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I work my butt off on Arena. But cannot get to Gold  to complete quest. I play everyday.

I work my butt off on Arena. But cannot get to Gold to complete quest. I play everyday.

Feb 23, 2022, 23:3802/23/22
Feb 23, 2022, 23:39(edited)

Lol... lighten up francis 

This is a helpful comment. Good job Trips! Feedback is always appreciated buddy.

Feb 23, 2022, 23:5802/23/22

I try :)

Feb 24, 2022, 00:1502/24/22

Lol... lighten up francis 

We have tried a more lighthearted and casual approach to calling out all of his terrible advice, all that did was lead to his ego somehow inflating to the point that he declared everyone who isn't him is lying to new players. If you don't agree you're a liar, if you call him out you're a liar. 

Player J visited the official discord this week for the first time in over a year to participate in #Arena. I suggest everyone search "Player J" and read what all of those end game players have to say as well. 

Feb 24, 2022, 00:4702/24/22

We have tried a more lighthearted and casual approach to calling out all of his terrible advice, all that did was lead to his ego somehow inflating to the point that he declared everyone who isn't him is lying to new players. If you don't agree you're a liar, if you call him out you're a liar. 

Player J visited the official discord this week for the first time in over a year to participate in #Arena. I suggest everyone search "Player J" and read what all of those end game players have to say as well. 

Well i guess it is good to see J spreads the cheer around 😂

Feb 24, 2022, 02:3002/24/22

The above advice is terrible, nonsensical and comes from someone who spent thousands of gems this past couple weeks to get into the top levels of Arena, yet claims to be great at it. Hint, if someone spends piles more resources on something to accomplish the same thing, be incredibly wary of that person's advice. There are absolutely zero psychological aspects to arena, just matchups of speed, accuracy and resistance. Having enough speed to beat speed teams, having enough accuracy to strip the buffs of this team Player J keeps showing everywhere. Please listen to other folks on the forum, who aren't trolling us.

Please instead follow RoseRoyal's advice about Team Power and Player Power not mattering and please DO post your roster. Several folks here regularly sit in Plat, and we'd love to help you get a strategy and team moving forward to get up into Gold.

Top  5  Platinum Current  Tier  Ranking  List.


A  Player  who  has  finished  Number  1  in  6  different Arena  Resets  which  is  represented by  the  6  trophies next  to  his  name.


My  team  has  343k  Team  Player.

The  players  in  the  picture have  Team  Powers  of  410k+.

Harle  says  my  advice  is  terrible  &  nonsensical.

IS  IT  REALLY?  Lets  observe  the  advice  I  told  the  OP.

-  I  told  the  OP  to  have  Big  P.P

-  I  told  the  OP  to  have  Big  T.P

-  I  told  the  OP  to  farm  Ice  Golem

Look  at  the  Player  ranked  # 3  in  the  Arena  Raid  World.

If  you  click  on  him,  He  has  23.7mil  Player  Power.

This  is  Big  P.P

If  you  look  at  his  team,  He  has  458k  Team  Power.

This  is  Big  T.P

And  I'm  sure  we  can  agree some  of  his  heroes are  probably wearing  resistance gear.

You  get  Resist  gear  by  farming  Ice  Golem

If  the  player  #  3  in  the  world  can  do  it,  Why  can't  we  do  it  too?

We  can  do  what  they  are  doing.

Nothing  I  said  was  terrible or  nonsensical.

It  makes  perfect  sense  and  it  is  great  advice.

Next,  3  different people have  already acknowledged High  Team  Power  in  Arena  does  have  a  Psychological effect.

-  The  OP

-  Skadi

-  Dthorne04 

If  Harle  refuses  to  accept  it,  She  is  more  than  welcome  to  do  so.

It  doesn't mean  others  have  to  play  Raid  under  the  same  denial.

I  see  the  situation objectively and  there  is  a  clear  connection.

Lastly,  I  will  answer  Dthorne04 question.

"Try  and  read  (What  I  said)  from  the  stand  point  of  a  new  player.  How  is  that  going  to  sink  in  for  them  in  a  positive manner?"

It  will  sink  the  same  way  all  advice  given  to  beginners will  sink  in.

I  told  the  beginner  to:

-  Increase Player  Power

-  Increase  Team  Power

-  Farm  Ice  Golem

Think  about  the  advice  I  said  Dthorne04.

How  does  a  player  increase  Player  Power  &  Team  Power?

