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The Pointlessness of the Power Rating

The Pointlessness of the Power Rating

Dec 28, 2021, 20:3612/28/21

The Pointlessness of the Power Rating

FIVE times the power and I'm forced to surrender. The uselessness of the power rating system boggles the mind.

I'mma get myself a drink.


Dec 28, 2021, 21:0012/28/21
Dec 28, 2021, 21:01(edited)

Siphi is a powerhouse as I'm sure you know since you have your own.

You can learn to judge the power rating, 42k really isn't that daunting you just need to control her or nuke her. If I had to guess, she's fast with high health / maybe defense. Resistance wouldn't be too high since she's only 42k.

My guess is that your team is slow and tanky without much damage, which would have a very hard time against her. 

If she isn't faster than your Siphi then I would bet that she cuts the rest of your team, if that's the case you just need a buff strip and nuker, or tm control and you can try to slowly beat her down, but that is less likely to work. 

Dec 28, 2021, 21:2612/28/21

Siphi is a powerhouse as I'm sure you know since you have your own.

You can learn to judge the power rating, 42k really isn't that daunting you just need to control her or nuke her. If I had to guess, she's fast with high health / maybe defense. Resistance wouldn't be too high since she's only 42k.

My guess is that your team is slow and tanky without much damage, which would have a very hard time against her. 

If she isn't faster than your Siphi then I would bet that she cuts the rest of your team, if that's the case you just need a buff strip and nuker, or tm control and you can try to slowly beat her down, but that is less likely to work. 

I see a buff stripper, the best one in the game, in Madame Serris. And the OP has the game's top nuker in the current meta, Candraphon.

There is certainly something to be said for using the often seen in Plat team of: 

1)TM booster like Arbiter (or even High Khatun) 

2) Second boost in Siphi with all those buffs 

3) Serris for buff stripping/Dec Def 

4) Candy nukes

Dec 28, 2021, 22:1212/28/21

Tbh I would probably go with Arbiter + Angar + Serris + Candy. Easier to gear Serris and Candy when you don't need to worry about making them fast.

Dec 28, 2021, 22:4712/28/21

Angar isn't a bad option either. Frankly, I'd have both options set up.

I mean, with the doube speed boost, what speeds are you looking at really to be successful most of the time, Serris at 215 and Nuker at 210?

Dec 28, 2021, 23:0812/28/21

What about any damage dealer in destroy gear (or same efect in his skill kit)? You should have something like this for Sacarb King anyway, and that would help to counter her passive heal at the start of each turn.

Dec 29, 2021, 04:4412/29/21

She's gonna be fast and probably be high resist but do no damage.  Because of the resist, I wouldn't even bother with a def down champ like serris.  Take 4 nukers next time, especially ones that have high single target damage.

Destroy is a failsafe on top of that.

Dec 29, 2021, 12:0312/29/21

Siphi is a powerhouse as I'm sure you know since you have your own.

You can learn to judge the power rating, 42k really isn't that daunting you just need to control her or nuke her. If I had to guess, she's fast with high health / maybe defense. Resistance wouldn't be too high since she's only 42k.

My guess is that your team is slow and tanky without much damage, which would have a very hard time against her. 

If she isn't faster than your Siphi then I would bet that she cuts the rest of your team, if that's the case you just need a buff strip and nuker, or tm control and you can try to slowly beat her down, but that is less likely to work. 

To be clear, I wasn't asking for advice on how to defeat her. I quickly realized it was a waste of time and refreshed the roster ten minutes later.

I was mostly highlighting the pointlessness of the power rating system. There isn't a single decision in the game that can be made based on Power Rating. If you can have four characters against one (including the one you're trying to defeat) and FIVE TIMES the power rating in your favor, it highlights how useless the Power Raring system is.

Was just venting, is all. Who knows, maybe a game designer somewhere will notice, care, and fix this. :P

Dec 29, 2021, 13:3612/29/21

To be clear, I wasn't asking for advice on how to defeat her. I quickly realized it was a waste of time and refreshed the roster ten minutes later.

I was mostly highlighting the pointlessness of the power rating system. There isn't a single decision in the game that can be made based on Power Rating. If you can have four characters against one (including the one you're trying to defeat) and FIVE TIMES the power rating in your favor, it highlights how useless the Power Raring system is.

