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arena again

arena again

Nov 8, 2021, 15:5211/08/21

arena again

I'm sorry to bother you with this again, but for me arena takes all the fun I have with this game away. May my thought to enjoy this game is misplaced here? I don't know. I only know I enjoy all the other parts of this game and I can see how I get better and better.

It was said Plarium would change the difficulty of the arena, yes it happened and I got to gold 4 and I was happy to go there. Then they said it was a mistake they made. Result: I'm silver 4 - gold 1 and back and forth. That's not funny anymore. I even got to the 900 points in the Great Hall (others with smaller numbers too) Now I have to go to gold 4 but can't.  Every other mission  I can solve but not the arena ones.

The fun is gone! With no perspective to get Arbiter there is no motivation left.

Maybe I don't understand the game and I do it all the wrong way. I don't know. (I think in other parts I'm not that bad.)

I always get arena opponents who are much stronger than I am. Plarium why do you do it this way? It's demotivating! Make it the way to motivate players!

I don't know what others think about it, most players say never a word or simply quit the game. Plarium will get the money anyway and will not care about players like me. That's the way it is.

I wish all players to have fun with this game.

Nov 8, 2021, 16:0211/08/21

Arena is in much better place than it was 6 months ago. I can understand your frustrations as I went through hell with the arena mode myself.

If you post your current team, roster, and speeds/gearing people here will be more than happy to try to help you.

Nov 8, 2021, 16:4111/08/21

Arena is in much better place than it was 6 months ago. I can understand your frustrations as I went through hell with the arena mode myself.

If you post your current team, roster, and speeds/gearing people here will be more than happy to try to help you.

It was better, it may be that I'm just unlucky but after the latest 'server maintenance'  every page (again) has ten arbiter lead teams, or have huge resistance built ina heavy defence team.  I'm not actually bothered I'm G4 and can stand my own but it shows once again their 'matchmaking' is in full swing.

They have a peculiar perception of the arena, for some unknown reason they don't feel that ten opponents at random from the tier you are in is the way to go so they instigate a matchmaking algorithm which seems to upset 90% of the player base, I don't know why and for me they have never explained it 

Nov 8, 2021, 16:5211/08/21

Random matchmaking would absolutely make G4 unplayable for "most" people - the only reason the vast majority of G4 players are in G4 is because of the bots.

Nov 8, 2021, 17:3511/08/21

Random matchmaking would absolutely make G4 unplayable for "most" people - the only reason the vast majority of G4 players are in G4 is because of the bots.

That's true, but why would it make it unplayable?  as I said I'm getting 'proper' teams  and I am ok with that,  I can't see your point that random matchmaking is bad - if you haven't got a G4 team without bots you shouldn't be there and you shouldn't complain  when they remove bots.  It was ridiculous not long ago you could refresh and get a full page of bots, that shouldn't ever happen in any tier

Nov 8, 2021, 17:5611/08/21

That's true, but why would it make it unplayable?  as I said I'm getting 'proper' teams  and I am ok with that,  I can't see your point that random matchmaking is bad - if you haven't got a G4 team without bots you shouldn't be there and you shouldn't complain  when they remove bots.  It was ridiculous not long ago you could refresh and get a full page of bots, that shouldn't ever happen in any tier

What i mean is - most teams that are in G4 right now are only there because they were able to refresh the list until they got bot pages, and win enough games that their defense losses would be outpaced by their wins against bots.

If you change the algorithm to make it so the list is random, those players wouldn't be able to refresh the list often enough to win enough games to stay in G4.

This is essentially the situation that existed when they outright removed the bots. I have a very strong arena team, and I still struggled to remain in G4 - usually I'd fall off early in the week, and then slowly climb back up until by the end of the week I was high enough in G4 to stay. Personally, I think that's fine, but it also essentially meant that new players were unable to get Arbiter, and thus had no real chance of staying in G4.

Nov 8, 2021, 20:3711/08/21

mb bec you have bad BAD BAD pack which cant even beat bots?

Nov 8, 2021, 20:3811/08/21

its not said in game that arbiter should be eazy peazy to get in 1 month

Nov 8, 2021, 21:4311/08/21

It was better, it may be that I'm just unlucky but after the latest 'server maintenance'  every page (again) has ten arbiter lead teams, or have huge resistance built ina heavy defence team.  I'm not actually bothered I'm G4 and can stand my own but it shows once again their 'matchmaking' is in full swing.

