intel core i5-3210m cpu at 2.5Ghz 2.5 Ghz
8 Gb RAM (7.88 available)
64 bit OS x 64 bit processor
win 10 updated to current
flashplayer updated to current
chrome updated to current
cache cleared
computer rebooted
Can't login for the last 2 days, but i logged in (very slowly) during the previous 3 days with the new engine- is it because of increased traffic on the weekend?
When i was able to login, the loading often got stuck at 72%, then Very slowly moved forward to 80%, then up to 90% +/- and often failed, but eventually after multiple tries would log in.
Additionally, here is a list of complaints from my days on the beta engine:
the beta version is inferior in game play to the old version. the following is a list of small but significant differences which make the play difficult to navigate and severely inferior to previous version.
1. it is not now possible to access a target city from the icon and list at the lower left of the screen. for example, if i am sending a raid to a chosen city and decide i want to follow with a siege, i formerly could click on the target from my list at the raid icon in the lower left and be transported to the city on the map where i could then select siege.
2. it is no longer possible to access a target city from the list of actions at the war council. for example, see action described in complaint 1, formerly, i could transport to the city by clicking on the user icon in my war council and choose subsequent or additional actions against this city.
3. i cannot access pantheon from my messages to redeem orich
4. i cannot access pantheon from my list of pantheons in my coalition page to redeem orich
5. i cannot implement boosts to speed the arrival of troops to a destination from the icons at the lower left of my screen- it seems pointless to include the option or even show the boost symbol if it can't be selected. when i move away from the circular icon to attempt to select boost, the list of targets disappears.
6. when i read personal messages from leonidas (which i cannot opt out of), my game freezes, crashes, and must be reloaded. if i choose not to open these messages to avoid the freeze, crash, reload part, i always have unread messages indicated and cannot tell if i have actually received a message from another player.
7. messages which are sent to multiple members in a group message cannot be responded to.
8. messages which are sent to multiple members in a group message no longer show the sender, so it is not possible to know who to reply or respond to if i have comments or questions- and since i can't reply via the message, this makes clarification impossible.
9. i cannot see the coordinates on the map view
10. i cannot fix friends towers
To summarize: nearly all game function is degraded. the efficient manipulation of commands is compromised and I don't have any idea what the supposed upside benefit to this platform change is supposed to be. Even login is random and unreliable.
And yet, when i DO get logged on, the sales package is still the first thing on my screen. HAHAHAHAHa you want me to continue spending real cash on this imaginary game to buy features i can't access or use.
napoleon.bonaparte said:
I have sent administrator Andrew, who first responded to my bug report, my e-mail address so that he can communicate directly with me by e-mail, but I have not received anything since I sent it on Friday. I am now assuming that events have moved on and repost my problem here.
My op. sys. is Windows 10 x64. I am using browser Microsoft Edge which automatically clears the cache every time I log out and automatically updates with any upgrades sent by Microsoft.
I have 8.0 GB RAM.
Intel Core i5 3.10 GHz
The co-ordinates of my city is x: -2885, y: -2435. My id is: 2896200 / pp14129716 / The Glorious Valley / segment00
With recent upgrade to game, I have experienced game crashing and game loading problems today 17/5/18.
Whilst I was attempting to reload the game, my offensive troops returned from raids were caught in my city and outside my Acropolis. I, therefore, lost about 5K troops.
When the game finally loads, it runs very slowly, instead of faster than the old game engine.
The screenshot of my lost troops in one fell swoop is inserted above.
Windows 7
Intel (R) Premium (R) CPU N3520 @ 2.16 GHz 2.16 Ghz
RAM: 4.00
32 bit
since 11 days i m not able to play . just connect and game freeeze. cant attack pantheon , emporium ,raid cities ect ...
let me play with the old version which works very well with my computer specification . let me play with this version of the game instead of this new version . if it is impossible for u to fullfill my request , let me know . i ll leave the game forever
Dimitri Molchanov said:
sheilahmiranda2002 said:
Having the same problem, tried everything you said, mostly on 72-90% loading, sometimes it loads then will freeze. can you help?
Can you provide the information that was requested in the original post? I'll do my best, but I need to know that!
can we just be put back on a server that actually works and all in game functions actually function …...
I could not login to the game, along with many others that let me know via Skype, on 27/5/18. Still loads very slowly, everything runs like a tortoise and I still haven't been reimbursed for my lost troops as shown in my original bug report. Wasn't sure whether to update this one or file a new bug report, but seeing as it's probably all related to the same useless platform upgrade, I added it to this.napoleon.bonaparte said:
they don't care bro true story
I have sent administrator Andrew, who first responded to my bug report, my e-mail address so that he can communicate directly with me by e-mail, but I have not received anything since I sent it on Friday. I am now assuming that events have moved on and repost my problem here.
My op. sys. is Windows 10 x64. I am using browser Microsoft Edge which automatically clears the cache every time I log out and automatically updates with any upgrades sent by Microsoft.
I have 8.0 GB RAM.
Intel Core i5 3.10 GHz
The co-ordinates of my city is x: -2885, y: -2435. My id is: 2896200 / pp14129716 / The Glorious Valley / segment00
With recent upgrade to game, I have experienced game crashing and game loading problems today 17/5/18.
Whilst I was attempting to reload the game, my offensive troops returned from raids were caught in my city and outside my Acropolis. I, therefore, lost about 5K troops.
When the game finally loads, it runs very slowly, instead of faster than the old game engine.
The screenshot of my lost troops in one fell swoop is inserted above.
Thank you for making another player stop playing.
My pc far exceeds any requirements needed to run this game properly.
Why didn't developers seek out players for beta test server instead of forcing random players?
Why would you compromise your profits?
Why spend money on a test server when the old one was fine?
Why are players who were forced onto beta test server not given proper rewards for doing so?
Hello Community Managers,
Lost three players from our COA in 2 day's. I have looked at all your troubleshooting steps and followed them they don't not help, why has the decision made to push such a bad game engine with bad graphics and despite the outcry from so many players it is not being rolled back.
The new game engine is too bad even for a "I 7 processor system with 16 GB Memory with SSD Disk Drive and a 2 GB PCI-x Graphics Card".Thank you!
hi plarium,
it is funny to say that we need to ask some luck when playing now.
a coalition raiding mission is happening right now, i do galley tricks to help my group to push the meter indicator to a new limit that plarium set (18million resources).
i need to consume my resources to avoid overflowing so i train units while i am waiting for a couple of minutes before doing another galley trick. the game freeze while training units so i need to reload my browser and it took 3-5minutes to completely load the whole graphics. so guest what? galley trick failed.. impressive!
i am not sure if my PC specs are not fit for your new beta server.
intel core i5 CPU 3.3G
64-bit OS
my google chrome are also upto date
i can pretty say that playing now is not that easy unlike before.
if we read between the lines, you reset all coalition mission to become more challenging and the 5th box reward had no extraordinary stuff.
but it seems the people are still able to complete the coa mission and get the 5th box so plarium next step is to force the people use an experimental server that everyone will surely suffer .. in that case, i will congratulate you plarium for annoying your players
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