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Gold V Arena

Gold V Arena

Feb 22, 2022, 23:0902/22/22

I talking about this :


Feb 22, 2022, 23:3702/22/22

When pick fight ? I dont have problem with pick. But check defense team. I have a 180k team and i can win against 250k teams but i cant go ahead with over 90 percent winrate because crap 4-16 point reward system. A 180k team easy prey for the 350k teams. So i win against the 250k teams and win 4 ponts but i lost at defense team against a 350k team i lost 16 points. 4 win vs 1 defeated match and the point result is 0. Its not realy fair. I could progress in league if i buy more and more arena token.

 I'm not sure I understand completely. If I get the jist of
this, you are saying you are losing arena points on defense faster than you can
gain points on offense? Is that correct? If so that's a legitimate point. 

First, team power doesn't translate into arena points, so
it's not productive to talk about team power. 

Second, it's also not productive to talk about what's fair
or not fair. So, I'll just try to give suggestions on the way I see it working. 

What you must do is obvious, but how to go about doing it
may not be so obvious. You need to stop
losing points on defense and gain more points on offense.  

I don’t lose many points on defense because most players
will not pick a fight with me. Not
because I always win on defense. My
defense win rate sucks. But no one picks a fight with me because my team looks
scary. Even if you have a very fast team
and go 2 times before I go, my team suggest you’ll have a 5-minute fight on
your hands and may lose. Speed teams don’t
like that. That’s how I prevent loss of arena points on defense. 

For offense, you are still picking on teams that have 300
less arena points than you. Just after reset
yesterday I had 2900 points. My first 3
opponents were at the bottom of G3 and had 2600 points. I got 9 points total for beating all 3 of
them, then lost the 4th fight and dropped 10 points to 2,899 and
into G3. So I do understand what you’re talking about. But I don’t see this as unfair. I was in G4 and picked fights with players
that were at the very bottom of G3. Why should
I get more than 3 points per fight? I
had to be very careful and fight on offense against players were also in G4
with roughly the same arena points as I had to get a decent ratio of arena
points gained/lost. If you fight teams
with roughly the same arena points, you’ll gain or lose around 8 to 10 points
per battle. You must fight players that
are approximately at your level. And in
this case, your level has nothing to do with player power, or team power, but
only with where they are in arena. I.e.,
arena points.  

Apologies for the formating.

Feb 22, 2022, 23:4402/22/22

I talking about this :


I can tell by this that your arena points are well above 3200, probably around 3300 or even more.  If you beat a team that is so far below you, why do you deserve more points?  If a team so far below you beats you, why shouldn't you take a larger loss?

This is odds, as in horse racing, sports betting in boxing, baseball, or any sport.  If you bet on the favorite, you gain less than 1:1.  But if you bet on the underdog and win, you gain more than 1:1.

If you bet on the favorite, and lose, you lose big.  You were the favorite in these fights.  Not because of team power.  Forget about that.  You were the favorite because your arena points are so far above these two teams.

Feb 23, 2022, 00:1702/23/22

I can tell by this that your arena points are well above 3200, probably around 3300 or even more.  If you beat a team that is so far below you, why do you deserve more points?  If a team so far below you beats you, why shouldn't you take a larger loss?

This is odds, as in horse racing, sports betting in boxing, baseball, or any sport.  If you bet on the favorite, you gain less than 1:1.  But if you bet on the underdog and win, you gain more than 1:1.

If you bet on the favorite, and lose, you lose big.  You were the favorite in these fights.  Not because of team power.  Forget about that.  You were the favorite because your arena points are so far above these two teams.

This is exactly what the system is doing.

In another week or two you might not see as wide of a range though, so may only see 5-15 point range in wins/losses or a 6-14 point range.

Feb 23, 2022, 00:1702/23/22
Feb 23, 2022, 00:20(edited)

Good job finally making it @Player J !! I saw on the discord how you were having trouble and stuck down in Gold 3 for a while. For myself, I didn't see any difference in the point system from what I explained, and I had a one man defense in for a couple days to purposely drop and test it out. Still +3 to +16 on my slates, from the easiest to the hardest.

I  reached  Gold  4  with  in  2  months  of  my  Raiding  Career.

I  have  been  in  Gold  4  ever  since  which  is  going  on  2  years  10  months.

I  was  never  struggling down  in  Gold  3.

The  problem  is  the  game  system  was  bugged  in  Gold  4.

The  developers already  gave  a  response.

This  week  the  game  system  wiggled  out  of  its  bug  so  I  finished  in  Gold  5.

The  previous week  I  was  getting matched  with  +2  to  +4  people so  I  couldn't reach  Gold  5  due  to  the  games  system  bug.

