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Sigh, arena is broken again

Sigh, arena is broken again

Oct 21, 2021, 07:1610/21/21

Sigh, arena is broken again

Seriously, just triple the tiers and add them ALL above gold.  Stop ruining the game for newer and more casual players by tying account progression to a tier where you have bottlenecked all of the endgame accounts.  It makes zero sense in terms of game design.  At least this time you aren't ruining it for me but it is just a joke that you still cannot comprehend why this is bad.  Even Skratch with his whale mindset noticed arena is broken.  Do you realize how badly you are managing it if HE thinks it is messed up?  Yikes.

Oct 21, 2021, 09:2610/21/21

I believe it's their matching system that makes it almost unplayable especially in the lower tiers, I can't see why they persist in a 'system' - if you are in for example bronze 4 why can't it just pick at random ten other opponents in bronze 4?  If some put in weaker defences or strong defences so what?  They are in the same tier as you so that is their decision

Oct 21, 2021, 10:3510/21/21

I believe it's their matching system that makes it almost unplayable especially in the lower tiers, I can't see why they persist in a 'system' - if you are in for example bronze 4 why can't it just pick at random ten other opponents in bronze 4?  If some put in weaker defences or strong defences so what?  They are in the same tier as you so that is their decision

Matchmaking makes a mockery of the whole tier system and i have no idea why plarium persist in thinking its a good idea.

Oct 22, 2021, 00:2010/22/21
Oct 22, 2021, 00:22(edited)

Trevor, it's because Plarium is looking at their bank account and not fair or reasonable game play to keep people entertained. They know the only way to upgrade your great hall efficiently is with gold medals. So they have made it literally impossible (again) for average players to be in gold tiers. If everyone remembers they did this about 9-11 months ago and destroyed Classic Arena. This is the second time Plarium did this and seriously they should look back and see the amount of paying players they lost.. forever. Plarium has promised for over a year alternatives to upgrading our great halls and better/easier access to books which they have never come through on. If Plarium keeps up the money grabbing soon this will be an extinct game with 5000 players spending absolutely nothing.

Wake up Plarium, this didn't work the first time and the second time is going to bite you even harder in the bank account. People don't want to play a game that is inherently designed for players to fail

Oct 22, 2021, 00:5310/22/21

I find it hard to believe the bots only exist in gold?  They seem to be appear every few refreshes as far as I can see.  

Oct 22, 2021, 00:5810/22/21

If playing for 9-11 months and still complains in arena, maybe matchmaking is not the problem. 

Oct 22, 2021, 01:0510/22/21


Proof of bots (or whatever harbby and oracle insist they are... lol)

Oct 22, 2021, 01:0710/22/21
Trevor Wilson

Matchmaking makes a mockery of the whole tier system and i have no idea why plarium persist in thinking its a good idea.


I believe it's their matching system that makes it almost unplayable especially in the lower tiers, I can't see why they persist in a 'system' - if you are in for example bronze 4 why can't it just pick at random ten other opponents in bronze 4?  If some put in weaker defences or strong defences so what?  They are in the same tier as you so that is their decision 

Agree with these statements 👌

Oct 22, 2021, 09:5510/22/21


Proof of bots (or whatever harbby and oracle insist they are... lol)

Honest question why do end game players think everyone is in the same boat?

I see what you posted and there is only 1 fight i would try and I am in G4, 3rd one BTW, I do not pick fights with speed leads as my Gob has 260 speed but because i do not want to soley focus on the crappy PVP in this game ( Speed Crushes all 90% of the time is not a fun play style for me )I normally only pick fights with non speed leads.

While the Bots are still there I seem to only see a couple and only after i have used gems to refresh 3 or 4 times.

Oct 22, 2021, 10:2710/22/21

Honest question why do end game players think everyone is in the same boat?

I see what you posted and there is only 1 fight i would try and I am in G4, 3rd one BTW, I do not pick fights with speed leads as my Gob has 260 speed but because i do not want to soley focus on the crappy PVP in this game ( Speed Crushes all 90% of the time is not a fun play style for me )I normally only pick fights with non speed leads.

While the Bots are still there I seem to only see a couple and only after i have used gems to refresh 3 or 4 times.

I guess we all have different perspectives.

I class myself as mid game, but that looks like a bot page to me too, the valk might make me switch my set up a bit maybe but otherwise, all a quick farm.

At the end of the day, i think previous arena was a mess, you needed 300 speed to stay in G1, but should every player be in G4?

I think getting into and staying in G4 should take effort? If not willing to build a pvp team is G4 an automatic right?