Was just venting, is all. Who knows, maybe a game designer somewhere will notice, care, and fix this. :P

Was I right in my guess? Fast and tanky, if not faster than your Siphi then she cut your team? 

Dec 29, 2021, 14:4412/29/21
Dec 29, 2021, 19:06(edited)

Power is extremely useful.  You just need to understand what it is describing.

I choose who to attack and how to change my lineups based on:

1) Team Comps ( Can I spot 2 bad defenses of the 3)

2) Team Comps (1 Bad, 1 rng needed, 1 probable speed win)

3) Team Power (Use Yoshi against 400k team, probably high resist...)

4) Total Team Power (<700k, generally weak with one really fast team and no resist at all)

5) Player Level (lower generally means less grinding of gear to date)

6) Player Name (If I see any of you, auto-attack -- near guaranteed win!)

7) Player Avatar (The hotter the better) 


Dec 29, 2021, 15:1812/29/21
Dec 29, 2021, 19:11(edited)

Power is extremely useful.  You just need to understand what it is describing.

I choose who to attack and how to change my lineups based on:

1) Team Comps ( Can I spot 2 bad defenses of the 3)

2) Team Comps (1 Bad, 1 rng needed, 1 probable speed win)

3) Team Power (Use Yoshi against 400k team, probably high resist...)

4) Total Team Power (<700k, generally weak with one really fast team and no resist at all)

5) Player Level (lower generally means less grinding of gear to date)

6) Player Name (If I see any of you, auto-attack -- near guaranteed win!)

7) Player Avatar (The hotter the better) 


seriously??? That is ridiculous to edit that? 

You moderators are very helpful to noobs, and players in general with prompt responses.... but the level of censorship is getting annoying.  

Please refer me to the sensitivity training manual, provide me with a template for appropriate responses to idiotic rants, description of what an acceptable apology is....

I do cross the line occassionaly, ok maybe often.  But %6^# ( can we use that word? probably not) did I miss a memo on sweeping forum rule changes?  



Was coming back to thread to state how terrible the comp was if you couldn't beat a 42k power solo defense.  Would probably win 50% of time with 4 random 60s in your roster :)  But that would be inappropriate. 

Edited for language. -Harbby 

Dec 29, 2021, 16:0112/29/21
Dec 29, 2021, 18:07(edited)

seriously??? That is ridiculous to edit that? 

You moderators are very helpful to noobs, and players in general with prompt responses.... but the level of censorship is getting annoying.  

Please refer me to the sensitivity training manual, provide me with a template for appropriate responses to idiotic rants, description of what an acceptable apology is....

I do cross the line occassionaly, ok maybe often.  But %6^# ( can we use that word? probably not) did I miss a memo on sweeping forum rule changes?  



Was coming back to thread to state how terrible the comp was if you couldn't beat a 42k power solo defense.  Would probably win 50% of time with 4 random 60s in your roster :)  But that would be inappropriate. 

Edited for language. -Harbby 

I thought my edit was funny considering it wasn't a huge deal. It was mostly a joke on my end since it wasn't really that serious. I thought the emoji and not being warned or banned would have tipped you off. 

Sorry about that.

Dec 29, 2021, 18:1912/29/21
Dec 29, 2021, 18:42(edited)

seriously??? That is ridiculous to edit that? 

You moderators are very helpful to noobs, and players in general with prompt responses.... but the level of censorship is getting annoying.  

Please refer me to the sensitivity training manual, provide me with a template for appropriate responses to idiotic rants, description of what an acceptable apology is....

I do cross the line occassionaly, ok maybe often.  But %6^# ( can we use that word? probably not) did I miss a memo on sweeping forum rule changes?  



Was coming back to thread to state how terrible the comp was if you couldn't beat a 42k power solo defense.  Would probably win 50% of time with 4 random 60s in your roster :)  But that would be inappropriate. 

Edited for language. -Harbby 

I have no idea what car crash I stumbled upon today, but I logged into my dystopian mod censorship network, and I heard the original version of this was much more epic. 

Now I am sad I missed the Trips Gone Wild, pre-edited version. 

Please refer me to the sensitivity training manual, provide me with a template for appropriate responses to idiotic rants, description of what an acceptable apology is....

This made me laugh.

Was coming back to thread to state how terrible the comp was if you couldn't beat a 42k power solo defense.  Would probably win 50% of time with 4 random 60s in your roster :)  But that would be inappropriate. 