Feb 23, 2022, 00:5902/23/22
Feb 23, 2022, 01:04(edited)
Player J

I  reached  Gold  4  with  in  2  months  of  my  Raiding  Career.

I  have  been  in  Gold  4  ever  since  which  is  going  on  2  years  10  months.

I  was  never  struggling down  in  Gold  3.

The  problem  is  the  game  system  was  bugged  in  Gold  4.

The  developers already  gave  a  response.

This  week  the  game  system  wiggled  out  of  its  bug  so  I  finished  in  Gold  5.

The  previous week  I  was  getting matched  with  +2  to  +4  people so  I  couldn't reach  Gold  5  due  to  the  games  system  bug.

I don't remember seeing anything at all about such a bug, and I see the bug reports. I did see you could get those +2 to +4 teams at the bottom of the brackets though. 

Oh, and I defintely DO see several screens in the RSL discord with you in gold 3 in 2021. So you being in Gold 4 since forever just isn't true. But maybe you took a break or had a sizeable bad stretch, IDK. :)

But anyways, congrats for joining me in G5! Good job fighting through the +4 teams!

Feb 23, 2022, 01:5902/23/22

As  far  as  Gold  5  is  concerned,  I  reached  it  &  stayed  in  it.

Here  is  the  picture with  the reset  Claim  for  Gold  5.


I  wanted  to  get  Gold  5  to  prove  that  I  could  get  it.

It  proves  that  I  am  a  very  deadly  Arena  player.

After  reaching  Gold  5,  I  have  come  to  the  conclusion it  is  utter  trash.

It  will  be  the  last  time  I  put  any  effort  into  reaching  Gold  5  again.

In  2  weeks,  I  spent  1,000  gems  buying  Arena  Tokens  +  Arena  Refreshes.

The  rewards  I  got  are  Trash.

You  can  see  them  below:


Its  the  same  trash  gear  I  sell  when  I  was  in  Gold  4.

1,000  gems  to  get  Silver  +  1  Ancient  Shard  +  16  Brews

I  could  of  spent  900  gems  getting  a  Big  Ancient  Shard  Pack  in  the  shop  and  it  would  of  gave  me  Silver  +  11  Ancient  Shards  +  less  Aggravation  +  I  would  of  saved  100  gems  

For  reaching  Gold  5,  What  other  benefits  do  I  get?

No,  Swift  Parry

No,  Deflection

No,  Avatars

No,  Barrels

No,  Chaos  Ores

I  got  was  2%  more  base  stats  which  does  nothing.

I  got  Great  Hall  Medal  amount  4  which  is  the  same  as  Gold  4.

I  got  Magisteel  4  to  6.

Ooooooo  Wow  Magisteel!


Oh  yeah?  You  really  think  so?

Take  a  big  wiff  of  this:


Magisteel  max  limit  is  10,000.

I  had  max  limit  before  Gold  5  got  introduced into  the  game.

The  magisteel  change  from  Gold  4  to  Gold  5  literally does  NOTHING!


Oh,  Player  J  why  don't you  just  forge  some  of  your  items  so  your  Magisteel  isnt  maxed.

So  let  me  get  this  straight.

You  want  me  to  sit  there  at  my  PC  screen  manually forging  up  to  2,000  gear  pieces  individually  1  by  1  to  use  up  magisteel?

My  God,  what  a  sad little person  you  are.

You  just  have  nothing  better  to  do  with  your  life  than  to  sit  there  forging  nonsense.

Go  ahead  tell  us  how  you  forge!

Do  you  play  background music  before  forging  to  get  yourself in  the  mood?

Do  you  do  light  finger  tip  stretching to  get  yourself  limbered  up?

Yeah,  I'm  not  going  to  do  it.

I'm  not  going  to  waste  my  time  forging  items  that  I  am  most  likely going  to  sell  for  silver  any  way.

The  FORGING  SYSTEM  is  broken  or  incomplete or  both  because it  doesn't have  a  10x  or  100x  forge  item  feature.

ARENA  GOLD  5  is  trash  because Gold  Medal  amount  is  same  as  Gold  4  and  the  rewards  are  the  same  as  Gold  4  and  the  2%  increase  base  stats  is  trash  and  the  Magisteel  increase  is  useless.

I  am  Player  J  and  I  approve  this  message.

Read  this  message  with  great  care  for  it  cost  me  1,000  gems  to  discover  the  information contained  with  in  the  message.

Your  Welcome!

Feb 23, 2022, 02:1402/23/22

I don't remember seeing anything at all about such a bug, and I see the bug reports. I did see you could get those +2 to +4 teams at the bottom of the brackets though. 

