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Gold V Arena

Gold V Arena

Feb 24, 2022, 04:1902/24/22

With your purported team quality, why does Platinum take you a few thousand gems, Player J? What exactly is your win rate in Gold 4/Gold5 that it takes so many? How many refreshes are you forced to do searching for bad teams or one man defenses?

I mean, pushing Plat is quite difficult, I'll be the first to admit. But if your teams really are absolutely incredible, as your regular posts here state, it shouldn't take anywhere near that many gems. My teams ARE NOT incredible and I can push Plat with very little gem spending, as can @Harbby . He can speak for himself on his exact outlay of gems, but mine are always in the lower hundreds, if not below a hundred.

I'm happy to chat out my teams and strategies I use to push Plat, and I'm sure Harbby would as well. Harbby even uses go second teams. Perhaps we could save you a few thousand gems, or even some gems every week when you are trying to push into Gold 4 or Gold 5.

I  think  my  Arena  teams  are  incredible,  but  feel  free  to tell me  what  you  think.

Here  is  my  Speed  Team:


Here  is  the  Speed  Team  I  use  to  Counter  Tormin's


Here  is  my  Go  2nd  team  used  to  Counter  Double  TM  Lyssandra Team's


Here  is  my  Go  2nd  team  used  to  Counter  Blender  team's


Here  is  my  Go  2nd  team  used  to  Counter  Regular  Speed  Team's


Despite  having  all  those  Arena  teams.

They  all  lose  to  1  single  team.

Image  the  below  3  heroes  +  Madam Serris


The  above  Siphi  will  neutralize  my  Go  1st  teams  if  she  is  faster.

The  above  Siphi  will  put  Block  Debuff  Buff  neutralizing  my  Go  2nd  Tormin  team.

The  above  Madam  Strip  will  neutralize my  Go  2nd  Shield/Anti-Blender  team.

The  above  Siphi  +  Arbiter  will  cause  my  Go  2nd Resistance team  to  go  into  a  Stale  mate  forcing  me  to  surrender.

The  Siphi  A1  will  keep  1  of  my  heroes in  a  constant state  of  CC  (Sleep)

The  Siphi  +  Arbiter  Revive  Combination will  cause  my  team  from  being able  to  win  as  they  will  keep  reviving each  other  before  I  have  chance  to  kill  them  both.

I  think  the way  to  win  is  by  using  Hegemon  or  getting  faster  Speed  gear  on  my  Speed  Team.

Sadly,  I  haven't pulled  Hegemon  &  I  haven't pulled  any  faster  SPD  gear  pieces.

Another  team  which  I  lose  to  is  the  below  team:


It  is  an  extremely tough  nut  to  crack.

I  think  they  run  a  High  ACC  Stun  Set  Hegemon in  this  build  to  disrupt.

The  Duchess  passive  reduces  incoming  AOE  Damage

The  Nekret  the  Great  passive  places  an  Ally  protection  on  Candraphon

The  Candraphon  places  himself  in  Veil  if  you  do  Turn  Meter  Boost.

All  the  above  things  coming  together make  the  Candraphon  close  to  impossible to  kill.

Than  they  build  the  Candraphon  with  the  most  outrageous Nuke  Damage  Gear.

My  composition try's to  survive and  win  the  fight,  but  they  all  end  up  losing.

A  friend  of  mine  told  me  to  use  Maulie  to  win.  lol

I  have  been  thinking  of  a  Counter  set  up.

I  haven't figured out  what  the  counter  set  up  will  be,  yet.

But  my  little brain  is  got  its  gears  spinning.

So  yeah  that  is  another  reason why  I'm  not  in  Platinum in  conjunction with  the  bad  reset  timing.

Feb 24, 2022, 10:5902/24/22

Player J, most of your problems could be solved with Stone Cardinal, or even two. I don't know your roster, but in my case, first team is more dangeorus and I would use two Stoneskin Cardinals, MS and Foli.

Second team, single S. Cardinal, MS, Crue and Foli. After the revive, MS strips, Cruetraxa kills Nekhret and seriuously damages Duchess. Foli finishes with a click on Candy.

