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General Item Drops (Compiled Data)

General Item Drops (Compiled Data)

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Dec 26, 2016, 13:0012/26/16

Hi , in that case the Class 2 Legendary 1800 drachmas Key cannot be costing US$10.50 (being US$9.90 for 1650 drachmas the normal rate).

It should be much much lower than that, because of the Duplicate issue.  Either that, or allow us to trade General's Items.

Thank you
Dec 27, 2016, 05:2012/27/16

i have:

4 legendary 4 class coffers,

1 rare 4 class coffer 

1 3 class rare

and few common and uncommon coffers

but no keys >:(

Alyona,if you give me those key's i'll reveal the biggest secret of the mankind,the meaning of life!!!

i think its fair trade ^^

i wont accept NO or DECLINED as an answer or i'm coming to Ukraine 

Dec 27, 2016, 05:3212/27/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Hi, TLS, I'd like to show you something: 

As you can see, your information is being used not only by Sparta players, but also by Stormfall players. Well done! And keep up a good work!

Alyona,are you sure it is for sparta? i didnt saw any of those items there o.O

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 27, 2016, 13:0112/27/16

Tonaya said:

Alyona,are you sure it is for sparta? i didnt saw any of those items there o.O


I mean this part:

The article I linked is for Stormfall. But the feature works there exactly like in Sparta. So the Drop Rates can be used by players from both games :)

Dec 28, 2016, 00:4812/28/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

Alyona,are you sure it is for sparta? i didnt saw any of those items there o.O


I mean this part:

The article I linked is for Stormfall. But the feature works there exactly like in Sparta. So the Drop Rates can be used by players from both games :)

hmm,ok,but you missed my post above this one ^^I thought you will answer on that one as well^^


Dec 28, 2016, 11:4812/28/16
Dec 28, 2016, 12:32(edited)

I have 2 questions about the General item drop. Some players before said for example  you must sign a cavalry agreement to get a class 4  item drop.  But, a few weeks ago, we got more agreement levels (it was 20 but now 32). So...

1) what level do we need now for agreement to get a drop? (Do we need just signing the agreement - or- get to level 20  - or - get to level 32  - or something else?)

2) which cavalry agreement must be at that level? (For defense, only Corinth or all defense cavalry agreements? For offense, only Pella or all offense cavalry agreements?) 

Thank you.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 29, 2016, 09:1212/29/16
Tonaya said:

i have:

4 legendary 4 class coffers,

1 rare 4 class coffer 

1 3 class rare

and few common and uncommon coffers

but no keys >:(

Alyona,if you give me those key's i'll reveal the biggest secret of the mankind,the meaning of life!!!

i think its fair trade ^^

i wont accept NO or DECLINED as an answer or i'm coming to Ukraine 

Keys are rare, that's true. But you can discard the Coffers that you don't have any Keys for :) 
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 29, 2016, 09:1412/29/16

kimjongmin2013 said:

I have 2 questions about the General item drop. Some players before said for example  you must sign a cavalry agreement to get a class 4  item drop.  But, a few weeks ago, we got more agreement levels (it was 20 but now 32). So...

1) what level do we need now for agreement to get a drop? (Do we need just signing the agreement - or- get to level 20  - or - get to level 32  - or something else?)

2) which cavalry agreement must be at that level? (For defense, only Corinth or all defense cavalry agreements? For offense, only Pella or all offense cavalry agreements?) 

Thank you.

1) You still need to sign the corresponding Agreement, but you don't have to upgrade it past lvl 1 to receive the Item.

2) Corinth. Just this one.

Dec 30, 2016, 01:0512/30/16
OK.  That information  is good to know. Thank you Alyona.  
Dec 30, 2016, 05:1912/30/16

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

i have:

4 legendary 4 class coffers,

1 rare 4 class coffer 

1 3 class rare

and few common and uncommon coffers

but no keys >:(

Alyona,if you give me those key's i'll reveal the biggest secret of the mankind,the meaning of life!!!

i think its fair trade ^^

i wont accept NO or DECLINED as an answer or i'm coming to Ukraine 

Keys are rare, that's true. But you can discard the Coffers that you don't have any Keys for :) 

Tonaya is rare too and one of a kind :)

i'm braking all i dont need of general stuff,but saving coffers,maybe i'll get some key's from positions later^^

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Dec 30, 2016, 09:2912/30/16
Tonaya said:

Tonaya is rare too and one of a kind :)

i'm braking all i dont need of general stuff,but saving coffers,maybe i'll get some key's from positions later^^

I'm sure you will! :)
Jan 5, 2017, 06:5801/05/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

Tonaya is rare too and one of a kind :)

i'm braking all i dont need of general stuff,but saving coffers,maybe i'll get some key's from positions later^^

I'm sure you will! :)

maybe on spring,because troop build time is so fast that i only clik and poof troop builded already :P

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jan 5, 2017, 09:3501/05/17
Tonaya said:

maybe on spring,because troop build time is so fast that i only clik and poof troop builded already :P

Only 2 months waiting till spring :)
Jan 5, 2017, 11:4601/05/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Tonaya said:

maybe on spring,because troop build time is so fast that i only clik and poof troop builded already :P

Only 2 months waiting till spring :)

ironic Alyona ^^

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jan 5, 2017, 14:3001/05/17
You need to always search for the bright sides :)
Mar 1, 2017, 03:5703/01/17

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Flipper said:

Hi , I paid 1800 Drachmas (approx USD9.90 advertised) for a Legendary Class 2 box Key, opened it , but I already had the same item equipped.

Which I also paid 1,800 Drachmas for another Key earlier.  

Can the game please not duplicate the General's Items if opening Boxes ? 


Hi! Unfortunately, you get a random Item when you open a Chest. So you need to always remember that there's a chance that the Item you get will be a duplicate of what you already have. 

Alyona,why we cant trade general stuff,like we can trade resources,articles.....?

as i am prophet,and i know your answer:we are not planing.....

to be more accurate,my question was not are you planing to change........

i just ask why we cant trade general stuff?you can see what is happening,Flipper spend 2 times 10 dollars,and got same stuff he dont need,so why we cant trade general stuff?because,it may happen that if he spend one more time 10 dollars,he'll  get same stuff again ^^


Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Mar 1, 2017, 10:0603/01/17
Tonaya said:

Alyona,why we cant trade general stuff,like we can trade resources,articles.....?

as i am prophet,and i know your answer:we are not planing.....

to be more accurate,my question was not are you planing to change........

i just ask why we cant trade general stuff?you can see what is happening,Flipper spend 2 times 10 dollars,and got same stuff he dont need,so why we cant trade general stuff?because,it may happen that if he spend one more time 10 dollars,he'll  get same stuff again ^^


Resources are generated by your buildings automatically. Articles are added each day. You don't need to take any efforts to get them. General Items are different. You need to raid PPs and lose Units to get them. That is your personal gain and other players can't benefit from it.