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Faction Wars Stable v. Level 60 Champions

Faction Wars Stable v. Level 60 Champions

Mar 23, 2022, 16:3503/23/22

Faction Wars Stable v. Level 60 Champions

I'm curious to hear the thoughts from the more experienced players out there about Building a solid stable of Champions for Faction Wars versus building Level 60 Champs.  I'll post my roster immediately following.

Mar 23, 2022, 16:3903/23/22


Mar 23, 2022, 16:4003/23/22


Mar 23, 2022, 16:4103/23/22

Nothing valuable in my vault right now, just food and faction guardians

Mar 23, 2022, 17:0703/23/22

Do not worry about FW progression at all imo. Focus on 6starring champs that will help you progress long term.  I didn't build a champ specific to fw until I could smell Lydia lol.  My alt account i was even slower, only finished factions as they popped up in ramantu missions. 

Mar 23, 2022, 17:0803/23/22

You need to reverse your 5star 6star ratio, it is ass backwards 🤣 

Mar 23, 2022, 17:0903/23/22

To answer your question - the answer ultimately is, "both". I have faction wars teams to auto all of them at level 20, and many can even do 21 for CvC.

But the first priority should be getting dungeon 20s all on easy auto, and then getting top chest in UNM. If you can get both already, then by all means, get your FW teams going. But if any aren't there yet, focus on those first.

Mar 23, 2022, 17:1903/23/22
Mar 23, 2022, 17:22(edited)

General observation: too many 50s. I don't know the timeline on these champs but I count 11 60s, and ~55 50s. That's not ideal given how strong 60s are vs 50s. Champs like Drex, Geo, Toragi, Dhukk, Vogoth, Coldheart (and others) would have been and are excellent candidates to 60. They're going to help you in overall content, which is probably the most important thing for you right now.

Onto your question: General rules I used while finishing Faction Wars: 

Damage dealers and tanks (provokers, ally protect, etc.) to 60 before FW20/21. 

Revivers/healers/debuffers often can be taken to 50, though there are FW21s where you may need them to be 60 for survivability. I needed Steelskull at 60 to finish Skinwalkers 21, for example.

For late FW you're frequently going to want a combination of regen/immortal gear on your healers/revivers, so being able to hit the stats necessary to beat 20/21 (think 50k HP, 3k DEF, 200 speed)

There are outliers such as Scyl/Arbiter who can outright carry factions and make that grind very easy. I think I did Barbs 21 with 2 50s, a 40, 60'd Fahrakin and a 60 Scyl. 

Overall, most FW21s with reasonable gearing can be done a mix of 60s/50s. That said, to piggyback on trips, we need to make more 60s. Way more. 

Mar 23, 2022, 17:4603/23/22

Thanks for your input, everyone.  I've only been playing for about 10 months and I was feeling good about having decent FW teams at lvl 50 up to lvl 14, w/e High Elves, I'm sure that will change when I get Yannica and get everyone properly geared.  My gear is AFU, focused on stars and rarity instead of damage base/speed/accuracy.

Mar 23, 2022, 17:4703/23/22

I feel like most of my champs would be good candidates for 60, that's going to be some difficult choices... opinions?

Mar 23, 2022, 17:5403/23/22

I feel like most of my champs would be good candidates for 60, that's going to be some difficult choices... opinions?

To better answer your question, I redirect you to my original statement. What's your current level of progression? Specifically, where are you able to reach in:

  • Dragon
  • Ice Golem
  • Spider
  • Fire Knight
  • Classic Arena
  • Tag Arena
  • Doom Tower Normal
  • Doom Tower Hard
  • Clan Boss

I highlighted a few for emphasis - those ones are more important to know the answer to, than the rest.

Mar 23, 2022, 18:0903/23/22

Sorry Krama, 

Dragon 20 (~5 minutes)

Ice Golem 13 (probably go past, just haven't tried, focused on Dragon)

Spider 13 (probably go past, just haven't tried, focused on Dragon ) 

Fire Knight 13 (probably go past, just haven't tried, focused on Dragon )  

Classic Arena GI for one week, dropped back down to S3-S4. I'm not challenging the Arena too hard

Tag Arena BI, I don't push that one too hard at all

DT Norm I can beat the first two rounds of all bosses except for Dark Fae, can't get past her at all

DT Hard Not even close

CB 2 key Brutal

Mar 23, 2022, 18:1703/23/22
Mar 23, 2022, 18:17(edited)

I feel like most of my champs would be good candidates for 60, that's going to be some difficult choices... opinions?

