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Sigh, arena is broken again

Sigh, arena is broken again

Oct 22, 2021, 14:5910/22/21

The team is fine. The speeds need work, of course, but that team should make mincemeat of any bot team, including those in the picture earlier.

Oct 22, 2021, 15:0910/22/21

Hmm Interesting, I started a f2p account about a month ago, been in silver 3 for the past couple of weeks or so and I have yet to see teams that belong there, if anything the majority of the teams do look like proper beginner teams with people either not grasping the fundamentals, or still working on gear. 

So which tiers are we talking about precisely when it comes to broken matchmaking ?  My experience, albeit annecdotal is based on 30 days of daily play ( mostly ) and quite a bit of arena, so I'm tempted to say Bronze all teh way to silver III are fine...

Oct 22, 2021, 18:0810/22/21

I've got a 310 speed Arbiter and lose the race more often than not against "real" teams in G4 with equivalent speed leads. I use her against other non-Arbiter speed teams, or switch her out for a 264 speed Seeker on non-speed teams so I can provoke and/or reduce the TM of the most bothersome opponent (which is usually a reviver like Duchess/Siphi or some sort of CC like Warlord or the debuffer), plus get the passive def up debuff when they take their turn. That does the trick most of the time, or at least well enough for a 250-5 result so far this reset.

Mostly I just avoid fighting the "real" teams. It's just not worth the effort. There are far fewer pages of free wins than there used to be though.

Against "real" teams i lose 60% of my races at 331 speed (i have been this speed for ages i cant get better i seems), but i will use double turn meter sometimes and sometimes cut in.

Much easier to wipe bot pages when you get them, but i go by player level nowadays

If under level 75, the odds are they have done insufficient grinding to beat me for speed.

Oct 22, 2021, 19:1610/22/21

I understand all the naysayers, saying that bot teams still exist but wait till your cycle comes up. It is happening randomly right now. My clan had 16 players all in G4 for over a year which have all been pushed down to G1 or even Silver. Count yourselves lucky that Plarium hasn't pushed you out yet. Like others mentioned the biggest 2 things about this is; 1. This isn't real PVP. I played WoW for 12 years, that is real PVP. RSL is Player vs AI, it's not PVP. Second problem is the fake PVP here is the only way to improve your Great Hall which is essential. Plarium has promised for over a year that they would give us other options for Great Hall upgrades, as well as books, dupe systems that they have completely fell through on their promises and that shows everyone that Plarium only cares about one thing and that's money. It's not about player abilities, player enjoyment, or the ability to progress without spending $10K a month. So like me, a player who spends very little and although I've been playing for 15 months I have no chance in hell of ever competing. 

So you lucky guys can keep saying we are stupid or lame players, that we don't know how to speed tune champs or set up teams or even know how to play. Wait until Plarium targets your account. If you remember this happened before and it's only a matter of time until your account is targeted. For a 50/50 chance in Classic Arena, they would have to post 50% teams you can beat and 50% you will lose to. That is the only way to make this extremely unfair system work yet Plarium is matching us against a 10%/90% system. 10% you might beat and 90% you can't beat. The current system is egregiously unfair and purely based on making people spend money they don't have.

Oct 22, 2021, 19:1710/22/21
Oct 22, 2021, 19:20(edited)

Also, you lucky people are still seeing bot teams in your refreshes, most are not. Just wait, this is how Plarium lost 8 million players last year.

Oct 22, 2021, 19:4810/22/21

I understand all the naysayers, saying that bot teams still exist but wait till your cycle comes up. It is happening randomly right now. My clan had 16 players all in G4 for over a year which have all been pushed down to G1 or even Silver. Count yourselves lucky that Plarium hasn't pushed you out yet. Like others mentioned the biggest 2 things about this is; 1. This isn't real PVP. I played WoW for 12 years, that is real PVP. RSL is Player vs AI, it's not PVP. Second problem is the fake PVP here is the only way to improve your Great Hall which is essential. Plarium has promised for over a year that they would give us other options for Great Hall upgrades, as well as books, dupe systems that they have completely fell through on their promises and that shows everyone that Plarium only cares about one thing and that's money. It's not about player abilities, player enjoyment, or the ability to progress without spending $10K a month. So like me, a player who spends very little and although I've been playing for 15 months I have no chance in hell of ever competing. 

