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More Incredible Package Offers Are Now Available! Strengthen Your Glorious Army!

More Incredible Package Offers Are Now Available! Strengthen Your Glorious Army!

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Aug 8, 2015, 04:0908/08/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:03(edited)

makki said:

Probably you might have spent too much money on the game IceMoon. I spent several grand and I hardly get any deals except the discount chests. My friend who hasn't spent a single penny gets amazing offers all the time. Generally, businesses reward customers who spend, not punish them with less favourable terms. Now I'll wait till I get much better offers than my friend.

That is what they do, instead of giving people who buy frequently the best offers say 800% discounts, they do not.

Plarium [removed] you up really good, actually they rape and squeeze you to the last drop... Pure greed man... pure ugly greed! Thats who plarium are......

Aug 8, 2015, 07:0408/08/15
So... don't buy. They are not forcing you to buy and from a game point of view it is not needed.
Aug 8, 2015, 09:2008/08/15
Aug 8, 2015, 10:17(edited)

Thank you for such refreshing common sense for once on this forum, Borowulf. ^^

Aug 8, 2015, 09:3908/08/15
Aug 8, 2015, 09:50(edited)

@ ThatBloke ,know your place as moderator. 

Borowulf has every right to ventilate his remarks of it. There is nothing wrong with it and he didn't violated any forumrule neither. It's you ThatBloke that thinks you can do whatever you like. And to inform you about another moderator his words, you can be verry active this weekend when Plarium employees has weekend time. But what about monday when they are all  back ? 

And to inform you, none of the other forumusers in this treadth did neither. 

It's you ThatBloke that things you are more then all the rest of the players. You are  a player , like all the rest , and you are also a moderator here it seems in this game. Players and moderators is not the same. You only have to moderate his forum, and nothing else. And to pronounce it verry clear to you also, nothing more neither ! 

And the facts about the new packages deals; 

does anyone realise that you can't trade anymore now ? I didn't bought any of the new packages. I'm used to trade my extra grain for timber or bronze on a 1:1 base. I never had any problems with it in the past. 

But now I have, none of my trades gets accepted, and they are all on the same conditions then in the past. 

Aug 8, 2015, 10:0408/08/15
Dec 29, 2018, 17:03(edited)

i think drachma boycot show some results if you star improve offers...

but what you need to improve is RESPECT SHOW TO PLAYERS ...

stop changing game as you dream every night.. other way not evan those package will not make us put money again in this game

Aug 8, 2015, 10:1908/08/15
Aug 8, 2015, 10:20(edited)

Hundigo said:

Borowulf has every right to ventilate his remarks of it. There is nothing wrong with it and he didn't violated any forumrule neither.  

Excuse me ?

Have you even learnt how to read at school ?

I just congratulated him for writing the first sane phrase in the month, unlike most of you!

Aug 8, 2015, 10:2808/08/15
ThatBloke said:

Hundigo said:


Have you even learnt how to read at school ?

*SNIp* unlike most of you!

stop insulting other players ThatBloke. You  are already on the hedge and you shall fall. 
Aug 8, 2015, 10:4208/08/15

You know what ?

You're the only one here insulting people, and lying to go with it.

I was kind to someone writing something cool for once, period. I just expressed my relief to read something sane in this madhouse.

Yo'ure only spamming the forum with your obsession about me.

As far as I could see, some people are getting banned for spamming. I wo'nt do it myself, but someone else will probably ban you soon if you're going on that way.

Please change subjects, your obsesssion is indecent in the end.

Aug 8, 2015, 11:0208/08/15

none shall ban me, because I never violated the forumrules. 

But you shall be taking out as moderator, because you insulted many players on this forum already. 

Till monday, you can do whatever you like, what you already did without taking care of any forumrules. But after monday it's over for you, not for me. 

Aug 8, 2015, 11:1808/08/15

As usual, you're the one insulting people. You don't have to use rude words to achieve this, your slanders are enough.

You're doing worse than insulting : you're twisting people's thoughts, reverting the meaning of everything they write, quoting phrases out of their context... You're just a liar and a forger.

I can't stand so much dishonesty.