Oct 22, 2021, 10:3510/22/21

I would agree if progession in the game was not tied to the arena IE the Great hall bonuses.

I am so so with the arena as it is but it could really use alot of improvement IMO, and give players another option of leveling the GH , maybe level 25 dugeons could give medals, just some other way to improve the GH.

Blah Blah we want the Arena to be an ultra competeive part of the game BLAH BLAH, sorry hate this company line because the way it reads to me is WE want progess in the Arena to be sooooo slow you will feel obligated to spend money ( sorry it is Friday and i become super cynical )😈

Oct 22, 2021, 13:0310/22/21

Honest question why do end game players think everyone is in the same boat?

I see what you posted and there is only 1 fight i would try and I am in G4, 3rd one BTW, I do not pick fights with speed leads as my Gob has 260 speed but because i do not want to soley focus on the crappy PVP in this game ( Speed Crushes all 90% of the time is not a fun play style for me )I normally only pick fights with non speed leads.

While the Bots are still there I seem to only see a couple and only after i have used gems to refresh 3 or 4 times.

To be honest I'm really suprised that if you would swerve all but one if you're in G4, I am G4 and would see all those as easy pickings, when it comes to 'proper' teams with Arbiter or Lyssandra as lead I'm about 50/50 on those as my speed champ goes at 329 and I'm using Lyssandra rather than Arbiter as she has 30% [Increase SPD] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Fills the Turn Meter of all allies by 30%. Decreases the Turn Meter of all enemies by 30% her speed aura isn't the best but my lead is Kymar who does have the 30% speed aura so Lyssandra should go first, Serris second to debuff and def down Kreela third Kymer last but he resets the skills so they all go again  

If you can't compete against speed teams in G4 you're really hoping for bot teams

Oct 22, 2021, 13:2510/22/21

Honest question why do end game players think everyone is in the same boat?

I see what you posted and there is only 1 fight i would try and I am in G4, 3rd one BTW, I do not pick fights with speed leads as my Gob has 260 speed but because i do not want to soley focus on the crappy PVP in this game ( Speed Crushes all 90% of the time is not a fun play style for me )I normally only pick fights with non speed leads.

While the Bots are still there I seem to only see a couple and only after i have used gems to refresh 3 or 4 times.

They're all effortless to beat, for any level. You might think they look strong because of the champs in question, but they'll all be geared terribly.

Oct 22, 2021, 13:3910/22/21

To be honest I'm really suprised that if you would swerve all but one if you're in G4, I am G4 and would see all those as easy pickings, when it comes to 'proper' teams with Arbiter or Lyssandra as lead I'm about 50/50 on those as my speed champ goes at 329 and I'm using Lyssandra rather than Arbiter as she has 30% [Increase SPD] buff on all allies for 2 turns. Fills the Turn Meter of all allies by 30%. Decreases the Turn Meter of all enemies by 30% her speed aura isn't the best but my lead is Kymar who does have the 30% speed aura so Lyssandra should go first, Serris second to debuff and def down Kreela third Kymer last but he resets the skills so they all go again  

If you can't compete against speed teams in G4 you're really hoping for bot teams

I hate these discussion as it always seems that the defenders come off as condecening and the complainers as whiners 

I have been in G4 for about 4 or 5 months now, do i belong /shrug.

I win most fights agains't non speed teams, but the arena is the part of the game I least enjoy so I do not work hard on gearing and regearing and regearing to get to godly speed of  329.

See that comes off as as whiny and your comment of 329 speed makes it 50/50 comes off as condecending to me 

oh well back on topic, I still see bot pages but few and far between, and my second account in G1 never sees them.

Oct 22, 2021, 13:5810/22/21


Appreciate your transparency on your team.  Curious have you tried fighting the bots with a speed lead?  Either to see if 260/270 is fast enough, I really do not know.  I admit I have lost much perspective on my pre 300 speed days, lol.  But if they are faster than 270, use another comp.  The bots with speed leads at under 150k, often under 100k power can be destroyed with alternate comps! Use Tag arena to test different go 2nd teams, you would be surprised how easy the basic speed nukes are beat.  And half of the bot comps are just plain bad, if all you see is the speed lead and run than that is lack of effort.

And yes, I am a condescending prick most of the time.  Just ask my clanmates :)  But mainly because good advice/knowledge (gained from my painful n00b days of playing the game very poorly) is too often ignored.

And your last point about Plarium just wants you to spend money, well duh :)

Good luck, and seriously fight a full page of bots and see how you do.  Going 8-2 or 9-1 is better than 2-0 cherry picking solo defense.

