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The Pointlessness of the Power Rating

The Pointlessness of the Power Rating

Dec 29, 2021, 23:1912/29/21
Dec 29, 2021, 23:22(edited)

Experience. By playing arena, you learn which teams to hit, which teams to avoid, and how Team Power plays a role in those choices.

And this is different for all of us, cause we all have different teams. Sometimes those teams are HUGELY different in strategy and champs, sometimes they are similar, with the same champs, masteries but only differences in gear. What this means is that each of us needs experience with opponent selection and team composition, and the only thing that truly teaches you this is fighting in arena.

Even if you and I are fighting with the same High Khatun into Seeker into Dhukk into Kael team, if my High Khatun is 320 and yours is 305, it vastly changes the types of teams we should be fighting.

 Thank you. You made my point for me. 

Experience...the one thing new players do not have and the frustration of arena for a new player is not to be understated. Yet the mods, devs and community managers do just that.  

"Get better" is never the right answer for a gaming company to give its clients. Yet, more often than not, that
is the answer we receive. Plarium needs to "Get better", not the new players. Expecting people who are just starting to be able to figure out the convoluted system is ludicrous.

This is exactly why I uninstalled the game. Plarium either doesn't listen or doesn't care if they drive people away.  

<edit> And the seasoned players who think, "I did it, you should be able to as well"...Some of us work 5 days a week 12 hours a day.  While I might be an exception; I do study games I play.  I'm not making these statements for me, it is my overall distaste for the way the community is expected to "figure it out".

Dec 29, 2021, 23:2212/29/21

Thanks for the replies, but really not telling me anything specific except get more experience.  Yes I avoid quite a few champs by now, so my targets are quite limited.  Even then you think it is familiar, say Jizoh, every so often you encounter a souped up version that blows your doors off.  Same with Kael, Warmaiden, Zargala, etc.  I find the best way to learm about the champs is to actually own them, level them up, put gear on.  Persistent problem is never getting the good pulls.

You think I am kidding, but I go into the ratings lists on the champs and I get the C's and the F's, and spend good silver to  whack myself in the face with that garbage.

I have narrowed my roster down to about 20 champs that I consider worthwhile using.  I used to have many more just to have a faction team for each, but really became a big mess.

So my arena list today (my power is 100k) has 9/10 with Ninja (don't have), most all speedsters but only one I have is high khatun. Most everyone has Deacon Armstrong, not me.  With all that, I find enough stuff to keep and to stay in Silver 4 arena.  I think what makes it tough is the gold teams that are getting squeezed lower.

Dec 30, 2021, 00:1612/30/21

 Thank you. You made my point for me. 

Experience...the one thing new players do not have and the frustration of arena for a new player is not to be understated. Yet the mods, devs and community managers do just that.  

"Get better" is never the right answer for a gaming company to give its clients. Yet, more often than not, that
is the answer we receive. Plarium needs to "Get better", not the new players. Expecting people who are just starting to be able to figure out the convoluted system is ludicrous.

This is exactly why I uninstalled the game. Plarium either doesn't listen or doesn't care if they drive people away.  

<edit> And the seasoned players who think, "I did it, you should be able to as well"...Some of us work 5 days a week 12 hours a day.  While I might be an exception; I do study games I play.  I'm not making these statements for me, it is my overall distaste for the way the community is expected to "figure it out".

My recommendation for anyone who isn't having fun would be to find something that they do enjoy. Learning how to succeed, finding new strats and improving my teams incrementally is most of what I enjoy in the game. You have to be willing to get knocked down, and get back up, then make the changes to win. There is a lot of losing and learning from your mistakes before you begin to win consistently. That gameplay loop of iterative improvements is obviously not for everyone, especially people who just want to crack shards and then put in champs that auto win everything with no further effort than the shard cracking.

I get a lot of info out of the power ratings and champs I am facing. I change out my champs to face the enemy teams, for example, subbing in Dark Elhain to smash Tormin or Gurgoh or Yannica teams. But that didn't come easy, it required going back and working on Dark Elhain to be competitive in those matchups. Every loss to such teams made me more driven to go back and fix that hole in my arena game.

