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Arena Offense

Arena Offense

Apr 11, 2022, 00:5404/11/22

Arena Offense

would this work for a tier 3 and 4 silver team, kael, graal,steadfast marshal,and apothecary. steadfast places inc def on himself then veils all allies so hes targeted, graal places hp burn and freeze,kael nukes with aoe and apoth speeds and heals when needed.

Apr 11, 2022, 01:0804/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 01:09(edited)

almost anything can work in silver, it doesnt matter what you use if they are not level 60, acsended, masteries, and preferably booked, dont bother. 

Too your question though overall that is a bad team.

Apr 11, 2022, 08:5704/11/22

no, the opposing team will go first and nuke you before you get to veil or anything like that.

If you dont have your main champs at 60, focus on that first, then think about the type of team you are trying to build for arena

Two basic teams are

1) Speed nuke, goal is to have a speed aura, boost your turn meter (or control the opponents with crowd control) and then debuff and nuke. 

2) Go second, somehow survive the opponents initial attack then win on the retaliatory strikes. Usually high res, or geared with accessories / gear to help you avoid being debuffed or killed.

Apr 11, 2022, 16:1804/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 16:18(edited)

lol my team is a speed nuke rn. but what happens if instead of apoth its urogrim. that allows them to go way faster(most likely first because its a 20% boost and my team is an average speed for silver 4) then my hp burn and major aoe along with inc def and veil are placed before they even go plus they get pelted with poisons as well.

Apr 11, 2022, 16:4404/11/22
Ophelia Later

lol my team is a speed nuke rn. but what happens if instead of apoth its urogrim. that allows them to go way faster(most likely first because its a 20% boost and my team is an average speed for silver 4) then my hp burn and major aoe along with inc def and veil are placed before they even go plus they get pelted with poisons as well.

You have a fundamental misunderstanding of how arena works. Arena is not like dungeons.

  1. Steadfast Marshall is 100% pointless on the team. Veil does nothing for you. Your opponents will simply AOE nuke your team into oblivion, completely ignoring the veil.
  2. Graal is 100% pointless on the team. His AOE freeze (which is the only point to run him at all, here) requires the other team to have HP Burn debuffs in order for the freeze to activate, and you'll never get two turns with him to set up the freeze.
  3. Apothecary is *not* there for healing. His purpose is the TM boost, and, secondarily, the speed buff. The heal is an afterthought that will serve as no deciding factor in any fight.
  4. Kael will simply tickle the other team, as with your team, he has neither an increase ATK buff, nor does the other team have a decrease DEF debuff.
Apr 11, 2022, 16:5304/11/22
Ophelia Later

lol my team is a speed nuke rn. but what happens if instead of apoth its urogrim. that allows them to go way faster(most likely first because its a 20% boost and my team is an average speed for silver 4) then my hp burn and major aoe along with inc def and veil are placed before they even go plus they get pelted with poisons as well.

On top of the above post being bang on in how PvP works, you need to be running a defense down champ to after Apo. I believe you have a Fodbor?

Apr 11, 2022, 17:0104/11/22

yeah i also have tayrel

Apr 11, 2022, 17:0104/11/22
Ophelia Later

lol my team is a speed nuke rn. but what happens if instead of apoth its urogrim. that allows them to go way faster(most likely first because its a 20% boost and my team is an average speed for silver 4) then my hp burn and major aoe along with inc def and veil are placed before they even go plus they get pelted with poisons as well.

that would still be a very bad team, lacking both the offensive capability to wipe the other team and the defensive capability to survive. even if we assume you win the speed race, your kael is unlikely to wipe the other team given that you have no def down or weaken, nor any atk up or crit dmg up. even with the additional damage from graal's attack and hp burn and urogrim's poisons, that setup is very unlikely to eliminate the opponent's team. you're then left trying to keep your team alive solely on the strength of steadfast marshal's buffs (not at all useful) and urogrim's healing (insufficient on its own).

as ben mentioned, the two main types of teams in arena are the speed nuke comp and the go second comp. on offense, this setup might be able to win an occasional match against a speed nuke team, IF you win the speed race AND you manage to eliminate their nuker AND they don't have a reviver in their team. if any of those qualifications are missed, it will almost certainly lose. the only way it will win against a go second comp is if the team in question has either a terrible composition or is woefully understatted. against any competently made go second team, it will lose. on defense, this setup will display an even worse performance than on offense. there are countless weaknesses to this setup, any of which can be exploited by the attacker.

Apr 11, 2022, 17:0404/11/22

ok how about this set up urogrim as leader leader, kael, tayrel, and graal(whos been surviving in arena better than u guys are giving him credit for)

Apr 11, 2022, 17:2304/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 17:23(edited)
Ophelia Later

ok how about this set up urogrim as leader leader, kael, tayrel, and graal(whos been surviving in arena better than u guys are giving him credit for)

Better. But still zero chance of winning. Neither Urogrim nor Graal contribute anything at all to the team.

