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Fan Fiction Story Contest: Battle against the Iron Twins

Fan Fiction Story Contest: Battle against the Iron Twins


Have you ever wanted to try your hand at writing fiction? If so, the new contest is for you! Create a story that involves a battle against the Iron Twins, be it a standoff between the Twins and a group of Champions or even a clash between the fearsome metal golem and another Boss. Describe the story from the perspective of the Twins or its adversaries; it does not matter. What does matter - the description of the fight should be gripping. 

The battle should be the core of the text. However, for better immersion, feel free to include further details, like:

  1. What is the lead-up to the fight?
  2. What are the reasons for the fight to happen?
  3. What purposes do both sides pursue in the fight?
  4. What is their motivation, and what makes them so determined?

We will choose 7 best stories whose authors will receive 1000 gems each. Please be ready to respond to a moderator or a community manager who might reach out to you for your in-game ID in case your story is among the winning ones. We cannot send you the reward unless we have your in-game ID.

Later we will post the best stories in a distinct folder in the fan-fiction section of this Forum.

To qualify for participation in the contest, your story should be posted in the comments section under this post until 28 of October, 2:00 PM UTC, and abide by the following rules:

  1. Language: English, Ukrainian, Russian;
  2. No more than 3000 characters, including spaces;
  3. Please keep it safe for work;
  4. Texts or their discussions cannot contain any insults, personal attacks, discrimination, references to real-world politics or religion. Please, keep it civil;
  5. You can submit multiple stories, but one user can get the prize only once;
  6. Please be kind to others' stories. Competition is all cool, but it is always a good idea to encourage your fellow writer with supportive words if you genuinely enjoy their story;
  7. The fan fiction stories you submit will not be considered a part of canonical lore unless otherwise specified by a representative of the company.

Posts with discussions unrelated to the fan fiction stories contest are subject to removal without prior warning.

Oct 19, 2022, 11:3410/19/22
Oct 20, 2022, 13:5610/20/22
Oct 20, 2022, 14:16(edited)

Грандмайстер! Ты чудувище. Когда ты уже успокоишся и поймёш чего хотим мы? 

Сколько лет продолжаеться наше противостояние? Ты неприклонно выставляеш против нас препятствия в виде непреодолимых чудовищ и ламаешь нас на старте своего пути. Делаешь из ветеранов войны в посмешище. И не даёшь своим новым рабам не единного шанса на успех. 

Чего только не делают с нами твои выродки. Обглатывают, взрывают, выжигают и даже переманивают на свою сторону чтобы предать своих же друзей. Только в этом мире так. Только под твоей властью.

И вот то, чего мы все так долго ждали, свершилось. Непойми что, ты выложил против нас. Ракеты против стрел. Лазеры против магии. Искуственный интелект против плоти. И всё что мы смогли выставить против этого, это он сам. Как и всё в этой мире - всё что хочет тебя уничтожить, прекрасно уничтожает себя само. Нужно только выдержка и терпение. И со временем, души каждого из нас станут полноценными. И мы сможем ринуться снова в бой.

Но на долго ли? А, грандмайстер? Каковы твои дальнейшие действия?

P.S. С уважением, Ваш...

Grandmaster! You are a monster. When will you calm down and understand what we want?

How many years does our confrontation go on? You relentlessly set up obstacles against us in the form of insurmountable monsters and break us at the start of your path. You make a laughing stock of war veterans. And you don't give your new slaves more than a single chance of success.

What do your geeks do to us. They swallow, blow up, burn out and even lure to their side in order to betray their own friends. Only in this world it is. Only under your control.

And now, what we have all been waiting for is finally here. Don't understand what you laid out against us. Rockets versus arrows. Lasers against magic. Artificial intelligence against the flesh. And all we could put up against it was himself. Like everything in this world - everything that wants to destroy you, perfectly destroys itself. It just takes endurance and patience. And over time, the souls of each of us will become complete. And we will be able to rush into battle again.

But for how long? Ah, Grandmaster? What are your next steps?

P.S. Sincerely yours...

Грандмайстер! Ти жахіття. Коли ти вже заспокоїшся і зрозумієш, чого хочемо ми?

Скільки років триває наше протистояння? Ти неухильно виставляєш проти нас перешкоди у вигляді непереборних чудовиськ і ламаєш нас на старті свого шляху. Робиш із ветеранів війни у ​​посміховисько. І не даєш своїм новим рабам жодного шансу на успіх.

Чого тільки не роблять із нами твої виродки. Оковтують, підривають, випалюють і навіть переманюють на свій бік, щоб зрадити своїх друзів. Тільки у цьому світі так. Лише під твоєю владою.

І ось те, чого ми всі так довго чекали, відбулося. Хтозна що, ти виклав проти нас. Ракети проти стріл. Лазери проти магії. Штучний інтелект проти плоті. І все, що ми змогли виставити проти цього, це він сам. Як і все в цьому світі - все, що хоче тебе знищити, чудово знищує себе само. Потрібна лише витримка та терпіння. І з часом душі кожного з нас стануть повноцінними. І ми зможемо кинутися знову у бій.

Але чи на довго? А, грандмайстер? Які твої подальші дії?

P.S. З повагою ваш...

Oct 20, 2022, 18:0910/20/22

 “What happened to him?” Scyl demanded as she saw the pieces of a man drug through town. 

“That idiot? You wouldn’t believe me if I told you,” the purple-eyed demon replied in his ethereal tone. 

“Watch your tongue demon! He was a Paragon of Justice!” she spat back at Helicath, the vitriol literally spraying from her mouth. 

“I have no care for your so-called righteous indignation, but I can assure you that the man did not die a noble death. He died a fool” Helicath smugly responded. 

Kurzad laughed like the madman that he was, spilling his beer everywhere as he chanted “He died a fool! He died a fool!” 

The geomancer wiped the beer off his robes but nothing could wipe the wicked smirk from his face as he stared Scyl in the eye and mouthed the word “Fool.” 

Just as the barbarian was about to rend their heads from their shoulders, a staff appeared between them. “Please forgive my kinsmen and that thing, of their transgressions” a heavily clad female dwarf spoke as she
motioned towards the demon. 

The barbarian’s rage was nearly impossible to quell but after sizing up this woman, she somehow felt calmer. The regal dwarf smiled warmly as she expressed her thanks to the barbarian for her decorum. A barbarian’s etiquette being praised; exactly who was this woman?