Sounds appropriate to me. 

I do cross the line occassionaly, ok maybe often.  But %6^# ( can we use that word? probably not) did I miss a memo on sweeping forum rule changes?  

Admitting you have a problem is the first step to recovery. Now, I want to see both you and Harbby in the kumbaya circle at noon today or no pudding cups at dessert. We're gonna talk this out with songs and puppets and work on a 9 step plan for LCIRs (Line Crossers, In-Recovery).

Let me finish this as I finish all my posts: From the age of uniformity, from the age of solitude, from the age of Big Brother, from the age of doublethink — greetings! Welcome to my Domain of Kind Thoughts.

Dec 29, 2021, 18:2712/29/21

This  thread  doesn't demonstrate how  Power  Rating  is  Pointless.

It  only  demonstrates how  the  OP  is  inexperienced.

42K  Power  tells  me  a  Great  deal  about  the  Enemy  Siphi.

42K  Power  is  low  in  comparison to  other  Siphi  build  designs.

In  order  for  a  Champion  to  have  High  Power,  they  have  to  have  certain  things.

-  High  Resistance

-  High  Critical Rate

-  High  Critical Damage

-  High  Damage  Base  on  their  Damage  Scaling  Stat

Once,  you  understand the  above  things,  you  begin  to  figure the  Enemy  Siphi.

I  know  the  Enemy  Siphi  is  wearing  a  DEF  or  HP  Banner.

The  Enemy  Siphi  isn't wearing  a  ACC,  RESIST,  or  ATK  Banner.

How  do  I  know  the  enemy  Siphi  isn't wearing  ACC,  RESIST,  OR  ATK  Banners?

Well  I  come  to  that  conclusion based  on  Siphi  Low  Power.

If  the  Enemy  Siphi  was  wearing  RESIST  banner,  The  total  power  would  be  higher.

If  the  Enemy  Siphi  was  wearing  ATK  banner,  The  total  power  would  be  higher  because hero  attacking  moves  scale  damage from  ATK.

If  the  Enemy Siphi  isn't wearing  a  RESIST  or  ATK  Banner,  What  options  are  left?

ACC,  DEF,  or  HP  Banner

How  do  I  know  the  Siphi  isn't wearing  ACC  Banner?

Because  none  of  her  moves  needs  ACC  to  land  Debuffs

Thru  the  process  of  elimination I  have  narrowed  down  the  Banner  to  DEF  or  HP.

Now  what  gear  is  the  Siphi  wearing?

Can't  be  gear  which  gives  Attack,  Resistance,  Accuracy,  Critical  Rate,  or  Critical  Damage

So  if  all  those  gears  are  ruled  out  by  her  power  being  to  low,  What  gear  is  the  Siphi  wearing?

Only  3  Siphi  builds  come  to  mine

-  6  piece  Speed 

-  4  piece  Shield  +  2  piece  Immortal  

-  4  piece  Shield  +  2  piece  Speed  

How  do  we  reduce  the  options  from  their?

Most  Shield  wearing  Siphi  run  Resist  banner  with  their  shield  to  prevent  enemy  stripping.

We  just  said  she  isn't wearing  a  Resist  banner  tho.

Most  logical  build  for  that  Siphi  is  6  Piece  Speed.

Gloves  would  be  HP%  or  DEF%

Chest  would  be  HP%  or  DEF%

Shoes  would  be  SPD

So  you  are  fighting  against  Fast  Tanky  Siphi

The  way  to  win  would  be  to  go  2nd.

 Enemy  Siphi  will  most  likely  win  speed  race  going  1st.

-  You  will  need  a  Stripper  to  remove  her  Block  Debuff  Buff

-  You  will  need  a  Def  Break  after  to  reduce  her  overwhelming Tankiness

-  You  will  need  a  Strong  Nuker  to  penetrate  the  High  Health.

So  there  you  have  it  -  The  power  you  say  is  useless  has  helped  me  discover  the  gear  +  banner  +  strategy  I  need  in  order  to  defeat  her.

Dec 29, 2021, 18:4112/29/21

Well thought out, J.

I think all these problems could be solved by running the Siphi + Angar + Serris + Candy team that Krama suggested, or the HighKat +Siphi + Serris + Candy team I suggested. Either of those teams would be very competitive in the majority of matchups.

Dec 29, 2021, 18:4412/29/21

Siphi is a powerhouse as I'm sure you know since you have your own.

