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CvsC personal Rewards

CvsC personal Rewards

Aug 31, 2022, 12:4208/31/22

CvsC personal Rewards


I speak for many others here. Please change that you only get the personal rewards in CvsC if the clan wins. It's beyond frustrating when you've invested tons of resources and end up getting nothing in return. CvsC with personal rewards is no longer fun, on the contrary, it's totally demotivating. If clans are small or not fully staffed to get enough points and I personally don't get anything despite the high stakes, I don't think these are personal rewards, since the rewards depend on the clan. In my opinion, this is a complete contradiction. Personal rewards that depend on the clan... where are they still personal?


Aug 31, 2022, 12:5608/31/22

I hear you. My clan is getting decimated this CvC as well. So no personals for me either.

I will pass on your feedback to Plarium.

Aug 31, 2022, 13:0208/31/22

Thank you, hopefully we will be heard.

Aug 31, 2022, 14:3608/31/22
Aug 31, 2022, 14:42(edited)

#1 => Untie personal rewards from clan result. Why punish those who give it a nice go, and reward all the lower players in the winning clan who are probably all bots if you ask me (funny how you see the winning enemy team in my CVC right now, 20 players with between 30 and 36k, hello army of alt accounts!, with one dude who has over 450k all by himself

#2 => Cap the maximum score any member can contribute. 400k should do it, thats the last reward in tier 6... or maybe cap each max score according to clan tier, plus a small add-on to give incentive to push a bit more.

This would somewhat prevent any player from whaling his way to victory all by himself over another clan with more active players. The way this is set up right now, any real whale can crush almost any clan all by himself. It's retarded.. Let it be noted that my CVC is in tier 1. If we were in tier 4 or 5 or 6, i'd expect it to be a whale-fest. But not in tier 1. Which makes me think this is an a-.... who belongs in a top guild and probably goes down just to crush weaker ones during personal rewards. Not cool. HellHades has mentioned this several times in his blogs. Time to fix it.

Capping by clan tier would prevent all this stupid yo-yo that some ill-intentioned players do to take advantage of weaker competition. Going down tiers would hurt them, essentially preventing them from reaching their own max personal rewards.

Aug 31, 2022, 16:2708/31/22

I think capping the score is poo.  Why punish players who have been waiting 3 weeks to use resources and build champs? Do they have to now wait another 4 weeks?  The difference between 400k and 420k on 4 or 5 accounts may decide the winner.  And what if all 60 players score 400k?  Seriously, if a single player beating your entire clan is your worry, you might be misidentifying priorities.

Aug 31, 2022, 16:3808/31/22
Aug 31, 2022, 16:56(edited)

#1 => Untie personal rewards from clan result. Why punish those who give it a nice go, and reward all the lower players in the winning clan who are probably all bots if you ask me (funny how you see the winning enemy team in my CVC right now, 20 players with between 30 and 36k, hello army of alt accounts!, with one dude who has over 450k all by himself

#2 => Cap the maximum score any member can contribute. 400k should do it, thats the last reward in tier 6... or maybe cap each max score according to clan tier, plus a small add-on to give incentive to push a bit more.

This would somewhat prevent any player from whaling his way to victory all by himself over another clan with more active players. The way this is set up right now, any real whale can crush almost any clan all by himself. It's retarded.. Let it be noted that my CVC is in tier 1. If we were in tier 4 or 5 or 6, i'd expect it to be a whale-fest. But not in tier 1. Which makes me think this is an a-.... who belongs in a top guild and probably goes down just to crush weaker ones during personal rewards. Not cool. HellHades has mentioned this several times in his blogs. Time to fix it.

Capping by clan tier would prevent all this stupid yo-yo that some ill-intentioned players do to take advantage of weaker competition. Going down tiers would hurt them, essentially preventing them from reaching their own max personal rewards.

Let's not call things we don't like retarded. The English language provides many ways to express our displeasure. :)

Completely fine with the idea of untying personal rewards from clan result, or finding some other happy medium.

Two is objectively a bad idea. Why should I be penalized for saving resources for CvCs I want to win, regardless of tier? This would also force ties, very, very often, the further you went up. 

Aug 31, 2022, 16:4508/31/22
Aug 31, 2022, 16:45(edited)

I support untying personal rewards from clan results and that you get them regardless of clan winning or not. You should be rewarded for effort not punished for lack of effort of others.

Aug 31, 2022, 16:5408/31/22

I think capping the score is poo.  Why punish players who have been waiting 3 weeks to use resources and build champs? Do they have to now wait another 4 weeks?  The difference between 400k and 420k on 4 or 5 accounts may decide the winner.  And what if all 60 players score 400k?  Seriously, if a single player beating your entire clan is your worry, you might be misidentifying priorities.

This. 400k from one person doesn't make or break any CvCs we're doing in my clan. Many clans in our Tier have 250k minimums even.