“I’m Demytha. If you wish to know he died, I can oblige. I will refrain from calling him foolish but his actions do not demand respect.” 

Scyl slowly shifted out of her battle stance, but not before her eyes darted past the smug demon and the unapologetic dwarves. 

“Let’s talk elsewhere,” Demytha suggested as she led the woman slightly away from the filth. 

“Our party sought out to destroy the vile mechanization that dwells in Iron Twins Fortress. As we approached the brothers’ hall, we hear the sounds of battle. However, when we entered the main hall we were shocked to discover a lone man battling the brothers. I shouted to him our desire to assist him,but he simply refused our help. He boasted that he didn’t need us. The man laughed as he attacked the brothers with his poison-etched glaive. The monstrous machine whirled a dirge of death in response as sword and mace descended from one brother and chains and blades hit from the other. The man simply let the brothers swing, boasting the whole time. This battle went on for what seemed like hours. The brothers rampaged with no end and his boastful laughter kept pace. Green sludge dripped from the countless scratches dealt to the brothers. Just as the battle seemed to ending, the machine’s pitch heightened and its servos whined. At the finale of the battle, this so-called ‘paragon’ was chopped to countless bits as his laughter turned to agony. His last words were “But I’m unkillable!” as the final swing from the second twin killed him.” 

Scyl’s temperament got the better of her as she let slip, “No one is unkillable! What a fool…..” 

She realized what she said. She hung her head in shame as her eyes met with those arrogant, seemingly knowing, purple eyes.  

Oct 20, 2022, 20:0410/20/22

Can we choose which account gets a prize if we submit multiple entrys from different accounts?as i have 4 accounts so would want rewards to go to my main account i prefer over the rest. So if 1 account wins can i give the prize to my other account? Thats if i am lucky enough to win which i highly doubt reading some of the other entrys lol

Oct 20, 2022, 20:2210/20/22

The battle ended with a loud explosion and clank of metal. The Iron Twins had been defeated once more. Death Knight watched from the shadows as the triumphant group cheered as they left the tower. They were
happy to play their role and defeat the newest boss, blissfully unaware that their very souls were at risk. 

Death Knight walked out from his hiding spot and began repairing the Iron Twins. They would be needed tomorrow. It had taken him years of preparation. Finding his way into the abandoned tower. Bringing
life to the rusted heap of a boss on the tower’s top floor. And it was all ready for him to showcase his heroism once he achieved Legendary status. But the High-elf witch, Arbiter, had tricked him. 

Now, he’d recovered the Arbiter’s secret. He’s been summoned from shards so many times he’d lost count. The green glare of rebirth and the sound of the crystal shard shattering were burned into his psyche. Each summoning re-released his spirit into the world, and every day he strengthened another champion with his demise. But it was in this constant loop that he discovered the power of his soul. His body was sacrificed, but he remained. If he could harness the power of souls, he’d be stronger than the Hydra
or the Demon Lord. 

The other champions never asked where the Soul Shards came from. They didn’t question who owned the seemingly endless supply of power. But they were quick to sell the souls they deemed less worthy. They gave their souls away without even knowing it was him behind the whole scheme. Soon enough they would know. His wrath. His pain. They would experience them both, and the imposter would be the first to taste his vengeance.   

Oct 20, 2022, 21:0410/20/22

 “The last member of your group in this undertaking is Dellanon, a Royal Guard of the High Elven Court,” The
Arbiter addressed Underpriest Brogni and Bargor, a Geomancer, both recently arrived from the dwarven city of Port Wretched, Lady Raglin from the nobility of Kaerok, and the Godseeker Aniri, a powerful servant of the Sacred Order, “I’ll not waste any more time. Once again, Ireth prepares for war, gathering magic, soldiers, and supplies. This time, though, the Iron Twins fight with them, not against them.” 

Lumaya’s herald let those at the table vent their shock at the news for several minutes. The decision to create the Iron Twins to quell Ireth’s last attempt at empire-building had been controversial and heatedly debated by the factions that gathered to answer the threat, a compromise reached by kingdoms unwilling to trust one another against a threat to them all.  

“Much could be said about the decisions that led to the monstrosity’s creation. Those words are a waste of
time,” The Arbiter interrupted when she’d heard enough. “We know where the Twins are and would have you destroy them before Ireth can finish mobilizing for war. Yes, an army would be better, but the same issues that prevented a coalition in the past remain with us today, thus a covert mission. The leaders of the Sacred
Order and the tribal council of the Barbarians already have armies and a horde harrying the Irethi. Your supplies and transport are prepared. You will leave when this meeting is over.” 


The massive doors of the tower closed behind the group of champions with an echoing gong. Their journey to that moment had been swift on a Lizardman vessel sped along by two Orcish Warchanters and a Shaman working in unison to call as fierce winds, filling the sails. Two Ghoulish Rangers met them north of Ireth and guided them along trails known only to those who have tasted death and returned to life as an Undead. Nearing the fortress, an Ashwalker and a Magus, Knights Revenant scouts, met them, sharing that the Iron Twins’ fortress stood open and devoid of life. 

And so it was, two dwarves, two humans, and a high elf found themselves standing in an enormous chamber in a tower standing in the center of a deserted fortress, made possible with the assistance of all the factions of Teleria. A booming twist of insane voices bound together in something like a laugh filled the space. 

“I knew they would send champions, now I will begin my…” the entwined voices of two madmen began when the laughter stopped, switching from one to the other in the middle of words and back again,
as the Iron Twin’s weapons began to vibrate. 

Underpriest Brogni raised his emerald-headed flail and barked a word in a language known only to him calling on strange magics to protect himself and his companions. The Geomancer called down fire, scorching the surface of the Twins’ body, leaving it burning, while the Godseeker, Lady Raglin, and the Royal Guard charged into a battle they could not afford to lose.  

Oct 20, 2022, 21:2110/20/22

 “I guess the Miscreated and Dreng weren’t enough….he had to
go on creating more abominations, didn’t he? I mean the nerve on the old man…..”

“Calm down and tell me what happened” 

“Well, where do I start…the Big Man calls me over. Says, “Konstantin,
guess what I need”. I says, “Oh, I don’t know, mate…ye name is Soulless, recon
you need a soul then, don’t you?” Turns out he heard there’s a place where the
lost souls are trapped in stones – a tower on the other end of the bloody map. Before
you know, we’re hoofing through Spider infested swamps to get him a soul. 

