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Your Suggestions - 2

Your Suggestions - 2

Moderators for Sparta: War of Empires
Moderators wanted!
Jul 21, 2017, 19:2107/21/17
Jul 21, 2017, 19:21(edited)
Ike said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Ike said:

Provide a warning message if one attempts to use offensive units on a defensive position, and vice versa.

I'm one of the old farts here, and at least once every couple of weeks, I mess up and send all my offensive units to a temple, or all my defensive units to a Persian outpost, or some such. You get the idea. Result: disaster! There are warnings for other 'mistakes' (eg, sending out a champion without any of the proper units to support it), so I see no reason why this warning could not be given. Thank you.
This suggestion was already accepted.
Great! thank you.
Grr, veto! ;-)
Jul 21, 2017, 22:5907/21/17

The Irate Penguin said:

Ike said:

Alyona Kolomiitseva said:

Ike said:

Provide a warning message if one attempts to use offensive units on a defensive position, and vice versa.

I'm one of the old farts here, and at least once every couple of weeks, I mess up and send all my offensive units to a temple, or all my defensive units to a Persian outpost, or some such. You get the idea. Result: disaster! There are warnings for other 'mistakes' (eg, sending out a champion without any of the proper units to support it), so I see no reason why this warning could not be given. Thank you.
This suggestion was already accepted.
Great! thank you.
Grr, veto! ;-)

why ??

Jul 22, 2017, 16:2507/22/17

Hi everyone.

I would like to see Upgrade Sketches given as random rewards at Persian Positions. It would encourage players that don't spend a lot of money on the game to play the positions more often to get the items needed to continue to grow their city.

I recently had a good friend leave the game because he felt he had grown his city as far as he could without spending money .I know the objective for Plarium is to make money but there are a lot of players who would rather not spend $$$. In my opinion, these players make the game more interesting. Anyone with money can get a huge army but the players with heart and strategy are vital to keep the game fun for all.

Jul 23, 2017, 10:2507/23/17

Una pregunta : si cuando atacó a Jerjes pierdo tropas porque el me puede recompensar con recursos ?.

Sugerencia : las recompensas que pague Jerjes sean solo en tropa.

Jul 23, 2017, 15:5707/23/17
Jul 23, 2017, 16:07(edited)

i hope this will fit here, because in our german forum is a seperate thread for the suggestion of new units in swoe:

i would suggest a completely new class for new units: dogs!


"canis custōs" = the guard dog (defensive dog unit) -> wiki: kritikos lagonikos

if present in one's own city, assassin attacks are failing or at least diminished.

"canis venaticus" = the hunting dog (offensive dog unit) -> wiki: molossus dog

when released on a hostile city, they kill exclusively existing guard dogs.

if you want to implement this properly, then please completely in combination with a dog kennel (building) and dog training (contracts).

because even in ancient greece there were already guard- and hunting-dogs. this is known from drawings on vases and columns as from plutarchs essays. in sparta they were simply called "lakonics".

what are you thinking of this? would you like it?

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 24, 2017, 09:4607/24/17
Eleven11 said:

Hi everyone.

I would like to see Upgrade Sketches given as random rewards at Persian Positions. It would encourage players that don't spend a lot of money on the game to play the positions more often to get the items needed to continue to grow their city.

I recently had a good friend leave the game because he felt he had grown his city as far as he could without spending money .I know the objective for Plarium is to make money but there are a lot of players who would rather not spend $$$. In my opinion, these players make the game more interesting. Anyone with money can get a huge army but the players with heart and strategy are vital to keep the game fun for all.

Thank you for your suggestion. But unfortunately, it was declined previously. The thing is that Upgrade Sketches are offering you certain in-game advantages, and you can receive them only for Drachmas, or as a reward in certain Tournaments. Right now we are not planning to add any alternative ways to get them. However, we may reconsider it in the future.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 24, 2017, 09:5207/24/17
elias said:

Una pregunta : si cuando atacó a Jerjes pierdo tropas porque el me puede recompensar con recursos ?.

Sugerencia : las recompensas que pague Jerjes sean solo en tropa.