Then again, unlike many I see, when arena got hard, I looked to help on the forums, within my clan, and from the CCs. I desired improvement, and I pushed for that, even it meant going back and farming better and better gear. I didn't come to complain, I looked for help, I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. Hellhades was a huge help in helping me understand good arena builds, and has several videos I post here often that helped me get a solid foundation for team building. This is why I push for people to post teams and get help, because usually they just need some basic instruction, or a push to get serious about farming gear, before they start succeeding in the game.

I can remember when I finally pushed into Gold arena, it was a big deal. But to do that, I went back and farmed Dragon and Campaign to get the speed gear I needed to finally get a 280 or so High Khatun. I had gone back and made a lot of Perception gear to outfit Dhukk with the right speeds and 330 accuracy to land his debuffs. I had souped up my Athel as much as I could with huge Crit Damage and attack, and had built my Rowan to try for stuns on anyone left standing, or her 4 hitter to try and take out some.

None of those are top tier, high end champs. But it's what I had, so it's what I pushed into Gold with. It got even easier when I pulled and built Uugo and was able to swap Rowan out.

Dec 30, 2021, 00:2012/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 00:31(edited)
End Is Near

Thanks for the replies, but really not telling me anything specific except get more experience.  Yes I avoid quite a few champs by now, so my targets are quite limited.  Even then you think it is familiar, say Jizoh, every so often you encounter a souped up version that blows your doors off.  Same with Kael, Warmaiden, Zargala, etc.  I find the best way to learm about the champs is to actually own them, level them up, put gear on.  Persistent problem is never getting the good pulls.

You think I am kidding, but I go into the ratings lists on the champs and I get the C's and the F's, and spend good silver to  whack myself in the face with that garbage.

I have narrowed my roster down to about 20 champs that I consider worthwhile using.  I used to have many more just to have a faction team for each, but really became a big mess.

So my arena list today (my power is 100k) has 9/10 with Ninja (don't have), most all speedsters but only one I have is high khatun. Most everyone has Deacon Armstrong, not me.  With all that, I find enough stuff to keep and to stay in Silver 4 arena.  I think what makes it tough is the gold teams that are getting squeezed lower.

As I just pontificated on above, I think a good way to improve is to post a new thread with your roster and champ builds, and let folks help give you feedback based on our experiences. Many of us pushed up from Bronze with whatever we had at the time, and now stay in Gold 4 and Plat every week. Sure, arena is hard, but you've got a lot of people willing to help you build.

The OP got several specific teams to try, such as Speed Booster (High Khatun/Arbiter) into Angar or Siphi into Serris into Candraphon. Those teams beat the single Siphi they were facing, 

If you want similiar advice, post up that roster and your builds in a new thread.

Dec 30, 2021, 01:1812/30/21

There's a lot of very good advice above. 

The fact of the matter is in any game where strategy is involved, you are going to have to put in the time and effort to get better. In Raid specifically, you are going to have to make the most out of the champions and gear you have available and you should be asking questions when you're running into teams/content that you're unable to beat or progress through. 

I think rather than get frustrated when we're lacking certain champions like say, Deacon or Ninja (or any other for that matter) we should be looking to get better via asking questions like Quinn is suggesting. Rather than lamenting the things we're missing in the game, let's focus on the things we can control. 

Dec 30, 2021, 15:3612/30/21

My recommendation for anyone who isn't having fun would be to find something that they do enjoy. Learning how to succeed, finding new strats and improving my teams incrementally is most of what I enjoy in the game. You have to be willing to get knocked down, and get back up, then make the changes to win. There is a lot of losing and learning from your mistakes before you begin to win consistently. That gameplay loop of iterative improvements is obviously not for everyone, especially people who just want to crack shards and then put in champs that auto win everything with no further effort than the shard cracking.

I get a lot of info out of the power ratings and champs I am facing. I change out my champs to face the enemy teams, for example, subbing in Dark Elhain to smash Tormin or Gurgoh or Yannica teams. But that didn't come easy, it required going back and working on Dark Elhain to be competitive in those matchups. Every loss to such teams made me more driven to go back and fix that hole in my arena game.