3 days on foot, now we gotta climb all the way up 15 levels,
and I’m ready to let Soulless stay that way. I mean the man lived for centuries
without a soul, and now, he has to have one? You don’t see Faceless asking for
a face, do you? Besides, what are we supposed to call him if he gets it…can’t
be a Soulless with a soul, can ya? 

So up we go. Open the door, it’s some kind of lab with
a heap of scrap metal smack dab in the middle of it and a soulstone just
sitting in the pile. Figure we grab the stone and get out. Right as I’m about
to get it, the bloody pile of rubbish stands up, two muppets bigger than Narma’s
neverminds, gives me the look, slaps me across the lab. By the time I came to,
we are full battle mode. I’m talking missiles flying, fire everywhere, chains
whipping all over, the damn thing’s got a death wish in every orifice,
it’s a battlebot bonanza out there.  

We can’t keep up, every time we buff to catch a break, the
twins smack us with something. “This won’t cut it,” I say, “We need to slow
them down!!”  

Stag Knight picks up his halberds, sends them missiles out….BAM,
takes out the legs….don’t know how he sees out of those tiny holes in his
helmet, but he nails those ankles right in the gears. Now we’re talking. We
buff up…and I mean we go nuts. Veils, heals, juiced to the gills. I says “Stag,
keep at them ankles.”  

We keep fighting, but it’s not getting any easier. Every
time they go on, they hit harder….it’s getting serious, I’m about ready to pack
my bags and get out. The heals are barely keeping up with the damage, we’re
hanging on for dear life…in walks Geo. This little lump of a man took 3 hours
to climb 15 floors…says his legs are too short, the cheeky bugger.  

“Hey, Geo…about time, mate…we’re out of ideas here,
glad you decided to join the party….got anything to contribute?” This
dwarf looks me in the eyes like I’m a monkey working a wrench, and goes, “Seems
like a lot of combustible materials inside, have you tried setting it on fire?”
Sparks up his torch, lights the big jamoke up. They catch fire like Akoth’s knickers
after Taco Bell. They load up, ready to end us, missiles galore, and out of
nowhere…the whole things blows up into bits, scrap metal everywhere…all for a
lousy little soul.” 

“Sounds like a win…so why are you upset?” 

“Because that was Harrier’s soul. Now I  gotta find that Head & Shoulders poster
boy….and the boss is still soulless.”  

Oct 20, 2022, 22:0710/20/22

"This isn't the Spirit Keep," Helicath commented as he followed their glorious leader up the steps to the Iron Twins Fortress. He wasn't disappointed, actually amused. The demonspawn put on a twisted grin back at the rest of the champions. "I hope you're all ready."

Ultimate Death Knight was said glorious leader, clad in gold and bravery and loaded up on enough calcium to keep his bones plenty strong. "Yes, my party of delightful friends! We may be lost, but this means a greater challenge is before us! My bones rattle in anticipation for the battle ahead of us which we are in no way prepared for!"

"Wait...we're lost? We're not prepared?" Sicia Flametongue asked. She was the new one to the party of champions and wasn't really certain of how they worked.

Danag Skullreap put his hand on her shoulder and gave her a reassuring nod as if to tell her this was simply how they rolled.

As for Miscreated Monster, he was somehow more silent than Danag.

Ultimate Death Knight kicked open the doors. "Oh ho! Battle time!"

The Iron Twins unleashed a volley of missiles at them, peppering them with the wrath of shrapnel and flames.

Ultimate Death Knight was able to keep his party safe with his powerful defensive aura. "Foolish robot! We are simply too awesome to die!" He ran at the Iron Twins with his sword raised, going for a powerful slash of his own to damage the Iron Twins. His blue eyes burned bright with blue light as he didn't stop there. He had a trick, no a rat, up his sleeve. "Rats off to ya!" He unleashed his little furry companion as his relentless artifacts allowed him to attack again.

Helicath cackled like the demonspawn he is. He used Winds of the Pit to damage the Iron Twins and to make his team more sturdy. "Sicia! You're up!"

Sicia lit herself even more on fire than she already was, lighting the Iron Twins ablaze as well with Firestorm Rite. "Danag!"

Danag was going to step in, but he didn't get the change as the Iron Twins unleashed another flurry of mechanized attacks at them.

The Iron Twins were determined to take down these intruders. This was the domain of the Iron Twins after all.

When the smoke cleared from the attacks, only the most determined was standing. Ultimate Death Knight grinned the best he could, considering he was a skeleton with no facial muscles to smile with. "Didn't need them." He ran back into the fight again, not worried that the rest of his team had been easily wiped out.

Without the other Champions, it was down to Ultimate Death Knight and the Iron Twins, but through the powers of being amazing combined with the power of drinking milk to keep his bones strong, Ultimate Death Knight won the battle.

Ultimate Death Knight then carried his defeated party out of there, eager to celebrate their glorious victory over a meal of EXP brews, chickens, and milk.

Oct 21, 2022, 00:4910/21/22
Oct 21, 2022, 17:40(edited)

Amid wintry air, which hung poignantly beneath a noble black night of shimmering stars.

A battle took place beneath there celestial glow.

As the shield of Fyre met the bare, metallic flesh of the Iron Twins' arms, a torrent of cascading sparks and torn iron flew.

From within the epicenter of their colliding figures,rang out an unbearable, almost deafening squeal of metal and incandescent particles of vapor.

Such a legendary melee induced violent tremors in the surrounding earthen rock.

The ground shook,and the earth cracked.

It appeared as a conflict between the embodiments of madness and destruction.

Although fyro knew that he himself was no deity, perhaps to mortals, it resembled the massive war of two gods.

A cataclysmic brawl between a mechanical monster and a giant of fire.

Whipping his flail out from behind his shield, he wrapped it tightly on one of the Iron Twin's arms.

Pulling fiercely, he attempted to incapacitate one of his opponent's limbs brandishing a scimitar.

Due to his opponent's mechanical acuity however and being purely of mechanical design, the iron twin directly opened its maw wide and spat out a blinding crimson beam of pure gyrated energy.

It abruptly severe his weapon at the chain without pretext.


"How could it break immediately"!?