I couldn't support capping scores either, especially if the people in my clan have been respectful of each other and all waited to finish building and booking their champs for the 2-4 weeks since the last personals.

Aug 31, 2022, 16:5908/31/22

Well, maybe ties are not a good idea, i'll give you that much. All i was trying to say is, there needs to be put a certain mechanism to prevent this yo-yo'ing by players.

You do realize, this evil strategy can actually be used by almost anyone who is at least near end game right?

You leave your clan a day or 2 before CVC starts, you join the worst clan possible, this clan gets matched with the other worst clan in the world. And because you are much stronger than everyone else, you win all by yourself. Let's all do it!

And leaving your clan doesnt even affect your personal reward tier. So now, tell me, why bother trying to win an epic battle at the top, when all you need to do is take leave of your clan for 48 hours and go beat up the noobs lower down, and get 100% wins?

Aug 31, 2022, 17:0908/31/22

Well, maybe ties are not a good idea, i'll give you that much. All i was trying to say is, there needs to be put a certain mechanism to prevent this yo-yo'ing by players.

You do realize, this evil strategy can actually be used by almost anyone who is at least near end game right?

You leave your clan a day or 2 before CVC starts, you join the worst clan possible, this clan gets matched with the other worst clan in the world. And because you are much stronger than everyone else, you win all by yourself. Let's all do it!

And leaving your clan doesnt even affect your personal reward tier. So now, tell me, why bother trying to win an epic battle at the top, when all you need to do is take leave of your clan for 48 hours and go beat up the noobs lower down, and get 100% wins?

Have to be careful with this, too. Clans do a ton of their recruiting right before CvCs start. Anything that could induce a locking mechanism or get close to that would hinder that, I'd imagine.

I would think most serious clans - especially ones that aren't in large clusters - wouldn't want some of their heaviest hitters bouncing every two to four weeks to go get easy personal rewards. Conversely, there is some risk attached for players who utilize that strat, too. One reason that you might not want the personal rewards system to change.

I will grant you that moving around between clans at higher tiers in clusters, deciding when they're going to throw CvCs etc. is a thing that happens.

I think you also might be at least partially conflating when some players are efficiently planning out their resources, are spending - even at lower tiers - with the hypotheticals you laid out. 

Sep 1, 2022, 09:5709/01/22

CvsC and Hydra are the most rotten content in the game. 

Sep 1, 2022, 12:5309/01/22

Lol what about the awakenings and the Twin Tower and all the new stuff?

I'm afraid it's going in the direction of WoT and WoWS, just too much content and it all fell apart.

Wait and see, right? 

Sep 1, 2022, 13:0509/01/22

I am here for Awakening, excited about something to do in the game. But that's my opinion, at least. :)

Sep 1, 2022, 13:0909/01/22

It is a complete wind up and it is tearing our clan apart.

We took it easily to drop down to tier 4 in the previous cvc as we hadnt collected personal rewards in so long.

This cvc we did 7 million points and still got nothing due to the mega whales in the opposition doing 1 million points each... in tier 4!

Now of course those who scored less than the average are being put under pressure and it damages the atmosphere.

It is an awful system being gamed by mega clans who shift members around.

Sep 1, 2022, 13:1109/01/22

It is a complete wind up and it is tearing our clan apart.

We took it easily to drop down to tier 4 in the previous cvc as we hadnt collected personal rewards in so long.

This cvc we did 7 million points and still got nothing due to the mega whales in the opposition doing 1 million points each... in tier 4!

Now of course those who scored less than the average are being put under pressure and it damages the atmosphere.

It is an awful system being gamed by mega clans who shift members around.

How would you change it, if you could? And no, not get rid of it... how would you change it to fix these issues?

Sep 1, 2022, 14:2109/01/22

Maybe, this is an idea, don't kill me for it LOL.... So, maybe, to earn personal rewards, your personal tier is determined by your previous score inside the clan you are doing CVC with... is that clear or foggy?

So, to collect tier 4 or tier 6 (whatever) personal rewards, you need to have done the last CVC in the same clan as you are now. In other words, if you move clans, you go right back to tier 1.

Problem solved, maybe? What is now the incentive for players to move around? tier 1 rewards are nothing to write home about. Especially if you have to go back to tier 1, again, when you switch back to your proper clan. No more moving days, U-haul is going bankrupt! LOL

2nd thing, calculate match-ups over an average of scores of previous CVC's. As I understand it, only the last score is taken into consideration. So an average of the last 2 would be a start, 4 would be better. New clans? well, calculate over the average that they participated in. This would prevent the "tank, push, tank, push" strategy, (I know some will argue, "no, it's a more like a save, spend, save, spend" strategy.... tomahto, tomayto)

I think this is maybe an improvement on my last suggestion.... or?

