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Arena. Considering to quit now

Arena. Considering to quit now

Jan 30, 2022, 00:5401/30/22

I disagree that PvP needs to be decoupled from PvE.

So f2p can progress to arbiter?

To discourage low spenders from spending more?

Do I think new players should have to compete with us veterans to get Arbiter? No, and I think plarium with whatever matchmaking shenanigans or bots understands that. 

we shall see, the only fix I have seen them do it adding bots ( err I mean expanding the pool of players drawn from )

I do not have alot of faith as from past experience in game fixes mean corupt a wish 😍

Jan 30, 2022, 01:0501/30/22

we shall see, the only fix I have seen them do it adding bots ( err I mean expanding the pool of players drawn from )

I do not have alot of faith as from past experience in game fixes mean corupt a wish 😍

Oh, sorry I don't expect a fix either.  Plarium understands, but it is not a priority at all :)

We shall see what kind of clusterF the new G5 introduces... 😆 🤣 😂 

Jan 30, 2022, 01:3701/30/22
Jan 30, 2022, 01:37(edited)

No at least for me each page has 2 or 3 fights I can win the rest, most times I can tell will be auto lose and this is for my main account in G4.

My second account in S4/G4 I get maybe 1 fight a page if I am lucky.

IMO it really sucks to not be able to progress in other areas of the game because it seems to screw you over for Arena.

To me this signifies (especially your second account) that perhaps you (and others in your position) shouldn't be in that place in arena. 

The arena meta of soft matchmaking over the prior say, 4-6 months before the start of December basically boosted a ton of accounts to heights they realistically shouldn't expect to be at anymore. We were warned ahead of time that matchmaking would be shifting back to what we have now. 

Even now we're still able to get on, refresh often, or use a small amount of gems to seek out the matchups we're looking for, if they exist. The reality is we don't have to fight anyone we don't want to, we can merely skip the toughest fights and move onto the next ones. This isn't a true PVP experience in any way, shape or form. And because of this, people who've managed to make their way up through places in arena they arguably shouldn't be in, those people are dealing with pages in which they can't get a single win in. 

One solution to counteract this in a fair way would be to institute a blind matchmaking system where once you hit battle, you randomly get matched up with someone in your point/rank range. You would then see their defense and be able to choose how you wish to fight that team. This would lead to players actually having the need to ensure they're constantly upgrading their gear/teams and options for niche champions/counters while rewarding players who are already doing that. 

PVP in theory should be closer to a zero sum game (or one that rewards overall decision making) rather than farming one man defenses or being fortunate on frequent page refreshes.

Jan 30, 2022, 10:3901/30/22

To me this signifies (especially your second account) that perhaps you (and others in your position) shouldn't be in that place in arena. 

The arena meta of soft matchmaking over the prior say, 4-6 months before the start of December basically boosted a ton of accounts to heights they realistically shouldn't expect to be at anymore. We were warned ahead of time that matchmaking would be shifting back to what we have now. 

Even now we're still able to get on, refresh often, or use a small amount of gems to seek out the matchups we're looking for, if they exist. The reality is we don't have to fight anyone we don't want to, we can merely skip the toughest fights and move onto the next ones. This isn't a true PVP experience in any way, shape or form. And because of this, people who've managed to make their way up through places in arena they arguably shouldn't be in, those people are dealing with pages in which they can't get a single win in. 

One solution to counteract this in a fair way would be to institute a blind matchmaking system where once you hit battle, you randomly get matched up with someone in your point/rank range. You would then see their defense and be able to choose how you wish to fight that team. This would lead to players actually having the need to ensure they're constantly upgrading their gear/teams and options for niche champions/counters while rewarding players who are already doing that. 

PVP in theory should be closer to a zero sum game (or one that rewards overall decision making) rather than farming one man defenses or being fortunate on frequent page refreshes.


Wow way to be nice about saying GET GUD!

First and formost why I loathe arena is I play games for FUN, I do not find Fustration FUN.