The steel monster giving him no time to think as it followed up instantaneously.

Fierce turbulent greeted the air as the Iron Twin swung both of its malformed appendages in a precision, predestined arc.

Its swirling bombard lacerate the air harshly, as it produces a myriad of after images that follow into its attack.

Although he hadn't ever been known to be fragile, his feet still sunk into the ground as a result of the impact.

Only now did he realize he was greatly out match in terms of both endurance and reflex.

This was all for greater strength, Fyro encouraging himself in desperation.

Soul essence was vital for any living organism to achieve greater strength.

Whether it be for greed or glory, he intended to plunder the iron twin in its entirety.

He would remain resolute even if it spelled his doom!

When it came to acquiring more power, every being was the same, it matters not if you were human, dwarf, Undead etc, all desired more; whether you were a mortal of insignificant value or a true god.

He remained steadfast as he continued facing his opposition with great fervor and a strong desire to battle.

Could he let himself lose here?

Without a weapon to engage with he could only attempt to bash the Iron Twin with his shield.

Dashing as his adversary with his remaining strength, he tried setting it of balance with a sweeping kick.

Although he was smart, the Iron Twin was smarter; it readied it beam; as it directly cut a hole into the ground beneath him, he could only helplessly fall down to the lower level of the arena.

Though the fight was brutal, it had just ended abruptly.

Hitting the ground with a bang he was knocked out unceremonious.


[WORDS]- 508




[PAGES]- 2

Oct 21, 2022, 13:1710/21/22

Unusual convergence

After the Arbiter had a fraction of her divine power sealed by the Keymaker, she knew she had to find something to claim back what this ancient and long-lost shadow had taken away from her.

The Arbiter heard about the unusual monstrosity that was wreaking havoc, the Iron Twins.

Using her divine foresight, she found a rare trinket inherited by the Iron Twins, which could help her reclaim what was hers.

Before she would cross swords with the Iron Twins, she had to make sure the effort wouldn't be in vain, so she picked a handful of her chosen warriors to aid her in this task.

She summoned Archmage Hellmut due to his ability to manipulate time furthermore she summoned Tormin for his power in wielding the permafrost.

Lastly, she summoned Gamuran to strike the Iron Twins down with a combination of her divine arts and his dark treachery.

Finishing the summon left the Arbiter breathing heavily and in pain for a moment.

She wasn't surprised since the Keymaker gnawed at her very essence.

This truly unusual party warped to the last known location of the Iron Twins and found themselves at a still-smoldering battlefield not many a soldier ever witnessed in his whole life.

The Archmage pointed towards an old tower, emitting a strange electrified field, "there it is highness, the Iron Twins await us."

The Arbiter pointed her sword towards the tower and initiated the attack "Quick now we must not falter"

Tormin lifted his mallet and unleashed a devastating cataclysm of ice that pierced through the walls of the old tower.

Gamuran was asked by the Arbiter to prepare a vessel, so she could infuse it with her divine power to shatter the Iron Twins.

Slowly Gamuran began to whisper in an old and forgotten tongue and a shiver ran down Tormins spine as he never thought to witness something only the old dwarven legends taught him existed long ago.

Of course, the Iron Twins wouldn't just stand by and let the intruders do as they please, they launched several missiles to interrupt the spell Gamuran was chanting.

"Archmage, now" the Arbiter shouted.

Archmage Hellmut turned a small wheel on his iron gauntlet, sparks surrounding him followed by a single word "SHIFT".

The air began to crackle and the missiles launched from the Iron Twins slowed down.

Another word got shouted "WIPE".

The missiles suddenly got thrown back at the Iron Twins leaving a huge explosion.

Now was the time, Gamuran leered to the Arbiter signalizing he was ready.

The Arbiter channeled a ball of light from her chest and blast it into the vessel Gamuran had prepared.

Gamuran sent the vessel straight to the Iron Twins unleashing an enormous explosion of light and darkness.

As the sight began to clear a small watch hand was floating mid-air.

"This is it, we've done our part," said the Arbiter.

She sent her warriors back and could continue to reclaim what the Keymaker took from her.

499 words and 2866 characters.

Cheers, Strangiii

Oct 21, 2022, 15:5110/21/22
Oct 22, 2022, 21:44(edited)

A hum... The smell of fire mixed with the water vapor that wet my face. The ground where I was lying moving, vibrating...

 I opened my eyes but I didn't have the strength to get up. Where am I? Why am I here? I inhale, exhale... in front of me I could only see that wet metal and the bloodstains where my face rested. A white feather falls lightly to the ground getting soaked on the wet marble floor.

 Foot steps... 

I raise my eyes to contemplate the figure whose shadow darkened my face, an immense blue light covered the gleaming outline. As my eyes focused on the figure I was pushed by a wind so strong that it threw me against the wall!

-Who are you?!! - I exclaimed screaming in a mixture of pain and anger.

-Cardiel.- replied the winged figure wielding a sword of light. - Arise, demon!

It was clear that my end was near, after all I am a demon and I have always fought the Sacred Order. The still-open wounds and exhaustion only allowed me a single blow. I still had a shred of life left in me, and by the devil if I wasn't going to launch the fiercest attack of my life now!

- Kymar! - Exclaimed the voice.

Kymar, yes... - I thought - This was my name... This is my name!

I got up, at first with difficulty and pain, but then with all the forces of darkness I prepared to invoke the destruction of the Abyssal Gaze. 

-Stop! - Shouted Cardiel - Save your strength.

A blessing from my holy adversary has restored my strength and my eyesight clears.

- Why? How did I get here? - I asked fiercely.

- Can't you feel the ground rising? This force that takes us up?

- Ahhhh! - I remembered - We're in the tower!

- In the Iron Twins' stronghold. - Answered Cardiel - And I'm here to help you. If we join forces together we will be able to wrest some Mortal Soul Coins from them, from that repulsive thing that moves with the power of the souls that it snatched from our brothers in arms! Kymar.... Do you remember why you are here?

- My brother... - I replied- Ixlimor, needs strength to defeat the hydra, it is my duty to ascend him. Whith the coins he might have a chance, his soul needs to be blessed to.... 

-I was there when your brother was defeated. - said Cardiel - And if you help me, I'll be by his side when we beat the hydra, but for that we need to ascend both.  And I can only do it with your help, Kymar. Together!

- But I live to destroy your order! Why do you want to help my brother?

