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Did Plarium screwed the CB rewards? After 1 month check I say YES

Did Plarium screwed the CB rewards? After 1 month check I say YES

Nov 17, 2021, 10:4311/17/21

Did Plarium screwed the CB rewards? After 1 month check I say YES


I asked this question 2-3 weeks before and after your answer I thought that I was simply unlucky 

But now, after 1 month analyses , I DO NOT THINK THAT IS JUST BAD LUCK !

In 31 days , opening 2 NM chest( last ones) and 1 Brutal ( last)  and 1 UNM chest every day I got :

- 0 sacred shards ( never in the past got less that 3-4/month)

- 1 sacred book

- 4 void shards ( also far away from previous months)

- 6 epic books

- 14 ancient shards

I can understand chances and luck ; but looking on 1 month results ( worst by far compared with previous months) I am 1000% sure that Plarium screwed the rewards chances on CB

Did it happen to you also?

Nov 17, 2021, 10:5911/17/21
Nov 17, 2021, 10:59(edited)

All content creators saing something onto this topic said, the code wasn't changed.

Your feelings are, that Plarium changed the rewards.

I don't know, I can't check on my own. But where should I put my faith into: a) trustworthy persons that checked the data, or b) your feelings. I think I choose "a" in this case.

Nov 17, 2021, 13:0211/17/21

All content creators saing something onto this topic said, the code wasn't changed.

Your feelings are, that Plarium changed the rewards.

I don't know, I can't check on my own. But where should I put my faith into: a) trustworthy persons that checked the data, or b) your feelings. I think I choose "a" in this case.

I would ask why are the content creators saying anything?  If nothing has changed then maybe one ot two will get bad RNG but to explain something that obviously the community is concerned about, not one person, not two but enough for the  CC's to deny, imo if there are a lot saying the same thing I believe the majority who are noticing the same thing.  

Nov 17, 2021, 13:3911/17/21
Nov 17, 2021, 13:39(edited)

I really don't feel the way you feel.

I'm opening 2 UNM, 2NM, 1~2 Brutal chests daily (all top chests). I didn't count all my rewards but I do feel every day I'm getting at least 2~3 shards (most them are ancient). every 2~3 days I get a book (epic or lego). a few void shard per week, average 1~2 scared shard per week. 

I do remember I had a lucky day last week, I got 2 scared shards, 1 lego book and 1 epic book in a single day. I just got a lego book from NM chest today.

The key is UNM chest, they  give you the most rewarding ones. You might want to change to a higher tier Clan so you get more top UNM chests done daily.

Nov 17, 2021, 13:5211/17/21

They haven't changed anything. I'll go through dry spells where I get nothing but garbage and then I'll go several days or weeks with decent luck. 

Nov 17, 2021, 14:5711/17/21

I just got 4th sacred in a row from CB. All is good. RNG can win you some and lose you some. 

Nov 17, 2021, 15:3611/17/21


I understand chance place here ; one of my guild mate had 1 shard and got Leon ( when it was 10x) . that is luck :)

I did the 1 month survey just to avoid influence of "luck"

I understand that 1 day might be very good and other could be just bad ; but during 1 month all this influnce should get balanced I guess 

Also I understand that going on UNM chests I will get better results !

but i was making comparation with other months and for me there is really a big difference :(

because of that I was asking how is situation for u

Nov 17, 2021, 16:2011/17/21

You'll never get enough answers here to give you a satisfactory sample size. It's implicitly biased, because people are more likely to respond negatively than positively, so more people will complain about not getting shards than people will respond saying they did.

Nov 17, 2021, 17:2211/17/21

We definitely would've known by now if clan boss rewards were stealth nerfed.

However, let's look at sacreds, where your monthly expected value is somewhere around 4.2 (I believe), since you were getting one chest from UNM, two from NM. 

Given that we know it's about a 10% drop rate from UNM top chest and 2% from NM top chest, there is an insane amount of room for variance there. You're an overwhelming favorite everyday to not see a sacred, thus you can go on long runs where it feels like something is different, but unfortunately you've just been massively unlucky.