They  increase  it  by  making  lvl  60  heroes,  getting  masteries,  getting ascensions,  etc.

The  advice  I  am  saying  is  similar  to  you  telling  a  beginner to  lvl  60  Kael  +  mastery  Kael  +  ascend  Kael.

The  only  difference  is  I  am  given  a  broad  phrase  not  telling the  OP  to  upgrade  a  specific  champion  and  the  reason  why  is  because the  OP  hasn't shown  us  what  champions  he  owns  so  all  we  can  do  is  give  broad  advice.

Feb 24, 2022, 03:1102/24/22
Player J

Top  5  Platinum Current  Tier  Ranking  List.


A  Player  who  has  finished  Number  1  in  6  different Arena  Resets  which  is  represented by  the  6  trophies next  to  his  name.


My  team  has  343k  Team  Player.

The  players  in  the  picture have  Team  Powers  of  410k+.

Harle  says  my  advice  is  terrible  &  nonsensical.

IS  IT  REALLY?  Lets  observe  the  advice  I  told  the  OP.

-  I  told  the  OP  to  have  Big  P.P

-  I  told  the  OP  to  have  Big  T.P

-  I  told  the  OP  to  farm  Ice  Golem

Look  at  the  Player  ranked  # 3  in  the  Arena  Raid  World.

If  you  click  on  him,  He  has  23.7mil  Player  Power.

This  is  Big  P.P

If  you  look  at  his  team,  He  has  458k  Team  Power.

This  is  Big  T.P

And  I'm  sure  we  can  agree some  of  his  heroes are  probably wearing  resistance gear.

You  get  Resist  gear  by  farming  Ice  Golem

If  the  player  #  3  in  the  world  can  do  it,  Why  can't  we  do  it  too?

We  can  do  what  they  are  doing.

Nothing  I  said  was  terrible or  nonsensical.

It  makes  perfect  sense  and  it  is  great  advice.

Next,  3  different people have  already acknowledged High  Team  Power  in  Arena  does  have  a  Psychological effect.

-  The  OP

-  Skadi

-  Dthorne04 

If  Harle  refuses  to  accept  it,  She  is  more  than  welcome  to  do  so.

It  doesn't mean  others  have  to  play  Raid  under  the  same  denial.

I  see  the  situation objectively and  there  is  a  clear  connection.

Lastly,  I  will  answer  Dthorne04 question.

"Try  and  read  (What  I  said)  from  the  stand  point  of  a  new  player.  How  is  that  going  to  sink  in  for  them  in  a  positive manner?"

It  will  sink  the  same  way  all  advice  given  to  beginners will  sink  in.

I  told  the  beginner  to:

-  Increase Player  Power

-  Increase  Team  Power

-  Farm  Ice  Golem

Think  about  the  advice  I  said  Dthorne04.

How  does  a  player  increase  Player  Power  &  Team  Power?

They  increase  it  by  making  lvl  60  heroes,  getting  masteries,  getting ascensions,  etc.

The  advice  I  am  saying  is  similar  to  you  telling  a  beginner to  lvl  60  Kael  +  mastery  Kael  +  ascend  Kael.

The  only  difference  is  I  am  given  a  broad  phrase  not  telling the  OP  to  upgrade  a  specific  champion  and  the  reason  why  is  because the  OP  hasn't shown  us  what  champions  he  owns  so  all  we  can  do  is  give  broad  advice.

Harle  says  my  advice  is  terrible  &  nonsensical.
IS  IT  REALLY?  Lets  observe  the  advice  I  told  the  OP.


I'm really not sure why you think showcasing the Arena worlds top whale end game players has ANYTHING TO DO with new players. 

New players need to work up to these levels and it will take a long time doing it the correct way, I can't imagine how long it would take them doing it yours. 

If you only gave this advice to people who have at least every level 20 dungeon on farm that would be one thing, but you word vomit the same advice to everyone regardless of where they are at. You show off pointless pictures about team powers and compositions but never any proof. While we show tons of it to defend our points. And yet you call US liars. 

Wait, we have some proof that you yourself posted in discord, I think this might be why you are unwilling to show results to people who don't know better here. 

First lets show off an example of you calling us liars for saying you were lying about never having fallen out of gold 4. (Such a silly lie anyways, who cares? I fall to gold 3 from gold 5 every reset now) 


And then an example of evidence to back our arguments. 


Oohh, dang I bet that first one hurts since you lost to a little TP team. 

