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Raid Digest (14.05.21)

Raid Digest (14.05.21)

Hello everyone! Raid Digest is back to share some info from the fields of Teleria. We had several pretty substantial features released lately, and there are some changes we want to make and some bugs that need to be squished. Without further ado, let's jump right into it!

The first thing that you should know about is changes to the Clan vs. Clan points system! We are changing the number of points gained by Skill upgrades for Common and Uncommon champions because, currently, it is the most tedious way to gain an advantage over your opponents:

  • Upgrade Skills of a Common champion will be reduced to 10 points per upgrade.
  • Upgrade Skills of an Uncommon champion will be reduced to 20 points per upgrade.

However, you might have already prepared your Mystery Shards and Uncommon armies to conquer your next foe. Worry not. This change will be added to the game only in the next release, so you will have at least two Clan vs. Clan tournaments before that happens. Press this advantage. Give them no quarter!

While we are talking about CvC, I also want to mention a slight improvement in our matchmaking. Some Clans got the same opponent that they had already fought before in the latest tournament. This occurred due to Clan vs. Clan matchmaking failsafe. We made a couple of adjustments to the system, so while it is still possible to happen, it is much less likely after the patch comes out.

Small update on the Classic Arena changes that we talked about in our previous Raid Digest. The update is primed and ready to go live next week. We will keep you posted on any changes. 

Let's move onto the new Missions. Recently, with the help of your reports, we spotted a new bug on the mission 305: rightfully earned points for maxed out substats sometimes do not count towards the progression. We are working on the fix, and it will be released in 4.30 update. 

On a separate note. We're doing an AMA session on Reddit next Tuesday (May 18). 

The thread will appear on our friend's Reddit channel 

You may start posting your questions as soon as you see the thread. Cirilla and Oracle will join you around 3 pm UTC to address as many questions as possible. 

This is our first shot at AMA on Reddit, so we have no idea how it will unfold… Join the madness.

Last but not least, among other features mentioned in the "What's Next in Raid? Episode 2" video, we are working on the new Tournaments and Events preview screen. These are mainly QoL improvements that will make it easier to navigate through activities, available rewards, and your progression in them. What do you think this preview screen needs? Please share your suggestions in the Comments section below 😉

That’s all for today. Have a wonderful weekend! 

May 14, 2021, 14:3205/14/21
May 17, 2021, 11:1705/17/21
May 17, 2021, 11:22(edited)

Three things mostly, all having to do with time.

  • Gear upgrading: just charge the upfront cost instead of the time wasting "fail fail fail". If it costs 30x rolls, then charge the price upfront and let's save everyone some time. 
  • Low level faction wars: there should be an auto complete option for lower stages when you've already cleared higher stages, eg: auto up to the last boss killed, so reach 14, auto complete up to 6, 21 to 13, etc. 
  • Speed up spiderling spawn animation, it's just unnecessary delay.

Honorable mention: reduce arbiter mission difficulty, 2 level 10 great halls and gold IV are an absurd requirement when getting to and staying in gold requires arbiter to begin with. When you need the reward to get the reward, that's just not going to work. Maybe drop the requirement to 8? Gold II? IV is populated by very mature accounts with many being platinum tier but in gold for whatever reason. 

May 17, 2021, 12:2305/17/21
May 17, 2021, 12:24(edited)

Thank you for the comment!

I'm afraid that the auto-complete feature is not going to be implemented in the near future. The main concern here is not to force players to spend more time but rather to encourage players to optimize their teams for swift completion of different Stages. The time necessary to finish a Stage - is an important parameter of your team, and we don't want to take it away from the game for now.

However, though there is not going to be auto-complete per se, we are still developing some ideas to shorten your time necessary to farm loot and XP. More details will be available at some point later.

We add more new content to the game in order to provide you with some variety. Of course, you're not obliged to complete any new locations or Stages just added to the game. You're free to engage with the type of content you feel more interested in.

Thank you again for the constructive feedback

Add a 3x, 4x and/or 5x button if you "can't" process an autocomplete. 

We know that the battle could be run behind the scenes and a result produced infinitely faster than making us watch all the animations. It's a poor way to force in-game time metrics.

May 17, 2021, 16:2805/17/21

Hello. I would like to report a bug in the game that apparently came with the latest update: There are issues with the item upgrade section. I perform it and even when the chance is certain it charges the silver but the item level does not increase. Please check that. Thank you. 