Can you show what you have available?

Feb 24, 2022, 11:1902/24/22
Tyr Anasazi

Player J, most of your problems could be solved with Stone Cardinal, or even two. I don't know your roster, but in my case, first team is more dangeorus and I would use two Stoneskin Cardinals, MS and Foli.

Second team, single S. Cardinal, MS, Crue and Foli. After the revive, MS strips, Cruetraxa kills Nekhret and seriuously damages Duchess. Foli finishes with a click on Candy.

Can you show what you have available?

I  do  own  Cardinal

I  don't own  Cruetraxa

I  don't own  any  Stoneskin  Gear

Your  suggestion is  very  interesting.

I  will  try  to  get  some  Stoneskin  pieces  +  lvl  up  my  Cardinal  and  see  what happens.

Feb 25, 2022, 01:1202/25/22
Feb 25, 2022, 01:13(edited)
Player J

I  do  own  Cardinal

I  don't own  Cruetraxa

I  don't own  any  Stoneskin  Gear

Your  suggestion is  very  interesting.

I  will  try  to  get  some  Stoneskin  pieces  +  lvl  up  my  Cardinal  and  see  what happens.

Player J, I see your teams and your post. But RSL moderator duties and the University are keeping me very busy right now. I WILL come back to this soon and we can talk about the teams. Thanks for taking the time to post them and explain your matchups you use them in.

I will check in again soon on this. :)

Mar 15, 2022, 01:4803/15/22
Mar 15, 2022, 01:51(edited)


 3  weeks  ago,  I  was  talking about  my  Gold  5  Experience.

I  explain how  the  below  set  up  was  giving me  issues.


Tyr  Anasazi  gave  me  an  awesome advice  on  how  to  counter  the  above  team.

I  didn't own  any  Stone  Skin  gear  at  the  time,  but  the  past  few  weeks  has  given  me   a  chance  to  collect  some.

I  have  created  a  preview  set  up  to  show  what  my  team  will  look  like.

You  can  see  from  the  below  picture:


Keep in  mind,  The  team  I  am  showing still  needs  to  be  lvl  up  &  stuff.

I  am  just  creating  a  template  based  on  Tyr  Anasazi  idea  combined with  how  I  see  the  fight  playing  out.

Here  is  the  Enemy team  for  reference:


Here  is  how  I  see  the  fight  playing  out:

The  Enemy Team  will  go  first.

1st  to  move:  Siphi  ------>  Turn  Meter  Fill  +  Increase  SPD  +  Block  Debuff  Buff

2nd  to  move:  Arbiter  --->  Turn  Meter  Fill  +  Increase ATK

3rd  to  move:  Serris  ----->  Strip  Enemy  Buffs  +  Decrease  Defense

4th  to  move:  Trunda  ---->  AOE  Nuke

The  First  Critical  Point  for  my  team  success will  happen on  move  3.

I  think  if  the Enemy Serris  Strips  my  Stone  Skin  Buff  -  The  fight  is  over  for  me.

I  think  the  best  way  to  combat  the  Strip  is  by  building up  my  Cardinals  Resistance.

I  think  High  Resist  Cardinal  +  High  Resist  Aura  can  help  ensure  Cardinal  lives.

The  only  problem is  I  don't know  how  Stoneskin works.

Does  Stoneskin benefit from  Resistance?

I  am  assuming building a  Stoneskin  High  Resist  Cardinal with  Resist Aura  will  benefit  me.

For  the  above  reason,  I  am  thinking of  Leading  my  team  with  Lydia.


If  my  Cardinal does  live,  All  my  other  heroes should  be  dead  at  this  point  in  fight.

My  3  other  heroes on  team  will  have  Low  Resistance and  get  Nuked  by  Trunda.

At  this  point  in  the  fight,  It  should  be  my  Cardinal  Turn  to  move.

1st  move:  Cardinal ------>  Revive  my  other  3  teammates with  100%  Turn  Meter.