1. To me this signifies (especially your second account) that perhaps you (and others in your position) shouldn't be in that place in arena.  

I have a solid team HK,Uugo,Ninja, and either Oathbreaker or Shamael working on gearing Zargala for those Force teams

I know I need better gear been farming the hell out of the dragon for the last month, so much so today I get to spend my time and gems on campain to complete the monthly quest, because the only campain I have done in the last month is what dalies were there.

2. One solution to counteract this in a fair way would be to institute a blind matchmaking system where once you hit battle, you randomly get matched up with someone in your point/rank range 

I have seen this sugestion before not sure if by you or not but this would make Arena so much worse IMO.

Right now the Meta is 90% speed ( sorry for you go 2nd fans ) and being able to see and pick your fights is much better than just getting matched up and GL to you IMO.

3. This would lead to players actually having the need to ensure they're constantly upgrading their gear/teams and options for niche champions/counters while rewarding players who are already doing that.  

I am sorry going back to my first point, this is a game and should be FUN IMO, it should not be a full time job and what you suggest here comes off as players should have the game on 24/7 ( which sadly I do with trying to maintain 2 accounts 😁, yes this is my choice)

While I understand and respect your point of view I do not agree with it as like I said I play games for FUN not Fustration.

Jan 30, 2022, 12:1901/30/22
Jan 30, 2022, 12:19(edited)

What should be done with arena to improve the game:

1. Arena and tag team arena can stay as they are.

2. Remove all quests and missions related to arena and tag team arena from the game.

3. Remove arena stage bonus from the game.

4. Give a way to get medals for great hall in Doomtower or dungeons.

Jan 30, 2022, 22:2101/30/22
Jan 30, 2022, 22:22(edited)

Hi all :) 

I'm able to float in the middle of G3 purely on my defence (ie almost without active wins):

Skullcrown, Seeker in  shield set, Duchess, Skytouched Shaman. 

Fastest champion is Skytouched at 220. Sometimes in defence log I see wins against crazy teams I would never attack myself.

I have Arbiter but don't have enough speed so I use same go-second team in offense or its variations with Brago, Rhazin, Sandlahsed survivor, sometimes Royal huntsman (if enemy has only one reviver). And I really don't want to turn the game into Raid: Dragon Runs. 

Actually selection of team to attack start to take too much time as arena gets harder so I just decided abandon arena completelly and it was great decision for me. Now I can enjoy game much more though my progress is obviously slowed down (but who cares if I don't compete in arena). 

I just hit 2-key UNM, 1-key NM, and slowly level up champions for FW because I still like this part of the game. Also game now does not consume so much time as before because I obviously not doing daily tasks. 

So you don't have to quit the game if you don't like arena (everybody who I know hate arena with passion). Just quit arena :)  


Jan 30, 2022, 23:0201/30/22


Wow way to be nice about saying GET GUD!

First and formost why I loathe arena is I play games for FUN, I do not find Fustration FUN.

1. To me this signifies (especially your second account) that perhaps you (and others in your position) shouldn't be in that place in arena.  

I have a solid team HK,Uugo,Ninja, and either Oathbreaker or Shamael working on gearing Zargala for those Force teams

I know I need better gear been farming the hell out of the dragon for the last month, so much so today I get to spend my time and gems on campain to complete the monthly quest, because the only campain I have done in the last month is what dalies were there.

2. One solution to counteract this in a fair way would be to institute a blind matchmaking system where once you hit battle, you randomly get matched up with someone in your point/rank range 

I have seen this sugestion before not sure if by you or not but this would make Arena so much worse IMO.

Right now the Meta is 90% speed ( sorry for you go 2nd fans ) and being able to see and pick your fights is much better than just getting matched up and GL to you IMO.

3. This would lead to players actually having the need to ensure they're constantly upgrading their gear/teams and options for niche champions/counters while rewarding players who are already doing that.  

