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Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Arena is back to being ridiculous.

Jan 6, 2022, 16:3001/06/22

Wow A mellow Trips, what is the world coming too 😜

Must be the quaaludes I found cleaning out the attic.

Jan 6, 2022, 16:4701/06/22

Arena (especially Tag!) is the worst part of this game, IMO. They could make it fun if they can figure out live battles or even a proper tag team where it's one match that allows you to choose from a pre-selected pool of champs to tag-in when one dies and whoever is left standing at the end wins. 

Until they make some major changes to it, those of us not stacked fully stacked with 6 teams of the meta champs for offense and defense (plus the gear to back them up) just have to suffer being fodder for the whales and the lucky F2P/Minnows that get solid pulls. 

I've been lucky enough that I can hang in G4 classic and S4 Tag (but not lucky enough to surpass the 10,000 foot wall that is Tag S4 to G1).

Agree the best thing you can do is CB improvement. I'd add doing as you can in DT and farm dungeons. Also, use your resources wisely and try to complete fusions. The fragment summons are fairly F2P friendly. even if you can't complete all of the fragments, you can get close and finish it on one of the make-up events they seem to throw out a couple times a year. 

Jan 6, 2022, 16:4801/06/22

Arena (especially Tag!) is the worst part of this game, IMO. They could make it fun if they can figure out live battles or even a proper tag team where it's one match that allows you to choose from a pre-selected pool of champs to tag-in when one dies and whoever is left standing at the end wins. 

Until they make some major changes to it, those of us not stacked fully stacked with 6 teams of the meta champs for offense and defense (plus the gear to back them up) just have to suffer being fodder for the whales and the lucky F2P/Minnows that get solid pulls. 

I've been lucky enough that I can hang in G4 classic and S4 Tag (but not lucky enough to surpass the 10,000 foot wall that is Tag S4 to G1).

Agree the best thing you can do is CB improvement. I'd add doing as you can in DT and farm dungeons. Also, use your resources wisely and try to complete fusions. The fragment summons are fairly F2P friendly. even if you can't complete all of the fragments, you can get close and finish it on one of the make-up events they seem to throw out a couple times a year. 

keep your tag crying in the other thread, lol

Jan 6, 2022, 17:2601/06/22

I wish there was less of a penalty for losing "offense" battles.  It's really limiting for the pathologically risk-averse (i.e. me).   

I bought a shard pack two months ago that came with a bunch of arena coins, hardly any of which have been used.  It's a RARE day when I'd use more than my basic stock plus the fifteen freebies.  

Jan 6, 2022, 17:3301/06/22

Post your roster, maybe the first thing to do is change your CB team so you are still doing NM at least with the potential to migrate to UNM (even 4 keying is better than staying in NM) without using any arena champs.  Trying to double up in those two areas is a recipe for disaster for early game to mid-game.


Jan 6, 2022, 17:4601/06/22

Post your roster, maybe the first thing to do is change your CB team so you are still doing NM at least with the potential to migrate to UNM (even 4 keying is better than staying in NM) without using any arena champs.  Trying to double up in those two areas is a recipe for disaster for early game to mid-game.

Here's my current squad.


Jan 6, 2022, 17:4601/06/22

I wish there was less of a penalty for losing "offense" battles.  It's really limiting for the pathologically risk-averse (i.e. me).   

I bought a shard pack two months ago that came with a bunch of arena coins, hardly any of which have been used.  It's a RARE day when I'd use more than my basic stock plus the fifteen freebies.  

Practice in Tag if you are struggling in Classic.  Test different teams and attack comps you normally would not.

Once comfortably in G4, use classic as testing ground for new Tag comps.

I'll lose to the same team in Classic 4x in a row testing different go-second teams, 

Jan 6, 2022, 17:4601/06/22

Your roster is seriously stacked. No reason you should be sitting in G2. But as for your CB team:

Tatura (block debuffs) - use on turn 2 if he is last, on turn 3 otherwise

Toragi (ally protect, poison, atk down)

Ghrush (atk down, leech) - turn off A2 and A3

(DEF Down/Weaken champ) - I don't see them, but if you have Rhazin, use him, otherwise use Fayne. If you have neither, let me know, we can find another

Tyrant (DEF up / ally protect)

Should be very easy 1-key NM, probably 2-key UNM.

