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I work my butt off on Arena. But cannot get to Gold  to complete quest. I play everyday.

I work my butt off on Arena. But cannot get to Gold to complete quest. I play everyday.

Feb 25, 2022, 00:2002/25/22
Feb 25, 2022, 00:20(edited)
Player J

Harbby  statement is  being taken  out  of  context.

However,  it  doesn't matter.

I  have already  explained  that  I  am  Gold  4  player  who  has  reached  Gold  5.

They  disagree with  me  and  say  I  am  Gold  3.

I  am  not  going  to  agrue  with  them

Whether  a  person  believes  me  or  believes  them,  It  changes  nothing on  this  forum  thread.

The  reason  why  is  because the  OP  on  this  thread  is  a  Bronze  Tier  Player.

A  Player  who  is  in  Gold  3,  Gold  4,  or  Gold  5  is  more  than  qualified to  help  a  player  in  Bronze.

In  fact,  people would  say  a  Gold  3,  4,  &  5  ranked  player is  over  qualified in  helping  a  Bronze  ranked  player.

And  that  is  all.

But you don't know how to help new players, at best your advice is mid to late game friendly and you don't know how to tailor your advice to accounts of different strengths. So I wouldn't say overqualified at all. 

Feb 25, 2022, 01:2902/25/22

Yes, the power ratings are completely incorrect. I have a team of power 154K getting beaten by teams of 45 to 50K power ratings. The rating system is bogus, wrong, and worthless. I know speed is the most important factor and I have a champion with speed 205 and a leader that inceases speed in arena by 32% and still only get to go first maybe 1 in 10 battles.

I know everyone wants to tell you how to set up you teams, but that is NOT THE ISSUE! The issue is the power rating system is wrong and needs to be fixed. Then a player can tell which teams to take on in arena.

Speed should have more of an affect on your arena power ranking so you have a better idea on what to improve on with your champions. A 200K team no matter the gear should lose to a 50K team. What that really shows is how unbalanced and incorrect the ranking systemis in arena.

They need to fix the software algorithim because it is totally wrong!

Arena is a waste of time/money/resources and it is stupid that you need it to advance in the game.

Feb 25, 2022, 01:5002/25/22

But you don't know how to help new players, at best your advice is mid to late game friendly and you don't know how to tailor your advice to accounts of different strengths. So I wouldn't say overqualified at all. 

Of  course,  I  can  help  new  players Harbby.

An if  you  harbor  doubts  toward my  credibility,  your  more  than  welcome  to  create  a  new  account.

My  expert  advice  &  navigation experience will  have  your  new  account reaching  heights  you  never  knew  existed.

You  will  play the  game  in  a  way  you  never knew  was  possible.

First  thing  you  must  do  is  find  the  youtuber  promo  code  which  allows you  to  get  Executioner  who  you  will  use  as  your  starter.

Feb 25, 2022, 02:1202/25/22
Feb 25, 2022, 02:12(edited)
Player J

Of  course,  I  can  help  new  players Harbby.

An if  you  harbor  doubts  toward my  credibility,  your  more  than  welcome  to  create  a  new  account.

My  expert  advice  &  navigation experience will  have  your  new  account reaching  heights  you  never  knew  existed.

You  will  play the  game  in  a  way  you  never knew  was  possible.

First  thing  you  must  do  is  find  the  youtuber  promo  code  which  allows you  to  get  Executioner  who  you  will  use  as  your  starter.

Oh no thank you, I prefer quicker and more efficient on my accounts. Wasting my time doing it your way doesn't sound entertaining. 

Feb 25, 2022, 04:2502/25/22

I wish player J was a moderator.

Feb 25, 2022, 05:0002/25/22

Yeah. I say we kick out that new Mod from February 2019. Get in one that has been playing longer.

Feb 25, 2022, 15:4402/25/22

last time i tried to call this guy out i was banned, so i left this forum for 6 months. Glad to see his he still giving out this nonsense. Agree with harleQuinn on this 

Feb 25, 2022, 17:1002/25/22

I wish player J was a moderator.

That might be taking it a bit too far, 😆 🤣 

But we need different perspectives, otherwise all these noobs would end up wasting resources on Aleksander  :) 

But seriously, most of you hate his style more than anything and while I don't agree with all of his suggestions I don't flat out dismiss them because of the source.  

I am far less helpful than anyone, beyond my 12.3 brutal and dungeon 20 farming suggestions  :) and also more condescending. But I'm definitely funnier than J.

Feb 25, 2022, 18:4002/25/22

I wish player J was a moderator.

