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Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Aug 10, 2016, 13:1708/10/16
Aug 10, 2016, 13:18(edited)
GC Alab Supreme said:

HighLndr41 said:

LMAO  termites are a bunch of douches

....Who are you again? Please state your coalitions and coordinates, and we will reach you soon. Thank you.

We wanted your opinion on the war, not your opinion on Terminators. so Douchebag, huh? BIG TALK FROM A CHILD, WOAH! Go park your city next to me; I want to take a peak.

Honestly, you internet douche, I think you got hit a bit too much times. Bro, not even Association is backing your ignorant phrases. Want a good one liner other than "Y'all just a bunch of douches?"

"You know, you shouldn't really call your self Highlander if you are so lowly you can't even spell right...."

Horrible, but this phrase is better than your posts...

Aslob Supreme you sound like something off a Taco Bell menu cant even quote me correctly How lame are you boy?  You wouldn't even know my base if I was parked next to you ! You apparently didn't finish High School but then again most of you rednecks don't,  I love how Association is handing you guys your asses  keep up the good work Association! there isn't a clan that deserves this more then Termites
Aug 10, 2016, 14:3408/10/16
Aug 10, 2016, 15:32(edited)

Highlander, still don't see any praise for you man, not even from Association or other vultures. You are going this alone. Another day...another vulture posting as if he has support. You act as if you even went to high school. Oh, and you can call me GC: I hate Taco Bell FYI  (seriously, though, Alsob? all the misspellings and you choose that? come on man; I thought you could at least spell, you 7 year old. You're better than this!)

Want to take that bet that I can't find you when you are parked next to me? OK, then, please do so. Most of my posts are well written and yours aren't, so kid remember to pack some notes for September 5 (or whenever you guys start)

Meh, most offensive phrase here was "rednecks". Please, I'm Nigerian: we literally make fun of rednecks.

Aug 10, 2016, 14:3508/10/16
RIX said:

I don't get why many of you get offended by foul language?  You report and post stuff like we are all playing club penguin on nickelodeon LOL

Especially your comment vodkacranberry,  one person does that and you lump an entire coalition into one category?  You must be a liberal  ROFL

Not that I'm offended, as a matter of fact this is comedy!  Just want to put this vulture in his place. Be honest; you would probably do the same thing.
Aug 10, 2016, 14:5208/10/16
Well I'm slowly closing in on who he is and when I do we will see what happens to HIGHLNDR41 likes to run his mouth hes from the states by his IP address so we will see what he has to say when I find out what coal he is in ally or not he will be a target that I can gaurantee
Aug 10, 2016, 15:3008/10/16
Dave, relax man. He's just a vulture; not like he's actually serious about anything. Its just comedy! the actually "War of Words" is over; right now we are just having fun firing shots at each other. If you really don't want to listen to this pipsqueak/redneck, then just avoid him
Aug 10, 2016, 15:3408/10/16
Aug 10, 2016, 15:4008/10/16
LOL, that's offensive but funny. But the more I look a it...seriously man; you really had to include a gang. That's like an all time low for you
Aug 10, 2016, 19:4908/10/16
Vodkaonice said:

and im no f*cking liberal thats for sure haha.

Well at least this makes me kind of like you :)
Aug 11, 2016, 10:3008/11/16

SPIKE said:

Thats racist !
Aug 11, 2016, 11:2208/11/16

paladin said:

Thats racist !

All joking aside, to call another human being racist so loosely is very dangerous.  That was not racist and you wouldn't have said the same thing if it were a white biker gang.  You are being discriminatory and insinuating that only blacks can be discriminated against.  That kind of logic is reserved for very sick individuals.

Let's stay on topic.  :)
Aug 11, 2016, 20:3708/11/16
Aug 11, 2016, 20:38(edited)

RIX said:

paladin said:

Thats racist !

All joking aside, to call another human being racist so loosely is very dangerous.  That was not racist and you wouldn't have said the same thing if it were a white biker gang.  You are being discriminatory and insinuating that only blacks can be discriminated against.  That kind of logic is reserved for very sick individuals.

Let's stay on topic.  :)
You realize this is a game forum, not to mention a game like sparta forum? Why so serious? I am sorry if my comment hurt your feelings somehow.  Yes stay on topic. 

Aug 12, 2016, 01:0408/12/16
paladin said:

My feelings aren't hurt at all. 
Aug 13, 2016, 06:4208/13/16
paladin said:

SPIKE said:

What is racist about a cat on a laptop?

Thats racist !

Aug 14, 2016, 23:2508/14/16
Aug 14, 2016, 23:26(edited)

Hey, you guy keep it courteous, please.

Taunting between coalitons doesn't mean you have to brake forum (and general behavior) rules.

I'll keep an eye on this topic and it'll be raining bans is you still don't behave. 

Anyway, for those who would like to know some facts, it looks like Spike himself is more of a problem than the Association coalition. He's been personally hassling a lot ingame for years so he's probably the reason for the struggle in the first place and Association has just been carried along in the conflict.

Now what happens ingame is one thing, but keep your temper and watch your words, please.

Funny pictures are Ok as long as they don't cross the line. Yes, the picture looked racist. And yes, the answers that have been made by some Terminators members were rude and insulting.