You can learn to judge the power rating, 42k really isn't that daunting you just need to control her or nuke her. If I had to guess, she's fast with high health / maybe defense. Resistance wouldn't be too high since she's only 42k.

My guess is that your team is slow and tanky without much damage, which would have a very hard time against her. 

If she isn't faster than your Siphi then I would bet that she cuts the rest of your team, if that's the case you just need a buff strip and nuker, or tm control and you can try to slowly beat her down, but that is less likely to work. 

Since this topic keeps coming up, I don't get how nobody, mods, devs and community managers don't do one of two things...

1) Change the system to reflect the most important metric, speed...


2) Remove the power rating all together.

It not only confuses new players; it probably is one of the biggest issues that cause people to leave the game.  It is sheer lunacy that nothing has been done about it.

Dec 29, 2021, 19:0112/29/21
Dec 29, 2021, 19:01(edited)

Since this topic keeps coming up, I don't get how nobody, mods, devs and community managers don't do one of two things...

1) Change the system to reflect the most important metric, speed...


2) Remove the power rating all together.

It not only confuses new players; it probably is one of the biggest issues that cause people to leave the game.  It is sheer lunacy that nothing has been done about it.

It does reflect that though, the faster the team is the lower their team power generally. The higher it is, it's more likely to be a resistance heavy team. 

Other things that will raise the power significantly would be crit rate and damage. 

So with that in mind, you just need to assess the team composition and try to determine which it will be. 

Dec 29, 2021, 20:5612/29/21
Player J

This  thread  doesn't demonstrate how  Power  Rating  is  Pointless.

It  only  demonstrates how  the  OP  is  inexperienced.

42K  Power  tells  me  a  Great  deal  about  the  Enemy  Siphi.

42K  Power  is  low  in  comparison to  other  Siphi  build  designs.

In  order  for  a  Champion  to  have  High  Power,  they  have  to  have  certain  things.

-  High  Resistance

-  High  Critical Rate

-  High  Critical Damage

-  High  Damage  Base  on  their  Damage  Scaling  Stat

Once,  you  understand the  above  things,  you  begin  to  figure the  Enemy  Siphi.

I  know  the  Enemy  Siphi  is  wearing  a  DEF  or  HP  Banner.

The  Enemy  Siphi  isn't wearing  a  ACC,  RESIST,  or  ATK  Banner.

How  do  I  know  the  enemy  Siphi  isn't wearing  ACC,  RESIST,  OR  ATK  Banners?

Well  I  come  to  that  conclusion based  on  Siphi  Low  Power.

If  the  Enemy  Siphi  was  wearing  RESIST  banner,  The  total  power  would  be  higher.

If  the  Enemy  Siphi  was  wearing  ATK  banner,  The  total  power  would  be  higher  because hero  attacking  moves  scale  damage from  ATK.

If  the  Enemy Siphi  isn't wearing  a  RESIST  or  ATK  Banner,  What  options  are  left?

ACC,  DEF,  or  HP  Banner

How  do  I  know  the  Siphi  isn't wearing  ACC  Banner?

Because  none  of  her  moves  needs  ACC  to  land  Debuffs

Thru  the  process  of  elimination I  have  narrowed  down  the  Banner  to  DEF  or  HP.

Now  what  gear  is  the  Siphi  wearing?

Can't  be  gear  which  gives  Attack,  Resistance,  Accuracy,  Critical  Rate,  or  Critical  Damage

So  if  all  those  gears  are  ruled  out  by  her  power  being  to  low,  What  gear  is  the  Siphi  wearing?

Only  3  Siphi  builds  come  to  mine

-  6  piece  Speed 

-  4  piece  Shield  +  2  piece  Immortal  

-  4  piece  Shield  +  2  piece  Speed  

How  do  we  reduce  the  options  from  their?

Most  Shield  wearing  Siphi  run  Resist  banner  with  their  shield  to  prevent  enemy  stripping.

We  just  said  she  isn't wearing  a  Resist  banner  tho.

Most  logical  build  for  that  Siphi  is  6  Piece  Speed.

Gloves  would  be  HP%  or  DEF%

Chest  would  be  HP%  or  DEF%

Shoes  would  be  SPD

So  you  are  fighting  against  Fast  Tanky  Siphi

The  way  to  win  would  be  to  go  2nd.

