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One more time Plarium shows why they are experts in screwing the f2p players.

One more time Plarium shows why they are experts in screwing the f2p players.

Dec 8, 2021, 07:3312/08/21
Yolo Han Solo

I totally agree mods 100% always take plariums side when it comes to justifying taking resources away from us. They are slowly taking all the leggo books away lol. just get to gold TTA and u can buy them! ya right lol. its really sad. quit taking everything away the whales are still going to whale why such blatant greed?

This isn't even remotely true, as it pertains to the mods. They have no interest in taking away your resources, and I'd probably guess they feel quite the opposite of that. 

Dec 8, 2021, 07:4712/08/21

This isn't even remotely true, as it pertains to the mods. They have no interest in taking away your resources, and I'd probably guess they feel quite the opposite of that. 

Listen to the penguin! We're just players who volunteered, good or bad, the changes affect us as well. 

Dec 8, 2021, 14:1112/08/21
Dec 8, 2021, 14:22(edited)
Yolo Han Solo

I totally agree mods 100% always take plariums side when it comes to justifying taking resources away from us. They are slowly taking all the leggo books away lol. just get to gold TTA and u can buy them! ya right lol. its really sad. quit taking everything away the whales are still going to whale why such blatant greed?

I'm here for all your resources!!!! Your silver, your gems, your legendary books! Surrender them peacefully and no one needs to lose a player level or two!

I've heard I could one day get 1% of all the leggo books I've taken away! That could add up, I hear!

Also, turn over your new free legendary champ, Aleks! And Ninja while we're at it! Just put the champs on the ground, kick em over here, and I'll give you this shiny new Spirithost and Templar.

Dec 10, 2021, 19:4612/10/21

I'm here for all your resources!!!! Your silver, your gems, your legendary books! Surrender them peacefully and no one needs to lose a player level or two!

I've heard I could one day get 1% of all the leggo books I've taken away! That could add up, I hear!

Also, turn over your new free legendary champ, Aleks! And Ninja while we're at it! Just put the champs on the ground, kick em over here, and I'll give you this shiny new Spirithost and Templar.

You  can  joke  about  it  all  you  want.  But  we  arent  stupid  you  can  be  as  condescending and  patronizing  as  you  want  but  we  know  you  bendover  backwards  to  justify  their  every  move  so  you  can  play  dumb  all  you  want  thats  fine.  We  all  know.  Everyone  knows.  Not  saying  you  dont  do  good  work  trying  to  help  players,  you  do.  Its  awesome  that  you  do  that.  But  i  doubt  you  would  be  mods  very  long  if  you  spoke  up  against  plarium.  Who  knows  why  but  im  sure  you  enjoy  being  mods  and  if  that  means  acting  like  taking  stuff  away  from  us  is  great  for  the  players,  of  course  you  are  going  to  lol.

Dec 10, 2021, 20:5212/10/21
Yolo Han Solo

You  can  joke  about  it  all  you  want.  But  we  arent  stupid  you  can  be  as  condescending and  patronizing  as  you  want  but  we  know  you  bendover  backwards  to  justify  their  every  move  so  you  can  play  dumb  all  you  want  thats  fine.  We  all  know.  Everyone  knows.  Not  saying  you  dont  do  good  work  trying  to  help  players,  you  do.  Its  awesome  that  you  do  that.  But  i  doubt  you  would  be  mods  very  long  if  you  spoke  up  against  plarium.  Who  knows  why  but  im  sure  you  enjoy  being  mods  and  if  that  means  acting  like  taking  stuff  away  from  us  is  great  for  the  players,  of  course  you  are  going  to  lol.

this goes to show how little you are paying attention, whether it be on the forum or other places like Facebook, Discord, etc. 

mods are often critical of the things they don't like in the game because they too are players. they just often do it in a more mature, controlled fashion and try to provide constructive criticisms and ways to help make the game better for everyone. that is also helped when players provide criticisms and ways to improve the game in a mature and helpful fashion, as well. 

when people get emotional and irrational, it helps no one. it doesn't improve the game nor your experience. it just makes the situation worse.

specifically as it pertains to quinn and harbby, if you go through threads on the forum you'll see countless instances of them helping players on a daily basis because they care about the game, its playerbase and its direction. 

