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Is anyone enjoying hydra?

Is anyone enjoying hydra?

Jan 30, 2022, 07:5901/30/22

Is anyone enjoying hydra?

Was looking forward to this boss forever, and everything about it is a let down. From the mechanics, the rewards, the difficulty.

It is a huge chore to use keys as you have to manual it because of how rng based it is you will need to do it way too many times until you get lucky.

The mechanics are a huge pita to deal with and require way to many conditions to be met.

I loathe even having to do this fight right now. Of course it's optional but if you're in a clan chances are you're required to use keys, as well as chasing stoneskin set items.

I don't even know how plarium would or could fix this fight, and I doubt they care to as they figure people will try to spend their way to victory.

My two cents as someone with a large enough roster to field 3 teams.

Jan 30, 2022, 09:1001/30/22

I am with you I also do not enjoy this battle of randomness. Therefore, I just to try to do 2,3mn damage per key to ensure that I get the top chest from normal.

Personally, I do not know, what I will do after receiving the last fragments for Mithrala. The artifacts from the normal top chest have bad stats and are therefore sold immediately. After receiving all the fragments I am really tempted to ditch the Hydra. It cost to much time for to little reward in my opinion.

Jan 30, 2022, 10:4201/30/22

I really dislike the randomness and that you have to Manual and reset the fights.

I get the lowest chest on normal then throw champs in and auto because i just do not care to work that hard at a game.

Jan 30, 2022, 11:4001/30/22

Too much to keep track of and too particular about champions you can use. I don't mind it being a bit random or having to manual it, in fact I might even consider that an advantage as it produces content you actually have to engage in a bit and as long as it's once a week it doesn't take up that much time. Unfortunately, all that is ruined by the sheer number of rules and restrictions where you're damned if you do and damned if you don't.

End result, I've just given up on it. I've found a team that does 20M+ on normal with 1 key, so that's all I do. Doompriest to take care of the constant fear, Serris to purge/debuff, Arbiter to revive and heal, and then pretty much whatever can dish out damage. HP burn is like 90% of the damage anyway.

What I'm worried about is their hints about increasing the rewards. Might seem an odd stance to take, but not so much when you take into account the possibility of rewards being removed from other areas to compensate. What makes the hydra tolerable at this point is that it's fairly optional. It would be less so if instead all you need to do is beat the hydra on super duper ultra mega nightmare difficulty to get a chance at that void shard that you used to get as a monthly reward.

Jan 30, 2022, 12:3201/30/22

Not really, it takes too long, has to be manualled and is rng heavy 

We have to cajole clan members into running it.

Jan 30, 2022, 12:5201/30/22

Not enjoying it. After getting Mithrala, I will only run Hydra to help others in the clan to get the fragments with double chests.

Jan 30, 2022, 16:3901/30/22

Not enjoying it at all. Didn't even participate the last two weeks. I just can't be bothered with spending so much time on a boring activity.

Jan 30, 2022, 17:2701/30/22

Like everyone is saying, too much RNG and manual fighting... game is asking for another few hours of my week without offering any QoL improvements in other areas on top of all of that.  I beleive it's required content too, we're going to see a lot of those sets in arena.

I don't think many who are enjoying it.  DT is a puzzle to be solved and I still very much like working on it.  Hydra is just blah, building a bunch of duplicate champs and hoping for a bit of luck each run.

Jan 30, 2022, 20:5501/30/22

I will pass all this feeback on!

Jan 30, 2022, 22:1101/30/22

Its  funny  reading  8  different people say  the  same  thing  I  am  thinking.

Hydra  is  a  joke.

Jan 30, 2022, 22:3601/30/22
Player J

Its  funny  reading  8  different people say  the  same  thing  I  am  thinking.

Hydra  is  a  joke.

Idk why but I would have thought player J would have more to say, and be maybe one of the few people to say hydra is good. 

Jan 31, 2022, 01:0601/31/22

ive forgotten to do it the last 2 weeks and i have 3 keys to do tonight as i wont get time tomorrow lol

Jan 31, 2022, 01:2501/31/22

Idk why but I would have thought player J would have more to say, and be maybe one of the few people to say hydra is good. 