So you lucky guys can keep saying we are stupid or lame players, that we don't know how to speed tune champs or set up teams or even know how to play. Wait until Plarium targets your account. If you remember this happened before and it's only a matter of time until your account is targeted. For a 50/50 chance in Classic Arena, they would have to post 50% teams you can beat and 50% you will lose to. That is the only way to make this extremely unfair system work yet Plarium is matching us against a 10%/90% system. 10% you might beat and 90% you can't beat. The current system is egregiously unfair and purely based on making people spend money they don't have.

If you had 16 players in G4 for over a year that were pushed down to G1 or silver - then really, what you had was 16 players that didn't deserve to be in G4. Count yourselves lucky you got all the free rewards because Plarium can't figure out how to fix their system.

Oct 22, 2021, 20:2010/22/21

If you had 16 players in G4 for over a year that were pushed down to G1 or silver - then really, what you had was 16 players that didn't deserve to be in G4. Count yourselves lucky you got all the free rewards because Plarium can't figure out how to fix their system.

If you're in g4 for a year there is no excuse to not have made a lot of great hall upgrades, get arbiter, and aquire many decent pieces of divine speed and cruel gear.

This post is bs

I was really pissed prior to the bots as early/mid game players like myself at the time really were being screwed in arena facing nothing but arbiter/Lyis 300+speed teams in silver. At the time the only speed I had was high khatun lol.

With the addition of the bots I took advantage to get my arbiter, upgrade my great hall, as well as my account advancing from playing.

I don't know what lower tiers look like as now I have no problem staying in g4(at least for the time being). All I know is the bottom of g4 is very easy right now. I doubt we are seeing what was going on last year with s2 refreshes being 10 arbiter teams. Correct me if I'm wrong on this, and if that is the case arena is broken.

Most of the people I see posting about arena being broken are people that do not grasp the concept of just running simple speed nuke teams that from everything I see will take you into g4 right now. 

Oct 24, 2021, 07:4910/24/21

If you had 16 players in G4 for over a year that were pushed down to G1 or silver - then really, what you had was 16 players that didn't deserve to be in G4. Count yourselves lucky you got all the free rewards because Plarium can't figure out how to fix their system.


Oct 24, 2021, 07:5910/24/21

I hate these discussion as it always seems that the defenders come off as condecening and the complainers as whiners 

I have been in G4 for about 4 or 5 months now, do i belong /shrug.

I win most fights agains't non speed teams, but the arena is the part of the game I least enjoy so I do not work hard on gearing and regearing and regearing to get to godly speed of  329.

See that comes off as as whiny and your comment of 329 speed makes it 50/50 comes off as condecending to me 

oh well back on topic, I still see bot pages but few and far between, and my second account in G1 never sees them.

"I hate these discussion as it always seems that the defenders come off as condecening and the complainers as whiners "

Eh, Yea!

Oct 24, 2021, 08:0210/24/21
Oct 24, 2021, 08:03(edited)

People keep talking 'bout they were in G4 and pushed down as if that couldn't happen in a fair system.  Look around at any competetive endevor, no one stays at (or near) the top for ever.  I've gone from G4 down to S1 and back.  New champs, new strategies, I had to catch up, didn't know what I was doing the first few times around (still don't).  It's not an achievement like, I got to G4 finally and no longer need to work at it to stay here.

Oct 25, 2021, 01:3110/25/21


You  just  have  to  improve yourself to  be  the  very  best  you  can  be.

It's  a  "you"  problem for  sure.

Show  us  your  Rooster  so  we  can  help  you  improve.

It's  clear  to  me  that  you  can't see  your  own  faults.

The  Great  Raid  Philosopher Jimbo  wrote  about  this.

You  are suffering from  Gold  Envy.

Oct 25, 2021, 03:1610/25/21

Fix ARENA!!!! We are so fed up with this garbage. There is no reason EVER why level 50-60 players should be getting constantly matched with level 80-100 players. I'm level 68 player and I constantly get a page full of level 80-100 players. Get the damn BOT teams out of Classic Arena, it's just ridiculous. No team that has HALF your team power should ever win, I don't care what champs they use, obviously your Team Power rating need serious work....because currently they are pure BS, for the most part. 

Almost nothing makes any sense in Arena as it currently stands.

Oct 25, 2021, 03:2810/25/21
Player J


You  just  have  to  improve yourself to  be  the  very  best  you  can  be.

It's  a  "you"  problem for  sure.

Show  us  your  Rooster  so  we  can  help  you  improve.

It's  clear  to  me  that  you  can't see  your  own  faults.

The  Great  Raid  Philosopher Jimbo  wrote  about  this.

