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Aug 3, 2016, 15:5808/03/16

You won a war vs terminators 3. Hardly won actually .What I know, is that association is one of the most hated coals in the whole sparta. They never help any allies and they just leech alliances. They betrayed death inc and many other coals.

Now, about that war, terminators didn't loose much in comparison to association. What i saw on the map was terminators sieging all of association cities  and from my javs I saw dozens of politicals and dead armies. I saw spike's army getting annihilated.

Anyway though, good job beating (hardly) a terminators 3 (3!!) coal.

Aug 3, 2016, 18:1708/03/16
Prometheus said:

You won a war vs terminators 3. Hardly won actually .What I know, is that association is one of the most hated coals in the whole sparta. They never help any allies and they just leech alliances. They betrayed death inc and many other coals.

Now, about that war, terminators didn't loose much in comparison to association. What i saw on the map was terminators sieging all of association cities  and from my javs I saw dozens of politicals and dead armies. I saw spike's army getting annihilated.

Anyway though, good job beating (hardly) a terminators 3 (3!!) coal.

dont know much about the war but we all can see terminators giving away their pans now...
Aug 3, 2016, 19:4208/03/16
After skimming through some of the arrogant & ignorant Terminator responses, I can take comfort in knowing that I'm one of few players left in this game that knows how to win a war. The proof is in the above scoreboard. That should be all the evidence you need. lol. You would think the big terms would help the little terms every once in a while. Show them how to fight. Maybe fight like the Association fights for the Association Crew. Terminators can send a spy to our team and we will show you how it's done. We are giving out free lessons. Imagine how dangerous the Terminators would be if they had Association skills and the Terminator credit card. I crack myself up. 
Aug 3, 2016, 20:1208/03/16

lil_uzi94 said:

Prometheus said:

You won a war vs terminators 3. Hardly won actually .What I know, is that association is one of the most hated coals in the whole Sparta. They never help any allies and they just leech alliances. They betrayed death inc and many other coals.

Now, about that war, terminators didn't loose much in comparison to association. What i saw on the map was terminators seizing all of association cities  and from my javs I saw dozens of politicals and dead armies. I saw spike's army getting annihilated.

Anyway though, good job beating (hardly) a terminators 3 (3!!) coal.

don't know much about the war but we all can see terminators giving away their pans now...

Its arguable that, yes, Terminators is giving away pantheons. However, if you look closely, most of the pantheons that we used to have in the past in the Northwest corner of the pantheon range is now owned by Terminators 2. So we gave pantheons away to our family, and until coalitions downgraded our pantheons (mind you that downgrading also played a part in us losing first spot), we were still first after doing that.

You know who is in the first place spot? Lost Souls, who has nothing to do with whatever war is going on here. You know who isn't first? Association. Despite the fact that they won a "war" against terminators 3 (Three! what is that, like, the level of ender association or whatever), Terminators 3 is still far ahead of Association. Terminators has spread their reach all across Hellas, while association is just together as three. Imagine, if all of terminators merged together and all of association merged together, who do you think will actually win? PAing people and later on activating your full protection shield does nothing to help you.

Spike, I respect you and your coalition, but understand one thing: we don't need to actively train other coalitions. The infrastructure of coalitions depend on their leadership and their talent. While Association Crew is still learning, each terminators coalition already knows what to do independently. We don't need a "spy" in coalitions, do we? As a matter of fact, Av8r apparently still hasn't learned what it means to be in a true coalition family; we wrecked his defense and he thinks I'm an alt and a girl now; LOL If coalitions didn't know what to do, then they wouldn't be in Terminators now...

~P.S., I've seen a lot of people recently in-game trying to call me a "forum warrior" just because I am on the opposite team. Let me remind you that this is the first topic ever that I have debated on the terminators thingy. If you guys actually read my posts and see them, unlike the fanboy Gman here, you would see posts on congratulations, entertainment community posts, or other non-attacking stuff. I'm friendly, not a vulture. But when I see my family be disrespected, I have to intervene. This will be, honestly, my first attacking collection of posts. Ever. Still have that autograph ready for you, Gman.
Aug 3, 2016, 21:0108/03/16

i read two seperate terminator supposed "family" members talking about T3 as if they are an igsignifigant speck? wow, y'all think that highly of each other? id be embarrassed to be a T3 member knowing my "family" thinks T3 is nothing... interesting take though... oh yah whilst gc was unable to defend himself, his big brother and i swapped couple mil of my defense for couple mil of his offense. nice mess youve made for you team gc, you are definitely a hero in your own eyes... lol you forum "warrior" you. ha!

heres a scrn shot for all to add to gc's timeline of dis-information, pictures are worth a thousand words...