Nov 17, 2021, 17:2411/17/21

no nerf for CB rewards, I just got 2 sacreds in 1 day

Nov 17, 2021, 18:1011/17/21

For what it's worth, I do think that the RNG in this game has a tendency of being streaky - in the long run it'll probably average out, but in the short term, there may be periods that you have consistently good RNG for a while, then at other times it's bad for a while. 

Nov 17, 2021, 18:2111/17/21
Nov 19, 2021, 15:48(edited)

So the CCs did check this, and even dug into the code to do so. No changes to your drop rates for legendary books or sacreds.

You can see Hellhade's video about that right here. (If you're interested in such things)

Nov 17, 2021, 20:2911/17/21

So i guess that is just terrible bad luck on me :(

Probably a sign that i have to find something else to play :)

Nov 17, 2021, 22:1411/17/21

I have asked the same thing myself numerous times

But- I got 2 sacreds and a lego book today..

I have had 4 sacreds in five days, after a very poor run of luck before that, i guess its just RNG.

Nov 17, 2021, 22:2911/17/21

mate in my cb team has pulled 8 sacreds in 9 days 

ive pulled 8 lego books in 10 days from unm cb mainly and the odd 1 from nm 

ive pulled 4 sacreds in 2 weeks worst run ive had in unm  but best ive had is 23 in a month 

clan mate has been 3weeks without a sacred which is not good and feel his frustrations while he watches others pull like our other clan mate mentioned aabove 8 in 9 days, its weird how the rng gods work 

nm cb rewards ill say are i reckon dropping poorer than they use to my alt account has seen 1 sacred in 3 months like come on top chest be nice 

Nov 18, 2021, 11:3011/18/21

So the CCs did check this, and even dug into the code to do so. No changes to your drop rates for legendary books or sacreds.

You can see Hellhade's video about that right here. (If you're interested in such things)

Hi guys, I recommend  to take such videos with a pinch of salt. We strongly discourage making any conclusions on the extracted data, as on numerous occasions it has been misinterpreted.  

As for the CB drop - it has not been changed. 

Nov 19, 2021, 23:3211/19/21

Hi guys, I recommend  to take such videos with a pinch of salt. We strongly discourage making any conclusions on the extracted data, as on numerous occasions it has been misinterpreted.  

As for the CB drop - it has not been changed. 

Eww, this makes it even more harder, do we trust the suspicious dude in video saying the same as CM, who says to not trust such videos, while confirming what the guy in video says?

*grabs his tinfoil hat*

Nov 19, 2021, 23:5611/19/21

Gonna bitch in this thread so I get karma and have good chests over the next few days.

I've been annoyed with nm chests lately as I've gotten nothing but pots and brews every damn day. 

Nov 21, 2021, 02:0111/21/21

So assuming you got 60 chests in the last month from NM, you're expected to get about:

1 sacred, 2-3 legendary books, 3-4 epic books and about 8-9 ancients.

The problem with not hitting the top chest in UNM is you can't get legendary books or sacreds, and the drop rates are worse overall for those chests than clearing top chests in NM, for example. Assuming you got 30 chests there, you can usually expect 4 ancients, and usually 1 epic book. So overall your luck is pretty normal. 

Nov 21, 2021, 16:5611/21/21

Doing 2 UNM and 2 NM chests a day, I've gotten 2 sacreds, 2 lego books, and 5 or 6 void shards in the past week.  Week before was a dry spell.

It's all just RNG, like everything else in this game.

Nov 21, 2021, 19:3511/21/21

Gonna bitch in this thread so I get karma and have good chests over the next few days.

I've been annoyed with nm chests lately as I've gotten nothing but pots and brews every damn day. 

If bitching works ill do it some more :)

Wierd thing for me is i have done nothing but hard DT and clan boss for a week. Wanted a sort of break...and my drops have been better, plus i pulled 2 voids and 2 ancients this weekend as i have no willpower and got...deacon, umbral and abbess from 4 shards !

Conclusion? dont play and rng is better :)