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Sparta WebGL Game Loading ReportsSparta WebGL Game Loading Reports

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Sparta WebGL Game Loading Reports

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May 21, 2018, 09:3405/21/18

elias said:

grumblypuppy said:

intel i5-3210M CPU 2.5Gh

8GB Ram  (7.88 usable)

64bit OS,  x64-based processor

Win10: current

Chrome: current

Flashplayer: current


Flash player DISABLE

webgl ENABLE

hi sir,

how can you help us if you choose only a specific post to answer? the beta server you activate into our city is full of bugs & errors and pls don't ask me the errors because my colleagues here mentioned the specific problem re this beta server already.

you didn't have the guts to answer the question "WHY"?

Why did you activate our cities to your beta server without asking our permission?

Why did you run this server if you are not sure this will run at least 99% good?

Why you always putting the blame on our PC specs or browser?

There are no issue like this in the old version.. you pissed us off plarium!
May 21, 2018, 12:0805/21/18
Archons, this thread has been created to gather reports and make them easy to access and compile. This is not for feedback - you have plenty of other threads for that. And this is most certainly not for flamewars or insults thrown around. As such I have gone through the thread and deleted a number of off-topic comments. Note that any future comments of this nature in this thread will be removed as they make it impossible for the thread to serve its original purpose. That said, I am gathering a list of players who have posted their reports over the weekend and will be notifying the Devs.
May 21, 2018, 13:4605/21/18
Cant get past 72% loading for the last 25 minutes. Being held hostage by Plarium. No release in 20 minutes i'm done.
May 21, 2018, 14:5605/21/18
May 21, 2018, 17:27(edited)

wakamakulet25 said:

elias said:

grumblypuppy said:

intel i5-3210M CPU 2.5Gh

8GB Ram  (7.88 usable)

64bit OS,  x64-based processor

Win10: current

Chrome: current

Flashplayer: current


Flash player DISABLE

webgl ENABLE

hi sir,

how can you help us if you choose only a specific post to answer? the beta server you activate into our city is full of bugs & errors and pls don't ask me the errors because my colleagues here mentioned the specific problem re this beta server already.

you didn't have the guts to answer the question "WHY"?

Why did you activate our cities to your beta server without asking our permission?

Why did you run this server if you are not sure this will run at least 99% good?

Why you always putting the blame on our PC specs or browser?

There are no issue like this in the old version.. you pissed us off plarium!

mate, you ask me why I choose just that and I'll explain it to you:

in what the partner puts on your browser configuration is one of the problems of the failures that you have, the new engine does not work if the Flash Payer is activated (he has it activated) and to make it work better you have to activate webgl (does not mention that you have it activated).

As a good moderator, I consider myself a moderator of the lot, we have to try to help and that is what we do.

And as it says Dimitri this should not be in this thread but I think you deserve an explanation

May 21, 2018, 18:5005/21/18
Jun 14, 2018, 18:38(edited)

Every 10 seconds i get this message :

I have more problems since the update of last week (and I have problems since nearly 5 weeks)

Now there are 3 freezing points : 72%, 80% and 90%. And over 90% I need luck to go one by one to 100%
May 21, 2018, 19:1905/21/18

Why was I dragged into this mess, constantly freezes, loss of some keyboard controls, unable to rebuild towers, all worked fine before the web gl. All software up to date.

Intel celeron 2.16GHz, 4 GB RAM

Window 10 64 Bit

May 21, 2018, 20:1605/21/18
Situation is worser today compared to the 2 ou 3 days before
May 21, 2018, 20:4905/21/18
I admire your persistence chat pandora, everyone seems to have the right spec and still it does not work. I would say give it a week and if there engineers do not come up with anything tangible to help us all it is obvious we are superfluous to plarium. I cannot even get into the game, what a mess up this is becoming. And that is only 10k of players so far.
May 21, 2018, 22:5905/21/18
May 21, 2018, 23:03(edited)

I have sent administrator Andrew, who first responded to my bug report, my e-mail address so that he can communicate directly with me by e-mail, but I have not received anything since I sent it on Friday. I am now assuming that events have moved on and repost my problem here.

My op. sys. is Windows 10 x64. I am using browser Microsoft Edge which automatically clears the cache every time I log out and automatically updates with any upgrades sent by Microsoft.

I have 8.0 GB RAM.

Intel Core i5 3.10 GHz

The co-ordinates of my city is x: -2885, y: -2435. My id is: 2896200 / pp14129716 / The Glorious Valley / segment00

With recent upgrade to game, I have experienced game crashing and game loading problems today 17/5/18. 

Whilst I was attempting to reload the game, my offensive troops returned from raids were caught in my city and outside my Acropolis. I, therefore, lost about 5K troops. 

When the game finally loads, it runs very slowly, instead of faster than the old game engine.

The screenshot of my lost troops in one fell swoop is inserted above.

May 22, 2018, 07:3405/22/18

A new bug since 2 days :

1. I go in the acropole

2. I try to send troops in my acropole : the game freezes and I have to reload

It seems that now it is impossible to send more than 2 instructions without freezing the game
May 22, 2018, 12:2305/22/18

Chatpandore6, please avoid spamming multiple messages and confine your feedback to one post. 

On another note, I have updated the Devs on current reported issues.

May 22, 2018, 18:1305/22/18


before this so called problem


cant log-in at all
May 22, 2018, 21:0205/22/18
i cant log in for 5 pc is not very good.please turn me at the old version....
May 22, 2018, 21:3605/22/18

Flash player : disabled

webgl : enabled 

hardware accelerated .

i did all this process many times over the past 5 days but still game is freezing after 1 min . it start to be annoying to reload the game everytime when i want to do simple things in my city , as sending my units in the accropo . it is completely impossible to capture a emporium 

i hope u ll fixe this or u can simply let us play back with  the previous version of the game instead of

May 24, 2018, 00:0105/24/18
May 24, 2018, 23:27(edited)

I am running/working in FIREFOX. The web-gl is giving me lots of grief: terrible terrible lag and missing icons mostly. Prefer the older mode. Can I switch back? 

1. it takes a long time to load initially and every screen. At first I thought they simply froze but it just takes a long time.

2. once loaded the screen appears to be missing icons. the graphics that do show are cool as is the animation. but would rather have functionality first.

3. have to click on an action button several times before it takes.

May 24, 2018, 17:3705/24/18
A week gone by with no game now, no nearer any fixes or solutions, cm not coming here any more, agents gone AWOL, even the moderators gone missing, they know they are on a losing ticket. Looks like all the players who cannot load the new version are being left to rot. Thanks a lot, nice knowing you.
May 25, 2018, 18:4005/25/18
yes confirmed, we are being left to rot, I want some compensation now, or put me back on old server, pretty obvious nobody of note is coming here anymore, this post about problems with the beta server is ignored and like the game is now finished. Time for refunds Plarium?????