Sep 1, 2022, 15:0709/01/22

I doubt there is any way to change it so that all match ups would be perfect.  There is no ingame metric that would be truly representative.  Other than 'results' nothing represents ability and activity better, and that is what they use now.  But a few rather sensible steps could be taken.

Personal rewards every cvc.  Why not?  It would eliminate the 'drop tier and ambush' strategy.  This is what my clan does, it works very nice, I can't remember the last time we lost a pr cycle. I argued against it.

Tying pr to wins, and not clan rewards, is backwards.  It should be the other way around.  Why should I get rewards for the clan when the clan lost?  What incentive do I have to help my clan win if both clans are neck and neck and both have already hit the top milestone?  zero.  On the other hand, as pointed out repeatedly, why shouldn't I be rewarded for my personal contribution wether the clan pulls out the win or not?

Realign the reward milestones.  If clan rewards are tied to wins, and pr untied, reward structure needs to be realigned.  Currently pr rewards are better than clan.  This needs to be changed to incentivise activity if pr are untied and clan tied to wins.  The point of a team is that the team shows up, the team brings it, and the team wins.  Those with considerable contribution should be getting the icing on the cake, not the cake.  The main rewards should be for the clan to win.

I don't think it would be perfect, but I think it could be better.

I've been in my current clan 9 or 10 months, but I don't think I'd support dropping everyone to zero for changing clans.  Changing clans is an essential part of the game at some point for most players.  But I think the above would aliviate a lot of the mismatches due to changing clans.

As far as averaging over the past few cycles, I don't see an issue with that if the above were put in place.

Sep 1, 2022, 15:5909/01/22

Maybe, this is an idea, don't kill me for it LOL.... So, maybe, to earn personal rewards, your personal tier is determined by your previous score inside the clan you are doing CVC with... is that clear or foggy?

So, to collect tier 4 or tier 6 (whatever) personal rewards, you need to have done the last CVC in the same clan as you are now. In other words, if you move clans, you go right back to tier 1.

Problem solved, maybe? What is now the incentive for players to move around? tier 1 rewards are nothing to write home about. Especially if you have to go back to tier 1, again, when you switch back to your proper clan. No more moving days, U-haul is going bankrupt! LOL

2nd thing, calculate match-ups over an average of scores of previous CVC's. As I understand it, only the last score is taken into consideration. So an average of the last 2 would be a start, 4 would be better. New clans? well, calculate over the average that they participated in. This would prevent the "tank, push, tank, push" strategy, (I know some will argue, "no, it's a more like a save, spend, save, spend" strategy.... tomahto, tomayto)

I think this is maybe an improvement on my last suggestion.... or?

I certainly like the idea to calculate CvC rank for the last few cycles. Clans purposely dropping to then decimate another clan is a problem, as I see it.

Thank you for the constructive feedback, I will pass it along. :)

Sep 1, 2022, 16:3009/01/22

I doubt there is any way to change it so that all match ups would be perfect.  There is no ingame metric that would be truly representative.  Other than 'results' nothing represents ability and activity better, and that is what they use now.  But a few rather sensible steps could be taken.

Personal rewards every cvc.  Why not?  It would eliminate the 'drop tier and ambush' strategy.  This is what my clan does, it works very nice, I can't remember the last time we lost a pr cycle. I argued against it.

Tying pr to wins, and not clan rewards, is backwards.  It should be the other way around.  Why should I get rewards for the clan when the clan lost?  What incentive do I have to help my clan win if both clans are neck and neck and both have already hit the top milestone?  zero.  On the other hand, as pointed out repeatedly, why shouldn't I be rewarded for my personal contribution wether the clan pulls out the win or not?

Realign the reward milestones.  If clan rewards are tied to wins, and pr untied, reward structure needs to be realigned.  Currently pr rewards are better than clan.  This needs to be changed to incentivise activity if pr are untied and clan tied to wins.  The point of a team is that the team shows up, the team brings it, and the team wins.  Those with considerable contribution should be getting the icing on the cake, not the cake.  The main rewards should be for the clan to win.

I don't think it would be perfect, but I think it could be better.

I've been in my current clan 9 or 10 months, but I don't think I'd support dropping everyone to zero for changing clans.  Changing clans is an essential part of the game at some point for most players.  But I think the above would aliviate a lot of the mismatches due to changing clans.

As far as averaging over the past few cycles, I don't see an issue with that if the above were put in place.

Thank you for your input Angwil. I would love to see some changes to reward ratios, and your Personals every CvC is something I hadn't thought about as a potential solution to the purposeful sandbagging.

I will pass this along. :)

Sep 1, 2022, 17:3709/01/22
Sep 1, 2022, 17:38(edited)

Firstly put a sensible minimum period to wait between clan swapping. Secondly base matchmaking on the last ten scores. This would make it far harder to game the 

Sep 1, 2022, 18:1709/01/22

10 cycles is almost 1/2 a year.  That seems a bit out there.  How about having matching based just on two scores? The last with and the the last without pr?