Feb 24, 2022, 03:1202/24/22

I  get  frustated  in  how  you  lose  12-13  points  for  a  loss  but  gain  only  7/8  for  a  win.  Its  a  broken  balance  to  me  personally.  

Feb 24, 2022, 04:0702/24/22
Feb 24, 2022, 06:11(edited)

I told him to jump off a bridge he did i told him to run in front of a car he did but what u didnt told he spent 1000snd of real money on the game lol I told my self to hang near plat in gold 5 till 5 min till reset then i told my self to go in there lol I did and i got good rewards lol I told my self to build hegemon i did i told my self to build moutain king with over 100k hp i did i told my self to put 400 speed on arbiter i did lol your a funny dude a Player J lol if i told all i did u will be here all night P@ player J

Feb 24, 2022, 06:0402/24/22

just so u know @player J : I know what im talking bout they run from my defense team and im at the top of gold 5 and i dont have 400k player power i got round 271 so for me its not psychologic its years of being a clan leader and exprerience and im free to play as well only expect the monthly gem pack !!! You should try to help new players not talk them down and bully them we was all noobies at one time to and i dont think u will like to be put down like that man !!


Feb 24, 2022, 06:0702/24/22

My defense


Feb 24, 2022, 11:5602/24/22
Feb 24, 2022, 11:59(edited)

To get a little more basic, for the OP or any new players, that maybe don't know what we are talking about.

There are two different strategies to arena: 1. Be very fast, kill them in round one of the fight before they can act (speed teams). 2. Let them do their stuff in round 1, survive and hit back (go 2nd teams).

An example for the general strategy of version no. 1 would be High Khatun (daily log-in reward day 30), Spirithost (farmable in campaign stage 4), Waramiden (farmable in campaign stage 9), Starterchamp.

High Khatun goes first of all champs in the fight and uses her speed and turnmeter boost to your team, so all of your team members follow up, without any enemy champ interfering. Spirithost follows, using increase attack buff on your team. Warmaiden follows, using decrease def on all enemies. Than your starterchamp does the last act with a big hit on all enemies. If the hit is strong enough, you have won the fight and the enemy didn't even get a turn.

Of course High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Starterchamp is just a very simple version of this strategy, used early on, because you can get all champs needed very easy. The whale's speed team could look like Arbiter (30% speed Aura, turnmeter buff, atk buff), Lyssandra (speed buff, turnmeter buff, decrease enemies turnmeter), Madame Serris (remove all buffs from the enemies and decrease their def), Trunda (probably hardest hitting AoE attack in Raid). But the whale's speed team and the budget speed team still use the same strategy.

The go 2nd team has another approach. They stack up defense and resistance (to avoid the decrease def debuff and control debuffs), take the first hit and strike back. A go 2nd team could look like Rhazin (res aura), Seeker (has a passive that triggers increase def buff on your team when he takes a critical hit), Vogoth (has a passive that heals your team when he gets hit), Magnarr (hp based nuker). I don't say that is the best go 2nd team out there, it's more the opposite approach: I used as few legendaries as possible (only Rhazin). But even this "budget" go 2nd team has no rare champ and needs certain epics. The whale version of a go 2nd team would be probably Rhazin, Duchess, Nekhret, Candraphon or Rhazin, Duchess, Siphi, Rotos.

I don't think go 2nd teams are beginner friendly to build. There are a lot of champs that could replace the ones mentioned here, but I don't see a really good go 2nd team from free champs. There is nothing compared to the "free" team of High Khatun, Spirithost, Warmaiden, starter champ on the go 2nd side. For that reason, I would allways start in arena with a speed team.

Feb 24, 2022, 13:0602/24/22

Im also stuck in the fight to get to Gold 1. Currently in Silver IV and cannot get to the Gold 1. not even near. I try all day and have followed every guide. And I dont have a lot of legendaries to just nuke it all out. I have this build right now, but its 9 out of 10 not enough..


Feb 24, 2022, 13:1602/24/22
Frank Poulsen

Im also stuck in the fight to get to Gold 1. Currently in Silver IV and cannot get to the Gold 1. not even near. I try all day and have followed every guide. And I dont have a lot of legendaries to just nuke it all out. I have this build right now, but its 9 out of 10 not enough..


Why doubleing up on debuffers?