Then again, unlike many I see, when arena got hard, I looked to help on the forums, within my clan, and from the CCs. I desired improvement, and I pushed for that, even it meant going back and farming better and better gear. I didn't come to complain, I looked for help, I wanted to know what I was doing wrong. Hellhades was a huge help in helping me understand good arena builds, and has several videos I post here often that helped me get a solid foundation for team building. This is why I push for people to post teams and get help, because usually they just need some basic instruction, or a push to get serious about farming gear, before they start succeeding in the game.

I can remember when I finally pushed into Gold arena, it was a big deal. But to do that, I went back and farmed Dragon and Campaign to get the speed gear I needed to finally get a 280 or so High Khatun. I had gone back and made a lot of Perception gear to outfit Dhukk with the right speeds and 330 accuracy to land his debuffs. I had souped up my Athel as much as I could with huge Crit Damage and attack, and had built my Rowan to try for stuns on anyone left standing, or her 4 hitter to try and take out some.

None of those are top tier, high end champs. But it's what I had, so it's what I pushed into Gold with. It got even easier when I pulled and built Uugo and was able to swap Rowan out.

 And my recommendation is that Plarium realizes the issue and makes the game more enjoyable for newer people. Arena is and always has been overly complicated and very difficult to understand. 

I'm more than just a bit surprised at your responses. They sound like, "Get better" and/or "Get better or
play minecraft." Very bad responses for a representative of a company. The answer should have been (A LONG TIME AGO) we will pass this on to the devs, complete with all the threads complaining about the overly complicated way arena is laid out. You libertarian, "I did it so can you" view is not appreciated and not helpful. 

But I suspect these are maybe not your words; maybe you are mirroring what you have heard from Plarium officials. Maybe Plarium's view and mind set are, "Git gud or quit". But I find it hard to believe that a company that has demonstrated so much greed would take that stance.  

Just think about it...If they made Arena more user friendly, more people would keep playing in through the early stages of the game and not quit. They would make more money without having to come up with their goofy money grabs. I would (judging by the past performance of Plarium) think they would want that extra revenue that a rework of Arena would provide. 

But hey, who the heck am I?  I'm a whale that quit this game due to corporate greed and the lack of listening and/or demonstrating any sympathy for the players.  Had Plarium made some very basic changes that would demonstrate they do listen and/or care what the player thinks.  But nope; all I saw were more and more changes to increase revenue and very little to really make the game more enjoyable for the average players.  I keep posting here because I still follow the game and hope (probably unreasonably) that one of these days I see that Plarium is taking in the complaints and acting on them, not just creating more new revenue streams.


I call them like I see them.  I sure hope things will change; but being owned by a company that makes machines for the casinos is of a headset of how can we take the most money from people.  But Raid isn't a poker video game in a casino, so why run a game like that?

Dec 30, 2021, 15:5312/30/21

 And my recommendation is that Plarium realizes the issue and makes the game more enjoyable for newer people. Arena is and always has been overly complicated and very difficult to understand. 

I'm more than just a bit surprised at your responses. They sound like, "Get better" and/or "Get better or
play minecraft." Very bad responses for a representative of a company. The answer should have been (A LONG TIME AGO) we will pass this on to the devs, complete with all the threads complaining about the overly complicated way arena is laid out. You libertarian, "I did it so can you" view is not appreciated and not helpful. 

But I suspect these are maybe not your words; maybe you are mirroring what you have heard from Plarium officials. Maybe Plarium's view and mind set are, "Git gud or quit". But I find it hard to believe that a company that has demonstrated so much greed would take that stance.  

Just think about it...If they made Arena more user friendly, more people would keep playing in through the early stages of the game and not quit. They would make more money without having to come up with their goofy money grabs. I would (judging by the past performance of Plarium) think they would want that extra revenue that a rework of Arena would provide. 

But hey, who the heck am I?  I'm a whale that quit this game due to corporate greed and the lack of listening and/or demonstrating any sympathy for the players.  Had Plarium made some very basic changes that would demonstrate they do listen and/or care what the player thinks.  But nope; all I saw were more and more changes to increase revenue and very little to really make the game more enjoyable for the average players.  I keep posting here because I still follow the game and hope (probably unreasonably) that one of these days I see that Plarium is taking in the complaints and acting on them, not just creating more new revenue streams.