2nd  move:  Sethallia  ---->  AOE  Strip  removing  Enemy Block  Debuff  Buff

3rd  move:  Lydia  -------->  AOE  DEF  Down  +  Weaken

4th  move:  Dark  Elhain  ->  Self  Increase  Atk  --->  AOE  Nuke

The  Enemy  team  should  be  all  dead


The  Enemy  team  should  be  mostly  dead  with  only 1  Swift  Parry  reviver  still  alive

The  Swift  Parry  reviver  shouldn't  change  anything because my  Lydia will  block  any  revive  attempt  sealing  the  enemy team  fate  completely.

Tyr  Anasazi  Suggestion  +  My  Vision  of  the  fight   +  My  Roster  of  available heroes  should  be  enough to  make  this  set  up   the  Ultimate Anti-Siphi  Speed  team  counter  set  up.

At  least  that  is  what I  am  thinking   in  theory,  The  set  up above hasn't been  put  into  practice  so  their  is  no  way  of  knowing how  the  set  up  will  do.

Mar 16, 2022, 10:5403/16/22

Player J, yes, Stoneskin does benefit from Resistance. However, against Madamme you better pack some serious resistance (700+ plus Lydia) My Madamme is ACC 750-ish and she is, at best, average for that tier. This comp is iffy against buff strippers, you basically have three choices:

1. avoid

2. Two Stone Cardinals (75% chance that at least one won't be stripped)

3. YOLO it.

Cardinal must be lv 60. Time and again has happened that Candy's A1 does enough dmg to her that she loses the buff. Because she does take damage, except hugely reduced (90% i think). If the champion receives damage more than 50% of their health, they lose the buff.

Dark ELhain is good, but i'm sure you have stronger nukers than her, reccommend using your strongest because you have only one chance.

Fully maxxed, your comp will work, just make sure you have no less than 600 ACC on Sethalia and Lydia.

Also, they take turn based on their SPD, so make sure Sethalia is at least 1 SPD above Lydia. It's a good idea using Lydia, i haven't thought of that yet.👍

Mar 16, 2022, 19:4503/16/22

Yes, why Dark Elhain as your nuker there , Player J? Are you hoping to fight Tormin freezes with this comp? I haven't seen any Tormin/Cardinal pairings yet myself.

I think you've got a Foli and a Trunda you can drop in there from your earlier post?

Mar 16, 2022, 19:4803/16/22

Tormin absolutely crushes most Cardinal builds. She revives, and half of them end up frozen. Avoid them like the plague, unless your fastest champ being revived is someone like Doompriest or Tuhanarak.

Mar 16, 2022, 19:5203/16/22

Tormin absolutely crushes most Cardinal builds. She revives, and half of them end up frozen. Avoid them like the plague, unless your fastest champ being revived is someone like Doompriest or Tuhanarak.

I mean, I wouldn't take a Cardinal build in against a Tormin team at all. Hence why I was asking, in general, why you would use Dark Elhain.

Cause that is what an Immunity set team is for. Or a Hakkorhn or Cardiel in immunity at least. Immunity Maulie for good measure too. :D

Mar 17, 2022, 03:0803/17/22

Tyr  Anasazi,  Let  me  start  off  by  saying I  completely understand what  you  mean.

The  below  picture is  my  Speed  Nuke  Team.


If  my  above  team  is  faster  vs.  the  below screenshot Team,  I  win.


My  Speed team  would  crush  the  above team  if  it  is  faster.

BUT  sometimes I  am  not  faster.

Sometimes,  The  Enemy  team  is  simply  faster  vs.  Me.

So  the  question is  How  do  I  win  knowing I  am  slower.

I  have  tried several  Go  2nd teams  which  I  mentioned previously.

I  think  they  are  all  good  teams.

BUT  they  all  seem  to  have  issues winning  consistently  against the  Siphi  team  composition.

This  is  why  I  want to  get  ideas  on  how  to  beat  the  enemy  Siphi  team  composition.

The  Cardinal idea  you  mention  is  interesting to  me  because I  do  own  her.

It  is  worth  a  shot.