Oh, and I defintely DO see several screens in the RSL discord with you in gold 3 in 2021. So you being in Gold 4 since forever just isn't true. But maybe you took a break or had a sizeable bad stretch, IDK. :)

But anyways, congrats for joining me in G5! Good job fighting through the +4 teams!

I  never  took  a  break  or  had  a  bad  stretch.

You  just  saying  lies  about  me  at  this  point.

Feb 23, 2022, 02:2302/23/22
Feb 23, 2022, 02:31(edited)

It took you 1000 gems to make Gold 5? OMG, I'm sorry those people on discord were giving you a hard time for being in Gold 3, and you felt the need to spend that much. I'm so very sorry.

Also, making Gold 5 didn't prove to me I was "a very deadly arena player" since most of the people there did it without spending a single gem on anything. Or at least, I didn't. I just used my daily tokens on it. But maybe I am underestimating how much work you had to put into it comparatively.

I've always wondered why I can never find you on any arena refreshes, and I see it's because you are far enough below that I won't be matched with you.

If you need some help in getting to Plat or pushing plat, let me know and I'd be happy to help. I think the rewards there are worth the trouble, if you're willing to give it a shot.

Feb 23, 2022, 02:2802/23/22
Player J

I  never  took  a  break  or  had  a  bad  stretch.

You  just  saying  lies  about  me  at  this  point.

Oh am I now? These screenshots must be another Player J arguing with people on the official discord, then....



Feb 23, 2022, 02:3902/23/22

I haven't hit G5, but it's only been around a few weeks.  So it seems to me bragging about getting there and never falling out is not really a long term brag.  Anyway,

I almost always throw up a 1 common champ defense about 12 hours after reset.  When I have left my D up, forgetting to take it down, I've actually approached Plat, within a few 100 points, well over 3500 (G5 now).  I would then realize how hard it was getting and take my D down, never really pushed for plat.  And never ever have I spent 100 gems on arena much less 1000.  I can't say i haven't hit refresh 4 or 5 times during a tournament, but that's only like 25 ems.  Now that G5 is here, I may try to push for it in a few cycles, but right now it's still settling down.  I don't really see any benefit to it but it would be fun to do.  The last few weeks I've been taking my defense down about 24 hours after reset instead of 12.  Magisteel I have trouble keeping below the max 10K anyway.  And the 2% HP/ATT/DEF is not really worth it.  But I do appreciate the addition as it takes all these ringers like Harbby and Quinn, gives them a reason to live, and keeps them out of my hair lol.

And tbh, if I ever get off my lazy butt and pick a better team and gear them, I really think I have the champs and probably am not far from the gear.

Feb 23, 2022, 03:0002/23/22

@Player J I understand wanting to get into Gold 5 for the sake of doing it (what was your winrate while doing it, out of curiousity) but all the complaints about having to spend 1k gems to do so because the rewards weren't what you wanted are moot because you can simply go to the Gold 5 page and see: 



It's not exactly a mystery what is in there. You can clearly see there's no Swift Parry, Deflection, avatars, chaos ore or barrels. You didn't need to spend 1k gems to discover that. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose. 

Just because you're not forging doesn't mean more magisteel isn't useful. If you're using your silver keys every day in Doom Tower, trying to max out FW grind then that extra magisteel is going to be nice. Your experience is not going to be the same as everyone elses. 

Feb 23, 2022, 03:3302/23/22

It took you 1000 gems to make Gold 5? OMG, I'm sorry those people on discord were giving you a hard time for being in Gold 3, and you felt the need to spend that much. I'm so very sorry.

Also, making Gold 5 didn't prove to me I was "a very deadly arena player" since most of the people there did it without spending a single gem on anything. Or at least, I didn't. I just used my daily tokens on it. But maybe I am underestimating how much work you had to put into it comparatively.

I've always wondered why I can never find you on any arena refreshes, and I see it's because you are far enough below that I won't be matched with you.

If you need some help in getting to Plat or pushing plat, let me know and I'd be happy to help. I think the rewards there are worth the trouble, if you're willing to give it a shot.

I  work  9  to  10  hours  per  day  6  days  a  week.

I  don't do  Arena  Battles  during  the  week.

I  don't use  Daily Arena  Tokens  because I  will  not  have enough  time  to  do  other  stuff  in  Raid  such  as  Clan  Boss  or  Doom  Tower.

Due  to  not  doing  any  Offensive battles  during  the  week,  My  Arena  ranking  can  hover  between  Gold  3  or  Gold  4.

Sometimes,  my  defense does  well  and  I  stay  in  Gold  4.

Sometimes,  my  defense  gets  beat  and  I  drop  into  Gold  3.

Sunday  is  my  day  off.

Sunday  is  the  day  I begin  to  do  Arena  Offense.

