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arena again

arena again

Nov 10, 2021, 16:2411/10/21

I have slow clan mates (sub 300) who just pick on the poorly made res/def teams and nuke them away.

Its all opinion of course, but i personally think building a go second team is more gear intensive than a nuke team.

100% agree

Go second teams gearing isich more difficult. I attack every single one I see as they are free wins 99% of the time with a speed->def down> double nuke

Even if op can't reach 280 speed yet gearing for a speed control nuke or speed double nuke is far easier and more consistent results.

This is my opinion of course. 

Nov 10, 2021, 16:5911/10/21

100% agree

Go second teams gearing isich more difficult. I attack every single one I see as they are free wins 99% of the time with a speed->def down> double nuke

Even if op can't reach 280 speed yet gearing for a speed control nuke or speed double nuke is far easier and more consistent results.

This is my opinion of course. 

Go 2nd teams are great on offense (in tag of course, not for speed farming classic), terrible sitting ducks on defense.  Building one go 2nd team for tag is absolutely mandatory unless you have godly speed gear.

Nov 10, 2021, 19:2811/10/21
Nov 10, 2021, 19:28(edited)

Go 2nd teams are great on offense (in tag of course, not for speed farming classic), terrible sitting ducks on defense.  Building one go 2nd team for tag is absolutely mandatory unless you have godly speed gear.

This, in my tag team i have on paper an annoying third tag team, built around a high rez rhazin lead, mountain king with a pile of hp (115k hp and 400 res) and in a shield set, a high res and high accuracy tormin, and a really quick and tanky brogni.

In theory it should be annoying and put people off?

On attack it works fine, even when defences are in at the weekend.

On defence? people correctly guess there is a shield set on one of my champs- and bring in a serris every time and of course they get to see tormin is there and bring in counters. And this is just silver 2

Nov 10, 2021, 20:3711/10/21

This, in my tag team i have on paper an annoying third tag team, built around a high rez rhazin lead, mountain king with a pile of hp (115k hp and 400 res) and in a shield set, a high res and high accuracy tormin, and a really quick and tanky brogni.

In theory it should be annoying and put people off?

On attack it works fine, even when defences are in at the weekend.

On defence? people correctly guess there is a shield set on one of my champs- and bring in a serris every time and of course they get to see tormin is there and bring in counters. And this is just silver 2

Yep, I had my go 2nd team on defense for a day and realized how dumb I was lol....  Replaced it with Shazar Seeker Yoshi Serris.  At least makes me people decide whether to put fast team against that one or my arbiter team.  My other team of Lydia Duchess Warlord Ignatius even with 400+ res is easily wiped by fast/accuracy teams.  But looks scary enough at least.

Nov 12, 2021, 00:0811/12/21
Nov 12, 2021, 00:13(edited)

The  first  thing  you  want  to  do  is  create  a  Speed  Nuking  team.

The  reason  why  is  to  farm  medals  from  teams  like in  the below  screenshot.


Notice  in  the  picture  how  a  player  named  Pedromatix  has  only  1  hero  in  his  defense.

It's  unclear  why  Pedromatix  has  1  man  defense.

Maybe,  he  wants  to  lose  points  to  drop  into  an  easier  Arena  tier.

Who  knows?  I'm sure Pedromatix has  his  reasons  on  why  he  is  doing  it.

However,  the  point  I'm  making  is  you  don't  want  to  be  in  5  min  fight  vs.  1  man  set  up  which  is  a  losing/non strategic set  up.

You  want  to  have  a  dependable team  which  you  can  use  to  win  fight  fast.

For  these  reasons,  I  recommend starting  with  Speed  Nuking.

The  Speed  Nuking  team  doesn't have  to  be  amazing.

The  set  up  only  needs  to  beat  players  such  as  Pedromatix.

Now  that  you  understand the  above  information,  I  will  now  teach  you  how  to  make  a  Speed  Nuking  set  up.


A  Basic  Classical  Speed  Nuking  Set  up  has  5  Key  Elements  which  I  have  highlighted with  different colored  Arrows  in  the  above  picture.

1st  -  The  Leader  of  the  team  needs  a  Speed  Aura  for  "All  Battles"  or  "Arena"

You  can  observe this  by  looking at the Black  Arrow  in  picture  above.

The  purpose  of  a  Speed  Aura  is  to  make  your  team  faster.

The  reason  you  want  your  team  faster  is  so  they  can  have  a  turn.

In  a  battle,  their  is  2  different bars.

-  A  green  bar  which  is  your  health  bar.

-  A  yellow  bar  which  is  your  turn  bar.

When  the  yellow  turn  bar  is  full,  your  champion  or  the  enemy champion  will  move.

Speed  helps  determine how  fast  your  yellow  bar  fills  up.

A  Speed  Aura  helps  push  up  your  team  speed  so  they  can  move  before  enemy.

2nd  -  You  want  a  hero  who  does  Turn  Meter.

You  can  observe this  by  looking  at  the  Green  Arrow  in  the  picture  above.

A  Turn  Meter  hero  is designed  to  fill  up  your  yellow  turn  bar.