Obviously,  Every  Arena  team  composition has  weaknesses  &  strengths.

The  player who  designed  the  below  team  was  very  skilled.


They  want  the  team  to  be  Unbeatable.

They  want  players  afriad  to  fight  them.


If  I  have  to  attack  them  25  times  in  order  to  get  the  right  team  to  beat  them,  Than  so  be  it!

I  live  for  these  Raiding  moments.

This  is  why  I  was  very  eager  to  try  your  idea.

In  fact,  I  did  think  about  your  original  Team  idea.

I  didn't tell  you  on  the  forums,  but  I  did  think  about  it  in  game.

I  ended  up  dismissing your  original Team  idea  due  to  unsolved issues.

I  mean  I  can  talk  about  it  so  you  can  see  what  I  mean

The  below  set  up  is  what  you  recommended  to  me  originally.

I  owned  all  3  heroes you  mentioned  Foli,  Serris,  &  Cardinal 


However,  I  saw  issues  with  it.

1st  issue  -  None  of  the  above  3  heroes provide Aura.

2nd  issue  -  None  of  the  above  3  heroes provide  Weaken  Debuff.

3rd  issue  -  None  of  the  above  3  heroes provide  Increase  Atk  for  my  Nuker  (Foli)

With  these  3  heroes,  My  Foli  in  Theory  should  attack  the  below  team  with  only  Defense  Down  on  them.

-  No  Weaken  will  be  on  them

-  No  Increase Atk  for  my  Foli


If  you  think  about  it,  My  Foli  will  be  missing a  lot  of  damage.

Can  Foli  1  shot  with  out  all  the  other  stuff?

I  feel  like  he  will  not  be  able  too.

So  I  thought about  it.

I  still  have  the  4th  slot  available.

Is  their  any  hero in  the  game  who  can  do  Increase  Atk  +  Weaken  +  Provide  Resist  Aura?

The  closest hero  I  found  who  can  do  some  of  the  above  things  was  Hoforees  the  Tusked.


-  Hoforees  gives  50%  Resist  Aura

-  Hoforees  Increase  Atk  50%

It  fulfills  2  of  the  3  things  I  was  missing.

At  that  point,  I  decided to  make  a  list  of  all  the  things  I  wanted:

1  -  Resist  Aura

2  -  Strip  Enemy  Buffs  (Have  to  remove  enemy  Siphi  Block  Debuff  Buff  in  order  to  place  my  Debuffs)

3  -  Increase  Atk

4  -  Decrease  Enemy  Defense

5  -  Weaken  Enemy  Defense

6  -  AOE  Nuker

The  team  above  covers  5  out  of  the  6  which  isn't bad  at  all.

It  probably will  do  very  good.

However,  The  issue  is  why  do  I  have  to  settle  for  5  out  of  6?

Why  can't  I  be  Greedy  and  have  it  all,  Tyr  Anasazi?

Why  can't I  have  6  out  of  6?

This  line  of  thinking is  how  I  began  piecing  together  my  other  team.

How  can  I  get  all  6  things  from  3  heroes.

The  first  hero  who  came  to  me  was  Lydia  because she  has  the  Highest Resist  Aura.

Lydia  does  Resist  Aura,  Def  Down,  &  Weaken.

She  does  3  things  out  of  the  6  by  herself.


So  now  I  have  2  slots  left  and  I  am  missing  the  below  3  things:

-  Strip  Enemy  Buffs

-  Increase  Atk

-  AOE  Nuker

The  next  hero  I  thought about  was  the  Strip  Enemy  Buffing  hero.

The  game doesn't have  tons  of  enemy  Stripping  heroes  and  I  don't own  that  many.

I  only  own  3:

-  Madam  Serris  

-  Rain  the  Conjuror  

-  Sethallia

Madam  Serris  does  Stripping  +  Def  Down

Rain  does  Stripping +  Weaken

I  felt  both  of  the  above  was  sort  of  Redundant because Lydia  can  do  both  Def  Down  &  Weaken  so  I  don't see  how  I  gain  anything  by  having  a  hero  reapply  a  debuff  I  already have  another  hero  applying.