Aug 3, 2016, 21:3708/03/16
Aug 3, 2016, 22:55(edited)

You had me seiged with no defense out what so ever - for 30 seconds. I'm not even as high level as you are. Let me update that for you. I did PM you saying I ain't going to defend myself, so, here is this

[16:29] GC Alab Supreme: I don't have time for childish games, though. you know what all of this stuff means to me, av8r? you are bullish thinking that you can park next to my city and try to *intimidate* me. 

[16:30] GC Alab Supreme: Yay, seige game. I love this show!

The only problem i have with your coal is that you guys are so arrogant thinking that you won with no scratches against a "weak" terminator. but you know what, the fact that you ADMITTED your cap being wrecked, and your offense has proven me right. Besides, how is Terminator 3 weak? You guys barely won.

Four pictues speak for 4,000 words. AV8R, I don't have time for this stuff, so you can stop pretending that seiging me means taking me down. There currently isn't any defense in my city, either. 

Terminators 300 isn't as weak as Association Crew, av8r. That hit Mr. Bentley did on you means practically nothing to our progress. Its probably because you have never seen such a big hit though.

I have enough XP points, so was inviting other people if they wanted any.

I would have thought that we were over the whole forum thing but, I can't rest in peace with a bunch of association people firing up the topic again. Getting kind of childish and boring...

Aug 3, 2016, 22:2908/03/16
Aug 18, 2019, 12:04(edited)
sighh 1 of the most unesasary fight this cant be called a war due to certian facts not ideas or sugestions 1st when you hide n atack n send bombs you loose respect on that point if asso had steped to any term with thier pants and cap how it was well am sure we will see difrent result but they done the wise thing whihc i must comend give away laibilities so u can only atack win or loose u atack not def so that why i call it a fight not war war is both side coming with thier pant n cap n warrois ready to loose or die for victory but when one side hide and other dont hard to call it a war well after all said and done t3 did not loose pant to asso only term and they have thier reasons i will not speak on that :) as i know why really, so when asso ready to end this fight inbox me i will broker peace am sure i still got abit influnce with term on that level :) i hope hehe but yea this sh it funny and kinda boring i must say:) but seems asso having fun lool 
Aug 4, 2016, 11:1708/04/16
Longest run on sentence in history?
Aug 4, 2016, 19:0708/04/16
Albert...BREATHE man, BREATHE !!
Aug 4, 2016, 20:2908/04/16
Aug 18, 2019, 12:04(edited)
its sad as i have connection with both coa but more on term,  i try to make this end as it not profiting any of coa asso acted on a wimp while term is term lool, from start i dont see reason for this war even while it was not oficial just talk i dont see reason but asso are trying to save face which i believe is understandable as alot people call them flip flopers and not strong so going agsinst term is a way to show they are still a power house that my opinion as to why this is happening, but mathematicaly they loosing more so i dont see why continue term is like a family 1 2 3 more people asso juts 1 or 2 coa  numbers and power not on their side term dont really take this serious from what i can tell and interaction with their poles just another way for them to kill time lol bunch of lazy guys hehe, even for them to empty 1 pant take 2 months sighhh lazy bunch hehe
Aug 5, 2016, 09:1908/05/16
paladin said:

Albert...BREATHE man, BREATHE !!

Aug 6, 2016, 07:2608/06/16
Well let me tell you about spike he is a gutless wonder who fights with politicals and brings players mothers into the game i used to respect him until recently now no association or association crew will hold another panth whilst I'm in the game. Obviously they have a spy in our coalition but we dont care we have been giving up panths and they attack them at their weakest all that know me know that I'm true to my word. I think the way that Association are fighting is weak and a bunch of cowards. So all that have recieved and or respect an honest player that stands by his word take the fight to Association but you will find the same as us Terminators that they are a bunch of cowards that hide 
Aug 6, 2016, 07:4108/06/16

After skimming through some of the arrogant & ignorant Terminator responses, I can take comfort in knowing that I'm one of few players left in this game that knows how to win a war. The proof is in the above scoreboard. That should be all the evidence you need. lol. You would think the big terms would help the little terms every once in a while. Show them how to fight. Maybe fight like the Association fights for the Association Crew. Terminators can send a spy to our team and we will show you how it's done. We are giving out free lessons. Imagine how dangerous the Terminators would be if they had Association skills and the Terminator credit card. I crack myself up

Here is Spike talking like a big man on campus well Ive personally called him out and what does he do send politicals weak as piss Spike all Association has done is PA and  a few hits on panths being emptied and then turtle shell up like the cowards that you are Im more than happy to fly to Texas and personally whip your ass 1 on 1 or you can come to Sydney i really dont care you want to settle this well lets go. As for bringing players mothers into this game the way you have just goes to show what sort of human being you are WEAK, disrespectful and full of shit. You say you won the war against terms 3 by giving away your panths and turtling up well once again weak just like the whole coalition so many of your members cant stand what you stand for and are looking for new homes but they have made friends its not your leadership( well lack of it) that keeps them their.