I am sorry going back to my first point, this is a game and should be FUN IMO, it should not be a full time job and what you suggest here comes off as players should have the game on 24/7 ( which sadly I do with trying to maintain 2 accounts 😁, yes this is my choice)

While I understand and respect your point of view I do not agree with it as like I said I play games for FUN not Fustration.

Not to focus on you or anything, but ... that is really not a great arena team comp. Even if you win the speed race, you're likely to still lose. You really should switch Uugo out, he doesn't help that team at all. You need a second speed booster, so that you can gear Ninja in very acc-heavy gear while still being able to put out damage, and then you need your last person to be uber slow so that the entire enemy team unfreezes *before* they nuke, because otherwise the damage reduction from freeze coupled with the lack of DEF down will likely mean you just won't win.

Yes, the meta is heavy speed, but it still requires proper team synergy to work.

Jan 30, 2022, 23:0501/30/22

And as for the rest of this thread - I'd put an argument/opinion, but at the end of the day, when you have players that are willing to spend millions of dollars on this game, our opinions matter exactly zero.

There are basically four types of players in this game:

1) Leviathans who spend tens of thousands of dollars per month, who Plarium will do absolutely everything to make sure they stay and continue spending money

2) Whales who spend a few hundred bucks a month, that Plarium enjoys having around, but not enough to really pay that much attention

3) Squirrels who spend a bit of money, or are completely FTP, like most of the people in this thread, for whom Plarium cares not an iota

4) New players, who Plarium desperately hopes will spend maybe a hundred bucks on this game before giving up and quitting

This isn't me being cynical or upset. It's just the reality of the industry. We don't matter at all, and all we can do is just enjoy the areas of the game we find enjoyable. If you don't find arena enjoyable, just don't participate.

Jan 30, 2022, 23:3901/30/22

Not to focus on you or anything, but ... that is really not a great arena team comp. Even if you win the speed race, you're likely to still lose. You really should switch Uugo out, he doesn't help that team at all. You need a second speed booster, so that you can gear Ninja in very acc-heavy gear while still being able to put out damage, and then you need your last person to be uber slow so that the entire enemy team unfreezes *before* they nuke, because otherwise the damage reduction from freeze coupled with the lack of DEF down will likely mean you just won't win.

Yes, the meta is heavy speed, but it still requires proper team synergy to work.

TY but you do know that UUgo is Def down and block buffs?

Also it does not happen often but his full group revive has gotten me wins here and there.

So HK speed and TM, Uugo Def down and block buffs, Ninja Freeze and either issy if they have more than one resser or are more force heavy or oath bound if magic heavy not sure where I am missing synergy?

 Also have Jingle hunter when I am feeling saucy and want to try speed teram

Jan 30, 2022, 23:4101/30/22

TY but you do know that UUgo is Def down and block buffs?

Also it does not happen often but his full group revive has gotten me wins here and there.

So HK speed and TM, Uugo Def down and block buffs, Ninja Freeze and either issy if they have more than one resser or are more force heavy or oath bound if magic heavy not sure where I am missing synergy?

 Also have Jingle hunter when I am feeling saucy and want to try speed teram

The problem is simply that you won't get a turn. With a single speed booster, you need all of your team to be extremely fast. If HK is at 300 SPD, both Uugo and Ninja would need to be at around 250 SPD for this team to work.

Jan 30, 2022, 23:5101/30/22
Jan 30, 2022, 23:53(edited)

The problem is simply that you won't get a turn. With a single speed booster, you need all of your team to be extremely fast. If HK is at 300 SPD, both Uugo and Ninja would need to be at around 250 SPD for this team to work.

You are correct if I am fighting speed teams, wrong assumption 😁


I also do not have a second TM besides Apo and he is part of my CB team so can not tune him for Arena, one of these years I will get lucky with pulls.

Jan 30, 2022, 23:5201/30/22

That's fair, but if you're fighting to stay in G4, you'll be up against one of three types of teams, all of which will unfortuntely wreck yours. The speed nuke teams will win the speed race, the go-second teams will just resist your debuffs and survive, and the gimmick teams with things like Hegemon/etc will just shut the team down before they can act.