This  logic  lead  me  to  Sethallia.

Sethallia  does  Stripping  +  Decrease  Enemy  Turn  Meter.

Obviously,  The  Decrease  Enemy  Turn  Meter  isn't hugely  relevant to  this  team  because my  Cardinal  is  reviving  with  full  meter  so  my  team  will  all  go.

The  Decrease  Enemy  Turn  Meter  is  more  of  a  Side  Benefit  that  I  will  have  which  is  probably far  better  vs.  Redundant  Debuffs.


If  your  keeping count  after  adding Sethallia to  my  team,  I  was  missing 2  things:

-  Increase Atk

-  AOE  Nuker

Thus,  I  wanted  to  find  a  nuker  who  self  Increase  Atks  before they  AOE  Nuke  to  get  Maximum Damage  out  put.

I  had  2  heroes to  pick  from:

-  Lord  Shazar

-  Dark  Elhain

I  chose  Dark  Elhain  because of  the  Horrible Internal  Self-Criticism I  gave  myself.

It  was  extremely brutal.

I  had  to  put  the  Inner  Me  on  time  out.

Lord  Shazar,  The  hero  with  the  Greatest  Speed  Aura  in  the  entire game,  is  put  on  an  Arena  team  with  a  Resist  Aura.

Their  was  just something about  that  line  of  thinking that  triggered  the  inner  me.

So  I  decided Dark  Elhain  was  probably the  safe  option.

Their  are  Pro's  &  Con's  with  every  choice  we  make.

Lord  Shazar  can  nuker  harder  vs.  Dark  Elhain  I  think.

BUT  Dark  Elhain  Anti-Freeze  Passive  could  be  very  useful.

I  know  Kramaswamy &  Harle  Quin  was  talking about  Tormin.

Tormin  is  a  possible hero  players  might  use  vs.  this  team.

I  was  thinking  about  a  few  other  heroes.

I  was  thinking  about Shirimani  & Gurgoh  in  Arena.

Arbiter  -->  Shirimani  -->  Madam  -->  Trunda


Arbiter  -->  Gurgoh  -->  Madam  -->  Trunda

Obviously, I  am  designing  this  team  to  counter  Enemy  Siphi  teams  so  I  do  plan  to  avoid  Tormin,  Shirimani,  &  Gurgoh  teams  on  Arena  Offense.

However,  I  do  plan  to  put  this  team  on  my  Arena  Defense  for  Fun.

I  just  want  to  see  how  other  players approach beating  it.

They  might  try  Tormin,  Shirimani,  &  Gurgoh  teams  against  it.

They  might  try  using  a  Block  Revive  Nuker  like  Foli  vs.  Trunda.

They  might  try  using  a  Block  Attempt  hero  like  Lydia.

The  set  up  I  am  creating here  is  designed to  counter  1  team,  but  not  all  teams.

The  set  up  I  am  creating has  its  own  strengths &  weaknesses.

If  the  enemy  Player  is  prepared,  They  will  beat  this  team  easy  as  easy  can  be.

If  the  enemy  Player  is  unprepared,  They  will  struggle like  they  have  never  struggled  before.

And  that  is  how  all  set  ups  are.

Mar 18, 2022, 00:2303/18/22
Player J

Tyr  Anasazi,  Let  me  start  off  by  saying I  completely understand what  you  mean.

The  below  picture is  my  Speed  Nuke  Team.


If  my  above  team  is  faster  vs.  the  below screenshot Team,  I  win.


My  Speed team  would  crush  the  above team  if  it  is  faster.

BUT  sometimes I  am  not  faster.

Sometimes,  The  Enemy  team  is  simply  faster  vs.  Me.

So  the  question is  How  do  I  win  knowing I  am  slower.

I  have  tried several  Go  2nd teams  which  I  mentioned previously.

I  think  they  are  all  good  teams.

BUT  they  all  seem  to  have  issues winning  consistently  against the  Siphi  team  composition.