This would make for some very interesting reading or really boreing depending on how he moded 😀

Feb 25, 2022, 19:5102/25/22

That might be taking it a bit too far, 😆 🤣 

But we need different perspectives, otherwise all these noobs would end up wasting resources on Aleksander  :) 

But seriously, most of you hate his style more than anything and while I don't agree with all of his suggestions I don't flat out dismiss them because of the source.  

I am far less helpful than anyone, beyond my 12.3 brutal and dungeon 20 farming suggestions  :) and also more condescending. But I'm definitely funnier than J.

Player J has some interesting takes, and in his own roundabout way is thinking 10 steps ahead while giving advice as opposed to the the same old ABC that is 90% of the responses given here.

Maybe his writing style of every sentence is a paragraph as well as long winded rants are off putting as well to the mobile generation with attention spans that last all but 15 seconds.

These are forums and people should discuss things within reason of questions, answers, and rebuttals.

Often times these forums are almost a ghost town of moderators giving almost canned responses. It is disappointing to see their failed character attacks presented toward player J who is obviously the superior rsl player.

I would rather read his random and fun and sometime insightful posts.

Feb 25, 2022, 23:0502/25/22
Feb 25, 2022, 23:15(edited)

I'm sorry Evilized, I'm here to answer questions and help our new arrivals, not condescend to them and pretend like I'm better than I actually am at the game. Becuase my ego isn't tied up in appearing better than I am on an anonymous internet forum.

You can appreciate whomeever you want to, and follow whomever's game you would like to, and you seem to just hate the site of the word Moderator, so our advice is automatically "canned" and "ABC".  But frankly, I don't care at all, not even a little, and neither does the rest of the mod team here on the forums. Becuase we will keep posting in the all the threads, giving the same "canned responses" we always do. Becuase it isn't canned, it is just the good advice and strats that helped US progress to endgame, which I did myself without spending. Puts me in a good position to help our F2P people, and frankly, it's what Plarium ASKS me to do. It is WHY they asked me to be a moderator.

And you two here talking about whom we do and don't like, and how that affects our moderating? Well, you are just flat out wrong. Because you two don't see the complaints, the people who leave the forums, who DM us, who complain on Discord, who write to support. The people who left a long time ago and never came back. Nope, only the Mod Team and Plarium does. Trips and Evilized aren't privy to any of that info, regardless of whatever "15 second attention span" you want to blame our actions on.

So yeah, the mod team is going to keep doing exactly what we are doing. You aren't changing our course with your complaints, Trips and Evilized. Because Plarium chose US as moderators, not you, and certainly not Player J.

In my case, they specifically approached me and asked me to join in, moderate here, AND participate as much as I could. So you may disagree and literally curse me out, Evilized, as you have literally done in the past, but I don't plan on removing my comments becuase some long term $!%tposter hates to have someone correct him when him and his $!%tposter crew insults newcomers. 

TLDR: The forums don't get to be whatever you think they should be, cause they are owned by Plarium. And last time you wanted to fuss and curse us out about it, I think Harbby told you to pack your bags.

Feb 25, 2022, 23:0802/25/22
Feb 25, 2022, 23:11(edited)

Everyone is entitled to their own opinions of course except when their opinions involve cursing out mod team members for ... moderating, you know who you are. We want players to have discussions and friendly arguments and prove who is right. But every time Player J comments somewhere he belittles everyone and anyone who doesn't agree with him. It has gotten to the point where he has declared everyone but himself a liar. 

Our job is to ensure players get the advice they need. I have admitted that Player J's advice might work for mid to late game accounts who are ready to begin preparing teams like the ones he uses. 

And, I would like to add that before he took his stance and declared himself the holy truthteller, we would present our arguments with piles of proof and ask for him to do the same. But he won't, and he never will because he either can't or refuses too. 

I love when people think outside of the box, and present those ideas. That's why I spend all of my resources leveling champions people don't like in order to see how good or bad they are for myself so I can then provide an informed opinion and not just regurgitated information I heard from someone who heard from some that a champion is bad like many people in this thread do. Or I guess, in J's case, how attracted to the character he is and how good or bad their in game ratings are. 

I will no longer let him do as he wishes and lead people astray, unless he can prove that his advice is worth listening too. And if he continues to treat people who don't agree with him like crap and try to convince new players he is the only one worth listening too by calling everyone liars, I will continue to provide proof that he not only lies, but doesn't know what he is talking about. 

We have asked him to work on how he talks to people, but instead of listening he declares that he is speaking truth and that he isn't being a jerk and so has no reason to change. 

Also, because debating Admin decisions on who Moderates is against ToS for use here, and debating Moderator actions is as well, we are locking this thread and issuing warnings/bans as necessary. If you would like to lodge a complaint, Quinn and I have left our messages here open for you.

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