- I also need the ascension to face the hydra. Honor your brother's memory! Join me Kymar, let's defeat the Iron Twins!

- We are enemies, winged one!

A metallic roar echoed from across the room, then an explosion and the sound of iron scraping on the wet wooden floor. From a red glow in the smoke comes one arm, then the other, and again the hideous metallic sound.

- For eternity, we will always be adversaries. Except today Kymar, today we are brothers!

- There he is, the soulless metallic monster. Ready angel? Let's end this now!

- Heavenly Host!!!

-Abyssal Gaze!!!

Oct 22, 2022, 00:3610/22/22

of the Iron Twins



woke late; too much mead last night. Every time he did that, he swore
it would be the last. No discipline was his problem; he could blame
that on his Orcish genes.

quickly oriented himself, had all his arms and legs, weapons and
equipment lay next to the cot, and knew where he was. Good signs,
all. He was in a shared sleeping room upstairs in the Dragon Inn. His
friend Kael said the tavern's name was a pun, but he didn't get it.

looked around the room and noticed a dwarf asleep in the cot next to
him; otherwise, the space was empty. He threw his legs over the side
of the cot and began dressing. He could hear the revelry had already
started downstairs and wondered what time it was.

the door behind him, he turned to the railing and looked down into
the main room. He could tell by the sun streaming through the one
window in the tavern that it was late afternoon. The room was already
half full, and he looked around for his friends.

spotted Death Knight sitting at a corner table with Visix, an elf of
some kind; attractive if you were into the dark, moody sort. Galek's
heart belonged to the Shaman of his village; now, there was a female.
And then there was the Ninja; not much was known of him, and he kept
to himself. All three were good fighters, even though the Knight was
notorious for dropping his sword.

walked over and noticed there was a forth person at the table.

looked up and said, “Galek, this is Mordecai, a member of the
Sacred Order. You need to hear what he has to say.”

orc glanced at his friend Kael, who didn't seem very interested, and
sat down.

continued, “Tell Galek what you told us.”

looked over at Mordecai, who didn't look at all healthy; in fact, he
appeared to have much in common with the Knight. He got the feeling a
corpse was talking, but it was hard to tell; his face and hands were
wrapped in bandages, like a mummy.

you heard of the Fortress of the Iron Twins?”

nodded, “Everyone in Teleria knows of the Fortress and its history.
It's been abandoned for centuries.”

any more. Something or someone has taken possession of it.”

spoke up, “but why? It's a ruin. It doesn't make any sense.”

shook his head, “I don't know, but people have disappeared, and the
word is it's guarded by a pile of moving metal, a killing machine.
Maybe it's a Golem, I don't know, but I've been tasked with
investigating. I'm here to hire some mercenaries.  

the pay,” asked Visix.

silver pieces and whatever else we find.”

in.” Visix said without hesitation.

Ninja just nodded.

shook his head and said, ”leave me out of this one guys. If I'm
gonna risk my neck I want to know what's at the end.”

looked around the room, they were going to need more muscle.  

Oct 22, 2022, 02:4810/22/22

From within the place called Alresh, Fyro stood ready and waiting as another group of adventurers entered his castle. With his fiery head and massive shield, he was confident he would quickly humble the newcomers.

“...can’t be worse than the Iron Twins…” An echo came through the cavernous underground. Iron Twins? The phrase puzzled the Fire Knight. He had never heard of anything called the Iron Twins.

When the group of inexperienced adventurers approached, Fyro made short work of them, but not before he asked them about the Iron Twins. “They are a monstrous machination whose fortress can be found near Sky Peak,” the Harrier muttered, and the Fire Knight saw alarm in each of the adventuring party’s eyes - there was genuine fear here, more than any other hapless group he had encountered before. So he made a decision - after mercilessly bringing the party to their knees - to go and see what the hubbub was about.

It didn’t take Fyro long to find the Iron Twins’ fortress: a tall tower topped with glistening red crystals high up in the mountain range near Sky Peak. He could hear gears grinding and metal squealing as he approached - much unlike the bubbling lava he was used to. As he entered, he expected to meet resistance, but there was none. Strange… Even Klyssus has allies.

Then he saw it: a two-headed mechanism, almost as large as himself, stepped as one out of the shadows. The Iron Twins. From a quick glance they seemed to be welded together from the back down, and the side facing him sported a gaping hole instead of a face.

“Fascinating,” whispered the Fire Knight. At the sound, the Iron Twins turned and a bladed arm slashed out in his direction. An ear-splitting clash rang out as Fyro raised his shield to block the incoming attack. A quick glance at his shield told him the Iron Twins were nothing to be messed with - a symbol of a head with a target had appeared, glowing red where the sword had hit. Fyro rammed his shield into the ground, creating a shockwave that threw the Iron Twins off-balance. That definitely did something, he thought as he readied his mace. Let’s see how much this chunk of hardware can do!

The attacks brutally bounced back and forth between the Fire Knight and the Iron Twins. Electrical pendulums, mace, fire, shield, even rockets - all made a cacophony of battle. After a great while of exchanging blows, Fyro saw signs of wear beginning to appear on the metal exterior. “Is that all you’ve got, you mindless machine?” he taunted.

The Twins shifted slightly - then with a great burst of energy, one side lashed out with a sword which cracked Fyro’s shield and threw him off balance. The machination flipped around and the other side swung a pendulum which knocked him down.

As the Fire Knight lay on the ground watching his impending doom coming towards him, the last thing he saw was a glow building up in the gaping hole. Before he could think, the laser hit, and his fiery head was extinguished. The Doomsday Machine had claimed another victim.

Oct 22, 2022, 09:0310/22/22

…and then there were two.

The Arbiter of the High Elves, Scyl Of the Drakes from the Barbarians, even the mighty Trunda of the Dwarves had sacrificed all for this. Their bodies lay about the engine room, bent in dissonant angles, stark reminders of The Venomage’s mission, her duty, to those living, and to Krisk, who stood steadfast at her side.

Krisk was honoured and beloved among the Lizardmen. He was her mentor and her guide. But even he wavered on his feet, his armour, that had earned him the nickname “Turtle” from the Arbiter, was in tatters, one eye burnt shut, spittle drooled from the side of his mouth, yet he looked to her.

He nodded.