May 17, 2021, 19:1405/17/21

Changes to arena next week? Yeah i see it coming. Not a single f2p player shall not pass Silver Arena mission! Ever!

May 17, 2021, 19:5205/17/21

Suggestion for event interface: show progress towards next reward right on the interface instead of having to click into the event to see it.

May 18, 2021, 00:2405/18/21

There is so much wrong with what you just said.. For example.... "Auto-complete CB Battles"????

there are too many factors for this to even be a thing. Artifact procs, crits from CB, Masteries. If you auto complete and get a few million less damage than you expect, you're screwed because the key is used. It's best to just work on speed tuning your team, running the first 3 waves, then running it on auto.

Vault has been improved many many times. Max it out, or delete characters you don't need. I promise one of those 2 will solve your issue.

"Give us QoL for the Tavern, the "save teams for various" content you promised us"

Jesus Christ give them some time to work on it. It was an announcement they made of what's to come.

Not to mention people were upset when they released everything at once, then the dry spells in-between were drastically more noticeable. They promised to spread out release over patches, and honestly, it has vastly improved this game.

"I enjoy the game and I want to play it, but it must be able to be done in a reasonable time frame."

1. This game isn't something that gets "done". New content comes out. Old content has weekly or monthly resets. New champion fusions come out. The game constantly stays fresh with things to do. But improving your teams and who you rank up will definitely help speed up your runs, so look into that.

2. If there is too much content for you, skip what benefits you the least. Focus on what has the best return on your account. Would be more rewarding for your time.

are you a troll or an idiot?

if the things that are designed to be done on a daily basis take hours to complete and this is wrong by design, because that will leave a lot of players unsatisfied. there are a lot of reasonable ways to cut the necessary time. a CB fight that takes 20 minutes is just boring and completely unnecessary.

and it's not like this games is brand new. they just don't care or are too stupid to design a game in a more entertaining way. moreover they just don't care about the players. otherwise we would not get meaningless QoL fixes but real improvements in the areas that bother the players most.

May 18, 2021, 00:3005/18/21
May 18, 2021, 00:34(edited)

Duplicate system is in our agenda, but we cannot provide you with more details for now

people ask for this from many many time....if it will happen, tell us, so will not pull our shard for dupes that no one use...when...2 years, 3 years, 5 years....seem to me, many people already think to quit because they are not progressing aniway because "vital arena questline" in missions and anyway broken arena matchup...because for now, your agenda seems is just more money...but i will not give a single cent just to find another dupe of old useless dupes, especialy now, when you stop aps who counted is just to old-fashion to get back to count them on paper and more and more i see the end of our friendship...

May 19, 2021, 12:4505/19/21

Not a big request, but hen we click on the "i" for Champion stats, please take us to the expanded stats and not the abbreviations.

Have champions with maxed xp moved to bottom when selecting in Sparring Pit.

When farming, give me a button to get to end of the list instead of having to scroll across my 200 champions.

Please state how many defeats I have during an auto-run session so I don't have to count how many pieces I've earned. That way I know if current auto-run team is reliable or not.

Thank you for your time.

May 19, 2021, 22:1605/19/21
May 26, 2021, 08:27(edited)

Dear community managers,

Thanks for doing well in a difficult job.

This is to your bosses. The guy who created CVC spend fest? I disapprove

The guy who took away mercy counter. I disapprove 

The guy who ruined high level arena with Swift Parry. I disapprove

Cool game. I can't wait until Blizzard introduces a competitor. I and many others are just marking time to switch over. You, (not the community managers), you, the decision makers have ruined this game. Your grasp of business strategy is pathetic. You have created negative brand equity. You will soon be looking for a new job. 

[Edited by a community manager]

May 20, 2021, 08:2105/20/21

Hey Plarium, Arena sucks ,i can clear auto  lvl 20 of dungerons ,but i can pass silver ,weekly rewards on silver trash 3 star random, it will take me 50 years to upgrade the hall,speed average 290,i am silver 2

My second account silver 3 speed 180 what algoritm it,s that? 

May 20, 2021, 22:2605/20/21

I would personally love a small tranversable town like in Seven Deadly sin or something . 

May 21, 2021, 02:3405/21/21

That arena fix for bronze and silver let me get to bronze 3 but getting slapped by almost nothing but 110k+ teams. Dunno what happened but a fix for arena only to progress 1 tier is kinda ridiculous. 

Jun 4, 2021, 18:0906/04/21

why all know WHY they done that to get money so peeps by books ect> This is not rocket science