Please stop this and behave like if you had a brain.

If you are to use pictures, try to be sarcastic without being offending. And people answering, please answer in an intelligent and appropriate manner.

Come on, you can find appropriate and funny pictures too. You don't have to use insults. Please be more imaginative.


Aug 14, 2016, 23:5208/14/16

Hello ThatBloke,

As you are a Moderator aren't you supposed to be neutral here? Your comments about Spike are far from that. And you are in Terminators if i am not mistaken. As a Moderator I don't think it's very chique to offer your views about the Terminators foe. Just my thoughts.



Aug 15, 2016, 03:3008/15/16
Aug 15, 2016, 03:32(edited)

Tania said:

Hello ThatBloke,

As you are a Moderator aren't you supposed to be neutral here? Your comments about Spike are far from that. And you are in Terminators if i am not mistaken. As a Moderator I don't think it's very chique to offer your views about the Terminators foe. Just my thoughts.



Well, for starters, thanks for getting it back on track, ThatBloke. Thank you 

Anyhow, Tania, You may have realized that practically anyone here that isn't part of the Association family or a vulture (or clueless about what is going on and just wants to learn more) is against Association. Do you know why? Association used to be a most respected coalition in Sparta; they were tasked by Lost Souls on recapturing pantheons, and were one of their closest allies. And then they betrayed their allies...and went rogue and independent. Since then, Association just pick a coalition and hit away. I mean, of course, this whole Terminator vs Association war all happened because of a simple (maybe misguided) hit on Association Crew's capital. And already our coalition had bad blood with one of their members that tried to wreck our coalition internally once...failed horribly though. However, this definitely isn't their first bout with a coalition.

Anyhow, mind you this, although this is a war game, you still have options. You can go out on pure offense and hit any coalition you want, or you can play it safe with diplomacy, hitting only when you need to, saving power. Terms do it in the latter. Association blind raids, hits and then PAs while setting up their full protection. PAs are part of the game, but when you do it repetitively and activate protection and your enemy coalition members haven't and probably won't do anything to gets a little annoying. Therefore, Association is one of the most hated coas in sparta. 

As for the whole "your a mod, be neutral" thing, he isn't an administrator, is he? He isn't a Plarium employee hired to write the game's code, right? He's a moderator; the only thing he has to do is make sure the chat and taunting stays in line. What, you going to bar him from his right of speech and opinion? Mods can play one side or another; its just that none of the mods are on Asso's side. So sorry that you feel that he should stay behind the discussion and ONLY say "I am a moderator. You post inappropriate word. Ban Hammer, Ban Hammer, Ban Hammer".

As for this whole discussion, both Terminators and Association are getting pretty tired of it. So yeah, I hope this is my last post on this topic
Aug 15, 2016, 05:5108/15/16

I chose Spike's side with my tiny coalition all because of one Terminator called Lysandros mailing me with abusive language like you wouldn't believe.

Calling me every name in the book, using even the dirtiest female reproduction names imaginable. I couldn't believe what I read.

And all because I raided one of his farms that he can only take out so many resources from once a week.

And when I mailed the Hegemon Dave to inform him of his member being so discraceful to a 16 year old girl he didn't even bother to reply.

Spike on the other hand has been nothing but courteous to me. And I only go on personal experience and not 'what people say'.



Aug 15, 2016, 06:4908/15/16

Hello Tania,

You can raid my farms. I don't mind.


Aug 15, 2016, 13:5408/15/16

It surely does fell like we are fighting the state on this one. It's the Association vs. Terms/Plarium. Love the big new quests with everything but a pan tournament. That seems very fair to my team and I. Now we got "That Bloke" spewing pro-terminator garbage on here. 

Yes the war started because the Terminators downgraded our 2nd team's capital three times in a row. I believe the war will continue indefinitely. Dave did not message me except to be vulgar, and Uncle Junior hasn't messaged me at all since taking over. 

Our team has over 130 ally & peace agreements. There are very few coalitions that we are not friendly with. We have turned into full offense mode since the attacks on our 2nd team. If the Terminators/Plarium want to paint us as the bad guys in the game so be it. I'm ok with that. 

Aug 15, 2016, 14:1708/15/16
Aug 15, 2016, 14:29(edited)

Tania said:

Hello ThatBloke,

As you are a Moderator aren't you supposed to be neutral here? Your comments about Spike are far from that. And you are in Terminators if i am not mistaken. As a Moderator I don't think it's very chique to offer your views about the Terminators foe. Just my thoughts.



I AM neutral. These are facts.

Spike (alone, not his guys) has been hasslling pantheons for over a year. That's all I have to say about this.

Now about the choice that was made to hit Association Crew, all I have to say is it was a regrettable and unfair choice. We actually all agree on this.

The decision was apparently made while Dave was away.

Now, and though everybody agrees this event started this war, the fact Spike decided to name Association's capital to insult Dave's mother doesn't speak positively about Spike either, especially knowing Dave wasn't even responsible for the Association Crew incident.

So I stand to my words : everybody please at least stop insulting each other. What's happening ingame doesn't have to lead to insults, from either side.

Spike should consider renaming his capital and at least try and talk to Dave.

Even if he would live only to hassle the Terminators, this doesn't prevent him from behaving.