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I've had anough with the rigged game - time to find class action lawyersI've had anough with the rigged game - time to find class action lawyers

Get Sparta: War Of Empires

I've had anough with the rigged game - time to find class action lawyers

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May 4, 2017, 10:5405/04/17
May 4, 2017, 10:59(edited)

Mick13000 said:

With all respect D3vnul,

-A few months ago players banded together and formed a "Drach Boycott". If you search the forum you can find and read all the threads.

The only power an individual has is to chose to play this game or not, or to chose to spend their euros/dollars.

I personally think I would have a better chance of meeting Alyona, taking her to dinner, falling in love with her, marrying her and spoiling her for the rest of her life...before Plarium makes any changes with regard to what we the players want (faster build times, low revival costs etc..)

I enjoy the game for the people I have made contact with all over the world thru the various chat methods (Skype, TS3 etc..) It's for fun, it has become a "social" point for me. Spending to make up for troop loss or to hope or wish for a huge army that will not disappear in a single battle is but a dream.

Enjoy the game for what is, and enjoy the time you spend with your fellow coalition members.



 Good day mate. I know , I'm also "wearing"  the "Drach Boycott" for probably 6months+ now and +VIP status. I'm curios to see if the VIP part will be removed as i no longer give them a cent. And as you said , 99% of the reason I'm still here and "playing (training/chatting)" is because of the coalition members (2years+ in the same coa , they are like family). But i cannot stop thinking that they are exploiting this part as well (wanting to help your fellow members/family). I also operated some private game servers many years ago and do know how things are working (from financial/development/player/admin/moderator , i had all roles). The changes we want will happen when they will have a big financial drop , that's what i personally believe and i hope i will still be here to see it happen and to enjoy it with my fellow family (coa).
May 4, 2017, 18:5905/04/17
PPs are fine guys. Trust me.
May 5, 2017, 02:2205/05/17
d3vnul said:

 The changes we want will happen when they will have a big financial drop , that's what i personally believe and i hope i will still be here to see it happen and to enjoy it with my fellow family (coa).

The problem is, brother d3, that given how stubborn and unreasonable Palrium is, when they decide to stop being Soviet "customers always wrong" kind of business, the avalanche will be impossible to stop. They have a chance now - but arrogance and greed  are blinding them 
May 5, 2017, 02:2605/05/17
May 8, 2017, 23:24(edited)

paladin said:

PPs are fine guys. Trust me.

Are you referring to the Persian Warriors, brother? 

Come on, as I stated, I am helping a friend to run his city. Very different results from the same strategy. There is no doubt Plurium is profiling players and discriminating against some of them, while promoting others.  
May 5, 2017, 12:0805/05/17
pp's are fine, players are the problem. nothing new
May 5, 2017, 13:0905/05/17
here here.
May 6, 2017, 18:2205/06/17

d3vnul said:

And here are the ones that "rewarded me" for my hard effort (invested about 30mil offense and 6mil def).

Then i said to myself that maybe they "fked" the algo again and gives better reward on def position this times (yeah right):

So thank you plarium very very much ! Your system works perfectly ! So i will be back @ PP after few years that it will take to build "light units" that you "convert" into higher troops. I see so many lies from plarium that i may even start to believe them one day hahaha. No worries maybe you will wake up when source code will be posted :).

One question for moderator/s: Who has access to 100K Resource Packages ? :)

Good God..thats all?? That's your payout??

If hit that many PP's, I wouldn't have an army!

I'm recovering from a capitol strike over 2 weeks ago, but in all actuality It will be at least " 3-6 months" before I am able to mount any significant attacks. 

Al l can do is raid,build up my ques, do quests and perform the daily emporium strike for 2 Agemas.

Deepest condolences for your losses.



Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 8, 2017, 10:5005/08/17

d3vnul said:

So thank you plarium very very much ! Your system works perfectly ! So i will be back @ PP after few years that it will take to build "light units" that you "convert" into higher troops. I see so many lies from plarium that i may even start to believe them one day hahaha. No worries maybe you will wake up when source code will be posted :).

One question for moderator/s: Who has access to 100K Resource Packages ? :)

You want me to check if everything is fine with your PPs?

As for the 100k packages, we don't have those :)
May 8, 2017, 23:3905/08/17

Mick13000 said:

d3vnul said:

And here are the ones that "rewarded me" for my hard effort (invested about 30mil offense and 6mil def).

Then i said to myself that maybe they "fked" the algo again and gives better reward on def position this times (yeah right):

So thank you plarium very very much ! Your system works perfectly ! So i will be back @ PP after few years that it will take to build "light units" that you "convert" into higher troops. I see so many lies from plarium that i may even start to believe them one day hahaha. No worries maybe you will wake up when source code will be posted :).

One question for moderator/s: Who has access to 100K Resource Packages ? :)

Good God..thats all?? That's your payout??

If hit that many PP's, I wouldn't have an army!

I'm recovering from a capitol strike over 2 weeks ago, but in all actuality It will be at least " 3-6 months" before I am able to mount any significant attacks. 

Al l can do is raid,build up my ques, do quests and perform the daily emporium strike for 2 Agemas.

Deepest condolences for your losses.



Come on d3, if I was treated that way, I would be almost happy. They treat me much worse. I hit lvl 170 - and get nothing. then in 160s and 150s - nothing again. only when I go down to 130s - 140s - then there is a chance. But because plarium is always making clandestine "improvements", you never know how they are going to trap you next time.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 10, 2017, 09:3505/10/17
May 10, 2017, 09:39(edited)
d3vnul said:

It's ok Alyona , no need , i will deal with it. Thank you for your reply :)

Is that some json file? Just checked packs. 100k packs do not exist on the Market. But they can be received as the reward. however, I'm not sure that we have such rewards in the game, so there's no way our players could receive those.
May 10, 2017, 11:5705/10/17
May 10, 2017, 11:59(edited)

Yes it is Alyona. Academic purpose to understand the client instead of asking questions :)

May 10, 2017, 18:1405/10/17
Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

d3vnul said:

It's ok Alyona , no need , i will deal with it. Thank you for your reply :)

Is that some json file? Just checked packs. 100k packs do not exist on the Market. But they can be received as the reward. however, I'm not sure that we have such rewards in the game, so there's no way our players could receive those.
Alyona, there are more than one case when your answers seem to contradict what we witness. Maybe you are just too good personality to see what really happens in the players-discrimination plagued plarium,
May 11, 2017, 06:3805/11/17
   What I find most silly, player admits to "Cheating" (breaking rules), then screams Lawyer. You admit to playing another's game and having an "Alt." You waste money on a Lawyer, that's all it will amount to, Waste.   Selah.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
May 11, 2017, 08:2705/11/17
May 11, 2017, 08:27(edited)
Mullenz said:

Alyona, there are more than one case when your answers seem to contradict what we witness. Maybe you are just too good personality to see what really happens in the players-discrimination plagued plarium,
Your expectations may differ from how the actual game mechanics works. I can only share the official information I have. Regarding packs mentioned above - they do not exist in the game, so there is no way for a player to obtain them. How is that contradicting what you witness? You've seen players applying those packs?
May 12, 2017, 16:2905/12/17

Melchizedek L.O.P. said:

   What I find most silly, player admits to "Cheating" (breaking rules), then screams Lawyer. You admit to playing another's game and having an "Alt." You waste money on a Lawyer, that's all it will amount to, Waste.   Selah.

I do not see "cheating" admission. If he/she creates an alt - that would be cheating. Helping a player who opened his/her account is not. 

You sound like a shill for plarium, scared to get caught, am I right? 

For your information:  class action plaintiffs do not pay to "a Lawyer".