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Free Chaos Ore Pack

Free Chaos Ore Pack

Jan 13, 2022, 23:1201/13/22

Not sure why I thought main stat was locked...

Wait - main stat isn't locked?

If that's the case then it completely throws the idea out the window. No way in hell I'm wasting this on a L16 boot just to see it turn into a flat ATK main stat.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:1401/13/22
Jan 13, 2022, 23:17(edited)

Let me also point out, that yes, if you are at the point of SELLING these boots, then it would be ideal to try it.  But not if they are currently useful.

[EDIT] the odds of getting SPD main again (if that's even possible) are very very slim.  But if it can happen I'd try the ore before I sold these boots.  But this demonstrates the RNG involved in ore. It's like a hail Mary.  

Jan 13, 2022, 23:1801/13/22

Let me also point out, that yes, if you are at the point of SELLING these boots, then it would be ideal to try it.  But not if they are currently useful.

[EDIT] the odds of getting SPD main again (if that's even possible) are very very slim.  But if it can happen I'd try the ore before I sold these boots.  But this demonstrates the RNG involved in ore. It's like a hail Mary.  

Yep. Basically a second chance to make a speed item (or whatever set u prefer) not an autosell.

Probably no impact on me, since I will have very little to use.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:2701/13/22

I wonder if all I will end up using this on is 6 star Relentless Boots that don't roll speed when I get them.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:2901/13/22

Wait - main stat isn't locked?

If that's the case then it completely throws the idea out the window. No way in hell I'm wasting this on a L16 boot just to see it turn into a flat ATK main stat.

"The game randomizes both the main Stats and the Substats of the chosen Artifact during rework."

The way I read this, using ore is no different from farming a brand new piece in whatever dungeon of your choosing. Gear is already one the single most aspect of the game subject to RNG.  The only things that are set are rank and rarity. That's why I say only use it on junk of the highest rarity you have ore for.

Shards are the absolute worst purchase in the game, until now!!!

Jan 13, 2022, 23:3001/13/22

I wonder if all I will end up using this on is 6 star Relentless Boots that don't roll speed when I get them.

Exactly, a chance to turn 6* boots with flat HP to 6* boots with SPD!!!

Jan 13, 2022, 23:3001/13/22

I don't know that ore is going to be more abundant than silver. I think that's a hell fo an assumption.  Even if it is, you are going to have to spend millions of silver for each junk piece to find out if it's a quad roll.  Only a 6.25% of gear?  Spending a few million silver in the process?  And on a piece of junk to begin with? Just for the off chance that ore might make it better?  Go for it!  If it works out let me know.

Okay, first, I said I'm assuming ore is *not* going to be more abundant. Second, no you're not going to spend millions of silver to find out if an item is a quad roll, because the vast majority of items will be discarded before you get there. If the cost table I found while googling is accurate, then you'll spend an average of 330k per item to find out if they are quad rolls (possibly less, depending on if the cost presented is cumulative or not), which is silver you're at least partially going to spend either way on upgrading un-reshuffled items with default stats that are acceptable.

Again, this is not going to save you silver, you're trading silver and ore for a higher chance of getting a good quad rolled item. The alternative is to keep running dungeons in the hopes of getting another legendary item, potentially requiring rerolling it first, and then upgrade it hoping for a quad roll. It's a resource trade. What changes is the balance of what resources you spend. 

Jan 13, 2022, 23:3301/13/22

Exactly, a chance to turn 6* boots with flat HP to 6* boots with SPD!!!

Pushing to win one of the more difficult Legendary Relentless tournies, against spenders, and then getting flat stat everything on your relentless, and no speed substats, is brutal. And has happened the last two times I've saved up resources and then pushed for it.

Maybe I just save this Chaos Ore, and all future, to try and take the sting out of the next time.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:4001/13/22
Jan 13, 2022, 23:44(edited)

Okay, first, I said I'm assuming ore is *not* going to be more abundant. Second, no you're not going to spend millions of silver to find out if an item is a quad roll, because the vast majority of items will be discarded before you get there. If the cost table I found while googling is accurate, then you'll spend an average of 330k per item to find out if they are quad rolls (possibly less, depending on if the cost presented is cumulative or not), which is silver you're at least partially going to spend either way on upgrading un-reshuffled items with default stats that are acceptable.

Again, this is not going to save you silver, you're trading silver and ore for a higher chance of getting a good quad rolled item. The alternative is to keep running dungeons in the hopes of getting another legendary item, potentially requiring rerolling it first, and then upgrade it hoping for a quad roll. It's a resource trade. What changes is the balance of what resources you spend. 

Actually you ARE going to spend millions to find out if an item is a quad roll. Your going to spend thousands if not millions to find out if the 94 out of 100 items are triple rolls.  Then those last 6 items that end up being tripple rolls are going to cost you a few million silver EACH to find out if they are quad rolls.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:4301/13/22

Again, the proof is in the pudding.  Let me know how it works.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:5501/13/22

Actually you ARE going to spend millions to find out if an item is a quad roll. Your going to spend thousands if not millions to find out if the 94 out of 100 items are triple rolls.  Then those last 6 items that end up being tripple rolls are going to cost you a few million silver EACH to find out if they are quad rolls.