I call them like I see them.  I sure hope things will change; but being owned by a company that makes machines for the casinos is of a headset of how can we take the most money from people.  But Raid isn't a poker video game in a casino, so why run a game like that?

What is complicated about arena or power? Nothing

Nice people like our mods and some forum peeps will help you understand it.  

I will mock you for not listening to them and continuing to ask for it to be something else.  

  • Power <> Speed
  • Higher Power does not mean win
  • Power is just one variable in the equation

The game has been around for what 3 years?  Noobs don't have to figure anything out, the secret is revealed!

Dec 30, 2021, 16:1812/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 16:24(edited)
I'm more than just a bit surprised at your responses. They sound like, "Get better" and/or "Get better orplay minecraft." Very bad responses for a representative of a company. The answer should have been (A LONG TIME AGO) we will pass this on to the devs, complete with all the threads complaining about the overly complicated way arena is laid out. You libertarian, "I did it so can you" view is not appreciated and not helpful.  

The other day on this forum I was called a smug, stupid leftist. Today I am a lilbertarian mindelessly parroting some superiors.

Suprising perhaps, but my advice is my own.  And there is no crime in discussing how I believe people improve. Sharing my own experience in how to improve.

Learning how to build champs is important. And it is obvious from your post history you have been struggling with team power, champ building and the importance of speed for a long time:


You losing to that team, or almost any teams, with such an amazing roster, and chosing to use Iron Brago in arena, tells me a lot about the mistakes you are making in team building, proper speeds and synergizing teams, nevermind getting the speeds you would want for a speed team, or the resist you would want for a go second team.

But, you have never wanted to farm speed gear or get on board with the speed required to win in arena. Below you complain about how equipping your arena team to be fast would destroy your dungeon teams. So instead of farming more gear to equip both teams effectively, like many do, you complain about how Plarium is out of touch with the community for allowing a speed meta to develop:


Look at all your amazing leggos. I know most of the people on these forums would kill to have this roster, but because you stood on a wall and refused to farm gear, like the rest of us posting, you quit the game 4 months ago and just hover around these forums still posting complaints, as is your history.


Also, your Nethril build isn't appropriate for any content in the game, just FYI. He's too slow even for a double speed boosted Arena nuker.

Dec 30, 2021, 16:3112/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 16:37(edited)

What is complicated about arena or power? Nothing

Nice people like our mods and some forum peeps will help you understand it.  

I will mock you for not listening to them and continuing to ask for it to be something else.  

  • Power <> Speed
  • Higher Power does not mean win
  • Power is just one variable in the equation

The game has been around for what 3 years?  Noobs don't have to figure anything out, the secret is revealed!

Agreed. And when fixing your account, farming gear > complaining.

If you ever come back to the game Kumacho, I would strongly suggest a long, long stint in Dragon to get speed. Or you could spend time farming Ice Golemn and Fire Knight to build a super high resistance/immunity set go second team. Either way would help you.

Both require just getting down and applying elbow grease and farming until you get what you need to be competitive.

Dec 30, 2021, 18:4112/30/21
End Is Near

One question Player J, what is the secret to how arena teams show minimal power when in reality it is much higher in producing actual outcome?

Or, stayed another way, how can I tell which teams I can beat in a battle? All we have is the avatars and stated power, but many of the same champs are on many different teams, so how can you tell what you can or can't beat?

Against  a  person  who  is  competitive in  arena  it  is  close  to  impossible to  know  if  you  will  win  or  lose  the  Arena  fight.

I  have  been  playing for  probably 3  years or  so.

If  I  get  match  up  with  a  Platinum  player,  It  is  close  to  impossible to  know  if  I  will  win.

I  have  experience in  Arena.

I  have  experience on  how  my  Arena  team  functions.

I  have  experience on  how  my  opponent Arena  team  functions.

I  have  experience on  how  to  understand Team  Power.

All  these  things  I  have  knowledge in  doing,  but  I  still  don't know  if  I  will  win  or  lose.

