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Is High Khatun worth 60?

Is High Khatun worth 60?

Feb 10, 2022, 22:1502/10/22

Is High Khatun worth 60?

Finally just got my 2nd 6 star so setting my eye on who's next.  Not sure anyone I currently have is worth 60 but I'll be getting High Khatun in a few days, I'll definitely take her to 50, I assume, but wondering if I go all the way or wait for somethng better


Feb 10, 2022, 22:4302/10/22

It's hard to say.  She brings a speed aura, which is very valuable in arena.  She also has a 15% TM boost.  The question, when will you have a better speed aura/boost or TM boost, is really unanswerable.  It took me a year to get Jingle Hunter.  I got that bastard to 6/60 and ascended and a week later had a better champ and also needed to use him in a fusion.  So a lot of work down the drain.  

If it were me, I'd work on her till I had something better.  Use what you have has always been good advice.

Feb 10, 2022, 22:4502/10/22

Like Angwil said it's hard to say. I say get her to 50 and ascended, use her that way until you either get someone better or get to a point where you feel she needs to be 60 to keep up. 

Feb 10, 2022, 22:5202/10/22

High Khatun is worth a 60, in my opinion. If her job is to go first in Arena, or speed your team through dungeons, being able to put a banner on her with speed is a big plus. So is the 7 extra speed she gets from being 60 rather than 50. Her Turn Meter decrease on opponents goes much better with the extra accuracy from an Accuracy banner as well.

Feb 10, 2022, 22:5702/10/22

100% yes. You have nothing remotely close to her, and you'll be unlikely to get anyone to replace her until you reach Arbiter.

Feb 10, 2022, 23:2602/10/22

Yes,  HK  is  worth  getting to  lvl  60.

However,  I  would   lvl  Warmaiden to  60  before  HK.

I  think  you  can  delay  HK's  upgrade.

Feb 11, 2022, 00:3402/11/22

Def no on Warmaiden. You have Aleks. Build the better champ, which is DEF not Warmaiden here.

I fully expect Player J will put all these screens and a TON of text about how he still uses her, but it isn't 2019 anymore and the champ pool has more than doubled since he leveled her. :D

Also don't sleep on Venomage, who is really good.

In my opinion, you have Venomage, High Khatun, Maus Mage, Aleks and Kael who will make a WONDERFUL dungeon running team, and easily will be able to get you to Dragon 20. All of those are worth a 60, full ascension, masteries and skill upgrades as the books come in. Having a solid "First Five" is a great way to jump start your progression from early game to mid game.

Feb 11, 2022, 00:5102/11/22
Feb 11, 2022, 00:52(edited)

Def no on Warmaiden. You have Aleks. Build the better champ, which is DEF not Warmaiden here.

I fully expect Player J will put all these screens and a TON of text about how he still uses her, but it isn't 2019 anymore and the champ pool has more than doubled since he leveled her. :D

Also don't sleep on Venomage, who is really good.

In my opinion, you have Venomage, High Khatun, Maus Mage, Aleks and Kael who will make a WONDERFUL dungeon running team, and easily will be able to get you to Dragon 20. All of those are worth a 60, full ascension, masteries and skill upgrades as the books come in. Having a solid "First Five" is a great way to jump start your progression from early game to mid game.

I agree with the Aleksandr recommendation. I made a lovely post of an unbooked/no mssteries (and later videos booked and masteried) Aleksandr erasing people in arena, and he can handle those annoying unkillable champions people always seem to get stuck on in dungeons. 

Maybe I should record some Aleksandr in dungeons next, I won't be able to do it unbooked like I did with arena but I think it will still be worth it. 

Feb 11, 2022, 02:0302/11/22

Def no on Warmaiden. You have Aleks. Build the better champ, which is DEF not Warmaiden here.

I fully expect Player J will put all these screens and a TON of text about how he still uses her, but it isn't 2019 anymore and the champ pool has more than doubled since he leveled her. :D

Also don't sleep on Venomage, who is really good.