Sure, if you multiply the cost by 100, it reaches millions. But again, most of this is money you will spend anyway to roll the pieces that you like the initial stats on, only you will also spend ore initially to get those initial stats that you like. You could argue that you won't upgrade as many items if you exclude those that don't have stats you like, which is certainly true, but then you'll instead have to start out with a far greater initial item set in order to end up with the same result.

What I'm talking about is the most efficient use of ore. That's all.

Jan 14, 2022, 00:2401/14/22

Sure, if you multiply the cost by 100, it reaches millions. But again, most of this is money you will spend anyway to roll the pieces that you like the initial stats on, only you will also spend ore initially to get those initial stats that you like. You could argue that you won't upgrade as many items if you exclude those that don't have stats you like, which is certainly true, but then you'll instead have to start out with a far greater initial item set in order to end up with the same result.

What I'm talking about is the most efficient use of ore. That's all.

Em, I will roll most pieces I get to level 8 during an Enhancment event.  You can roll a piece to 8 and sell it for allmost or a little more than the cost of the upgrade, so it's a wash for silver, actually costs a little bit.  So you are more or less trading silver (spending a bit) for event points.  But I would not roll up junk to 8 outside of an Enhancement event.  Almost all of these pieces would normally be sold flat out, not rolled even to 8 to get those 'initial stats.'  Hardly any of them.  But if it's during an Enhancement event yes I do it all the time.

Are you aware of anything in this game that is not a number's game?  I'm not, and this certainly will not be just one piece here and there either.  It's all about odds.  So YES, looking at what happens over 100 pieces is a starting point, not an ending point.  

Now, out of 100 pieces I roll to 8 (99% junk I never would have rolled outside of Enhancemebt), approximately 25 will be doiuble rolls and need to leveled to 12.  Now the silver starts adding up.  This is no longer a trade off of silver of Enhancement points.  If they have GOOD rolls it's worth it to see if they are 'stats I want.'  But you will roll up all 25 to 12, good stats or bad.  Now of the 25 around 6 will be tripple rolls (assuming these are all legendary).  That's 6 items that have to be rolled up to 16, yes?  Thats' 12 to 20 million silver in my experience.  If it's good stats, yes you need to do this to see what you get.  So you may get 1 or 2 quad rolls, on 100 items, after spending 10's of millions.

Now, assuming you spent all this money, in your words, for good stats, why the F would you use ore to screw up a good item?  If you were rolling these up b/c they were promising to start out with, and got good rolls along the way, why the F would you use ore that would change any good stat to bad?

Your whole argument is based on the presumption that this is crap items to begin with and rolled up for no reason other than to see if we get a quad roll!  How is that efficient?

Jan 14, 2022, 00:2901/14/22
Jan 14, 2022, 00:30(edited)

Arguing about how to efficiently use a mostly useless item that we will rarely possess

Sounds about right for us :)

Jan 14, 2022, 00:3901/14/22

My argument is that given the assumption that the ore will be the limiting factor, you will be given more chances to a quad roll if you filter out non-quad rolls before you use the ore than if you do it after. That's it. Will it cost more silver? Yes. But it will give you more quad rolled items with a stat you want for less ore and a smaller initial item set. So if your goal is X number of quad-rolled items with a specific substat, you can either spend more silver, or you can spend more ore and energy. Pick your poison.

If ore is not the limiting factor, then it's a moot point, as you can reroll the item whenever you want either way.

Jan 14, 2022, 00:4101/14/22

Arguing about how to efficiently use a mostly useless item that we will rarely possess

Sounds about right for us :)

I know not what you speak of! 😁😢

Jan 14, 2022, 00:4301/14/22

the way i see ore is it offers you a bit of a buffer in high value sets (i'm basically zeroed in on speed, divine speed and savage), mainly on 6* gear. i don't remember rolling this speed acc chest but I'm just gonna assume i hit roll to 16 and left the room. 


and the after:


being a luckbox with the reroll is also helpful.

Jan 14, 2022, 00:5101/14/22

My argument is that given the assumption that the ore will be the limiting factor, you will be given more chances to a quad roll if you filter out non-quad rolls before you use the ore than if you do it after. That's it. Will it cost more silver? Yes. But it will give you more quad rolled items with a stat you want for less ore and a smaller initial item set. So if your goal is X number of quad-rolled items with a specific substat, you can either spend more silver, or you can spend more ore and energy. Pick your poison.

If ore is not the limiting factor, then it's a moot point, as you can reroll the item whenever you want either way.

You know, you started out with the assumption that ore would be more available than silver.  Now your argument is given the assumption that ore will be the limiting factor?  I'm done!

Jan 14, 2022, 00:5401/14/22

the way i see ore is it offers you a bit of a buffer in high value sets (i'm basically zeroed in on speed, divine speed and savage), mainly on 6* gear. i don't remember rolling this speed acc chest but I'm just gonna assume i hit roll to 16 and left the room. 


and the after:


being a luckbox with the reroll is also helpful.

That would be a good piece to try.  

Jan 14, 2022, 00:5601/14/22

You know, you started out with the assumption that ore would be more available than silver.  Now your argument is given the assumption that ore will be the limiting factor?  I'm done!

No, I didn't. If you believe otherwise, quote the part where I did.

Jan 14, 2022, 01:1801/14/22

No, I didn't. If you believe otherwise, quote the part where I did.

Let me quote myself.

"I'm done!"