And  the  reason why  is  because the  game  still  has  an  element  of  Chance.

Will  enemy  Swift  Parry  gear  proc?

Will  my  650  ACC  Serris  strip  enemy  Debuff?  Their  is  still  a  3%  Chance  she  fails.

RNG  -  Does  exist  in  the  game.

So  a  person  will  never  get  to  a  point  where  they  know  100%  they  will  win.

What  will  happen  is  a  person  will  just  have  a  very  good  educated  guess  on  what  they  think  the  outcome  might  be.

Dec 30, 2021, 21:1312/30/21

Against  a  person  who  is  competitive in  arena  it  is  close  to  impossible to  know  if  you  will  win  or  lose  the  Arena  fight. 

Thanks for the honest answer, Player J, Many others tried to answer for you, I respect that you have all the qualifications you mention.  I think the last time I heard from you it was about working with the Great Hall for the best way to upgrade it.  

Every where I look in this game I find myself losing more and more ground.  There is not one single area I can make progress at this point.   Not enuff silver, energy, champs, knowledge, artifacts, clan boss, doom tower, nothing works.  I left the game a few times, whenever I return things have gotten worse.

Dec 30, 2021, 22:1512/30/21
End Is Near

Against  a  person  who  is  competitive in  arena  it  is  close  to  impossible to  know  if  you  will  win  or  lose  the  Arena  fight. 

Thanks for the honest answer, Player J, Many others tried to answer for you, I respect that you have all the qualifications you mention.  I think the last time I heard from you it was about working with the Great Hall for the best way to upgrade it.  

Every where I look in this game I find myself losing more and more ground.  There is not one single area I can make progress at this point.   Not enuff silver, energy, champs, knowledge, artifacts, clan boss, doom tower, nothing works.  I left the game a few times, whenever I return things have gotten worse.

Let us know when you take a break, and we will all pause as well so you don't fall further behind...

Dec 30, 2021, 23:0612/30/21
Dec 30, 2021, 23:13(edited)
End Is Near

Against  a  person  who  is  competitive in  arena  it  is  close  to  impossible to  know  if  you  will  win  or  lose  the  Arena  fight. 

Thanks for the honest answer, Player J, Many others tried to answer for you, I respect that you have all the qualifications you mention.  I think the last time I heard from you it was about working with the Great Hall for the best way to upgrade it.  

Every where I look in this game I find myself losing more and more ground.  There is not one single area I can make progress at this point.   Not enuff silver, energy, champs, knowledge, artifacts, clan boss, doom tower, nothing works.  I left the game a few times, whenever I return things have gotten worse.

You can definitely at least hazard a guess whether most arena matchups are winnable based on power level, champs involved, knowledge of how certain arena comps, so on and so forth. But yes, at the highest levels of most competitive games, edges get smaller and it can become a bit tougher to discern. I'm not sure that is applicable here.

Again, there is plenty of good advice in this thread, and fixing your losing ground situation is gonna require some work on your part, hence why Quinn suggested starting a new thread to post your roster and builds in so you can get started on that. Assuming you enjoy the game overall, doesn't that seem like the best solution?

Dec 31, 2021, 15:5012/31/21

And again I waste my time.

Git gud is the answer folks.  And no, I don't play the game anymore.  As I said; I was a whale and yes I had many good legos.  I didn't quit because I don't get it.  I was consistently in gold 4 and never dropped out.

I'd like to ask where I said that I quit because I couldn't figure out the game.  I quit because instead of making the game more player friendly; they made it even more complicated.  Ever heard the words, "Overly complicated"?  That sums up arena in a nutshell and expecting new players to "Git gud" is just a indicator of how little Plarium cares about the player.  So, I quit.  I hope it will improve so I keep coming to the forum to see.  Same old threads and complaints that I have seen since I started.  So no change...

Dec 31, 2021, 16:2212/31/21

And again I waste my time.

Git gud is the answer folks.  And no, I don't play the game anymore.  As I said; I was a whale and yes I had many good legos.  I didn't quit because I don't get it.  I was consistently in gold 4 and never dropped out.