Dec 10, 2021, 21:2312/10/21
Dec 10, 2021, 21:26(edited)
Yolo Han Solo

You  can  joke  about  it  all  you  want.  But  we  arent  stupid  you  can  be  as  condescending and  patronizing  as  you  want  but  we  know  you  bendover  backwards  to  justify  their  every  move  so  you  can  play  dumb  all  you  want  thats  fine.  We  all  know.  Everyone  knows.  Not  saying  you  dont  do  good  work  trying  to  help  players,  you  do.  Its  awesome  that  you  do  that.  But  i  doubt  you  would  be  mods  very  long  if  you  spoke  up  against  plarium.  Who  knows  why  but  im  sure  you  enjoy  being  mods  and  if  that  means  acting  like  taking  stuff  away  from  us  is  great  for  the  players,  of  course  you  are  going  to  lol.

I was being neither condescending nor patronizing. Instead, I was making light of the anger and attacks you showed up to the forums with. It is unneccessary, and shows how little you have actually interacted with Harbby or I. I chose to utilize humor rather than take your attacks personally, not even in this most recent post.

In a post right above this one I am quoting, you recommended that new players and other posters "Trust people  who  have  been  around" rather than anything I had to say. Yet, I have been around for 1128 posts. Counting your attacks, you have been around for 12. That is 94x more activity on these forums trying to help people, stick up for our players and build teams.

I am considerably more interested in helping people than arguing with you over whether I am a horrible person for moderating. Thank you for participating in the forums, but I would ask you be a touch nicer to the long term users here (like myself) if you wish to keep doing so.

Dec 11, 2021, 23:1012/11/21

It's not a lose situtation for p2w because p2w can buy all the lego books they need. Most of them have dozen of lego books sitting in the tavern. Barrel is more useful for them.

Today all Companies industry ,Gaming is a money system. Their reasoning is to Build a platform get people interested then improve it to a cash cow. Is this wrong?  If you object then remove your account, while on the other hand communiocation with others is very importnt for a group can move mountains. No one can read minds but They can read staistics and profit margin. If the Profit is more than adequate then greed seems to become prevelent.

 BUT that can be curbed if enough reach over and remove their accounts. Bitching never wins any debate but UNIONS of people can bend the game to their wishes in all cases, if the Makers want to stay in business. they will deduce this................. One must use their head..  Want change come together as a UNION and the makers will see that they must acceed to your wishes for economical reasons. Nuff said on the griping.

Dec 13, 2021, 23:2912/13/21

Can you go into detail on how it would be useless for ftp? Considering it would save a ton of time, I would think f2p would be excited. 

I see, so far,  that to really get the real  good stuff that it  is important the player realize he/she has many points to go through to get there. FTP is not free to play if one must use exhorbitant  energy here I agree with your  admin and developers,  you people invented  a very good honeypot. But then ive found in busines that any who need monetary backing only recieve a small portion of the profits. this game is world wide like so many  others today.. BUT remember , people can love a game but still find it too expensive to play.

I am a Mining engineer  78 and know the game very well.

Dec 14, 2021, 00:3212/14/21

I mean, the game needs people who are willing to spend money so that us F2P and very low spenders can keep playing. It's the model of many gacha games. Heck, I can play Destiny 2 for free, but if I want the good stuff, I have to pay. 

Dec 14, 2021, 00:5112/14/21

I think it'd be impossible that making a counter would be too hard.  They HAVE to count how many you open internally to even have the system.  Just show the number can't be difficult at all.

I'm also sure that knowing where you are in the count would effect when you open and when you buy shards.  For instance, if I got a leggo 10 ancient shards ago, I'm not likely to buy any shards for any event.  But if it's been 190 shards ago and it's a 2x or other event, I would be much more likely to buy shards.  The closer I am to that 220th shard the more likely I'd be to buy a shard.  Thing is I'm much more often far away from 220 than close.  So most of the time I'd refrain from buying.

I'm surprised they don't start more pop-ups with shard offers when your close to mercy.  "30 shards.  Your only 23 pulls from garnteed leggo."  That would sell.