“Be ready,” was all he said, and she knew that this was his last stand against the Iron Twins towering before them. Her staff shook in her hand, and she gripped it tightly. 

The Iron Twins. Monsters so new and so foreign. The peoples of Teleria had thrown their might, their all against them—their brightest—and failed. Yet the Arbiter and Krisk persevered.

The ground shuddered. The Iron Twins were moving again.

The Venomage wasn’t sure what it was, but something about the alchemy of her poisons seemed to work against them, and sustain her. The behmoths, soldered back-to-back, twirled on their feet, ready to dispense another deadly round of their Ironbrand hex.

With a cry, Krisk flew between the Venomage and the Twins, letting loose a spell of allied protection- and breathed his last.

“No!” Grief tore her soul in two.

An ominous rumble thrummed in her bones. She gasped, looking up. The Iron Twins writhed in pain from her previous poison attacks. Yet, unbelievably, what she heard had to be them… laughing?


It energized her, ground her to the earth as she stood to face them, her magic rallying. Screaming words of power, she ripped from her staff a phantom snake, full of neurotoxin. It was a new spell and concoction, and she had no idea if it would work, but it was all she could do in the  haste of Krisk’s summons.

She heard a thundering that made her teeth rattle.

The Iron Twins stumbled on their feet.

It was working!

Move, move you fool! She berated herself.

Trembling to her very core with exhaustion and fear, she raised her arms and summoned a wave of FleshMelter Venom snakes. It crested high, and hundreds attached themselves to the Twins’ hull.

“Die!” Venomage hissed, her eyes like livid ice.

An arm fell off with a boom.

One Twin detached, dead.

The remaining Twin, under the barrage of snakes, stumbled to its knees, screeching; the Venomage clenched her teeth, wincing in pain.

It thundered to the ground, unmoving.

The Iron Twins, terrors from an unknown source, were dead.

The Venomage blinked. She stumbled to her feet, looking about, unbelieving.

She had no comrade-in-arms to celebrate her victory with. Everything felt hollow. She fell to her knees, her staff clattering to the ground before her from numb hands.

From livid ice to limpid pools her eyes went, and she lowered her head in her hands, crying.

Oct 22, 2022, 14:4610/22/22

The story of a great Dwarf.                                           

Teleria a prosperous, quiet land with amazing scenery, here was the great dwarven fortress, where dwarves lived, quiet and peaceful, its ruler was a wise old dwarf, all the citizens loved him, he had a son named Geomancer a fearless dwarf who loved his father, wanted to make him proud. Intro zi heard a story about a metal creature from a distant fortress called Iron Twin Fortress, who went there never came back, it is said that he protects a precious stone Eternal Soulstone, Geomancer wanted an adventure but also to prove to his father or what he is capable of, Setting off in search of brave warriors, he found Vogoth imprisoned intro who wanted to join him after hearing where he was going after five hours of walking they came across a closed road where it was guarded by the Sacred Order, only with a certain document you could pass, there they meeting Martyr where he helped them pass and joining them after they told him about their objective, arriving at the dark elf forest, he heard a fight, going to see what was going on they saw three elves fighting an orc, his name was Iron Brago, they set out to help him, defeating the elves, he thanked them and joined them. After two days of walking they saw a burning city, there they met Godseeker Aniri, she was helping people to escape, asking her who did this, she replied Iron Twin did this she doesn't want anyone to come near the fortress him, telling Aniri that they want to defeat Iron Twin, she also joined them, showing them where the Fortress was, after two hours of walking they reached the fortress, they felt a great energy, entering it they couldn't get out, then he came Iron Twin attacking, Martyr defending the team with Bastion of Faith, Geomancer using Quicksand Grasp setting it on fire, Aniri boosting defense with Quest for Meaning, hitting Geomancer reflecting damage and Vogoth keeping alive with Festering Dynamo, then Iron Brago hitting hard with Fearless Charge and Iron Twin falls then Geomancer kills him, taking the stone he goes home with Eternal Soulstone and new friends, making his father proud, Eternal soulstone made his army stronger, after he became the leader of the the fortress known as Geomancef the Great. The end :)                                                    by. EidenXll

Oct 22, 2022, 20:1010/22/22

--------------------------------Confidential Report on the Fate of The Iron Twins-----------------------------------

Their ship had landed seconds before when, with no warning, a massive monster of metal emerged from the depths in front of them.  Ireth’s bane stood towering over the team. The team was caught off guard but that did not prevent them from jumping into position in the blink of an eye. Before the spasming behemoth stood the team of scouts, common members of the Gaellen Pact and the Telerian League, with one hooded stranger among them, all tasked with the goal of discovering what had become of their culmination: The Iron Twins.

Like those that the machine had initially come to destroy, the team was unaware of the nefarious intentions that the Twins now fostered, and therefore they did not immediately attack, except for the hooded stranger who raised his sword and pointed it toward the mass. This hesitation would prove to be the group's final mistake. Within seconds the amalgamation was within range, and with one swipe cut them all down…all but one.

As the stranger’s hooded cloak fell, the Twins cocked their head to the side in confusion, as if they couldn’t possibly understand why a member of the Undead Hordes was here, much less, such a jubilant one.

The armored skeleton began to quake with power as a reprise to the Twins' decimation and, though this is unconfirmed, apparently whispered something that sounded like “Didn’t need ‘em.” He then rushed forward and it seemed as if time slowed down. The Twins were roughly 20 strides away and he began to cover them diligently. He threw one foot down, and then the next. He prepared his sword and shield for battle. Two more steps down. The Twins stood steadfast and braced, ready for the attack. Four more down. There was a short curb between the two adversaries. One more step down. The skeleton fell over the curb, clumsily dropping its sword and shield immediately.

Silence overtook the scene, and it stayed that way for a few tense moments until a small rat crawled out of the unmoving fool. The Twins again cocked their head, this time to the other side in response to the events that had just transpired, when suddenly, the rat lurched forward. The rat covered the distance in a second, moving so fast that the Twins’ eyes could not keep up. With incredible, rat-like precision, the rodent was able to inflict three massive slashes across the Twins’, immediately causing it to stumble and spin backwards to a sudden and unexpected end.

The rat gingerly crawled back to where it had come and the skeleton stood up, propping up his sword to help himself to his feet. 

“Well that was almost embarrassing.” 

The skeleton stepped over the corpses of his once team and made his way to the next adventure.