You  are suffering from  Gold  Envy.

Talking out your backside? LOL.......So level 50 players should be getting matched with level 80-100 players on every page? And I'm not talking 1 or 2 lvl 80-100 player teams either. 

These are obviously loaded with BOT teams on nearly every page. Why? Why is their a single BOT team in Arena at all....if it's so legit?

And don't give me that "You don't know how to build a team" garbage.....that's a standard line of BS.

I'm not saying I can't beat them.....I'm saying this shouldn't be happening....period. 

A supposed level 50 player, has a team with team power at 80....that plays like it has team power of 300?

Yeah right.

Oct 25, 2021, 07:5010/25/21

Fix ARENA!!!! We are so fed up with this garbage. There is no reason EVER why level 50-60 players should be getting constantly matched with level 80-100 players. I'm level 68 player and I constantly get a page full of level 80-100 players. Get the damn BOT teams out of Classic Arena, it's just ridiculous. No team that has HALF your team power should ever win, I don't care what champs they use, obviously your Team Power rating need serious work....because currently they are pure BS, for the most part. 

Almost nothing makes any sense in Arena as it currently stands.

Sorry - if you don't understand the mechanics of how a team with half your power can win then you haven't learned much about this game or arena teams and how to spot high resistance/speed/defence

Oct 25, 2021, 08:0910/25/21

Talking out your backside? LOL.......So level 50 players should be getting matched with level 80-100 players on every page? And I'm not talking 1 or 2 lvl 80-100 player teams either. 

These are obviously loaded with BOT teams on nearly every page. Why? Why is their a single BOT team in Arena at all....if it's so legit?

And don't give me that "You don't know how to build a team" garbage.....that's a standard line of BS.

I'm not saying I can't beat them.....I'm saying this shouldn't be happening....period. 

A supposed level 50 player, has a team with team power at 80....that plays like it has team power of 300?

Yeah right.

Levels don't mean much to be honest once, you've unlocked everything that's level gated ( 3v3, DT etc ... ) it's an indicator of how long the player has been playing, but not much elese. A good level 60 will beat a bad level 80 any day of the week. 

Also power is not an indicator of team superiority, it reflects stats like crit rate and resistance among others. 

That said if you have concrete stats and screenshots/ videos showing teams that are geniunely better than yours showing up in mass on your feed we'd have something to work with .  

Oct 25, 2021, 09:0210/25/21

Talking out your backside? LOL.......So level 50 players should be getting matched with level 80-100 players on every page? And I'm not talking 1 or 2 lvl 80-100 player teams either. 

These are obviously loaded with BOT teams on nearly every page. Why? Why is their a single BOT team in Arena at all....if it's so legit?

And don't give me that "You don't know how to build a team" garbage.....that's a standard line of BS.

I'm not saying I can't beat them.....I'm saying this shouldn't be happening....period. 

A supposed level 50 player, has a team with team power at 80....that plays like it has team power of 300?

Yeah right.

In the actual system, Plarium uses player power in the matchmaking algorythm, the worst thing they can do. 

Instead the fights should be random from the same arena tier. Players that are "to good" for their actual tier would naturally develop into the next tier, this would lead to equal fights.

Oct 25, 2021, 09:1210/25/21

In the actual system, Plarium uses player power in the matchmaking algorythm, the worst thing they can do. 

Instead the fights should be random from the same arena tier. Players that are "to good" for their actual tier would naturally develop into the next tier, this would lead to equal fights.

You do understand they do not want match ups of equal power teams, they want you over matched so you feel the need to spend  to get past it.

Oct 25, 2021, 09:5710/25/21

You do understand they do not want match ups of equal power teams, they want you over matched so you feel the need to spend  to get past it.

Not really. I am currently playing with 2 accounts. One is 681k strong - matched against opps from 649k to 893k power. Other is 184k string - matched against 174k to 212k power.

Makes perfect sense.

Oct 25, 2021, 13:4610/25/21

I have noticed that after I press refresh, I keep getting the same set of opponents. It would be nice if I do not get to play the same player more than twice. do you guys agree?

Oct 25, 2021, 14:2810/25/21

Arena is messed up again as it was earlier this year. It's a pity! And ablolutely not to understand why this can't be fixed once and for all. Bronze II players should have Bronze II counter teams and not Gold IV - the same holds for everyone else (except Gold IV, obviously). It's not that difficult, there are dozens of games that have a better assignment system: just copy! If it's about money: why should I invest in a game where one the most important features is not working properly?