Jan 6, 2022, 17:5101/06/22

apo aura doesnt work in CB, I think tyrant is all battles.  But definitely think replacing apo.  All others have a good role

Jan 6, 2022, 17:5201/06/22

As for arena - easymode win team:

Arbiter lead




Literally effortless wins. Even a 300 speed arbiter shouldn't have too much trouble climbing to G4.

Jan 6, 2022, 17:5601/06/22

As for arena - easymode win team:

Arbiter lead




Literally effortless wins. Even a 300 speed arbiter shouldn't have too much trouble climbing to G4.

Currently run Arbiter/Apothecary/Serris/Trunda.  If I get a go it's obviously over, but Apoth is fastest champ at 273 and I don't win the speed battle very often.

Thought about bringing Ubral in at #2 in order instead of Apoth, but the accuracy/speed numbers I need are too high for my gear to make that set-up work.  

Guess I just need to farm gear.

Jan 6, 2022, 17:5601/06/22

keep your tag crying in the other thread, lol

Never! I'll shout it from the mountain tops.

Jan 6, 2022, 17:5801/06/22

Currently run Arbiter/Apothecary/Serris/Trunda.  If I get a go it's obviously over, but Apoth is fastest champ at 273 and I don't win the speed battle very often.

Thought about bringing Ubral in at #2 in order instead of Apoth, but the accuracy/speed numbers I need are too high for my gear to make that set-up work.  

Guess I just need to farm gear.

"Guess I just need to farm gear. "

This is the answer 99% of the time.  And do FW everyday for forge mats.

Jan 6, 2022, 17:5801/06/22

Currently run Arbiter/Apothecary/Serris/Trunda.  If I get a go it's obviously over, but Apoth is fastest champ at 273 and I don't win the speed battle very often.

Thought about bringing Ubral in at #2 in order instead of Apoth, but the accuracy/speed numbers I need are too high for my gear to make that set-up work.  

Guess I just need to farm gear.

Umbral is far easier to gear as your 2nd than Apoth. Accuracy is pretty easy to get, and you don't need to worry about speed on Serris or Trunda if you run Umbral.

Jan 6, 2022, 18:0501/06/22

Problem in you. Not arena

Qcc power gives you same power ppl

If you cant beat = your pack is not your level

I qm gold 4 with 240 spd and 19% lead lol

Jan 6, 2022, 18:0601/06/22

Now is the easiest qreba from start of the game and ppl still cry...

Jan 6, 2022, 18:0701/06/22

Umbral is far easier to gear as your 2nd than Apoth. Accuracy is pretty easy to get, and you don't need to worry about speed on Serris or Trunda if you run Umbral.

I think what Kram is saying is gearing Umb as 2nd, makes gearing Serris and Trunda easier.  They should work as is.

For Umbral, Perception gear + acc banner (or even chest or both) is more than enough

Jan 6, 2022, 18:4401/06/22

Problem in you. Not arena

Qcc power gives you same power ppl

If you cant beat = your pack is not your level

I qm gold 4 with 240 spd and 19% lead lol

This makes 0 sense, and it is the issue.

My team would destroy your team 10/10 times.

You are gold 4 and I am gold 2.

The only reason is because I have accumulated more account power?  That's precisely the point here.  Account power is used for the ENTIRE game, not just for arena, so it is NOT how the game should rate arena opponents.

Jan 6, 2022, 18:5801/06/22

I haven't noticed any changes this week in arena.  Last week it seemed a bit more difficult for 2 or 3 days.  It's actually a little easier this week if anything.  I'm not sure how the matching works.  Used to be they said it was all based on arena points.  I have heard that acount power plays into it.  If that is the case I should be getting my butt kicked b/c I have way to many champs all leveled and asended with masteries and books that I've never even figured out how to use.  My account has way too much power compared to my actual ability/knowledge.

Jan 6, 2022, 19:4601/06/22

"Guess I just need to farm gear. "

This is the answer 99% of the time.  And do FW everyday for forge mats.

This. So much this. 

Also arena matchmaking speedwise has definitely ramped up a ton in the past few weeks. 300-310 speed leads were good to great, now they're pretty whatever (if not flat out awful) in G3-G4. I don't know enough about matchmaking relative to player power, but I'm 3m for what it's worth.

That said we did have fair warning months and months ago that arena difficulty would be going up. 

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