Hi! We are not planning to change the PP mechanics. If you don't want to receive Resources as a reward, you can keep your storages full ;)
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 24, 2017, 09:5407/24/17
Klaatu said:

i hope this will fit here, because in our german forum is a seperate thread for the suggestion of new units in swoe:

i would suggest a completely new class for new units: dogs!


"canis custōs" = the guard dog (defensive dog unit) -> wiki: kritikos lagonikos

if present in one's own city, assassin attacks are failing or at least diminished.

"canis venaticus" = the hunting dog (offensive dog unit) -> wiki: molossus dog

when released on a hostile city, they kill exclusively existing guard dogs.

if you want to implement this properly, then please completely in combination with a dog kennel (building) and dog training (contracts).

because even in ancient greece there were already guard- and hunting-dogs. this is known from drawings on vases and columns as from plutarchs essays. in sparta they were simply called "lakonics".

what are you thinking of this? would you like it?

Hi! Thank you for your suggestion! We have gathered and passed all ideas that were left on Forum directly to our devs. Right now we can't pass any more as our devs need to analyze what they have already received. If we keep adding new suggestions daily, they just won't manage to process the whole information.
Jul 26, 2017, 22:5407/26/17

The Irate Penguin said:

Here's a supremely inconsequential and negligible suggestion, but nonetheless:

Please, someone, redesign the Amphi-Portapotty!

It's a massively out of scale eyesore, flush with arches which the Greeks never learned to build, including some light show which is either Spartans playing Quidditch or Leonidas setting up a 360° Matrix shot for the Phylarch. I would do my best to hide it in the farthest corner, were it not that I need to visit it every time I logon. I might be getting on in years, but I feel no need to visit this loo every three hours. Yet.


I second this motion!  And a few notes.

Yes, the Greeks did use arches, just not all that often. In fact, there is still an arch standing at an entryway to the Stadium in Olympia (more on that below). The Mycenean Greeks, before 1000 BC, used them as well.

The Amphi-PP is obviously based in general terms on the Coliseum in Rome. Not where Spartans would practice in the 5th c. BC! A much better model would be the Stadium in Olympia (where the Olympics were held, duh. :) ). Many of the events of the Olympics were held in the stadium One website that has a good picture of the Stadium (in its present state) is  .     

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Jul 27, 2017, 08:5107/27/17
Ike said:

The Irate Penguin said:

Here's a supremely inconsequential and negligible suggestion, but nonetheless:

Please, someone, redesign the Amphi-Portapotty!

It's a massively out of scale eyesore, flush with arches which the Greeks never learned to build, including some light show which is either Spartans playing Quidditch or Leonidas setting up a 360° Matrix shot for the Phylarch. I would do my best to hide it in the farthest corner, were it not that I need to visit it every time I logon. I might be getting on in years, but I feel no need to visit this loo every three hours. Yet.


I second this motion!  And a few notes.

Yes, the Greeks did use arches, just not all that often. In fact, there is still an arch standing at an entryway to the Stadium in Olympia (more on that below). The Mycenean Greeks, before 1000 BC, used them as well.

The Amphi-PP is obviously based in general terms on the Coliseum in Rome. Not where Spartans would practice in the 5th c. BC! A much better model would be the Stadium in Olympia (where the Olympics were held, duh. :) ). Many of the events of the Olympics were held in the stadium One website that has a good picture of the Stadium (in its present state) is  .     

Your feedback was noted :)
Aug 1, 2017, 19:1708/01/17
I would like to see a method available to download reports in a CSV or text format.  Many of us track team activities using spreadsheets or other offline means.  Exporting the battle reports, team members etc. would help tremendously.
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 2, 2017, 08:2108/02/17
tapper53 said:

I would like to see a method available to download reports in a CSV or text format.  Many of us track team activities using spreadsheets or other offline means.  Exporting the battle reports, team members etc. would help tremendously.
Similar suggestions were already passed to devs. It's technically complicated, so I doubt it will be implemented, but we'll see.
Aug 2, 2017, 09:2008/02/17

Some time ago, insights regarding unit strengths were added in more detail through the pop-ups on unit details views ...