This  is  why  I  want to  get  ideas  on  how  to  beat  the  enemy  Siphi  team  composition.

The  Cardinal idea  you  mention  is  interesting to  me  because I  do  own  her.

It  is  worth  a  shot.

Obviously,  Every  Arena  team  composition has  weaknesses  &  strengths.

The  player who  designed  the  below  team  was  very  skilled.


They  want  the  team  to  be  Unbeatable.

They  want  players  afriad  to  fight  them.


If  I  have  to  attack  them  25  times  in  order  to  get  the  right  team  to  beat  them,  Than  so  be  it!

I  live  for  these  Raiding  moments.

This  is  why  I  was  very  eager  to  try  your  idea.

In  fact,  I  did  think  about  your  original  Team  idea.

I  didn't tell  you  on  the  forums,  but  I  did  think  about  it  in  game.

I  ended  up  dismissing your  original Team  idea  due  to  unsolved issues.

I  mean  I  can  talk  about  it  so  you  can  see  what  I  mean

The  below  set  up  is  what  you  recommended  to  me  originally.

I  owned  all  3  heroes you  mentioned  Foli,  Serris,  &  Cardinal 


However,  I  saw  issues  with  it.

1st  issue  -  None  of  the  above  3  heroes provide Aura.

2nd  issue  -  None  of  the  above  3  heroes provide  Weaken  Debuff.

3rd  issue  -  None  of  the  above  3  heroes provide  Increase  Atk  for  my  Nuker  (Foli)

With  these  3  heroes,  My  Foli  in  Theory  should  attack  the  below  team  with  only  Defense  Down  on  them.

-  No  Weaken  will  be  on  them

-  No  Increase Atk  for  my  Foli


If  you  think  about  it,  My  Foli  will  be  missing a  lot  of  damage.

Can  Foli  1  shot  with  out  all  the  other  stuff?

I  feel  like  he  will  not  be  able  too.

So  I  thought about  it.

I  still  have  the  4th  slot  available.

Is  their  any  hero in  the  game  who  can  do  Increase  Atk  +  Weaken  +  Provide  Resist  Aura?

The  closest hero  I  found  who  can  do  some  of  the  above  things  was  Hoforees  the  Tusked.


-  Hoforees  gives  50%  Resist  Aura

-  Hoforees  Increase  Atk  50%

It  fulfills  2  of  the  3  things  I  was  missing.

At  that  point,  I  decided to  make  a  list  of  all  the  things  I  wanted:

1  -  Resist  Aura

2  -  Strip  Enemy  Buffs  (Have  to  remove  enemy  Siphi  Block  Debuff  Buff  in  order  to  place  my  Debuffs)

3  -  Increase  Atk

4  -  Decrease  Enemy  Defense

5  -  Weaken  Enemy  Defense

6  -  AOE  Nuker

The  team  above  covers  5  out  of  the  6  which  isn't bad  at  all.

It  probably will  do  very  good.

However,  The  issue  is  why  do  I  have  to  settle  for  5  out  of  6?

Why  can't  I  be  Greedy  and  have  it  all,  Tyr  Anasazi?

Why  can't I  have  6  out  of  6?

This  line  of  thinking is  how  I  began  piecing  together  my  other  team.

How  can  I  get  all  6  things  from  3  heroes.

The  first  hero  who  came  to  me  was  Lydia  because she  has  the  Highest Resist  Aura.

Lydia  does  Resist  Aura,  Def  Down,  &  Weaken.

She  does  3  things  out  of  the  6  by  herself.


So  now  I  have  2  slots  left  and  I  am  missing  the  below  3  things:

-  Strip  Enemy  Buffs

-  Increase  Atk

-  AOE  Nuker

The  next  hero  I  thought about  was  the  Strip  Enemy  Buffing  hero.

The  game doesn't have  tons  of  enemy  Stripping  heroes  and  I  don't own  that  many.

