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Free Chaos Ore Pack

Free Chaos Ore Pack

Jan 13, 2022, 18:0801/13/22

Free Chaos Ore Pack

I guess they are giving us something to try out the new Chaos Ore. Make sure you lurkers log in and get it before it expires.


What do we think of Chaos Ore? I might have some trash Savage or Speed hanging around to use it on. Do we think it's basically only for Speed gear? Relentless?

Jan 13, 2022, 18:1401/13/22

The ones we got I think are only for accessories? Unless I misread it. If it is only for accessories, then I pretty much will only be using them on High Elf banners.

Jan 13, 2022, 18:2001/13/22

The ones we got I think are only for accessories? Unless I misread it. If it is only for accessories, then I pretty much will only be using them on High Elf banners.

No, the ones we got can be used for artificats and accessories.


Jan 13, 2022, 18:2201/13/22

Fair 'nuff. Honestly, I'll probably just sit on for a very long time, until I find a super-good reason to use them, since I have a feeling these'll be things I will very rarely ever get.

Jan 13, 2022, 18:2701/13/22

So can reroll an item with garbage stats that is likely unleveled.  Or if for some reason u have a 6star legendary speed artifact that quad rolled something other than speed, can reroll that hoping speed gets the quad roll?

Jan 13, 2022, 18:3001/13/22

I'll probably save it for relentless gear, which is in short supply, or possibly some similarly rare set pieces. I don't think it'll have a particularly big impact on the game as a whole, at least not unless they make it reliably farmable in some way.

Jan 13, 2022, 18:3801/13/22

So can reroll an item with garbage stats that is likely unleveled.  Or if for some reason u have a 6star legendary speed artifact that quad rolled something other than speed, can reroll that hoping speed gets the quad roll?

The quad roll idea has definitely piqued my interest. Wonder whether the odds it lands on a useful substat are high enough to warrant it ...

Jan 13, 2022, 18:5001/13/22

The ones we got I think are only for accessories? Unless I misread it. If it is only for accessories, then I pretty much will only be using them on High Elf banners.

Just took a screenshot, collected the pack, started clan boss and minimized. Raid does a great job hitting CB for me when minimized. lol

So if it's just accessories, that ONLY goes into High Elf banners FOR SURE.

Jan 13, 2022, 18:5201/13/22

So can reroll an item with garbage stats that is likely unleveled.  Or if for some reason u have a 6star legendary speed artifact that quad rolled something other than speed, can reroll that hoping speed gets the quad roll?

Quad rolls are where mine are going into, I think. Hoping for that 4x speed substat Speed Gear roll.

I mean the chances are. not. good. So mostly these seem like throwaway chances.

Jan 13, 2022, 19:4601/13/22

I don't see using these on something with a quad roll.  (If it was a suck stat, why did you keep rolling to get quad roll anyway?)  If you have a quad roll, odds of using this and speed coming up are 4 in 10 (on legendary gear), then odds of the quad being on speed would be 1 in 4.  

I'm thinking if I had 6* legendary boots I might use them to try to get speed on the main.

However you do it, this is going to be a tiny tiny probability of getting a great piece.  Improving the piece might be a 50/50, but great gear?  No more likely than getting great gear to begin with.

Jan 13, 2022, 22:1101/13/22

Saving it for quad rolls would probably be the most economical if that's what you're going for. The chance of rerolling the item and getting the stat you want and then getting a quad roll on that stat is significantly lower than getting a quad roll on any stat and then rerolling it to get the quad roll on the stat you want. Especially since you might find a use for a quad roll on more than just that specific stat (e.g. crit rate or accuracy might be just as good as speed in some situations). The quad roll is the more unlikely part, so taking that out of the equation first is the sensible thing to do. You can eliminate quite a few items without upgrading them all the way to +16, so it's not really that expensive to upgrade first to check for quad rolls. Only 25% of your items will be candidates after +8, and only 6.25% of them after +12, so only a few will have to go through the more expensive parts of the upgrade process.

With that being said, this isn't a magic bullet either way. It's basically a second chance at a very low chance to get the item you want.