They have a peculiar perception of the arena, for some unknown reason they don't feel that ten opponents at random from the tier you are in is the way to go so they instigate a matchmaking algorithm which seems to upset 90% of the player base, I don't know why and for me they have never explained it 

I am holding my own, but i have noticed a lack of bot pages this reset.

Nov 8, 2021, 21:5611/08/21

I am holding my own, but i have noticed a lack of bot pages this reset.

Hard to tell sometimes at reset if its a bot page or just a bunch of bot-beaters :)

I love not paying attention and getting 9 definite (player level 40s) bots and getting smacked by the "hidden" (me not paying attention) real G4 team :)

Nov 8, 2021, 22:3311/08/21

Hard to tell sometimes at reset if its a bot page or just a bunch of bot-beaters :)

I love not paying attention and getting 9 definite (player level 40s) bots and getting smacked by the "hidden" (me not paying attention) real G4 team :)

I just go by level to be honest

If the opponent is under level 75-80 and not running hegemon i assume they havent done the grinding to beat me for speed and i tend to hit them (obviously i switch stuff for some teams)

This reset, ive had mainly level 90-100's though

Nov 8, 2021, 23:2811/08/21

Every  team  in  Arena  can  be  beat  &  countered.

If  you  want  to  win,  you  need  to  improve yourself.

If  you don't know  how  to  Improve  yourself,  you  should  post  pictures  or list the  champions  you  own  so  others  can  help  you.

The  sad  truth  is  your  speaking  from  inexperience.

Your  inexperience  is  negatively  impacting  your  perception  of  the  game.

-  You  enjoy  the  rest  of  the  game  &  think  its  fun

-  You  hate  arena  &  think  it  takes  the  fun  away

Most  End  Game  Players  think  the  opposite of  you.

-  They  hate  the  rest  of  the  game  &  think  its  a  chore/time  sink

-  They  enjoy  Arena  &  think  its  fun.

Nov 9, 2021, 22:5211/09/21

Okay, I have some screanshotsö

I have no Gorgorab, no madame, no MM









Most are fully booked..

I hope it is no prob to post many pics. 

I appreciate every help :)

Nov 9, 2021, 23:2411/09/21

You have salad, who is basically one of the absolute best PVP champs in the game. Unfortunately your team comp doesn't work for it.

You have two options for a team:

1) RES/DEF team. This one requires pretty expensive gear mind you. Rhazin lead, Scyl, Visix, Versulf. All four in 300+ RES. Versulf in Shield set with high HP, other three in Frost sets. Basic idea is you resist all their debuffs, freeze their attackers, and slowly whittle them down.

2) Standard nuke team. Unfortunately you don't have Arbiter yet, from what I can tell, so you'll need above-average gear to make the team work. Khatun lead, Seeker, Ninja, Salad. You'll need Khatun to be at least 300 speed to really win any speed races. Make sure Seeker is fast enough to go right after, and then make sure Ninja is fast enough to go right after Seeker. Salad can be slow, as he's your finisher.

I would probably go with the first team if you have the gear for it. It should carry you to Gold 4 without too much trouble. 

Nov 10, 2021, 01:3111/10/21

Okay, I have some screanshotsö

I have no Gorgorab, no madame, no MM









Most are fully booked..

I hope it is no prob to post many pics. 

I appreciate every help :)

one reason you're struggling is that a lot of your champions are geared poorly. take your ma'shalled for example. you have him in two partially-levelled pieces of four star gear (wise decision to leave them at 12 though. no gear below 5 star is worth levelling) and a set of common boots in order to get the set bonuses. while getting set bonuses should be your long-term goal, gear with good stats is more important. while having a cruel set on him gives a bonus 15% attack, you're losing out on at more than that by not having him in a fully upgraded atk% chestplate (50 or 60% vs whatever the increase is from one at rank 4, level 12. i don't know the actual number). using common and uncommon gear is similar in that an epic or legendary piece of gear with the right luck on substats will provide a bigger stat increase than a set bonus would.