I  get  back  into  my  Gold  4  rank  or  Gold  5  rank.

Than  when  reset  happens I  get  Gold  4  rewards  or  Gold  5  rewards.

The  screenshot you  have  are  from  me  dropping into  Gold  3  during  the  week  and  fighting  my  way  back  up  into  Gold  4  before  reset.


The  1,000  gems  I  used  is  to  buy  Arena  Tokens  on  Sunday  because I  have  to  make  up  for  all  the  Arena  Tokens  I  didn't use  from  Monday  to  Saturday.

I  spent  500  gems  on  the  previous  week  (Sunday  Feb.  13)  trying  to  reach  Gold  5,  but  couldn't reach  due  to  a  bug which  the  game  says  isn't a  bug  just  a  strange  occurrence due  to  the  introduction of  Gold  5.

I  had  3,450  Points  with  pages  of  only  +2  to  +4.

Than  I  refreshed  and  some  pages  were  blank  as  if  there  was  no  one  to  match  me  against.

It  was  impossible to  do  anything so  I  stopped  bothering  with  it  and  stayed  in  Gold  4.

I  spent  500  gems  on  the  recent  week  (Sunday  Feb.  20)  trying  to  reach  Gold  5.

The  game  system  was  better  had  more  players to  pair  with  me  ranges  of  +4  to  +16.

I  managed  to  face  the  +16  players  to  get  into  Gold  5.

In  total  I  spent  1,000  gems  over  the  course  of  2  weeks  to   get  into  Gold  5.

The  Arena  Tokens  you  get  Monday  to  Saturday don't carry  over  onto  Sunday.


As  far  as  you  not  seeing  me  in  Arena,  Their  is  millions of  players  in  the  game.

Your  trying to  find  1  person  in  a  sea  of  others.

Its  like  finding  a  needle  in  a  haystack.


No,  The  rewards  for  Plat  Arena  are  not  worth  the  effort  required  based  on  the  Arena  reset  situation.

The  only  way  to  ensure  you  stay  in  Plat  is  to  stay  up  till  Arena  reset.

Its  not  practical for  alot  of  people including myself.

I  could  spend  a  few  thousand gems  fighting  my  way  up  to  Platinum,  but  than  I  would  have  to  go  to  sleep  and  the  people fighting in  Platinum  will  just  push  me  out  of  Platinum  last  10  mins  of  reset.

Than  I  would  drop  down  into  Gold  5  to  receive trash  rewards  after  having  spent  several  thousand gems.

It  is  simply a  waste  of  time  at  least  for  me  because I  can't be  up  at  that  time.

Feb 23, 2022, 22:4602/23/22

With your purported team quality, why does Platinum take you a few thousand gems, Player J? What exactly is your win rate in Gold 4/Gold5 that it takes so many? How many refreshes are you forced to do searching for bad teams or one man defenses?

I mean, pushing Plat is quite difficult, I'll be the first to admit. But if your teams really are absolutely incredible, as your regular posts here state, it shouldn't take anywhere near that many gems. My teams ARE NOT incredible and I can push Plat with very little gem spending, as can @Harbby . He can speak for himself on his exact outlay of gems, but mine are always in the lower hundreds, if not below a hundred.

I'm happy to chat out my teams and strategies I use to push Plat, and I'm sure Harbby would as well. Harbby even uses go second teams. Perhaps we could save you a few thousand gems, or even some gems every week when you are trying to push into Gold 4 or Gold 5.

Feb 23, 2022, 23:1502/23/22

Curious how many times you both have finished in plat, and if it is any easier now with the change?

Feb 23, 2022, 23:1702/23/22


Oh, and here is a zero point victory 😆 

Feb 23, 2022, 23:2702/23/22

Curious how many times you both have finished in plat, and if it is any easier now with the change?

I've done it 3 or 4 times while I still worked nights. I haven't pushed in a while, but as of right now gold 5 is a bit of a chore. 

However that could be because my Trunda was GUTTED to use her armor for my cb team. 

Feb 23, 2022, 23:3202/23/22

I've done it 3 or 4 times while I still worked nights. I haven't pushed in a while, but as of right now gold 5 is a bit of a chore. 

However that could be because my Trunda was GUTTED to use her armor for my cb team. 

I am asleep at reset but I don't have the speed to stick in plat.  I can push up whenever, but no way I could stick.  

Feb 24, 2022, 01:1302/24/22

I found it a little hard to get till gold v but honestly i see more bots in v than i did in gold 4 not that i need bots im just saying )

Feb 24, 2022, 02:3402/24/22
Feb 24, 2022, 02:45(edited)


Oh, and here is a zero point victory 😆 

Easily two more points than you deserved, I say!