In my opinion, you have Venomage, High Khatun, Maus Mage, Aleks and Kael who will make a WONDERFUL dungeon running team, and easily will be able to get you to Dragon 20. All of those are worth a 60, full ascension, masteries and skill upgrades as the books come in. Having a solid "First Five" is a great way to jump start your progression from early game to mid game.

Thanks.  Maybe I'll hold Warmaiden for now at 40.  I was a bit unsure because I saw a bunch of videos saying how awesome she was, including HH, but they were a few years old so could be outdated

Feb 11, 2022, 02:2902/11/22

Thanks.  Maybe I'll hold Warmaiden for now at 40.  I was a bit unsure because I saw a bunch of videos saying how awesome she was, including HH, but they were a few years old so could be outdated

She is good IF you don't have a better AoE Dec Defense champ. I would recommend leveling Aleks, Dhukk, Uugo, Tayrel, Thylessia, Zargala and several others before Warmaiden. All of those do more things, and many are way more durable, than Warmaiden.

When people stop showing up with Aleks, I will go back to my "Don't take Warmaiden past 50 and wait until you pull a better AoE Dec Def champ" advice.

Feb 11, 2022, 07:4302/11/22
Feb 11, 2022, 07:44(edited)

You might only need her in Arena and you can keep her at 40 for that. You dont have the resources to back up her going first against more seasoned teams. She can get you to mid silver as 40 if you have the nukers to back her up. Shes outlived her usefulness after using her once so... 40, not more.

You have Mausoleum Mage and Spirithost. Both have value everywhere.

So keep HK at 40 and still be able to use her in arena and get MM or SH to 60. Or wait but these 2 have really nice kits and you should use them.

Feb 11, 2022, 09:1302/11/22
Betel Geuse

You might only need her in Arena and you can keep her at 40 for that. You dont have the resources to back up her going first against more seasoned teams. She can get you to mid silver as 40 if you have the nukers to back her up. Shes outlived her usefulness after using her once so... 40, not more.

You have Mausoleum Mage and Spirithost. Both have value everywhere.

So keep HK at 40 and still be able to use her in arena and get MM or SH to 60. Or wait but these 2 have really nice kits and you should use them.

If we're worried about High Khatun falling off in usefulness past 40 then we should probably be really, really worried about taking Spirithost past 40. Mausoleum Mage will definitely age well as a 60, Spirithost will not. She's fine early but falls off really badly anywhere near mid game, if not earlier depending on your pulls. 

I'm fine debating HK at 50 or 60, but not Spirithost over her. 

Feb 11, 2022, 09:2802/11/22
Feb 11, 2022, 09:31(edited)

I agree with MM being the better choice. Spirithost is way more useful than HK though. Cant imagine HK being useful in anything other than arena and she dont have to stay alive to do her part. True though, there are champs better than SH so maybe stay away from taking much more to 60 after MM... Until he gets something worthwhile.

Feb 11, 2022, 11:5002/11/22
Betel Geuse

I agree with MM being the better choice. Spirithost is way more useful than HK though. Cant imagine HK being useful in anything other than arena and she dont have to stay alive to do her part. True though, there are champs better than SH so maybe stay away from taking much more to 60 after MM... Until he gets something worthwhile.

Considering Maus Mage is already 6 starred, recommending OP level Maus Mage is a little behind the 8 ball.

Also, it seems you are REALLY undervaluing 19% speed aura. Turn Meter boosts, Increase Speed and Turn Meter Decrease. High Khatun is useful everywhere, and is a valuable champ becuase she makes your champs go more and prevents the enemy champs from going. Going twice before the enemy champs go once in a dungeon? That's what High Khatun brings. 

I am unsure how in any 2022 version of Raid that Spirithost is a good choice to level. Very very very very early game, sure, when it is Starter, Warpriest, Spirithost and Crusader. We're talking week one or two. But OP has a super decent dungeon team in Venomage, High Khatun, Maus Mage, Aleks and Kael.

Feb 11, 2022, 12:0802/11/22

Hmm the not max lvl threw me off. Also I see no Apothecary which is one of the reasons HK fall off very fast aswell. Id hold until theres an Apoth to max out. HK just aint worth it. Yes the aura is nice but I wouldnt max her for that since the turn meter+speed increase will be covered with Apothecary soon enough.

