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Raid Digest (14.05.21)

Raid Digest (14.05.21)

Hello everyone! Raid Digest is back to share some info from the fields of Teleria. We had several pretty substantial features released lately, and there are some changes we want to make and some bugs that need to be squished. Without further ado, let's jump right into it!

The first thing that you should know about is changes to the Clan vs. Clan points system! We are changing the number of points gained by Skill upgrades for Common and Uncommon champions because, currently, it is the most tedious way to gain an advantage over your opponents:

  • Upgrade Skills of a Common champion will be reduced to 10 points per upgrade.
  • Upgrade Skills of an Uncommon champion will be reduced to 20 points per upgrade.

However, you might have already prepared your Mystery Shards and Uncommon armies to conquer your next foe. Worry not. This change will be added to the game only in the next release, so you will have at least two Clan vs. Clan tournaments before that happens. Press this advantage. Give them no quarter!

While we are talking about CvC, I also want to mention a slight improvement in our matchmaking. Some Clans got the same opponent that they had already fought before in the latest tournament. This occurred due to Clan vs. Clan matchmaking failsafe. We made a couple of adjustments to the system, so while it is still possible to happen, it is much less likely after the patch comes out.

Small update on the Classic Arena changes that we talked about in our previous Raid Digest. The update is primed and ready to go live next week. We will keep you posted on any changes. 

Let's move onto the new Missions. Recently, with the help of your reports, we spotted a new bug on the mission 305: rightfully earned points for maxed out substats sometimes do not count towards the progression. We are working on the fix, and it will be released in 4.30 update. 

On a separate note. We're doing an AMA session on Reddit next Tuesday (May 18). 

The thread will appear on our friend's Reddit channel 

You may start posting your questions as soon as you see the thread. Cirilla and Oracle will join you around 3 pm UTC to address as many questions as possible. 

This is our first shot at AMA on Reddit, so we have no idea how it will unfold… Join the madness.

Last but not least, among other features mentioned in the "What's Next in Raid? Episode 2" video, we are working on the new Tournaments and Events preview screen. These are mainly QoL improvements that will make it easier to navigate through activities, available rewards, and your progression in them. What do you think this preview screen needs? Please share your suggestions in the Comments section below 😉

That’s all for today. Have a wonderful weekend! 

May 14, 2021, 14:3205/14/21
May 15, 2021, 19:3505/15/21

It needs a big round red button that says auto complete because the amount of time you expect us to spend in this game is both amoral and stupid.

Big yikes. No.

The majority of people wanted content added to this game, and that's what they did. If YOU think there is too much to do, I have a tip for you, don't do everything.

It's better to have a load of content, and not need it, than to need content, and not have it.

May 15, 2021, 19:5105/15/21

@Oracle. Sorry, but there are so many more pressing issues that needs to be adressed by Plarium that I dont think you should spend time in doing QoL for the tournament preview page. Give us QoL for the Tavern, the "save teams for various" content you promised us, or improvements with vault. Most important - give us QoL with auto complete in some game modes (CB, FW etc) that can save us time playing this game. With all the new game modes you give us, its impossible to devote that much time. Me and many I talk to are about to quit the game because of the time sink. I enjoy the game and I want to play it, but it must be able to be done in a reasonable time frame. Event page is not a concern, at all. 

There is so much wrong with what you just said.. For example.... "Auto-complete CB Battles"????

there are too many factors for this to even be a thing. Artifact procs, crits from CB, Masteries. If you auto complete and get a few million less damage than you expect, you're screwed because the key is used. It's best to just work on speed tuning your team, running the first 3 waves, then running it on auto.

Vault has been improved many many times. Max it out, or delete characters you don't need. I promise one of those 2 will solve your issue.

"Give us QoL for the Tavern, the "save teams for various" content you promised us"

Jesus Christ give them some time to work on it. It was an announcement they made of what's to come.

Not to mention people were upset when they released everything at once, then the dry spells in-between were drastically more noticeable. They promised to spread out release over patches, and honestly, it has vastly improved this game.

"I enjoy the game and I want to play it, but it must be able to be done in a reasonable time frame."

1. This game isn't something that gets "done". New content comes out. Old content has weekly or monthly resets. New champion fusions come out. The game constantly stays fresh with things to do. But improving your teams and who you rank up will definitely help speed up your runs, so look into that.

2. If there is too much content for you, skip what benefits you the least. Focus on what has the best return on your account. Would be more rewarding for your time.

May 15, 2021, 20:0105/15/21

As poster above mentioned event page is not a concern. If you want to improve it just let us in to see what the rewards/requirements are before it's live. 

There's nearly nothing here people care about.