A  Turn  Meter  filling  heroes  often  fills  a  certain  percentage of  your  bar  to  help  your  team  move.

The  Strategy for  Element  1  &  2  is  to  get  your  team  to  MOVE!!

You  want  to  move  before  enemy  moves.

3rd  -  You  want  a  hero  who  does  Increased  Attack  50%  Buff

You  can  observe this  by  looking  at  the  Yellow Arrow  in  the  picture  above.

A  Increased  Attack  Buff will  let  your  Nuker  do  a  Bigger  Punch!

Just  Remember  -  The  Nuker  has  to Scale  Damage  from  Attack  to  benefit  from  this.

4th  -  You  want  a  hero  who  does  Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%  Debuff

You  can  observe this  by  looking  at  the  Blue  Arrow  in  the  picture  above.

A  Decrease  Enemy  Debuffer  will  prevent  your  enemy  from  trying  to  mitigate a  lot  of  your  damage.

A  Heroes  "Defense"  is  like  Earth's  Electromagnetic Field.

Earth's  Electromagnetic Field  is  designed  to  protect  Earth  from  getting  Roasted  by  the  Sun.

A  Heroes  "Defense"  is  trying  to  stop  rival  heroes  from  roasting  them.

The  Debuff  "Decrease  Enemy  Defense  60%"  is  trying  to  mess  up  the  enemy field  so  they  can  be  roasted! 

The  Strategy for  Element  3  &  4 is  to  get  your  team  to  BUILD  UP  TONS  OF  DAMAGE  WHILE  TRYING  TAMPER  WITH  THE  ENEMIES  ABILITY  TO  DEFEND  AGAINST IT.

You  are  trying  to  set  up  your  Nuker  to  do  Fatal  Blow.

5th -  You  want  an  AOE  Damage  Dealing  hero  who  Unleashes  Hell.

You  can  observe this  by  looking  at  the  Red  Arrow  in  the  picture  above.

The  Damage  Dealer  in  this  set  up  is  your  Win  Condition.

You  want  them  to  Steam  Roll  the  Enemy  into  Dust.


The  Arena  set  up  is  designed  to  go  before  enemy  and  deliver a  Big  AOE  Knock  out  Punch.


Now  that  I  have  explained all  the  above,  you  can  understand why  players  commenting  before  me  kept  mentioning certain  heroes  for  a  team.

High  Khatun  ->  She  can  do  2  Roles  (Leader  +  Turn  Meter)

Seeker  ->  He  can  do  2  Roles  (Increase  Atk  Buffer  +  Turn  Meter)

Now  keep  in  mind,  I  am  giving  examples which  other  players  have  mentioned,  but  you  don't have  to  necessarily use  those  heroes on  your  Arena  team.

Keep  in  mind,  I  gave  you  list  of  5  Key  Elements.

1  -  Leader  with  Speed  Aura

2  -  Turn  Meter  Filler

3  -  Increase  Attack  Buffer

4  -  Decrease  Defense  Debuffer

5  -  AOE  Nuker

Seeker  does  Increase  Attack  which  is  number  3  on  the  List,  BUT

What  does  Doom  Priest  Do?

What  does  Kreela  Do?

If  you  look  at  their Skills,  you  will  discover they  all do  Increase  Attack!

You  only  need  1  hero  doing  the  Increase  Attack  Buff  on  your  Arena  team,  but  you  have  several  different heroes  who  can  fulfill  that  key  role  which  gives  you  tons  of  options.

Its  good  to  have  options.

You  have  so  much  flexibility.

Nov 12, 2021, 00:5111/12/21

please tell me that you have that post copy-pasted from a sheet, J. it's great, but i hope you didn't type all of that out each time lol

Nov 12, 2021, 17:5511/12/21

classic  arena is   either  too  easy  or  too  hard,  depending  who you  talk  to. I  don't  think  they  will  ever  figure  it  out.  Tag  Arena  needs  the  attention.  That they certainly  CAN  fix  by  simply  realigning  the  number  of  players  per  bracket  to  better  reflect  the  power/champion  distribution  of  the  active  player  base. Currently it's more  of  a  straight  vertical  line  than  a curve.

Nov 14, 2021, 16:2411/14/21

Arena suffers from the old "whales " dropping down to a point where new players cannot get past them,  I'd suggest that clearing those old whales out might be an idea, or having two routes up the path old players and new players, but as they want more PtW then...... it's not fixed, ha never been fixed and anyone saying it is fixed is lying through their teeth. 

Nov 14, 2021, 18:5611/14/21

I  see  a  lot  of  potential here.

I  would  suggest  a  main  offense  of  Deacon  (lead),  Umbral  (go  first,  fast  and  accurate as  possible),  Ma'Shalled  or  Sethallia  (depending  on  whether  you  predict  shields  on  the  enemy)  and  nuke  (Abbess,  Nethril  or  Versulf).    Versulf  hits  harder  than  Magnarr  with  a  provoke  on  the  enemies.

Then  I  would  put  in  an  annoying  stall  defense  of  Seeker  (lead),  Vogoth,  Sandlashed  and  Scyl.    Maybe  replace  one  with  Ma'Shalled  for  damage.