If it's working for you, great, but I think it's unlikely to work for long.

Jan 30, 2022, 23:5701/30/22

That's fair, but if you're fighting to stay in G4, you'll be up against one of three types of teams, all of which will unfortuntely wreck yours. The speed nuke teams will win the speed race, the go-second teams will just resist your debuffs and survive, and the gimmick teams with things like Hegemon/etc will just shut the team down before they can act.

If it's working for you, great, but I think it's unlikely to work for long.

NP this is my 2nd account which is in Silver4/G1.

My main account has much better champs and in G4 with no issues really.

Arb 310 speed not awesome but works,Kymar, MS and Rotos or Brakus for my main account, While I understand the 2nd TM I have not been ever able to get it to work 😍

Jan 30, 2022, 23:5901/30/22

Oh that makes much more sense. Was very confused, since I could swear I remember you having a more standard speed nuke build.

Jan 31, 2022, 02:0001/31/22

I  stopped  playing  a  few  weeks  back  after  a  massive  grind  in  reaching  the  end  of  the  missions .   i  made  another  post  about  how  sad  it  was  that  they  locked  so  much  behind  the  arena.  

i  actually  wasted  hours  to  realize  that  the  books  and  ending  of  the  missions  was  locked  behind  "reach  arena  gold  1 "  in  the  mission  quests  also.  

errrrr  nah......

i  do  clan  boss  each  day  but  as  for  buying  or  investing  more  time  and  money  into  more  if  this  game ,  stopped.  

Jan 31, 2022, 02:0701/31/22

I agree Arena should get harder as you progress, however surely the issue is Plarium make it artificially harder due to their matchmaking

There must be tens of thousands in the lower Arena tiers, and everyone in any tier has got their by right, so why, FGS WHY can't they remove matchmaking and just bring back ten random opponents from your current tier to battle?

Or  make  two  separate  tiers .  one  competitive  and  the  other  casual .  

Not  everyone  wants  to  sweat  over  a  game  and  reaching  tiers,  or  losing  more  points  in  losing  than  winning  games.  each  match  i  lose  i  sacrifice  11-12  points  and  yet  winning  gets  me  7-8?    

Arena  just  isnt  fun  to  me  and  fail  to  see  how  people  call  it  competitive?  

Jan 31, 2022, 09:2401/31/22

They have the arena missions there for a reason, the same reason they have their matchmaking, the same reason they do anything, to try to make players part with their money

If it was easy for FTP few would spend anything, if Plarium can squeeze a few pounds from players who think a void pack will pull the champ they need to get to G4 then as far as Plarium are concerned job done

Jan 31, 2022, 13:4501/31/22

Hey guys. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic. Arena is the most competitive mode of the game, where players are facing each other. The further the game is evolving and the more players are progressing in it, the harder Arena is becoming. Therefore, we are constantly monitoring its difficulty and improving the matchmaking system. Moreover, we are planning to extend the tiers to Gold 5 and extend the Platinum.

Jan 31, 2022, 15:1701/31/22

Hey guys. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic. Arena is the most competitive mode of the game, where players are facing each other. The further the game is evolving and the more players are progressing in it, the harder Arena is becoming. Therefore, we are constantly monitoring its difficulty and improving the matchmaking system. Moreover, we are planning to extend the tiers to Gold 5 and extend the Platinum.

It's harder because of your matchmaking right?

Why do you insist on matchmaking? What would be wrong with ten random opponents from the tier?

Jan 31, 2022, 15:2401/31/22
Jan 31, 2022, 15:39(edited)

Hey guys. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the topic. Arena is the most competitive mode of the game, where players are facing each other. The further the game is evolving and the more players are progressing in it, the harder Arena is becoming. Therefore, we are constantly monitoring its difficulty and improving the matchmaking system. Moreover, we are planning to extend the tiers to Gold 5 and extend the Platinum.

 Arena is the most competitive mode of the game

You do understand that Arena is not competitive, it is all about how many refreshes someone is willing to go thru.

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