Aug 8, 2015, 11:2508/08/15
Aug 8, 2015, 11:43(edited)

Then step out of it. And from monday , you shall be forced to step out of it . And to describe it in your words, they (Plarium)  shall fire you. You already insulted too many players to be able to ever continue as moderator.   And if you wish to 'beat the crap out'" of other players that only ventilates their opinions, why don't you 'beat the crap out of me '  ingame ? I'm lvl 71, so take your shot  :-)

EDIT I :And to inform you now verry correctly; if you don't do it, it means that your words are ment in real life to other players. That's even much further ... or to say it in other words, there can't be no doubt that you was getting verry personal with these players, that only ventilated their opinions,  and you , ThatBloke, didn't keep the line between the game and real life. 

Aug 8, 2015, 11:3908/08/15
Aug 8, 2015, 11:41(edited)

This is ridiculous. Not only I don't know your coordinates, but I'd just raze your city to the ground.

Anyway, I don't know what's with your "monday", but well... You're the one insulting me, remember ?

And yes, I'll just leave you with your problems until you calm down.

I'm here to help people actually seeking help, not to stand your dishonesty.

Edit :

The funny fact is Plarium may actually be glad you're turning your hatred towards me rather than them and thank me...


You're not even efficient at complaining... That's sad.

Aug 8, 2015, 11:4008/08/15
Looks like the package deals are gone and it is back to normal. What's up with that?  They made it sound like it was going to be a permanent fixture and to be honest, I liked what they were doing.  Why would anyone complain about a great deals like those?
Aug 8, 2015, 11:4308/08/15
Hundigo said:
ThatBloke said:

Hundigo said:


Have you even learnt how to read at school ?

*SNIp* unlike most of you!

stop insulting other players ThatBloke. You  are already on the hedge and you shall fall. 
He was actually complimenting the dude.
Aug 8, 2015, 11:4308/08/15
Aug 8, 2015, 11:45(edited)

As far as I could notice, it was a limited time offer. Not the usual several days duration...

Edit :

Thanks Rix. :)

Some other sane person in the madhouse. :)

We should start a club... :p

Aug 8, 2015, 11:4708/08/15
Aug 8, 2015, 12:32(edited)

@ ThatBloke; -805 / 1460 these are my coords, and you shall never raze my city to the ground , but never at all. 

EDIT I; so ThatBloke; if you as forummoderator has to know ingame coordinates of players that respond here on the gameforum, then there is indeed something wrong with you as moderator. And you think you can permit you everything, just because you are moderator. 

And don't worry about Plarium, they have to give an answer also about it. A reason more for them to fire you. They shall never accept that a player  who is acting on the public forum, can get an ingame actions by a moderator about it. . In none of the online games it is allowed. You don't know the line at all, and think you as moderator can permit you everything ingame. And the worst part, in many messages on this forum you was simply insulting the players. 

And for your knowledge ThatBloke, I'm not gonna just send an ingame about it, I'm also gonna write Plarium in real life (so to their gamecompanny adress) about it. So come again, moderator for a few days left . 

EDIT II: and in many messages of you posted here on this forum, you was using verry rude words to other players and forumusers. 

@ Rix, That moderator ThatBloke was insulting other players. 

Aug 8, 2015, 14:0308/08/15

* Sigh *

I will answer for the last time, because you're making yourself totally ridiculous, and going on would end up showing you as you really are...

As you said yourserlf, I'm only a frickin' forum moderator. Forum ! Not game !

I have absolutely no idea where your city is located on the map. If I could, I would have checked if it was really LadyTrish who wrote that message already, and I would have sorted it out with her already (I'll have to ask her he she was the author anyway, as I do not have any other mean).

Forum accounts may be linked to game accounts, then game accounts to coordinates on the map, yes, technically, that's the case. But I don't have access to any of this. I'm only an ordinary player who was asked to help as a moderator.

However, you IP address is displaying under your name. ^^ LOL

Belgium ? :)

Aug 8, 2015, 14:1108/08/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:44(edited)
Borowolf said:
So... don't buy. They are not forcing you to buy and from a game point of view it is not needed.
I'm not sure whether your comment is a reply to my musings on why a business would target new customers ignoring the current paying ones. If it is, then your pointed is noted and I surely will heed your advice. I also would suggest all the other players embrace your idea.
Aug 8, 2015, 14:1908/08/15

Of course, He intended it that way.

Some people may chose to pay, others will rather master the game to avoid it.

You can add that Plarium will try and have you paying anyway... Somewhere, they have the right to try, and you have the right not to fall for it. ;)

Aug 8, 2015, 14:2108/08/15
Dec 29, 2018, 16:44(edited)

EvilTwin said:

several grand?????

thats just incredibly sad actually

Doesn't hurt that much though I'm just a middle class guy. Don't have any commitments, avocations or interests ;)