Aug 6, 2016, 09:5008/06/16

SPIKE said:

I recall this margin being much more bigger in favor of Ass. Tactical mistakes in the beginning of the war costed t3 the victory. Amazing job from t3 in the end losing only with that small margin. As we can see from the report Ass didn't hit t3 pantheon which would have handed t3 their victory. They won the plarium type of war but they are in de facto war against terms. A war that is far from ending any time soon. 

Aug 6, 2016, 10:4608/06/16

what happened with terminators , they lost many pantheons and territory in this war ??? 

Lost firs position, lost dominance, lost pantheons...

Price of downgrade capital is too expensive for Terminators

Aug 6, 2016, 11:3408/06/16
OMG. Many knows we dont care about ranking and we said long ago before the war that we will abandon pans we dont need or want. Asso just helped us speed the process. Thanks Guys :)
Aug 6, 2016, 13:5408/06/16

The Association being decent, honorable, and respectful players in the game (maybe the only ones left), want to help the Terminators continue to speed along the process of abandoning the pans. 

To say that we are gutless or cowards, seems a little off base. We took on the #1 team in the game, and by all accounts we are doing very well. I'd say we are like the opposite of cowards. It's not like we set out to downgrade your 2nd teams capital. That might be considered gutless. lol. 

However you guys want to slice it, wether tactically, strategically or whatever, we defeated T-3 in war, because we know how to win wars.

PA's are part of the game. Like it or not. Terminators can keep telling lies, but they've sent more PA's than anybody. 


Our war with the Terminators will continue because Dave does not talk to me unless he is being vulgar or taunting.That's fine with me. All of our members are enjoying the war. It is a war game. 

Aug 6, 2016, 16:4408/06/16

You are so full of shit you personally have sent more PA's than any terminator has as for me being rude and vulgar you started this shit. We dont care about being number 1 as you may think. I was not in the game at the time of the capital being downgraded so the orders never came from me to downgrade Association crews capital. At least we havent turtle shelled up like you bunch of cowards you dump everything to start a war that has no meaning or benefit, so keep talking all the sh it and tell all the lies you want. Association have been seen for what they are a bunch of using turn coats. 

You named your capital DAVES MUM like the disrespectul prick that you are and have brought others mums into this in personal messages to my team members as i said you are a worthless human being if you could even be called that so keep the war going you have done next to no damage to us you may claim to have taken us from number 1but all that know us know this to be a fallacy. We have been giving away panths even before this started as the ranking mean nothing to us but I see that you have gone from the top 10 to what 30th now so who is winning what.
Aug 6, 2016, 17:0008/06/16

Wow, there sure is a lot of crying on this forum!  Who knew Termites could cry? LOL

Here is a fact... Objective: remove Termites from #1 accomplished,  Well done boys and girls.

Fact: as hard as they tried Termites could not bring down Association's Capital still the same level as when this war started

another fact about The Association's official war with Termites 3: They were also fighting Termites1, 2 and whatever that other oddball termite coalition is called at the same time and still gave Termite 3 a good shellacking. Four clans against 2 Talk about David and Goliath

Termites 1 refused Associations challenge of war, so lets revisit that term of "cowards" being tossed around

Termites wish for Association to be like the British Redcoats in the American Revolution  and March up right in a straight line with bright red coats on...that would be stupid. Associations leaders were smarter then that. Political Attacks and bubbles are part of the game trust me they use them too a lot!

Lesson for all: Just because there is a big bully in the game don't think he cant be knocked down a peg or two

Termites ARE heavy coiners!  

Last and not least friends, remember this is just a game so have fun play it how you want. No more crying

Aug 6, 2016, 17:2208/06/16
how deluded are you or mislead either way doesnt matter you can say you knocked us off number 1 as much as you like what a load of shit Spike obviously has you brain washed as to what a war is. Association and their members are nothing more than cowards plain and simple I dont see anyone crying over losing the number 1 position I personally couldnt give a shit we havent even tried to take down your capital a few small hits on it is all you have had so keep blowing your own trumpet its funny