(edited)
Yes , yes
Dec 20, 2015, 04:3712/20/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:57(edited)
It is really a pitty that such games are cool up to a certain point...then only the rich can go on and win !!!!
Dec 20, 2015, 12:1412/20/15
Jan 7, 2016, 10:43(edited)

Hello Archon,

It's not true, really. :)

You don't have to use the paying gadgets if you don't want to pay for them.

Some can be earned from playing tournaments. Unlocking the first 3 building areas sets requires only a big friends list, which you can get for free, but it requires efforts communicating with people.

In order to become powerful in the game, you'll mostly need lots of troops, that you can get fighting Xerxes on Persian positions. Learn how to play them efficiently and you'll get lots of troops with just some efforts and patience.

In then end, you'll mostly need drachmas for fortifications and champions, and you can get some from tournaments, or conquering colonies. Since I mentionned getting friends, learn how to collaborate to get and hold colonies rather than trying to fight alone against the world, and you'll see how everything is much easier when you play as a team. :)

Good game. :)

Dec 23, 2015, 13:5012/23/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:03(edited)

I would like to see option to make your own package. Option where you could put in package offer your own units and other staff, which you actually need. 

Offer for Drachmas discount would not be changed. I would keep it the way it is. All other stuff could be picked by a player. That could be done in a way that for other stuff you could fill a value of some numbers like 1000 points or whatever. Then all is need is to make value in points for units and all other stuff, how much points this things are worth. So you pick up units/others things to fill that 1000 points and you have your own package. That is idea.

ps. for Plarium. In case you inplement this idea and get better results in selling packages, you are free to contact me in anyway to give you my bank acc. info, so you can share 50% of the difference from income packages.

Have a nice day ;)