Sparhawk122 said:
Plarium. Any progress on this supposed Spec Ops exploit fix?
And yes. Multi accounts make the Spec Ops exploit to amass 300k marines and 100k grenadiers per alt account viable in the first place.
Something needs to be done. If us heavy coiners are having issues with these exploiters. Imagine the ordinary gamer just trying to relax and enjoy the game. Hard to enjoy a game where without spending a low level base can steam roll over everyone. That is the epitome of gameplay imbalance.
Something needs to be done soon.
I'll try and keep this short. Sparhawk122 i'm using your comment as an example.
Starting with Special Ops, yes the multi accounts are exploiting it but does it need to be fixed? I think not because the reward system works fine, you put in units whether you pay for them or not, you probably get a portion back, if not now then later. So getting that 300K marines may mean you already almost lost that much in the first place since its a reward it may be more.
Now lets say they changed the special ops to not give out rewards,
then people will start complaining about coiners, why because
coiners would have the advantage of always being able to buy troops whenever they want (not naming names there are some that come to mind) and it then becomes a competition of who has the biggest bank account. Which is what i've heard people say about Mobile Strike, saying that they left because to do anything you have to pay.
which is why i think special ops doesnt need to be changed. I do understand that with any freemium games like this naturally coiners tend to have an advantage.
the challenge is keeping some sort of balance since this game is marketed as for age 13 +, so joe bloggs age 13 relying on pocket money, picking up the game will think its no fun if he keeps spending his pocket money and keeps losing to adam west the banker aged 33 who just spent one months salary to obliterate him.
So the problem is not special ops but the multi-accounts, lets be honest its not just the russians that do it but it is them that have taken it to an extreme. From what i can read everyone seems to think that at plarium HQ they have a button that says multi-accounts yes/no and its on yes.
I don't work for them but the problem that I can imagine is how to identify a multi-account/fake account from a real one.
For us its easy to see on the global map that,(using revenger's earlier post) Nerpa_A, Nerpa B, Nerpa_C, Nerpa_D...and so on are multi-accounts since the bases are next to each other and most of us know this because we noticed that it tends to be variations of the main accounts name or just lots of commander bases stacked together. Sometimes in same alliance, or not in an allliance but used as farm, but then there's some that are used to spy on other alliances,(my group has had a couple of them and still might) these ones will not always be next to each other so harder to spot.
From the developers point of view, how do you spot and block a multi-account?
By using game name? you cant do that coz certain names will be popular so variations needed, it limits the amount of users you can have and you can't prove they are not genuine whether they talk or not. example we know sparkhawk122 is genuine, but what about sparhawk!, SpaRhaWk, Sparhawk2017, Sparhawk41
By proximity or alliance? same problem, example lets say theres a Power RangerS alliance, with members called Ranger, Red Ranger, Blue Ranger, White ranger, pink, yellow, black, green, purple,orange, brown, magenta, midnight blue, sunset pink and so on all next to each other. theres no way to tell and thats for the ones that have bothered to name the accounts. So spotting let alone blocking is already hard.
From database point of view, multi accounts can only be seen if two or more is registered to same email address. I can't see how though since once email/facebook is registered it shouldn't allow you to make another. Unless like most people have lots of email addresses, if they register lots of email addresses, its technically not a breach, since the accounts are one to one and registered but is all done by one person so multi-account.
Thats registered, what about unregistered and guest IDs, these can be genuine people that play but don't want to register and don't need to since they play from one device. Now if one person has multiple devices then its technically multi account breach and at same time not.
@wartater: thats why all they can say is that they are working on it without giving too much away or making any promises that can't be kept.
In a perfect system, there is no alt accounts, its one account to one person, everyone is genuine and people don't try to cheat the system... lets face it, it not perfect, it will take time to fix, but don't lose hope they are working on it. (has anybody else noticed the map looks more empty with dead bases gone)
There's a difference between going to a buffet restaurant and saying to change the temperature and saying to change the decor to restrict access to food.
I'd rather they take their time on the fix to make sure it works than they roll out a quick patch and i get locked out of my account for no reason. Just saying.