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Apr 30, 2022, 10:5604/30/22


How does scyl of the drake's preform in savage artifacts 

Apr 30, 2022, 11:4104/30/22

Hi. I'm wondering if I can improve scyl of the drake's and not have her die so quick. In the arena 

Apr 30, 2022, 13:5704/30/22

The answer to your first question is - not well at all. Scyl is not a nuker. Don't waste time with savage gear on her.

To your second question - the most common team for Scyl in arena is a go-second team. On those teams, the goal is to survive the initial nuke from the other team, after which they often fall apart. To do that, you need to resist their debuffs. To do *that*, you need a *lot* of resist.

Most debuffers run around 350 ACC. You need 100 more RES than their ACC to have a 90% chance of resisting. So you need about 450 RES on each champ on your team. Having a champ with a RES aura makes that easier.

After reaching that, you'll want about 3200 DEF, and about 50K HP. You'll also want about 180-200 SPD.

Apr 30, 2022, 14:4304/30/22

Arr ok. So what sort of artifacts would you recommend to have on scyl .rather than the savage artifacts. She has all her masteries up to scratch and only need three books and she is done. 

Apr 30, 2022, 14:5104/30/22

Don't use scyl in arena 

Apr 30, 2022, 15:3304/30/22

Trips is being blunt, but - he's probably right. For her to be useful, you need gear that is likely far better than what you currently have.

Gear her for dungeons. There, you can basically go two routes - you can use her primarily as a healer, in which case she doesn't need booking. But, since you've already used books on her, you probably want to gear her as CC. In that case, you need her to have about 220 ACC, and you want her to be as fast as possible. Relentless is a common set to use on her, especially for this situation. Stun is another common set here.

If you are taking this route, you'll want to take the Fearsome Presence mastery, to boost her stun chances.

Apr 30, 2022, 23:0904/30/22

Thanks. Yes I would of used the relentless artifacts but did not have the required artifacts for her at the time of her build. ( trip is wrong too. Why when every body else uses her in the arent still building on getting relentless artifacts that I do not have for her

May 1, 2022, 10:0605/01/22

I'm sure you guys bait us. And tell us rubbish. We'll I stoll artifacts from another champion. And could not even come close to the specks that you suggested I'm now convinced that you think it's easy to get good artifacts from this game. When even at stage twenty in the dragons and position keeps and the campaign only gives rubbish artifacts grey I might add. I already have a champion that has those artifacts on him and lvl 55 and makes him good until he is hit with a strong  hit. Now unless I get good glyphs then I won't be able to progress further

May 1, 2022, 11:4605/01/22

Thats it the arena is frigging hopeless.  I'm sick and tired of being beaten to a polp for f..... sake I have just about had it with this game. It's nothing more than a rip 

May 1, 2022, 12:2705/01/22

Why is it that when you do campaign and doom tower and the tag arena your champions work great but the minute you go to the arena thing's turn to shit.

May 1, 2022, 16:4105/01/22

Why is it that when you do campaign and doom tower and the tag arena your champions work great but the minute you go to the arena thing's turn to shit.

I'm sure the guys will tell you but the arena is different to other areas, campaign, dungeons, faction wars etc. you're fighting the same waves time aftertime so you can build your team accordingly.. You won't get far in arena with a campaign team for example, you have many many things to decide in arena which actually makes it fun.

Do you build a speed team, a go second team, who do you choose to fight - and why - are you losing because you haven't picked a strategy and just throwing a team together and hoping, are you picking a go second team to battle your go second team?

The guys here are very helpful, if you post your roster they will help you develop your teams rather than quit

May 1, 2022, 16:5505/01/22

I'm sure you guys bait us. And tell us rubbish. We'll I stoll artifacts from another champion. And could not even come close to the specks that you suggested I'm now convinced that you think it's easy to get good artifacts from this game. When even at stage twenty in the dragons and position keeps and the campaign only gives rubbish artifacts grey I might add. I already have a champion that has those artifacts on him and lvl 55 and makes him good until he is hit with a strong  hit. Now unless I get good glyphs then I won't be able to progress further

I literally said exactly what you are ranting about: "For her to be useful, you need gear that is likely far better than what you currently have."

Hence suggesting that, rather than trying to gear her for arena, you should gear her for dungeon farming.

As to farming campaign - the purpose of campaign farming isn't to get gear. It's to get experience for your food, that you use to rank up your other champs.

May 1, 2022, 17:4405/01/22

Don't use scyl in arena 


Maybe trips was right 

May 1, 2022, 23:5505/01/22

Ok you win. I will do different champion and then try that. But I will be building him or her for the arena.  Thanks anyway for your help. 

May 2, 2022, 01:1605/02/22

Ok you win. I will do different champion and then try that. But I will be building him or her for the arena.  Thanks anyway for your help. 

