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Arena. Considering to quit now

Arena. Considering to quit now

Feb 8, 2022, 19:2202/08/22

Player J

I understand you love Go 2nd , but no where did i say they were not viable.

What i have said is that it is not a realistic goal for a new player.

As I said in another post Speed team you need to gear 2 champs with 1 stat speed.

go 2nd team you have to gear all 4 champs in either resist gear or gear with high resist rolls on them and you also have to have high HP and Def. Also Ideally you want a resist champ lead which even after a year of playing 2 accounts I do not have 1.

To me for a new or newer player this is not realistic IMO, and also I believe you would need more time for your Arena Battles as  with high resists and HP/Def you will hit like a wet noddle( even more so for a new/newer player with lesser gear choices)

So from my perspective it is you trying to hand out misinformation 


I am done talking circles with you 😀.

You love go 2nd, about 90% of the player base loves Speed teams, not much left to say from either me or you 🙈🙉🙊

One last thought I really should stop argueing against you because a poorly put together resist team is much easier fodder than a poorly put together speed team IMO

The  problem with  your  statement Minin  is  I  have  already  done  what  you  say  isn't possible.

This  is  why  I  know  your  wrong.

Here  is  a  Sample  Go  1st  Team:

-  Diabolist

-  SpiritHost 

-  Warmaiden

-  Starter

All  4  heroes  are  Farmable  or  Acquired  by  players  in  game.

Here  is  a  Sample  Go  2nd  Team:

-  Shaman

-  Warpriest

-  Templar

-  Executioner

All  4  heroes  are  Farmable  or  Acquired  by  players  in  game

You  say  its  not  possible  to  have  Go  2nd  team  because Go  1st  teams  only  need  to  gear  2  champions  with  1  stat  Speed  while  Go  2nd  teams  need  to  gear  all  4  champions.

The  above  statement you  said  makes  no  sense  Minin.

Go  1st  Teams  will  gear  all  4  Champions  as  well.

-  Diabolist  will  have  Speed  Gear

-  SpiritHost will  have  Speed  Gear

-  Warmaiden will  have  ACC  Gear

-  Starter  (Kael)  will  have  Lifesteal  Gear  majority of  the  time  mixed  with  ACC

Go  2nd  Teams  will  gear  all  4  Champions.

-  Shaman will  have  Resistance  Gear

-  Warpriest  will  have  Shield  Gear

-  Templar  will  have Defense or  Provoke  Gear

-  Execution will  have  Lifesteal  Gear  majority of  the  time  mixed  with  RESIST

There  really isn't a  difference.

Feb 8, 2022, 19:2602/08/22

The difference, J, is that the cost of gearing that go-second team will likely be 10x that of the speed nuke team.

Feb 8, 2022, 19:3002/08/22

The difference, J, is that the cost of gearing that go-second team will likely be 10x that of the speed nuke team.


someone who understands.

It would be 10X the cost in everything, farming time, silver and so much more that I am missing.

Feb 8, 2022, 19:4102/08/22


someone who understands.

It would be 10X the cost in everything, farming time, silver and so much more that I am missing.

FWIW, I'm 99% sure I said exactly this like .... five pages ago lol. Go-second teams are often my recommendation, but always with the caveat that they require much more in terms of gear.

Feb 8, 2022, 20:0802/08/22

FWIW, I'm 99% sure I said exactly this like .... five pages ago lol. Go-second teams are often my recommendation, but always with the caveat that they require much more in terms of gear.

Great but you are not the person who needs to understand it 😁

Just From Player Js list of gear you need to farm all 3 dugeons at a high level.

Res  and Def gear IG

Shield FK

LS is Dragon

Speed team is all Dragon 

Sorry human nature is to take the shortest path 😀

Feb 8, 2022, 20:3802/08/22

Great but you are not the person who needs to understand it 😁

Just From Player Js list of gear you need to farm all 3 dugeons at a high level.

Res  and Def gear IG

Shield FK

LS is Dragon

Speed team is all Dragon 

Sorry human nature is to take the shortest path 😀

There is certainly a point where go second becomes viable, but we're gonna you know, need gear from Dragon first, as I've seen my fellow forum mod Quinn suggest a trillion times. 

It's not even just needing gear from FK/IG/Dragon, but getting your great hall to a point where you can reasonably dump medals into res, which isn't coming before accuracy. 

The beauty of this game is you can take different (longer too, if you're willing to be patient) routes like Player J is suggesting. It just might not be ideal for most when you factor in how much easier it is to farm higher stages of Dragon early. We end up passing up on higher quality gear too often, I think.

Feb 8, 2022, 20:4602/08/22

There is certainly a point where go second becomes viable, but we're gonna you know, need gear from Dragon first, as I've seen my fellow forum mod Quinn suggest a trillion times. 