Feb 24, 2022, 13:2702/24/22
Frank Poulsen

Im also stuck in the fight to get to Gold 1. Currently in Silver IV and cannot get to the Gold 1. not even near. I try all day and have followed every guide. And I dont have a lot of legendaries to just nuke it all out. I have this build right now, but its 9 out of 10 not enough..


both gorgorab and serris are only rank 5, so you're definitely not getting optimal performance out of either of them. as minin mentioned, having serris makes stag knight redundant (stag knight might be the one to leave in for the short term, but serris is definitely the better of the two so  you'll want to use her once she's ranked up). it's also possible that these champs have issues with their build, but i can't see that from just this one picture. i'd suggest making a new thread and posting pictures of your roster, as well as these for champions individually to get the best feedback.

Feb 24, 2022, 13:5602/24/22

both gorgorab and serris are only rank 5, so you're definitely not getting optimal performance out of either of them. as minin mentioned, having serris makes stag knight redundant (stag knight might be the one to leave in for the short term, but serris is definitely the better of the two so  you'll want to use her once she's ranked up). it's also possible that these champs have issues with their build, but i can't see that from just this one picture. i'd suggest making a new thread and posting pictures of your roster, as well as these for champions individually to get the best feedback.

Alrigth. I'll try and make a new thread. I dont really have much to work with regarding upgrading to lvl 60 atm. I am trying to farm food atm

Feb 24, 2022, 14:0002/24/22
Frank Poulsen

Im also stuck in the fight to get to Gold 1. Currently in Silver IV and cannot get to the Gold 1. not even near. I try all day and have followed every guide. And I dont have a lot of legendaries to just nuke it all out. I have this build right now, but its 9 out of 10 not enough..


Like others allready mentioned, your team composition is bad. Stag Knight and Madame Serris do the same, you basically lost one spot in your team, where you could run a second turnmeter booster or a second nuker. I suggest to use a second tm booster instead of Stag Knight, maybe High Khatun. Gorgorab does increase your turnmeter, but he has no speed buff. A second tm boost with speed buff ensures that the enemy team doesn't cut in. 

Madame should be lvl 60. The main reason for this is the fact, that she could use an accuracy banner with 6*. All she has to do is stripping their buffs and put decrease def on them. If she fails to do so due to low accuracy, she is useless.

Feb 24, 2022, 18:2402/24/22
Harle  says  my  advice  is  terrible  &  nonsensical.
IS  IT  REALLY?  Lets  observe  the  advice  I  told  the  OP.


I'm really not sure why you think showcasing the Arena worlds top whale end game players has ANYTHING TO DO with new players. 

New players need to work up to these levels and it will take a long time doing it the correct way, I can't imagine how long it would take them doing it yours. 

If you only gave this advice to people who have at least every level 20 dungeon on farm that would be one thing, but you word vomit the same advice to everyone regardless of where they are at. You show off pointless pictures about team powers and compositions but never any proof. While we show tons of it to defend our points. And yet you call US liars. 

Wait, we have some proof that you yourself posted in discord, I think this might be why you are unwilling to show results to people who don't know better here. 

First lets show off an example of you calling us liars for saying you were lying about never having fallen out of gold 4. (Such a silly lie anyways, who cares? I fall to gold 3 from gold 5 every reset now) 


And then an example of evidence to back our arguments. 


Oohh, dang I bet that first one hurts since you lost to a little TP team. 

Harbby  statement is  being taken  out  of  context.

However,  it  doesn't matter.

I  have already  explained  that  I  am  Gold  4  player  who  has  reached  Gold  5.

They  disagree with  me  and  say  I  am  Gold  3.

I  am  not  going  to  agrue  with  them

Whether  a  person  believes  me  or  believes  them,  It  changes  nothing on  this  forum  thread.

The  reason  why  is  because the  OP  on  this  thread  is  a  Bronze  Tier  Player.

A  Player  who  is  in  Gold  3,  Gold  4,  or  Gold  5  is  more  than  qualified to  help  a  player  in  Bronze.

In  fact,  people would  say  a  Gold  3,  4,  &  5  ranked  player is  over  qualified in  helping  a  Bronze  ranked  player.

And  that  is  all.

Feb 24, 2022, 23:2502/24/22

Shortly after game came out. 

Feb 24, 2022, 23:2702/24/22

Cannot get these big leaguers everyone has. Just so so champions. Played since shortly after game came out.

Feb 25, 2022, 00:0602/25/22
A10C Warthog

Cannot get these big leaguers everyone has. Just so so champions. Played since shortly after game came out.

Can you post your roster, gearing, etc.? 

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