The people on the forum are smart.  They may give advice you dont want to hear, but its for your best.  They do it to me also, but I thank them for it.  

May 3, 2022, 13:4805/03/22

@Trip..ok I have stopped using scyl in the arena and now gone to gorgorab he is just about fully upgraded.  Also have him fully booked and just one masteries to get finished.  I hope he is suitable for the arena and thanks for your advice. 

May 3, 2022, 14:0005/03/22

Gorg is a much better choice. What's the rest of your team though? I worry that perhaps you are missing some of the fundamentals of arena team design.

May 3, 2022, 14:5805/03/22

I believe you can use amy champion in arena if you set them up right.. Using scyl is kinda like using helmsmasher... the stun is conditional. However if you plan to use her solely as a reviver which is what most end game players do, you have got to have really exceptional gear for her to shine. I would recommend atleast 5K defense and maybe 60K + HP. She really works better placed in a tanky defense style team since her revive is only one man on a 4 turn CD if booked. 

Now, if youre fortunate enough to have pulled a Godseeker as well, then this pair is beautifully sound for any content really. 

May 3, 2022, 15:2605/03/22

I believe you can use amy champion in arena if you set them up right.. Using scyl is kinda like using helmsmasher... the stun is conditional. However if you plan to use her solely as a reviver which is what most end game players do, you have got to have really exceptional gear for her to shine. I would recommend atleast 5K defense and maybe 60K + HP. She really works better placed in a tanky defense style team since her revive is only one man on a 4 turn CD if booked. 

Now, if youre fortunate enough to have pulled a Godseeker as well, then this pair is beautifully sound for any content really. 

I'm sorry to call you out on this, but you're wrong on just about every point in your statement.

The few teams that *do* run Scyl for arena do so almost exclusively for the stun. Combined with Fearsome Presence, you get a reasonably good chance of stunning, and you typically also run a stun set for even more chances. But it's a very uncommon strategy, because it requires two critical things to work - you need to get a turn, and you need to hope they have no block debuffs. Either of those are not easy to pull off - both are even harder.

Regarding the stats - if you want to run Scyl in arena, first and by far most importantly, you need her to have resist. If she is CC'ed, she's pretty much useless. This goes for the rest of the team too. Most arena debuffers that aren't debuffer-exclusive (such as Serris) run about 300-350 ACC. That means you need a minimum of 450 RES. Usually you run an aura like Lydia's to get there, because otherwise it's pretty hard to reach. But 450 RES is really the lower bound - ideally you want to be over 500, because, again, if you're CC'ed, you're useless. And before you say - "well, that's just the ultra-high-end arena players" - it's really not. Even your absolute most basic cookie-cutter speed nuke team of Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden, and Kael will still be running 250-300 ACC on Warmaiden, because there's pretty much nothing else to put stat points into.

But then even after you get those resist numbers, you still need to survive. 5K DEF is a complete waste - the "soft cap" on DEF is 4200, which gives 80% damage reduction, but for arena purposes, I'd recommend 3200, which gives 75%. Of course this is conditional upon resisting the DEF down, but see the previous paragraph on that. Next up, you need accuracy for Scyl to land the stuns. Fortunately you don't need a huge amount here, since your goal is to stun their nukers - usually around 250 ACC suffices. Then, you need speed - again, not a huge amount, but if you're too slow, you end up getting lapped, and that's a problem. Typically you aim for around 200-220 SPD for Scyl. Then, last, but not least, all other stats go into HP. If you can reach 60K, fantastic, but that's a tall order with the other requirements. 50K is the bare minimum here.

And finally, to round out the response - Aniri is really not a good choice to combo with Scyl. On the surface, yes, she seems pretty good, but the problem is, you're limited on number of available slots. You typically want either a RES lead like Lydia, or Seeker lead. You also want someone with a good passive effect like Vogoth or Sandlashed. That leaves only one more spot. You *could* run Aniri, but then you lack any sort of damage, and it'll be hard to actually win a fight. I definitely wouldn't recommend her for that.  

May 4, 2022, 02:3805/04/22
May 4, 2022, 02:40(edited)

Put Relentless + ACC on Scyl...

generaly high DEF + RESIST in Arena....

She still carry my team since ages and she's around 70% builded...

Main use for Arena is that she revive every 2turn ur main dmg nuker...

Relentless gives u extra turn... 


Still keeps me here since allways


May 4, 2022, 08:5705/04/22
23 I have gorg. then zelotah the the ninja and Aleksandr. And then if I need the other term then it will be gorg. Then zelotah dark Elaine or vergis to reflect some of the damage it all depends on who has what in at the time of the battle. And I also made it to gold three in the arena thanks for you help too..