I  only  own  3:

-  Madam  Serris  

-  Rain  the  Conjuror  

-  Sethallia

Madam  Serris  does  Stripping  +  Def  Down

Rain  does  Stripping +  Weaken

I  felt  both  of  the  above  was  sort  of  Redundant because Lydia  can  do  both  Def  Down  &  Weaken  so  I  don't see  how  I  gain  anything  by  having  a  hero  reapply  a  debuff  I  already have  another  hero  applying.

This  logic  lead  me  to  Sethallia.

Sethallia  does  Stripping  +  Decrease  Enemy  Turn  Meter.

Obviously,  The  Decrease  Enemy  Turn  Meter  isn't hugely  relevant to  this  team  because my  Cardinal  is  reviving  with  full  meter  so  my  team  will  all  go.

The  Decrease  Enemy  Turn  Meter  is  more  of  a  Side  Benefit  that  I  will  have  which  is  probably far  better  vs.  Redundant  Debuffs.


If  your  keeping count  after  adding Sethallia to  my  team,  I  was  missing 2  things:

-  Increase Atk

-  AOE  Nuker

Thus,  I  wanted  to  find  a  nuker  who  self  Increase  Atks  before they  AOE  Nuke  to  get  Maximum Damage  out  put.

I  had  2  heroes to  pick  from:

-  Lord  Shazar

-  Dark  Elhain

I  chose  Dark  Elhain  because of  the  Horrible Internal  Self-Criticism I  gave  myself.

It  was  extremely brutal.

I  had  to  put  the  Inner  Me  on  time  out.

Lord  Shazar,  The  hero  with  the  Greatest  Speed  Aura  in  the  entire game,  is  put  on  an  Arena  team  with  a  Resist  Aura.

Their  was  just something about  that  line  of  thinking that  triggered  the  inner  me.

So  I  decided Dark  Elhain  was  probably the  safe  option.

Their  are  Pro's  &  Con's  with  every  choice  we  make.

Lord  Shazar  can  nuker  harder  vs.  Dark  Elhain  I  think.

BUT  Dark  Elhain  Anti-Freeze  Passive  could  be  very  useful.

I  know  Kramaswamy &  Harle  Quin  was  talking about  Tormin.

Tormin  is  a  possible hero  players  might  use  vs.  this  team.

I  was  thinking  about  a  few  other  heroes.

I  was  thinking  about Shirimani  & Gurgoh  in  Arena.

Arbiter  -->  Shirimani  -->  Madam  -->  Trunda


Arbiter  -->  Gurgoh  -->  Madam  -->  Trunda

Obviously, I  am  designing  this  team  to  counter  Enemy  Siphi  teams  so  I  do  plan  to  avoid  Tormin,  Shirimani,  &  Gurgoh  teams  on  Arena  Offense.

However,  I  do  plan  to  put  this  team  on  my  Arena  Defense  for  Fun.

I  just  want  to  see  how  other  players approach beating  it.

They  might  try  Tormin,  Shirimani,  &  Gurgoh  teams  against  it.

They  might  try  using  a  Block  Revive  Nuker  like  Foli  vs.  Trunda.

They  might  try  using  a  Block  Attempt  hero  like  Lydia.

The  set  up  I  am  creating here  is  designed to  counter  1  team,  but  not  all  teams.

The  set  up  I  am  creating has  its  own  strengths &  weaknesses.

If  the  enemy  Player  is  prepared,  They  will  beat  this  team  easy  as  easy  can  be.

If  the  enemy  Player  is  unprepared,  They  will  struggle like  they  have  never  struggled  before.

And  that  is  how  all  set  ups  are.

Since the issue is mainly speed teams with fast Siphi, here is an example of what I use


This is my standard offense, with which I hunt simple speed teams. Works surprisingly well, esp. against Magic nukers like Trunda. The only one who is not replacable in this comp is Sandlashed. If you have her, you might try building a team around her and see how it goes.

The only speed team i avoid like the plague is one with Warlord. Last plat push i did, this apparently free login champion that everyone has except me, was on EVERY page, just... "A Wall of Warlords". The only two ways to counter him that i know of is being faster (which I'm not) or high RES Kymar (whom I don't have).