your scyll has issues of a different type. first off, she's getting over 1300 points of attack from artifacts which is enough that i have toassume she either has a piece of atk% gear or attack substats on everything she's wearing. attack on scyll is, quite literally, useless. her damage scales off of defense and attack serves no other purpose than damage scaling, so on champions that use defense or hp to determine that, attack serves no function. scyll would perform the exact same whether she had 3k atk or 1k. similarly crit rate and crit damage, while not completely useless, are still unimportant stats for scyll. her roles on a team are battlefield control and support, not damage. even with high crit rate and damage, she's still not going to be a very hard hitter and by trying to make her a damager, you're making her worse at the things she's supposed to be good at. she should be rebuilt with focus on her def, acc, and resist, while the swift parry set she has now would probably do a lot better on your ma'shalled (depending on the stats of course).

sethallia is much the same; she doesn't get a lot of benefit from being built as a damage-dealer.

Nov 10, 2021, 02:3711/10/21

High khatun -> Uugo -> mashalled -> xxx

Could do seeker in second or ninja in last.

That is probably what I would run from op roster.

Nov 10, 2021, 08:1211/10/21
Nov 10, 2021, 08:17(edited)

The main problem of your actual team is, that you have no speed lead and your champs are not tanky. A well built Ma'Shalled can solo a lot of opponent teams, but your champ is not well built. 

If you don't use a speed lead, your opponent will have the first turn and attack you. You need a strategy to survive that. Your Ma'Shalled has only 34k hp and 1400 def. Every cheap and easy team with HK, Spirithost, Warmaiden, Kael is strong enough to oneshot your team.

If you don't go first, you should use Rhazin as lead and high res on everybody to avoid the opponent's decrease def debuff. You should further use a champ with really high hp in a shield set. Reaction gear is a very nice bonus to such teams.

Or just take the team evilized suggested, it's much easier to build and equip.

Nov 10, 2021, 10:2911/10/21
Nov 10, 2021, 10:31(edited)

You have a seeker, great turn meter control

I would run double turn meter control perhaps

so HK -> Seeker-> Uugo to drop defence-> mashalled to nuke and screw people over

Put seeker in second, so if you do get hit then he will increase the teams defence 


HK-> Umbral enchantress for control-> uugo->mashalled ...make sure ai for umbral is to provoke.

You have a really nice roster, its just a matter of gear

Make your turn meter champs as fast as possible (all your best speed gear), and make sure your debuffer has the accuracy, make sure the nuker has good damage and that they go in the right order- and you are done.

Nov 10, 2021, 15:3811/10/21

Thanks for all your answers. I know my gear is poor.

Going in the right order is a big prob for me :(

Every other game I played I was always a brute warrior (Who knows why? But I liked it and I know it will not work here.)

I will see what I can do.

Nov 10, 2021, 15:4711/10/21

I have to disagree with the previous posters. I feel going down the speed race path is going to be one that just ends in disappointment.

Take a look at your available gear, and try to estimate whether it will be at all feasable for you to reach even 280 speed for Khatun. You'll absolutely need a full set of either speed, divine speed, or at worst swift parry to accomplish this. They'll all need to be at least 5 star, with most of them being 6 star, and you'll need to hit the speed substat on pretty much every item at least once, if not twice, for you to reach that kind of speed. You'll also of course need speed boots, almost certainly 6* ones.

I think the RES/DEF team is much easier to gear for. You're still going to need pretty specific items, but you don't need to care nearly as much about substats. You'll almost certainly need an RES chest, probably an RES banner, but the rest of your items are much less restrictive.

Nov 10, 2021, 16:0311/10/21

I have to disagree with the previous posters. I feel going down the speed race path is going to be one that just ends in disappointment.

Take a look at your available gear, and try to estimate whether it will be at all feasable for you to reach even 280 speed for Khatun. You'll absolutely need a full set of either speed, divine speed, or at worst swift parry to accomplish this. They'll all need to be at least 5 star, with most of them being 6 star, and you'll need to hit the speed substat on pretty much every item at least once, if not twice, for you to reach that kind of speed. You'll also of course need speed boots, almost certainly 6* ones.

I think the RES/DEF team is much easier to gear for. You're still going to need pretty specific items, but you don't need to care nearly as much about substats. You'll almost certainly need an RES chest, probably an RES banner, but the rest of your items are much less restrictive.

I have slow clan mates (sub 300) who just pick on the poorly made res/def teams and nuke them away.

Its all opinion of course, but i personally think building a go second team is more gear intensive than a nuke team.