 Enemy  Siphi  will  most  likely  win  speed  race  going  1st.

-  You  will  need  a  Stripper  to  remove  her  Block  Debuff  Buff

-  You  will  need  a  Def  Break  after  to  reduce  her  overwhelming Tankiness

-  You  will  need  a  Strong  Nuker  to  penetrate  the  High  Health.

So  there  you  have  it  -  The  power  you  say  is  useless  has  helped  me  discover  the  gear  +  banner  +  strategy  I  need  in  order  to  defeat  her.

One question Player J, what is the secret to how arena teams show minimal power when in reality it is much higher in producing actual outcome?

Or, stayed another way, how can I tell which teams I can beat in a battle? All we have is the avatars and stated power, but many of the same champs are on many different teams, so how can you tell what you can or can't beat?

Dec 29, 2021, 21:1012/29/21

To be clear, I wasn't asking for advice on how to defeat her. I quickly realized it was a waste of time and refreshed the roster ten minutes later.

I was mostly highlighting the pointlessness of the power rating system. There isn't a single decision in the game that can be made based on Power Rating. If you can have four characters against one (including the one you're trying to defeat) and FIVE TIMES the power rating in your favor, it highlights how useless the Power Raring system is.

Was just venting, is all. Who knows, maybe a game designer somewhere will notice, care, and fix this. :P

You are making a good point, but how else do you decide what battles you have a shot at winning, when all you see is pictures and power? And then the game has one challenge for you to defeat another team with higher power. So the game folks do take power seriously, or do they just lack imagination for other parameters to use?

Dec 29, 2021, 22:0512/29/21
Dec 30, 2021, 00:23(edited)
End Is Near

One question Player J, what is the secret to how arena teams show minimal power when in reality it is much higher in producing actual outcome?

Or, stayed another way, how can I tell which teams I can beat in a battle? All we have is the avatars and stated power, but many of the same champs are on many different teams, so how can you tell what you can or can't beat?

Experience. By playing arena, you learn which teams to hit, which teams to avoid, and how Team Power plays a role in those choices.

And this is different for all of us, cause we all have different teams. Sometimes those teams are HUGELY different in strategy and champs, sometimes they are similar, with the same champs, masteries but only differences in gear. What this means is that each of us needs experience with opponent selection and team composition, and the only thing that truly teaches you this is fighting in arena.

Even if you and I are fighting with the same High Khatun into Seeker into Dhukk into Kael team, if my High Khatun is 320 and yours is 305, it vastly changes the types of teams we should be fighting.

Dec 29, 2021, 22:3012/29/21
End Is Near

One question Player J, what is the secret to how arena teams show minimal power when in reality it is much higher in producing actual outcome?

Or, stayed another way, how can I tell which teams I can beat in a battle? All we have is the avatars and stated power, but many of the same champs are on many different teams, so how can you tell what you can or can't beat?

Trips already gave a lot of good advice for picking matchups.  A lot of it's just experience, learn from your losses.  You learn who to avoid, or have different comps for different types of teams.

For example, if someone is low level, go ahead and hit them because as Trips pointed out, they haven't had time to grind gear usually.  Occasionally I run into some level 60 with 400 speed so I guess they're whaling out on packs or got extremely lucky in rolls.

I avoid hegemon with a speed team, he always goes first and might screw things up.  Attack with a defensive team, preferably have someone in a shield set.  I'm sure there are better strats.

For Tormin teams, you can use rotos/siphi combo and usually wreck them, or you can use the dark elhain trick with a low resist team and let her nuke everyone.

If a team has Ma'Shallad, go in with a Shamael.

Avoid Arbiter leads (I know, it's super tough cause everyone else has one), unless you're confident in your own arbiters speed.  Along these same lines, look for teams with multiple TM champs if you're trying to win the speed race.  Lyssandra, Seeker, Psylar, Deacon, will all give the other team a chance to go first.  Those low power teams with high output usually have multiple TM champs like this, everyone is in speed gear, and they depend on nuking you multiple times before you ever get a turn.

Avoid Lydia unless you have your own Lydia or are super confident you'll go first and nuke the team.  Avoid taking a revive champ.

Basically over time you learn who to avoid with whatever team you're using, and you learn who is going to be an easy target or who you think you have at least a 75% chance of beating.  RNG often plays a factor.

Takes a lot of matches to start seeing those patterns though.