1. Time spent in raid. It's way to much full stop. This should be your number one priority not the events page. 

2. Dup system (deferred, apparently)

2. Arena (deferred, apparently) 

3. Silver costs (This month is a half measure, at best) so kind of deferred also

4. real clan vs clan

Can we get to the real items? the fact that your asking us about something that's not anywhere on anybody's radar but yours just shows how out of touch plarium seems to be. 

1. Cut content that overwhelms you personally. Content is already in this game, and they will only add more. Nothing will ever be removed, so picking your battles and activities from here on out is the best option.

2. Dupe system I agree with. I know they want to make sure they can keep us happy without impacting their sales. They can only release a dupe system once, so they have to make sure it's done right. I think they need to focus less on their end though, and worry more about keeping the players happy.

3. Too vague. "Fix arena" means the same as going to a mechanic and saying "fix my car". You're going to get a raised eyebrow. Also seems weird to say "fix arena" on a post where they said they're fixing arena.

4. Silver Cost is fine. It's the UPGRADE cost that's rediculous. The fact that they raised the cost per upgrade and max fail attempts once people found out how to manipulate using their fail attempts on less costly gear is rediculous. It was tedious as is, and wasn't hurting anybody. What they should have done is removed the manipulation method, and get rid of the need to do it by reducing the number of possible fail attempts.

5. Real clan vs clan?? What does that mean??

Tournaments/Event pages can use an upgrade. Are they they more prioritizing issues? I agree they're not. But I don't think we need to throw stones at them because they're not working specifically on what you want.

May 15, 2021, 20:0705/15/21
D4rkSn0W DarkSideLeader

that wont help the players for the arbiter mission gg :) weak useless fix

Why do you think people in Bronze and Silver are in a position to earn Arbiter??

That sounds like a freebie.

May 15, 2021, 20:2105/15/21


First off, let's examine the 3 parts of tournaments and events.

1. First off there's the overview, which is where you can see both the Tournament and Event icons as well as the Summoning Portal, Training Pit, and Gem Mine.

I'll refer to it as the "Main Menu".

2. Then there's the menu that shows all current and recently completed events and tournaments.

3. Then there is the opened detailed list of rewards/placement when you're browsing a specific event/tournament.

I'm not too sure how to improve any of these as far as interface goes, but it would be nice if there was a way to to click on a checkbox you could add to Tournaments, and it track that one on the Main Menu.

There have been many times I am pushing for 1st in a Spider Tournament, and then I have to constantly go all the way back to the Spider Tournament just to see if I'm still in 1st. Basically, this would get rid of any more recently started tournaments from overtaking the one I actually care about tracking. It's weird to know I should be in 1st for a tournament, and see a random number on the icon instead.

May 15, 2021, 20:2805/15/21

Actually, the best way to improve the interface is by getting rid of the middle man. Maybe get rid of the page that overviews all open tournaments and events, and have a drop-down menu appear when still hovering over your town in the Main Menu.

Once clicked on the tournament badge, it shows 2 icons.

- A Star: that takes you directly to the tournament you tracked.

- 3 Horizontal Lines: that when clicked on, drop down all the icons of currently active events and tournaments, then you click on the one you wish to view and you're directly taken there.

I think there is currently too much navigation at the moment, and cutting out the middle man can make looking at/collecting rewards a lot less of an inconvenience.

May 16, 2021, 00:2105/16/21

The interface to events with the 'red dot' is OK except there are some bugs - you go, you look, you click out, the red dot is still there. That happens in index as well. Inconsistently. Also these are sometimes really painfully slow to open to get in and even slower to leave. Leave should at least be quick.

May 16, 2021, 03:3905/16/21
May 17, 2021, 04:19(edited)

add skip mission buttion (game is time consuming and don't forget your a mobile game) 

        > 3 star campaign and power point for dungeon 

mutli battle should be unlimited (2000 energy in one day kill you)

if you use xp boost sparring pit should be boost also

need to auto lv sparring pit 

May 16, 2021, 23:2605/16/21

Big yikes. No.

The majority of people wanted content added to this game, and that's what they did. If YOU think there is too much to do, I have a tip for you, don't do everything.

It's better to have a load of content, and not need it, than to need content, and not have it.

Lots of games have "Autocomplete"  (or Simulation like Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes) you can use it or not. 