I'd like to ask where I said that I quit because I couldn't figure out the game.  I quit because instead of making the game more player friendly; they made it even more complicated.  Ever heard the words, "Overly complicated"?  That sums up arena in a nutshell and expecting new players to "Git gud" is just a indicator of how little Plarium cares about the player.  So, I quit.  I hope it will improve so I keep coming to the forum to see.  Same old threads and complaints that I have seen since I started.  So no change...

It's not a "git gud" attitude here. It's a progress, learn, and advance mindset. This is the same as literally every game with objectives unless it's a story only type of game. 

Dec 31, 2021, 20:5912/31/21

Yes, yes it is a "Git gud" attitude.  It is always, "Nothing wrong here".  Yet people quit in droves.

Yes, this game probably isn't for me right now.  I work 5-6 days a week 12-13 hours a day.  But that doesn't mean I can't see and pontificate on what I think is wrong with this game.  Yes, I have always complained about Plarium greed and their inability or lack of desire in listening to the players and acting on it.

But I have a good enough grasp of complicated games, I understand what it takes.  I just didn't chose to put the same kind of effort into a game that was and is mostly designed as a "How can I take more money" game.

I have played esports professionally and garnered nearly $10k USD in World of Tanks (a complicated game that requires a good deal of research and learning). But WoT listened to their player base and added tons of ingame features to help new and mid game players to be more than cannon fodder.  So it isn't that I'm not caplible.

In truth; I have just about given up completely and you'll be happy when I stop posting.  It's about hating to waste my breath.

Dec 31, 2021, 21:1912/31/21
Dec 31, 2021, 21:23(edited)

Yes, yes it is a "Git gud" attitude.  It is always, "Nothing wrong here".  Yet people quit in droves.

Yes, this game probably isn't for me right now.  I work 5-6 days a week 12-13 hours a day.  But that doesn't mean I can't see and pontificate on what I think is wrong with this game.  Yes, I have always complained about Plarium greed and their inability or lack of desire in listening to the players and acting on it.

But I have a good enough grasp of complicated games, I understand what it takes.  I just didn't chose to put the same kind of effort into a game that was and is mostly designed as a "How can I take more money" game.

I have played esports professionally and garnered nearly $10k USD in World of Tanks (a complicated game that requires a good deal of research and learning). But WoT listened to their player base and added tons of ingame features to help new and mid game players to be more than cannon fodder.  So it isn't that I'm not caplible.

In truth; I have just about given up completely and you'll be happy when I stop posting.  It's about hating to waste my breath.

Somehow I managed to "git gud", even without the super fancy esports pedigree, and even without spending money.

But I'm just an "unappreciated and unhelpful libertarian" who wants/tries to help people by encouraging them with such crazy insulting encouragement as "I did it so can you".

Had you spent less time demanding the arena power rankings fit your worldview and more time farming and following this advice:


You wouldn't have needed to quit 4 months ago, you'd be competive now.

There's 1 million daily users of Raid. Your opinion is only one of those. You COULD improve your game. Or you could "waste your breath" on the forums demanding the game change to suit your unwillingness to farm. It seems you have chosen one of those exclusively, and it isn't improving your game.

Dec 31, 2021, 21:3012/31/21

Yes, yes it is a "Git gud" attitude.  It is always, "Nothing wrong here".  Yet people quit in droves.

Yes, this game probably isn't for me right now.  I work 5-6 days a week 12-13 hours a day.  But that doesn't mean I can't see and pontificate on what I think is wrong with this game.  Yes, I have always complained about Plarium greed and their inability or lack of desire in listening to the players and acting on it.

But I have a good enough grasp of complicated games, I understand what it takes.  I just didn't chose to put the same kind of effort into a game that was and is mostly designed as a "How can I take more money" game.

I have played esports professionally and garnered nearly $10k USD in World of Tanks (a complicated game that requires a good deal of research and learning). But WoT listened to their player base and added tons of ingame features to help new and mid game players to be more than cannon fodder.  So it isn't that I'm not caplible.

In truth; I have just about given up completely and you'll be happy when I stop posting.  It's about hating to waste my breath.

Oh dang, I love WoT! WOW, any tips for me? I'm pretty new to it. Wait, I need to take this to Tavern, brb with a link!