Feb 11, 2022, 12:2802/11/22
Feb 11, 2022, 12:29(edited)

Once  again,  I  am  forced  to  disagree with  my  fellow  forum  members.

I  have  come  to  talk  about  the  injustice that  has  befallen  the  thread.

Players  have  said  the  OP  shouldn't lvl  up  Warmaiden because  she  is  Old  &  Video's of  her  are  outdated.

We  are  talking  about  prejudices against  the  Elderly!

Discrimination against  the  Nation!

Take  a  look  at  this  OP  -  POW!


Does  that  screenshot look  Old  to  you?

Nope,  I  just  screenshot  it  2  mins  ago.

Warmaiden  is  a  Goddess!

Of  course,  you  should  lvl  her  up  to  60.

Only  a  mad  man  wouldn't  lvl  her  up  to  60.

Don't  tell  me  your  thinking  of  leveling  up  Aleksandr  the  Sadshooter?

24,000  Reviews  and  every  one  gives  him  red  rankings.


My  Gosh  -  look  at  all  those  Red  rankings.

Its  like  an  avalanche of  failure  by  24  thousand people.

Image  being  voted  down  by  24  thousand people.

Its  so  Sad.

Can't  believe your  actually  thinking  about  leveling this  guy.

What  possessed  you  to  do  such  a  thing?

What  you  need  to  do  is  bury  Alex  deep  in  your  Vault.

Than  go  to  church  and  Light  a  Little  Candle  with  a  Prayer  that  this  poor  champion  gets  buffed.

Feb 11, 2022, 13:2002/11/22

I agree with Player J in levelling Warmaiden over Aleks for a s1imple (ha ha) reason: Warmaiden has 100% chance for decrease def, Aleks has 75% chance. You could bring Aleks to 100% chance with legendary books, but why wasting the rarest resource in the game to achieve something you can get from a rare?

Aleks as a legendary, compared to other legendaries, is just not good enough to read the books. But if he doesn't read, he falls down as decrease def champ. A kind of dilemma.

A booked Aleks is clearly better than Warmaiden for his better stats, damage and the additional chance for freeze. If legendary books wouldn't be so scarce, I would definetly recommend him. But the price-performance-ratio for a booked Aleks is poor.

Feb 11, 2022, 14:5902/11/22

WM > Aleks :)

Feb 11, 2022, 15:3502/11/22
Feb 11, 2022, 18:46(edited)

Heres my guy Player J with all the screenhots in the world. Good to see ya buddy, I knew you'd show up sooner or later. I am sure next you might type us an essay about go second teams and how they don't require any gear? Just use that basic lifesteal stuff you get in the first week? Or maybe a 7 page essay again about champ appearance striking fear into the opponents and that somehow controlling wins in Arena? You know, grind your way to Gold 5 with champ appearance over multipliers?  I always enjoy the ludricous posts the most, to be honest.

I have never taken a Warmaiden up beyond what was required for the fusion, and I've done pretty well for myself. She makes wonderful food for non-farmable champs though!

Honestly @ObsideonRipper , use what you want/think will be best, play with them both a bit before committing huge amounts of resources into one, see which one you ike best. At the least, go read the Rating, Damage Multipliers and Additional Functionality that each AoE Dec Defense option brings to the table.  Aleksandr & Warmaiden . And def not from the in game ratings, anyone who quotes In Game ratings at you is being super super disingenuous, once you've played the game for any time at all you know those are trash. :D

Feb 11, 2022, 15:3802/11/22

Take it with a grain of salt - but again, I used Khatun on literally every one of my teams except CB, and I used her until I got Arbiter. That's how good she is.

Feb 11, 2022, 15:5902/11/22

Take it with a grain of salt - but again, I used Khatun on literally every one of my teams except CB, and I used her until I got Arbiter. That's how good she is.

This is a good point. I used mine in in every team as well, from basically the day I got her.  I even had her as my CB team lead for that sweet 2:1 Speed boost and TM fill.  :D

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