Oct 22, 2021, 14:0610/22/21

Gobro is a speed lead no?

I am a super bad loser and by now know that what you consider a bot = dead team for me =) if an Arb is the leader.

Oct 22, 2021, 14:0710/22/21

I didn't intend to be condescending so I apologise - my comment about my speed and team was only to show what I would expect to have to stay in G4 if they removed all the bots, my 50/50 comment was to demonstrate that more often than not my page refreshes and will have 8/9 or 10 opponents with a speed lead and as I expect to win some lose some I don't mind going against them

Oct 22, 2021, 14:2810/22/21


Appreciate your transparency on your team.  Curious have you tried fighting the bots with a speed lead?  Either to see if 260/270 is fast enough, I really do not know.  I admit I have lost much perspective on my pre 300 speed days, lol.  But if they are faster than 270, use another comp.  The bots with speed leads at under 150k, often under 100k power can be destroyed with alternate comps! Use Tag arena to test different go 2nd teams, you would be surprised how easy the basic speed nukes are beat.  And half of the bot comps are just plain bad, if all you see is the speed lead and run than that is lack of effort.

And yes, I am a condescending prick most of the time.  Just ask my clanmates :)  But mainly because good advice/knowledge (gained from my painful n00b days of playing the game very poorly) is too often ignored.

And your last point about Plarium just wants you to spend money, well duh :)

Good luck, and seriously fight a full page of bots and see how you do.  Going 8-2 or 9-1 is better than 2-0 cherry picking solo defense.

I've got a 310 speed Arbiter and lose the race more often than not against "real" teams in G4 with equivalent speed leads. I use her against other non-Arbiter speed teams, or switch her out for a 264 speed Seeker on non-speed teams so I can provoke and/or reduce the TM of the most bothersome opponent (which is usually a reviver like Duchess/Siphi or some sort of CC like Warlord or the debuffer), plus get the passive def up debuff when they take their turn. That does the trick most of the time, or at least well enough for a 250-5 result so far this reset.

Mostly I just avoid fighting the "real" teams. It's just not worth the effort. There are far fewer pages of free wins than there used to be though.

Oct 22, 2021, 14:4010/22/21

I've got a 310 speed Arbiter and lose the race more often than not against "real" teams in G4 with equivalent speed leads. I use her against other non-Arbiter speed teams, or switch her out for a 264 speed Seeker on non-speed teams so I can provoke and/or reduce the TM of the most bothersome opponent (which is usually a reviver like Duchess/Siphi or some sort of CC like Warlord or the debuffer), plus get the passive def up debuff when they take their turn. That does the trick most of the time, or at least well enough for a 250-5 result so far this reset.

Mostly I just avoid fighting the "real" teams. It's just not worth the effort. There are far fewer pages of free wins than there used to be though.

If 250-5, enough free wins apparently :)

Oct 22, 2021, 14:4310/22/21
Oct 22, 2021, 14:49(edited)

I didn't intend to be condescending so I apologise - my comment about my speed and team was only to show what I would expect to have to stay in G4 if they removed all the bots, my 50/50 comment was to demonstrate that more often than not my page refreshes and will have 8/9 or 10 opponents with a speed lead and as I expect to win some lose some I don't mind going against them

No worries part of that is me 😜, by Friday I am tired of not being listened to at work and take things far more personally than i should.

I do work on my arena Team and try to take advice that i have read on these boards.

At work  so can not screenshot team, 

Gorgorab 253 speed 47khp 2200def

Madame Serris 184 sp,46k hp, 2300 def, 437 acc

Shirimana 172 sp,40k hp,2300 def,2900att,88cr137 cd 139 acc

Sinesha 168 sp 28k hp2600 att 2300 def 95 cr 124 cd 93 acc

Gorg first TM and att

Madame debuff

Shir freeze

Sin to finish them most times

Not a super great team but works for the 5 matches a day i need 😜

Oct 22, 2021, 14:5910/22/21

If 250-5, enough free wins apparently :)

Well, I have the luxury of working from home most of the time, so it's a fairly trivial matter to have a game instance open on one of my screens and clicking refresh every 15-30 minutes or whenever I can remember it and pick out the easy targets. It's not all "bot" pages though, I'd even go so far as to say that the majority are not. I'd say about 50% are the 1-champ teams from people trying to derank, 25% "bots" and 25% proper teams. A couple of months ago, I could refresh like 5 times per day and use up all my tokens on the "bots" no problem. Now it takes a whole lot more time and effort, which is unfortunate. The game seems to trend towards taking up more and more of my time, and having the arena taken out of the equation all those months ago was a relief in that regard.