10 things you need to know about Cultus
Most of the coalition in Sparta knows that Cultus is on the brink of collapse/destruction, this is because of the arrogant leadership of Mr. Gemix. He portrays a leader of the corner alliance and wants to order everyone to follow his orders. He even threatens Kracken/Lady Trish because Gemix thinks they are not helping them, he also threatens the italian boys that he will come for them, so pathetic isnt it? the truth is, no one wants to help Gemix because he dragged everyone into his own mess.
1st, Gemix attack FNF2 just because of a simple mistakes committed by a single player and now Gemix is wondering why Frangar is actively attacking them.
2nd, Gemix is well known for his pointing finger attitude, blaming others and accusing falsely without evidence.
3rd, he is using Nordman to threatens his enemy, without Nordman how would be Gemix look like?
4th, when he felt no one wants to help him he threatens to leave the game and cry desperately for help, he even left the corner chatroom like a kid.
5th, he never trust anyone, even his own team, he restrict all members from seeing their stats, even commanders who are from the AO merge group was restricted and complete gemix dont trust them. pity to all AO players that they have chosen the wrong path.
6th, Morale in Cultus is very low and all Gemix can do is write a love letter to everyone just to keep his players stick with him and let their troops to be destroy.
7th, everyday more coalition are joining force to fight Cultus not to mention the bigger and stronger coalition. it was demonstrated already in the past that Cultus will never have a pantheon, actually they have one but it was destroyed.
8th, planning to keep another pantheon will be a misfortune again for those who believes that Cultus can keep it, anyway, its not gemix army will going to be wasted, 100% the lower levels will shoulder the cost.
9th, Gemix will soon disappear and those who follows him will regret it.
10th, it will never be today, tomorrow, next week, next month or next year but one thing for sure Cultus will go down just like the others.
To those who are being manipulated by Cultus/Gemix you still have time to think twice or even hundred times if its really worth it allowing a single person holds your neck and obey.
The Alliance of Cultus Destruction will continue and will not stop till Cultus go to where it belongs.
ask your self