What do those teams and gearing look like, specifically Dragon/CB?

I think I'd want to start out by building around Geomancer/Vogoth/Toragi in your case, for Clan Boss, and really just overall content. 

Mar 23, 2022, 18:2603/23/22

What do those teams and gearing look like, specifically Dragon/CB?

I think I'd want to start out by building around Geomancer/Vogoth/Toragi in your case, for Clan Boss, and really just overall content. 

CB is Minaya Lead, Ninja, Scyl, Kymar, Ovelis (don't use his A3)

Dragon is Minaya Lead, Ninja, Scyl, Kymar, Mtn King

Pics of gearing to follow

Mar 23, 2022, 18:3903/23/22

Sorry Krama, 

Dragon 20 (~5 minutes)

Ice Golem 13 (probably go past, just haven't tried, focused on Dragon)

Spider 13 (probably go past, just haven't tried, focused on Dragon ) 

Fire Knight 13 (probably go past, just haven't tried, focused on Dragon )  

Classic Arena GI for one week, dropped back down to S3-S4. I'm not challenging the Arena too hard

Tag Arena BI, I don't push that one too hard at all

DT Norm I can beat the first two rounds of all bosses except for Dark Fae, can't get past her at all

DT Hard Not even close

CB 2 key Brutal

Okay. I think your next focus then needs to be getting CB to at least top Nightmare chest. Here's my first stab at a better CB team:

  • Vizier (debuff extend) - turn off A2 and A3
  • Ninja (damage)
  • Fayne (debuffs)
  • Vogoth (leech, ally heal) - turn off A2
  • [Someone] (DEF up)

Not sure who to use for that last spot. Can you look through your champs and see who you have with a 3-turn cooldown, 2-turn duration DEF up?

Mar 23, 2022, 18:4403/23/22

Okay. I think your next focus then needs to be getting CB to at least top Nightmare chest. Here's my first stab at a better CB team:

  • Vizier (debuff extend) - turn off A2 and A3
  • Ninja (damage)
  • Fayne (debuffs)
  • Vogoth (leech, ally heal) - turn off A2
  • [Someone] (DEF up)

Not sure who to use for that last spot. Can you look through your champs and see who you have with a 3-turn cooldown, 2-turn duration DEF up?

Giscard the Sigiled has Increase Defense, Increase Attack for 2 turns, with a booked three turn cool down

Mar 23, 2022, 18:4603/23/22

Okay. I think your next focus then needs to be getting CB to at least top Nightmare chest. Here's my first stab at a better CB team:

  • Vizier (debuff extend) - turn off A2 and A3
  • Ninja (damage)
  • Fayne (debuffs)
  • Vogoth (leech, ally heal) - turn off A2
  • [Someone] (DEF up)

Not sure who to use for that last spot. Can you look through your champs and see who you have with a 3-turn cooldown, 2-turn duration DEF up?

Also, need to get my clan to kill Brutal...low clan level, but I'm trying to get them up.  I may need to cut ties to further my own progression 🙁

Mar 23, 2022, 18:4903/23/22

Giscard the Sigiled has Increase Defense, Increase Attack for 2 turns, with a booked three turn cool down

Giscard is absolutely perfect for that spot. The ATK up will help your damage, and the DEF up will help your survivability.

Do you know how to use Deadwoodjedi's Clan Boss calculator to speed tune your team properly?

Mar 23, 2022, 18:5903/23/22

Giscard is absolutely perfect for that spot. The ATK up will help your damage, and the DEF up will help your survivability.

Do you know how to use Deadwoodjedi's Clan Boss calculator to speed tune your team properly?

I've tried, can't seem to get the hang of it.  But then I was just looking for an easy fix, given time, I can figure it out.

Mar 23, 2022, 19:0103/23/22

As far as timing, as long as Ninja goes 4th and Vizier goes last, the order of the other three shouldn't matter, right?

Mar 23, 2022, 19:1003/23/22

As far as timing, as long as Ninja goes 4th and Vizier goes last, the order of the other three shouldn't matter, right?

Specifically, you want to make sure that Giscard is last, so that everyone gets the DEF up for both of the first two attacks. Also, you'll want to put Vogoth as your lead, so that he hopefully gets targeted by the stun.

This won't work against Force affinity CB, since he'll change targets to the weak affinity champ if possible, and if not, he will target his own affinity over the strong one. Since Vogoth is Spirit, Force CB will ignore him if possible.

The other champs don't matter as much, but you'll probably want Vizier to be the last of them, yeah.