It's not even just needing gear from FK/IG/Dragon, but getting your great hall to a point where you can reasonably dump medals into res, which isn't coming before accuracy. 

The beauty of this game is you can take different (longer too, if you're willing to be patient) routes like Player J is suggesting. It just might not be ideal for most when you factor in how much easier it is to farm higher stages of Dragon early. We end up passing up on higher quality gear too often, I think.

Some of us prioritized RES before ACC. Well maybe just one of us :)

Feb 8, 2022, 21:3402/08/22

Some of us prioritized RES before ACC. Well maybe just one of us :)

I prioritized 50s over 60s for a bit. Good choices all around, I think. :D :D

Feb 8, 2022, 21:4902/08/22

Many moons ago, my first 60s were:






Grizzled jarl 



Even a dumb noob like me realized blue res, and res in general was smart for what I had to work with.  Coffinsmasher was in that mix as well lol.  Good enough for dragon 20, ig 20 and unm cb.  

Feb 8, 2022, 21:5102/08/22
Feb 8, 2022, 21:52(edited)

Coffin Smasher is an AWESOME champ, made it all the way to UNM CB for me, along with Skullcrusher. And Athel crew over here.

Feb 8, 2022, 22:5302/08/22

It's to get us to spend $$$ on Gems.  They do not care that we are sleep deprived or have tendonitis trying to get to gold and then stay in gold.  They do not care that we have outside the game lives.  We are being enslaved into arena in a really insideous way and  punished by dropping down tiers if we are not constantly playing every hour of the day.  It takes me a full 48 hours sometimes to progress from silver to gold.

Feb 8, 2022, 23:5302/08/22

Great but you are not the person who needs to understand it 😁

Just From Player Js list of gear you need to farm all 3 dugeons at a high level.

Res  and Def gear IG

Shield FK

LS is Dragon

Speed team is all Dragon 

Sorry human nature is to take the shortest path 😀

You  are  not  thinking  about  my  List  of  Gear  close  enough  Minin!

Resistance,  Defense,  &  Taunting  Gear  come  from  Ice  Golem.

Shield  Gear  will  come  from  Market.

Lifesteal  Gear  will  come  from  7  Day  Login  Gear  which  everyone gets.

You  are  assuming you  need  to  farm  3  dungeons  at  high  level,  but  that  isn't the  case!

The  only  dungeon  you  will  farm  will  be  Ice  Golem.

Feb 9, 2022, 05:1702/09/22
Feb 9, 2022, 05:18(edited)

Alrighty boys. Lets put on bow on this one. Def going around in circles here.

I think most people here would say go second teams are very viable, but they require pretty good gear, and often a great deal more farming than other team comps. 

(Also J I've been looking for your team. My Serris and Yoshi just SLAP resist teams. 700 Res isn't going to save you...... but I'll find you at some point, just wait.... :D :D :D )

Feb 9, 2022, 09:2702/09/22

Hey guys, could someone please explain me why i see such def pack here? 


Did not create another forum theme, this seems corresponding

Feb 9, 2022, 10:5502/09/22

Thanks all, people told that Lydia may be empowered by Visix

Feb 9, 2022, 15:3202/09/22

Thanks all, people told that Lydia may be empowered by Visix

This is 100% correct. 

Feb 9, 2022, 15:4302/09/22

although the question is already answered, to be found in the help section in the guardian ring



Feb 9, 2022, 17:5702/09/22

Alrighty boys. Lets put on bow on this one. Def going around in circles here.

I think most people here would say go second teams are very viable, but they require pretty good gear, and often a great deal more farming than other team comps. 

(Also J I've been looking for your team. My Serris and Yoshi just SLAP resist teams. 700 Res isn't going to save you...... but I'll find you at some point, just wait.... :D :D :D )

Who  are  these  people telling you  all  these  lies  about  Go  2nd  teams,  HarleQuinn?

Are  the  people telling  you  Go  2nd  teams  require  pretty  good  gear  the  same  ones  who  don't even  own  a  Go  2nd  team?

Have  you  seen  the  gear  on  my  Go  2nd  team  in  comparison to  my  Go  1st  team?

Go  1st  teams  are  extremely more  gear  intensive

Feb 9, 2022, 18:1302/09/22

Anyone that thinks arena is working the way it should i s a total idiot.

Feb 9, 2022, 18:2202/09/22

This whole game is bulls--t.You burn up millions of silver to upgrade artifacts and then you have to burn up all your glyphs which you get vewry few of.If we have to burn silver to upgrade,they should leave the glyphs alone.It's not like we can buy what we need in glyphs.Not that I would anyway the way this game runs.

I'm not buying anything until the game stops making me want to break something.

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