Apr 11, 2022, 17:2704/11/22

well obviously im not good at this aspect of the game. how about i post my roster and you tell me what will work

Apr 11, 2022, 17:2904/11/22
Ophelia Later

well obviously im not good at this aspect of the game. how about i post my roster and you tell me what will work

Feel free to do so, but the answer is almost certainly going to be the same we keep repeating to you over and over.

Brutal 12-3, get your champs leveled, ascended, and with masteries, and farm dragon 20. Do that for the next three months, then maybe you'll have a team ready for arena.

Apr 11, 2022, 17:3904/11/22

ok i will but i dont know what you mean you guys have told me over and over?

Apr 11, 2022, 17:4204/11/22

I mean, pretty much every thread you create, you inevitably get the exact same answer. You keep trying to look for shortcuts. There aren't any. Whether it's dungeons, clan boss, doom tower, hydra, or arena, the answer is always the same.

For every type of content in this game, the way to succeed at it is always to have a team full of level 60 champs, fully ascended, with full masteries, and with full sets of gear, all 5* or better, and all at level 16. You just cannot get around that.

Apr 11, 2022, 17:4304/11/22
Apr 11, 2022, 17:44(edited)
Ophelia Later

ok i will but i dont know what you mean you guys have told me over and over?

what kram means is it's been the piece of advice given in different forms across a few of your threads. getting brutal 12-3 going, followed by making teams of 60s and then farming dungeons will help you progress a lot faster in pretty much all areas of content.

this will also help you generate more resources in tournaments/events long term, which will then help you have a chance at doing fusions, too.

edit: kram too fast 🏃

Apr 11, 2022, 18:2304/11/22

"For every type of content in this game, the way to succeed at it is
always to have a team full of level 60 champs, fully ascended, with full
masteries, and with full sets of gear, all 5* or better, and all at
level 16. You just cannot get around that. "

This is the clearest advice I have ever read.  

Apr 11, 2022, 18:5604/11/22
Ophelia Later

ok i will but i dont know what you mean you guys have told me over and over?


Arena follows the same "rules" we have been laying out. You MUST have a full team of 60s, all ascended, fully masteried, skills upgraded, and wearing only 5 and 6 star gear to effectively progress in Arena.

You can spend a LONG LONG time fighting in Arena to progress through Bronze without these things, using gems for refreshes and being unhappy with your team, or you can work on 60ing your main dungeon team and then your Arena team. A few weeks of work on 60ing will trivialize all the content you are struggling with now.

That said, feel free to post your roster as you suggested and we can make some recommendations of whom to 60 and equip for your main Arena team to get you to Gold.

Apr 11, 2022, 19:1304/11/22
Ophelia Later

well obviously im not good at this aspect of the game. how about i post my roster and you tell me what will work

Oh, I went and had a look at your champs. 


I think you are building Conellia now, which CAN work in an arena team, and be quite good. But she is certainly an interesting build.

You might enjoy a double speed boost team of High Khaturn (in the lead slot for her Aura), then Apothecary the fastest for the TM boost and Speed Up, then High Khatun boosts, then Tayrel AoE Dec Def, then Kael nukes with his big AoE.

Conellia can work too, but I would run her in the lead slot, Apthecary the fastest for TM boost, Conellia second to sleep the opposing team, then Tayrel AoE Dec Def, then Kael nukes with his big AoE. 

Apr 11, 2022, 19:5304/11/22

If you have HK/Apoth/Tayrel/kael then you have a speed nuke team.

I would put all your best speed gear on apothecary (take him to 60, i cant remember if his speed is 106 before taking to 60 but you want speed, speed, speed)

Then your second best speed gear on hk (again make him level 60)

You want tayrel to be faster than kael but slower than HK you want to focus on accuracy if in arena- use the forge gear, perception gear is fantastic for boosting accuracy.

Kael- should be slowest, ideally look for gear with a sub stat of 'crit rate' on it, if you can get up to 100 ish crit rate just from sub stats then you can get crit damage gloves on, which will up your damage a lot. 

If you cant manage that, then put on crit rate gloves, you want to crit each time.

Sets are not as important as the stats, but for kael -  fatal gear, cruel, savage, lethal would be great and offense will give a boost, as mentioned its not that important, stats are more important.

Apr 11, 2022, 20:0004/11/22

As useful as this advice is, all it's going to do is lead OP down another path that isn't farming brutal 12-3 and dragon 20 :/

Apr 11, 2022, 20:2304/11/22

As useful as this advice is, all it's going to do is lead OP down another path that isn't farming brutal 12-3 and dragon 20 :/

Perhaps it will encourage OP to build out Apothecary and/or High Khatun to 60?  :)