It's better to have a "Autocomplete Button", and not use it, than to need one, and not have it. 😉

May 17, 2021, 04:0005/17/21
May 17, 2021, 04:08(edited)

I understand the frustration of others that you have developers dedicating time to the events/tournaments interface when there are more pressing areas for development.  Dev time is a finite resource.  I'd rather see them focus on the true issues.  Even in simple QOL, things like being able to sort in battles and in champ screen for locked status would be more helpful then event screen.  If I want to look for who I have for food, that isn't easy to do. You gave us the locked and unlocked but that only helps when ranking up champs.  Why not be able to easily see all my unlocked food when looking at champs to see how I am doing and where I need to go next and in battle screens when I am looking to add champs to a battle?  I do that far more times in a day then I look at event page. (I recognize the irony in raising a QOL issue that I already said I would live with to get more pressing fixes.)

But, if dev is committed to working on this...

At the individual event page, I would consider the amount of screen space used.  You have the header that just tells me there is an event and it fills 3/4 of screen.  Each invidivual row takes up most of a screen on a phone.  Thus, you have to do a lot of scrolling to see everything.  I think you could be more compact. Tourney page is fine as you can see what you need to without scrolling.  I think that is the model you want to use to see what you can do to make the event page a similar snapshot.  I really don't need those big icons for every stage gate.  Nothing wrong with the explanation text below, but trying to get more info at a glance on the status of the event in this event page.

Stepping up one level. At the Event page with all the events listed you have the time it starts or ends and a description of event with pictures and icons.  All of that is pretty useless other than time.  I would use that box for each event to be much more valuable use of space.  Put on this screen the current number of points and the number of points to complete the next objective.  During fragment or fusion events I also would love to see the number of points until the next fragment is achieved.  You will notice I did NOT ask for progress until the last objective.  That is useless for most users so no point on putting that on the quick view. For tourneys, place, points and points to next objective.  For both, would be cool if you could list those unclaimed or most recent achieved unclaimed if space limit (user hasn't claimed anything).  This would allow me to use this screen of all events to see a snap shot and then only need to go to one level down if I want more information, but could often be content with this quick look. 

Stepping up one more level, the events and tournaments buttons don't offer value separated.  Why do I need to check each of them individually?  If you had all of these events and tourneys in one click, I could go to the summary screen above with all events/tourneys and have them sorted by which ends soonest and I can see where I am on the most urgent items for all.  I see no value in having to check one and then the other.  I also see no value in having the about to start listed above one that is ending soon. I should be more worried about one ending.  Even better is the filter with start soon or end soon and people can toggle, but I wouldn't want to lose screen space for that. The idea from xandergonefar could be used here, too, that you could select an event/tourney from a hamburger menu next to the icon to drill right into one (skip to third tier) or you could click on it to bring up the summary screen of all the events/tourneys to see your snapshots.  With the screen space available I don't see that you can do much more on the bastion page.

May 17, 2021, 05:2005/17/21

So, I am glad to see that someone is actually reading players comments and is trying at least to answer some of the questions. 

 But on the other hand, it is concerning to see that 90 procent or more of the comments are asking for the same things which are not the ones that Plarium is willing to talk about or give a time frame for those issues. 

    -Dupe system is in my opinion the number one factor which is driving players away from this game. How can someone spend thousands of dollars and only get dupe champions.... and to make the matter can someone get same champions twice or thre times or four times în the same sessions when the odds are so narrow?  Fix this and you will have a happy playerbase. And when I say fix this ...I mean quit everything else and fix this. We need it now, not in the future.  Please! 

 -Tavern interface which everyone is asking for a fix. Why are you working on turney interface when we ask something else like crazy?

- clan vs clan should be a based on real fights and not a war of farmers. I am sure you know, but other games have cvc where players actually fight and use strategies and have fun doing so. This is just a spending event în which everything Plarium has designed, was made to squize dollars out of players pockets, forgetting în the meantime that players need to have fun în the same time. I do understand that the company needs to make money, and I have no problem spending în a game. But I would also want to have fun doing so. 

May 17, 2021, 07:0905/17/21

about organize eq... will be help...

sell all: by rarity / by other options...

also if i like to sort champ by rank, it willbe helo if don't need change it "by rank" each time when enter champs list. mean i want to set as default :)

arena is to chalnging and i'm so exosted been on g4, and prgre on guild hall goes so slow when i can winn 2-3 fights/day.

May 17, 2021, 08:4605/17/21

about organize eq... will be help...

sell all: by rarity / by other options...

also if i like to sort champ by rank, it willbe helo if don't need change it "by rank" each time when enter champs list. mean i want to set as default :)

arena is to chalnging and i'm so exosted been on g4, and prgre on guild hall goes so slow when i can winn 2-3 fights/day.

Thank you very much for your suggestions.  I will be sure to forward these to our cms.

May 17, 2021, 09:5405/17/21

I would like to remind that we are especially interested in your feedback about the interface of the Tournaments and Events preview screen. What would you like to see there?