Jan 13, 2022, 22:1701/13/22

I definitely will not be instant selling 6star boots without speed as a primary stat any longer. I will try my luck with Chaos Ore for some 6star Speed(primary) boots :)

Jan 13, 2022, 22:2501/13/22

So you will roll an artifact up to lelvel 16, to see if you get a quad roll, no matter if it's a flat DEF or whatever, and then use ore which will change not only the substat but the main as well?  I haven't crunched the numbers but this seems counter intuititive. 

My CritDamg gloves with quad roll on flat def when to flat roll on SPD, but now they are Flat Def gloves with quad speed!

I just don't see taking junk to level 16 just to see if it's a quad roll on a junk piece and then might maybe have lighning strike and make it better. 

By that logic you need to roll up every legendary piece, flat mains and all, to see if they roll up quads on junk subs.  

To many variables for this to be anything other than a shot in the dark.

Jan 13, 2022, 22:5101/13/22

Like I said, if your goal is to get good quad rolls, then your chances of getting an item you want is significantly higher if you make sure they are quad rolls at all first. I'm working with the assumption that this new ore is not going to be more abundant than silver, in which case you could throw it away on any random junk and hope for the best, but I doubt that will be the case.

As for upgrading the items, like I said, you only need to take 6.25% of your initial set past +12 if you want to ensure quad rolls (of which ~1.56% will end up being quad rolls), so it's not quite as expensive as it seems at first glance. Expensive, sure, but so is your current chances of getting a quad roll on an item with default stats that you like. The ore isn't going to save you any money, only increase your chances of getting an item you like.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:0001/13/22
Jan 13, 2022, 23:08(edited)

Like I said, if your goal is to get good quad rolls, then your chances of getting an item you want is significantly higher if you make sure they are quad rolls at all first. I'm working with the assumption that this new ore is not going to be more abundant than silver, in which case you could throw it away on any random junk and hope for the best, but I doubt that will be the case.

As for upgrading the items, like I said, you only need to take 6.25% of your initial set past +12 if you want to ensure quad rolls (of which ~1.56% will end up being quad rolls), so it's not quite as expensive as it seems at first glance. Expensive, sure, but so is your current chances of getting a quad roll on an item with default stats that you like. The ore isn't going to save you any money, only increase your chances of getting an item you like.

I don't know that ore is going to be more abundant than silver. I think that's a hell fo an assumption.  Even if it is, you are going to have to spend millions of silver for each junk piece to find out if it's a quad roll.  Only a 6.25% of gear?  Spending a few million silver in the process?  And on a piece of junk to begin with? Just for the off chance that ore might make it better?  Go for it!  If it works out let me know.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:0701/13/22

😆 🤣 

Jan 13, 2022, 23:0801/13/22

6.2% of your gear, for me sometimes translates to 6, or 12, or more pieces a day.

So 93.8% of gear, or 94, 184 pieces a day, up to level 8 or 12, then 12 pieces to level 16 per day?

Jan 13, 2022, 23:0801/13/22

Not sure why I thought main stat was locked...

Jan 13, 2022, 23:1001/13/22

So you will roll an artifact up to lelvel 16, to see if you get a quad roll, no matter if it's a flat DEF or whatever, and then use ore which will change not only the substat but the main as well?  I haven't crunched the numbers but this seems counter intuititive. 

My CritDamg gloves with quad roll on flat def when to flat roll on SPD, but now they are Flat Def gloves with quad speed!

I just don't see taking junk to level 16 just to see if it's a quad roll on a junk piece and then might maybe have lighning strike and make it better. 

By that logic you need to roll up every legendary piece, flat mains and all, to see if they roll up quads on junk subs.  

To many variables for this to be anything other than a shot in the dark.

So here's a perfect example for a reroll IMO. I leveled these up to 16 just because I needed another 6* speed boot for FW.


Jan 13, 2022, 23:1101/13/22

Until I see succesful results otherwise, I'll use whatever ore I have on 6* Legendary pieces of junk to see if they are then made promising, then spend the silver.

E.g. 6* leggo boots DEF, maybe get SPD.  Gloves of HP, maybe get CDmg.

Jan 13, 2022, 23:1201/13/22
Jan 13, 2022, 23:13(edited)

So here's a perfect example for a reroll IMO. I leveled these up to 16 just because I needed another 6* speed boot for FW.


So the problem with this is that you may get the quad on CDmg, but then your boots of SPD are now flat rate HP main stat.