Oct 23, 2022, 20:0710/23/22

I hope you guys will be strict in rule number 2

Oct 23, 2022, 20:2210/23/22
Nov 6, 2022, 04:34(edited)

 Mourner’s Revenge 

Ursala and Chancellor ‘Yas’ Yasmin step into the crowded tavern to be greeted with an onslaught of odiferous smells bringing tears to Yas’s eyes. Ursala just breaths it in, bringing back memories of – him - gone now, her own tears have been flowing for days. Yas drags her out of her reverie and urges her toward a corner where she spies her cousin, Apothecary, standing at a table with Geomancer. Geo to his friends, a man to the ladies, and sir to everyone else; Geomancer stands half as tall as Apothecary, but it’s well known that this diminutive package carries a big punch. As strange a couple as they make, they’re just what Yas was looking for. 

“Cousin” she says, “We are in need your assistance. We could use your help too, Geo.”  

“Help with what?” asks Apothecary.

Ursala tearfully replies “I will pay four soul coins if you help me take down the Iron Twins. They… he… it… whatever… killed my husband and I want revenge”.  

“I’m sorry for your loss.” Geo says to Ursala, offering her a hanky and taking in the lithe form of this newly available…  

Apothecary interjects “If Geo’s in then I’m in but we’ll need another good reviver if we want to do battle with that scrap heap.”  

“Scyl would be perfect,” said Geo “and I’ve got her wrapped around my finger, she’s hopelessly in love with me.”  

Yas smiles, looking over Geo’s head. Geo whispers, “She’s behind me isn’t she” and then turns to see Scyl, arms folded, eyes glaring.  

“I’m in,” says Scyl “and you, my man, will be hearing about this later tonight. We’ll see who’s wrapped around what.” 

Apothecary settles the bar tab… Geo forgot his wallet… again… and the five champions head out to confront the Iron Twins stopping only to pick up weapons and gear.  

Apothecary to Geo “What took you two so long?” Geo shrugs. Scyl smiles. Yas chuckles. Ursala sighs. 

“Well, whatever, let’s make mincemeat of this mechanical monstrosity.” 

Our champions reach the tower and enter through the huge wooden doors bracketed by a pair of horrendous gargoyles. Apothecary “Geo, I think they like you here. They have your likeness on the walls.” Geo “The nose
is too long. Looks more like my mother.” Scyl “Geo! That’s mean. You’re right, but it’s still mean.” Yas “Concentrate! We have a job to do.” 

Within the tower, our champions come face to faces with the imposing Iron Twins and the fight is on. Apothecary starts things off by boosting the teams’ speed, Yas attacks, Scyl attacks, Geo attacks, Ursala, with mascara-stained eyes, glaring with anger, hits the Iron Twins with decrease attack and tosses an attack increase onto her compatriots. Apothecary and a few others get another shot in before the Iron Twin gets his turn and lashes out with fire and brimstone. Yas “Ursala’s hit”, Geo “I’ve got you covered, Ursala”, Scyl “Down boy”, Apothecary sends a soothing chant to heal Ursala and the attacks continue. 

The air crackles with electricity as shots ring out. The team taking turns at the Iron Twins as he launches attack after attack. “85%” yells Yas. Ursala casts an Increase Defense and Strengthen. Yas casts Ally Protection. Geo blasts the Iron Twins with a massive shot and they/he/it responds with his own colossal blast. Yas and  Apothecary cast heals. Ursala keeps up her assault, revenge driving her every shot tempered only by her concern for her teammates. Geo hits the Iron Twins again with a huge blast.  

Shots continue to ring out as the combatants trade missiles, flame, bolts of electricity and fire.  Buffs, debuffs, attack, counterattack, retaliation, attack, heal, speed, and more attacks. Yas “70%”, increase defense, ally protect, BLAST! Heal, attack, heal, attack, speed, attack. There seems to be no end to the battle as our champions throw bolt after strike, slowly beating down the Iron Twins. “55%”, defense, speed, BLAST! Geo “Yas is down! Scyl’s hurt!” Apothecary casts a heal on Scyl. Ursala forgets the Iron Twins just long enough to revive Yas. Geo slams the Iron Twins with another enormous blast and the battle is back on in full force. 

Yas yells “40%”, defense, strengthen, speed, and again the Iron Twin slams the team with a shot that rings  their ears and scorches their hair.  Geo “Ursala’s down!” Scyl revives, Apothecary heals, Yas and Geo slam the Iron Twins with another series of shots. Apothecary casts speed and everyone put their last efforts into a final offensive, bolts, flames, electricity, the Iron Twins reel against the torrential onslaught, staggers, gears grind, belts buckle, metal shreds, and the Iron Twins explode into a thousand pieces of ragged metal. 

Ursala stands over the pile of scrap, tears flowing. Yas puts an arm on Ursala’s shoulder. Apothecary takes her hand. Geo reaches up to rest a hand on her back. Scyl glares at Geo, then smiles “you did well”. 

“Thank you all” says Ursala. 

Geo says “Is that a chest full of soul coins I see over there?”  