Personally I would have switched out the books and shard graphics for some more distinction between the different events and tournaments for instance: Champion training could have some "xp/rank-up/ascencion" grafic. while Artifact enhancement could have some item icons, and lastly dungeons could have a boss image or something. 

Another nice thing would be to see your current rank in tournaments, and maybe points needed for next reward(could be done for events as well?) or rank.

May 17, 2021, 10:3305/17/21

I would like to remind that we are especially interested in your feedback about the interface of the Tournaments and Events preview screen. What would you like to see there?


Finishing  Date

May 17, 2021, 10:3405/17/21

What  I  would  love  and  I  think  many  people  will  agree,  is  to  know  when  the  new  faction  cript  is  going  to  happen.

For  those  of  us  that  are  strugling  with  the  factions,  a deadline  will  help

OracleCommunity Manager
May 17, 2021, 10:3505/17/21

@Oracle. Sorry, but there are so many more pressing issues that needs to be adressed by Plarium that I dont think you should spend time in doing QoL for the tournament preview page. Give us QoL for the Tavern, the "save teams for various" content you promised us, or improvements with vault. Most important - give us QoL with auto complete in some game modes (CB, FW etc) that can save us time playing this game. With all the new game modes you give us, its impossible to devote that much time. Me and many I talk to are about to quit the game because of the time sink. I enjoy the game and I want to play it, but it must be able to be done in a reasonable time frame. Event page is not a concern, at all. 

Thank you for the comment!

I'm afraid that the auto-complete feature is not going to be implemented in the near future. The main concern here is not to force players to spend more time but rather to encourage players to optimize their teams for swift completion of different Stages. The time necessary to finish a Stage - is an important parameter of your team, and we don't want to take it away from the game for now.

However, though there is not going to be auto-complete per se, we are still developing some ideas to shorten your time necessary to farm loot and XP. More details will be available at some point later.

We add more new content to the game in order to provide you with some variety. Of course, you're not obliged to complete any new locations or Stages just added to the game. You're free to engage with the type of content you feel more interested in.

Thank you again for the constructive feedback

May 17, 2021, 10:4105/17/21

add skip mission buttion (game is time consuming and don't forget your a mobile game) 

        > 3 star campaign and power point for dungeon 

mutli battle should be unlimited (2000 energy in one day kill you)

if you use xp boost sparring pit should be boost also

need to auto lv sparring pit 

Skip  missions  is  quite  true.

The  thing  is:  I  beliebe  the  metrics  Plarium  uses  are  not  the  right  ones.

Time  in  game  is  annoying  as  a  metric.  I  do  NOT  want  to  stay  the  whole  day  with  the  mobile  conected.

I  could  pay  for  a  skip  button  feature  to  avoid  3  Minute  x  100  autobatles  that  do  not  add  anything  to  my  experience  as  a  gamer.  On  top  of  that  if  what  you  do  is  "sell  usage  data"  Have  in  mindthat  6  hours  of  a  mobile  conected  to  the  charger  do  not  generate  any  value.

A  faster  feedback  element  for  the  game  (reducing  time)  will  generate  more  valiuable  interactions

May 17, 2021, 10:4805/17/21

Thank you for the comment!

I'm afraid that the auto-complete feature is not going to be implemented in the near future. The main concern here is not to force players to spend more time but rather to encourage players to optimize their teams for swift completion of different Stages. The time necessary to finish a Stage - is an important parameter of your team, and we don't want to take it away from the game for now.

However, though there is not going to be auto-complete per se, we are still developing some ideas to shorten your time necessary to farm loot and XP. More details will be available at some point later.

We add more new content to the game in order to provide you with some variety. Of course, you're not obliged to complete any new locations or Stages just added to the game. You're free to engage with the type of content you feel more interested in.

Thank you again for the constructive feedback

Having  to  charge  my  mobile  every  now  at  then  is  an  important  parametre  of  MY  life.  Do  not  get  it  wrong ,  peope  do  not  want  to  stay  connected  to  the  charger  or  to  instal  the  game  in  the  computer

May 17, 2021, 11:1005/17/21
40258 many new content, just inaccessible because of one bugged quest...183 New Progress Missions and no way to get to them, because first we must take Gold 4 Arena - impossible because Arena is Bugged and even with that so waited patch you will fix only bronze and silver...great i must say just great....may i go back after 2 more years and then mission will be accomplishable if in this time Arena is fixed....when you stuck your players on this for, in my case near a half a year, well, they stop even trying....and lose interest....remove that BROKEN thing from Mission line for a God sake, it broke gameplay of all your players from YEARS...are you dont see that so little part of people can progress in Your New Content because of just one little removable impossible crapy bug...