... which I thought a nice addition, helping to make the numbers behind the game a bit more transparent

Perhaps the same could be done for resources ...

Though these pop-ups do list active enhancers and bonuses, it would be helpful, especially for newer players, to have a more detailed view of which production buildings, temples, academy scrolls, Phylarch bonuses and other upgrades contribute to production increases and consumption decreases. 

Many similar games tend to offer some reporting tool which, usually in table views, provides the player with details regarding their parameters, from unit count and strength to resource management (often even exportable), but in absence of such views more details as the ones described above would be useful IMO.


Aug 2, 2017, 19:4908/02/17
SUGERENCIA, creo que muy buena.

En la capital de coalicion tendria que incluirse un boton solo accesible para el hegemon, y quien tiene permisos para manejar la capital, igual que en los pantones :


Generalmente las capitales a nivel 5 no tienen defensa y es por orden del hegemon, muchos jugadores no hacen caso de la orden de no defender y es por lo que considero que seria una opcion muy bien acogida por todos los hegemones.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 3, 2017, 07:5708/03/17
The Irate Penguin said:

Some time ago, insights regarding unit strengths were added in more detail through the pop-ups on unit details views ...

... which I thought a nice addition, helping to make the numbers behind the game a bit more transparent

Perhaps the same could be done for resources ...

Though these pop-ups do list active enhancers and bonuses, it would be helpful, especially for newer players, to have a more detailed view of which production buildings, temples, academy scrolls, Phylarch bonuses and other upgrades contribute to production increases and consumption decreases. 

Many similar games tend to offer some reporting tool which, usually in table views, provides the player with details regarding their parameters, from unit count and strength to resource management (often even exportable), but in absence of such views more details as the ones described above would be useful IMO.


Good idea. I will pass it to devs
Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 3, 2017, 08:0108/03/17
elias said:

SUGERENCIA, creo que muy buena.

En la capital de coalicion tendria que incluirse un boton solo accesible para el hegemon, y quien tiene permisos para manejar la capital, igual que en los pantones :


Generalmente las capitales a nivel 5 no tienen defensa y es por orden del hegemon, muchos jugadores no hacen caso de la orden de no defender y es por lo que considero que seria una opcion muy bien acogida por todos los hegemones.

Hi, Elias! Right now our devs don't want to give Hegemons any power over your Defensive Units. However, we have already passed a suggestion to add this option for Offensive Units at Capitals.
Aug 3, 2017, 08:3108/03/17

En la capital de coalicion tendria que incluirse un boton solo accesible para el hegemon, y quien tiene permisos para manejar la capital, igual que en los pantones :


Hi, Elias! Right now our devs don't want to give Hegemons any power over your Defensive Units. However, we have already passed a suggestion to add this option for Offensive Units at Capitals.

No es darles más poder, el hegemon y los que tienen permiso pueden hechar a quien quieran de la coalición y por consiguiente la tropa que tiene ese jugador en la capital se va con el. Pero no es eso cuando se puede simplemente devolverle su tropa a su ciudad.

Alyona KolomiitsevaCommunity Manager
Aug 4, 2017, 08:2308/04/17
elias said:

En la capital de coalicion tendria que incluirse un boton solo accesible para el hegemon, y quien tiene permisos para manejar la capital, igual que en los pantones :


Hi, Elias! Right now our devs don't want to give Hegemons any power over your Defensive Units. However, we have already passed a suggestion to add this option for Offensive Units at Capitals.

No es darles más poder, el hegemon y los que tienen permiso pueden hechar a quien quieran de la coalición y por consiguiente la tropa que tiene ese jugador en la capital se va con el. Pero no es eso cuando se puede simplemente devolverle su tropa a su ciudad.

Unfortunately, devs won't reconsider this decision.
Aug 4, 2017, 14:5808/04/17

Why don't you give an option for speeding up the coalition attacks just like the normal attacks, because sometimes those boosts are very useful especially if you want to take a pantheon?

Aug 5, 2017, 07:3408/05/17

someone should deal with the ''last login'' irregularity :)

its time  to stop seeing members with 3 different last-logins at the same time (when scrolling back and forth the pages of coalition members...)

yours trully

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