Oct 23, 2022, 22:1810/23/22

 So many champions have travelled here to Kraken’s wake, the pit-hole
of the sulphur marshes and few have returned to tell of their tales. But the
rumours persist of survivors leaving with treasures, weapons and armaments of
other worldly powers. An unearthly scream issues from the Fortress like the
sudden realisation of demise, it travels the entire length of the marsh and
dies as suddenly as the whiff of fresh air across the bubbling sulphur marsh.
Another and another it’s a day of unabashed success for the Twins, there will
be no fortunes made this day. From high in his Tower Bommal had perceived a
rumour, there was someone new taking all the plaudits, and more than this;
gaining in treasure and reputation what once belonged to him and him alone. This
situation cannot be tolerated and for the first time in aeons he would leave the
Tower and search out the Usurpers. In the blink of an eye, Kraken’s
Wake was all aglow, fire has taken to every corner, the sky is blackened from
the soot billowing skywards. Bodies strewn, mangled, tormented and tossed aside
like snot from a greasy cough. The Twins have no idea the trouble that is
bearing down on them. A low rumble of
Thunder increasing in intensity and volume then a huge Thawuuummpppphhhhhh!
The doors of the Fortress crumbled. The light is swallowed up by the
huge figure as he moves inexorably toward the Iron Twins.  A low purposeful grunt issues forth “Usurpers!”
You dare to impose your will on all who enter without so much as a
tribute to myself? I come to set you on a new path, you will pay me notice and
abide my will or the air began to crackle with static, the tension was palpable,
a thick stench of sulphur mixed with fear and bile filled the air. The fate of
the twins hung in the balance, it was all down to their next move, how they
responded now would decide the whole future of Teleria. The Twins turned to see what had so rudely
interrupted their revelry. There was no mistaking this colossus, both new
immediately and uttered the name with such reverence and clarity Bommal the
Dreadhorn. The moment had arrived, this had been their hope, their
vision, their desire. It was as f a switch had been thrown, no discussion, just
an explosion of instant action. The
Twins wasted no time just swung straight into action, Bommal being nobody’s
fool was instantly on the attack and hits the Twins square on with a Rain of
Bombs and just for the briefest of moments what seemed like a flicker of
concern flashed across that lens of the Twins, was it concern or had the cogs
of this metal Gollum just whirred into action. Either way, Retaliatory Launch
crackled, the Twins spun around and Bommal felt a sensation he had never
had before. Is this what they call pain? His mind flushed that thought out as
quickly as it had sparkled into life. He
was back on the attack, Rain of Bombs issues forth and impacts the

More will follow if enjoyed.  otherworldly

Oct 23, 2022, 23:4210/23/22

  Behind the walls of an ancient fortress, coins filled with power ripe for the taking. Said to be guarded by a mechanized robot. The Iron Twins!

  The first to stumble upon its existence was a skeleton named Deathknight. A noble soul who sought the power inside so that he may become a true champion and useful to others. He was in awe by the might of the Iron Twins. The metal monstrosity spelled doom for the lowly undead but by a small chance he was able to escape. Returning to his crypt comforted by his rat, Mr. Nibbles. He prayed for the strength to defeat this new foe. After being blessed by the Arbiter, new power was bestowed upon him and he swore to use it on the Iron Twins. Now obtaining ultimate power, he gathered a party to fight the Iron Twins. Made up of different factions with a united goal of obtaining the coins inside. Sniktraak, Rector Drath, Galkut, and Seigehulk accompanied. 

  Face to face with the Iron Twins, the party made ready for the battle about to ensue. Rector cast a veil over her companions and was met with a swipe from the giant but the party held strong. Deathknight unleashed Mr. Nibbles as Sniktraak fired his quills! With the Twins distracted, the Ogryns rained bombs and bolts throwing the twins off balance. Quickly regaining their footing, they launched a stream of fire swaying back and forth! The party endured the fire and with not even a burn mark. Attacks from each of the party members assaulted the Twins. Deathknight swung his sword with a growing ferocity but something felt wrong. His attacks felt weak like he should be doing more. He threw his shield aside and gripped his sword with both hands hoping it could do more. 

  Desperate, the Twins unleashed a combination attack never seen before. It swung both its blades before its torso rotated as its back arms fire wrecking balls destroying the ground beneath and recalled back by chains attached. Finally, a light emitted from an eye and fired a bright beam incinerating Seigehulk into a charred husk. Not wanting more to get hurt, Deathknight cast a spell shielding his party from harm. Just in time as the Twins barraged the party once more with its deadly combination. The party battered and bruised held on. Rector weaved a resurrection returning Seigehulk to the battle. 

  Deathknight called for a desperate charge backed by his companions. They unleashed everything they had bringing the Twins to their knees. In the hopes for the final blow, Deathknight plunged his sword and buried it into the Twins’ head. Their eye glowed and threw Deathknight back against the wall. With the blades of the Twins they sliced the Ogryns in half! The chained arms launched striking Sniktraak and Rector through the walls. The last thing Deathknight saw was the beam coming his way before it turned him into dust. 

  The Twins stood victorious. There it would wait for the next fools to come try for its treasure. The challenge issued, “Come and face the true masters of the fortress.”

Oct 24, 2022, 01:0710/24/22


Serris fled from her home after attempting to unlock the secrets to eternal beauty and everlasting life. The ingredients she had been given were tainted; the fire created by attempting to brew the elixir resulted in the loss of several centuries of written knowledge.

She had also been horribly scarred in her pursuit of immortality and wandered Teleria in search of a cure to her ageless, yet decaying physical form.

In her travels, she found a kindred spirit in DeathKnight. He had been raised from death during the war between the Telerians and the Corrupted and swore to find the necromancer that had re-animated his corpse.

They were both searching for the same harrier called Lydia the Deathsiren. Serris longed for a cure to her blight and Deathknight desired vengeance against the necromancer who had condemned him to a fate worse than death.

Years passed with no leads concerning Lydia's location. However, Deathknight and Serris became more than just traveling companions. They vowed to each other they would not rest until Lydia was found and eventually devoted their lives to one another.

The couple heard of a Conclave in the city of Port Wretched; each faction would be represented. Rumor had it that Lydia would be in attendance.

They immediately set sail for Port Wretched.

Upon arrival the duo was taken aback by what they saw.  A Dwarven warship was capsizing in the bay, smoke billowing from its mostly submerged hull. Several buildings along the coastline had been set ablaze and the bedlam of battle resonated through the air before Deathknight and Serris had even disembarked.

When they grew nearer to the clamor, the smoke in the air cleared and they could see the silhouette of a colossal form that was engaging the champions that had attended the Conclave.

Several champions had already been slain, their corpses lay crushed and burning as the glow of electricity and flame lit their barely discernible faces.

Deathknight sprinted ahead of Serris, furnishing protection and giving Serris time to unleash her foreboding magical onslaught. The Champions all worked in tandem, intuitive of one another as if they had fought together in a multitude of previous battles.

The behemoth they faced had the appearance of two massive metal humanoids attached to each other's backs. The colossus had no fear, no mercy and did not tire. It seemed as if the monstrous golem became more dangerous as it was damaged.  It was, however, eventually brought down.

...then Deathknight saw Serris' limp body lying in a pool of blood.

Deathknight wasn't able to protect Madame Serris.  He kneeled by Serris' corpse, lamenting her loss and his failure.  He wailed into the heavens as he knew Serris would have never aged, but she was not truly immortal as he was.  Deathknight was damned to wander the realm alone once again with one purpose: to find Lydia and make her pay for the torment she had bestowed upon him.