Kind of surprised we were not told what noobs we were, GET GUD! and shown all his end game Legos geared to the gills that can 1 key UNM on auto 😀😁😛

Jan 31, 2022, 01:4201/31/22


Kind of surprised we were not told what noobs we were, GET GUD! and shown all his end game Legos geared to the gills that can 1 key UNM on auto 😀😁😛

I know that you were being sarcastic, but your point is exactly the reason why most of us hate Hydra. I run UNM on full auto from turn 1, regardless of affinity - and it still takes about 30 minutes to complete a run. On Nightmare, it's closer to around 40, and on Brutal it's about 60 minutes. That's a massive time investment, but it's one I'm willing to make - because I can run it on auto. If I had to run on manual, I would have quit this game ages ago.

Hydra, on the other hand? Maybe I can do the easiest difficulty on full auto, but that's about it - and even there, I simply can't be bothered to find a team to actually do it. 

I don't know how Plarium messed this up so badly, or how they can fix it - but a simple start would be reducing it from four heads down to two, *maybe* three at most. This game just can't handle complex fights with so many variables at play. It's not designed for it, and the existing mechanics don't work nicely with it.

Jan 31, 2022, 02:3801/31/22

I know that you were being sarcastic, but your point is exactly the reason why most of us hate Hydra. I run UNM on full auto from turn 1, regardless of affinity - and it still takes about 30 minutes to complete a run. On Nightmare, it's closer to around 40, and on Brutal it's about 60 minutes. That's a massive time investment, but it's one I'm willing to make - because I can run it on auto. If I had to run on manual, I would have quit this game ages ago.

Hydra, on the other hand? Maybe I can do the easiest difficulty on full auto, but that's about it - and even there, I simply can't be bothered to find a team to actually do it. 

I don't know how Plarium messed this up so badly, or how they can fix it - but a simple start would be reducing it from four heads down to two, *maybe* three at most. This game just can't handle complex fights with so many variables at play. It's not designed for it, and the existing mechanics don't work nicely with it.

I want to point out your comment on reducing heads, as that actually seems like it would make the fight bearable. It is the first suggestion I've seen, but it would be a huge nerf to the fight.

Jan 31, 2022, 07:4801/31/22

Badly concieved, badly implemented, too much to worry about so it appears most people don't bother, some clans got lucky before the nerf and opened up higher levels, my clan didn't however but hardly anyone bothers to do Hydra and we down UNM daily

Having a head that you can't hit due to 'misdirection' that seems to always be the one that eats your player means a reset and just more wasted time

Jan 31, 2022, 09:2901/31/22

Badly concieved, badly implemented, too much to worry about so it appears most people don't bother, some clans got lucky before the nerf and opened up higher levels, my clan didn't however but hardly anyone bothers to do Hydra and we down UNM daily

Having a head that you can't hit due to 'misdirection' that seems to always be the one that eats your player means a reset and just more wasted time

Yeh it always seems to be mischief that eats the dps up, then you have to decide, do i start this crap again or not.

Jan 31, 2022, 09:5901/31/22

Sadly this is another thing that will not change IMO, as some clans, people have already finished and gotten the champ from hydra.

My guess is because of this Plarium is looking at Hydra as a fail because 2 or 3 months in people are done with it.

Jan 31, 2022, 10:4601/31/22

What suprises me is in testing the feedback was either positive (can't see how it would have been) - ignored - or they didn't bother testing

Jan 31, 2022, 11:2901/31/22

What suprises me is in testing the feedback was either positive (can't see how it would have been) - ignored - or they didn't bother testing

most of the times....if you have a look at all the suggestions on the discord channels and the feedback and hidden comments of the content creators, it is just reduced to 

no testing on its own and ignoring all feedback.

Jan 31, 2022, 11:4501/31/22

Hey guys. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on Hydra. First of all, Hydra is not designed for a universal team to smash all difficulties on auto. You have to plan your strategies around the heads' skill set. As the time goes and the Hydra matures, you will see more champions appearing in the game, for you to be able to fight Hydra more efficiently.  

Secondly, start your way to exploring Hydra from Normal difficulty. It requires less fine tuning of the team and allows to familiarize yourself with the Hydra's core mechanics. As for now, we are not planning on changing any of the Hydra's core mechanics.  Check out our CC's videos to get some useful tips on how to beat the Hydra.