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Downtime/maintenance during CVC?

Downtime/maintenance during CVC?

Oct 14, 2021, 01:3510/14/21

They were working fine, and then they crashed after everyone tried to log back in. How can they test for that?

Lol our definition of "working fine" are very different, seeing as the game has never come back up on plarium play since going down for "routine maintenance".. but for the record you can test for crashing from too many people logging back on at once on a test server too by putting it under a heavy load... and My comment wasnt made in a negative way or an attacking fashion but was something i actually wondered

Oct 14, 2021, 01:4010/14/21

Lol our definition of "working fine" are very different, seeing as the game has never come back up on plarium play since going down for "routine maintenance".. but for the record you can test for crashing from too many people logging back on at once on a test server too by putting it under a heavy load... and My comment wasnt made in a negative way or an attacking fashion but was something i actually wondered

I think our definition is the same. Becuase I was able to get in just fine before they crashed. Even when testing for how the server would react to a massive influx of people, it's never 100% accurate. The game averages a million players a day, imagine a majority of those trying to get back in for cvc. 

This time it appears as if they made it available to different platforms at different times, and now the servers are fine. 

Oct 14, 2021, 01:4310/14/21

 The timing is inconvenient but I understand things break occasionally and I'm grateful the staff is working hard to fix the game. I think a lot of people on all sides are feeling really stressed out after the recent dev-player relationship strains but I came to Raid specifically because I felt like Plarium had a neat game with high quality classic fantasy art and cared more than most about trying to have a positive relationship with its playerbase.  That's a winning combination and I want to see that thrive. Let's all work harder on building a positive dev-player relationship and that means Plarium needs to avoid stuff like the Geomancer nerf and we need to express our concerns in a more rational less ragey way. That also means Plarium needs to hear us and be responsive when we're not pitching a fit. :-) Mutual respect is the only way forward for us.

Oct 14, 2021, 02:0310/14/21

 The timing is inconvenient but I understand things break occasionally and I'm grateful the staff is working hard to fix the game. I think a lot of people on all sides are feeling really stressed out after the recent dev-player relationship strains but I came to Raid specifically because I felt like Plarium had a neat game with high quality classic fantasy art and cared more than most about trying to have a positive relationship with its playerbase.  That's a winning combination and I want to see that thrive. Let's all work harder on building a positive dev-player relationship and that means Plarium needs to avoid stuff like the Geomancer nerf and we need to express our concerns in a more rational less ragey way. That also means Plarium needs to hear us and be responsive when we're not pitching a fit. :-) Mutual respect is the only way forward for us.

You get a gold star. 🌟 I love this.

The real thing I do as a moderator is to try and share all of your feedback to Plarium. It's what I became a moderator to do. So I try and collect that from the forums and discord and share. It's easier to do when people share the reasons behind their anger and feelings, rather than just come on here and post all caps rants. It gives me more concrete things to share with Plarium rather than just, "People are mad at you"

Oct 14, 2021, 02:3110/14/21

is it something wrong with ad blocker in chats? I have seen a bunch of ads in channels and not getting banned at all? I guess not everything is back to "normal" lol

Oct 14, 2021, 02:4810/14/21

is it something wrong with ad blocker in chats? I have seen a bunch of ads in channels and not getting banned at all? I guess not everything is back to "normal" lol

I'm not sure. Perhaps they lessoned the restrictions on the spam blocker, as to lesson the accidental bans on players just chatting.

Oct 14, 2021, 02:5610/14/21

 The timing is inconvenient but I understand things break occasionally and I'm grateful the staff is working hard to fix the game. I think a lot of people on all sides are feeling really stressed out after the recent dev-player relationship strains but I came to Raid specifically because I felt like Plarium had a neat game with high quality classic fantasy art and cared more than most about trying to have a positive relationship with its playerbase.  That's a winning combination and I want to see that thrive. Let's all work harder on building a positive dev-player relationship and that means Plarium needs to avoid stuff like the Geomancer nerf and we need to express our concerns in a more rational less ragey way. That also means Plarium needs to hear us and be responsive when we're not pitching a fit. :-) Mutual respect is the only way forward for us.

You must be new. Plarium is the very worst company when it comes to caring about player relationships. They don't even respect the whales who keep the game going (might be hard to respect people with gamling addictions if you make your living from their bad financial decisions). And they couldn't care less about F2P players, even though our numbers give this mediocre game the popularity that attracts new spenders despite the huge turnover.

I play other collection gachas because I am a hoarder at heart, and digital hoarding takes less space ;). None of the companies are angels when it comes to player relations (it takes a certain nasty attitude to even market gachas, I believe), but none are anywhere as greedy, graceless, and uncaring as Plarium.

The rage comes from players somewhere deep inside realizing that they're being exploited and bamboozled. And then the game goes down at a time when they've been exhorted to spend more than usual, both time and real money, because NEATO PERSONAL REWARDS (*rolls eyes*). All the rage is well-deserved. There is no mutual respect here, except newbs usually still feel there ought to be. I am polite to moderators because none of this is their doing, but the company itself has no feelings, and deserves no respect.

As a developer myself, I don't feel particularly sorry for the devs now working overtime (everyone in the industry has been there, and the pay is commensurate with that). But neither do I blame them since it's not their fault either; they don't make the command decisions about when to roll out what new features. The quality control at Plarium feels understaffed and/or underfunded to me because too much obvious stuff slips through, and sooner or later that will always come to bite you, *shrug*. As damage control the company will dole out come digital "compensation" (which does not cost them anything) so they can appear generous and contrite without affecting their bottom line. I don't get het up about this game breaking, but I also no longer take it at all seriously, and most importantly, no longer spend a single cent. IMO that's the only way to get any value out of the pretty graphics.

Oct 14, 2021, 04:1110/14/21

game keeps crashing losing points and energy and xp

Oct 14, 2021, 04:2210/14/21

Game shut down again for the 3rd or 4th time. I'm highly doubtful that this is just some server "maintenance" issue. Been playing for 2 years daily and have never seen this happen. This company reminds me of the company Activision and how they take good games and beat them to death for money greed. Just my opinion though 

Oct 14, 2021, 04:3510/14/21

You must be new. Plarium is the very worst company when it comes to caring about player relationships. They don't even respect the whales who keep the game going (might be hard to respect people with gamling addictions if you make your living from their bad financial decisions). And they couldn't care less about F2P players, even though our numbers give this mediocre game the popularity that attracts new spenders despite the huge turnover.

I play other collection gachas because I am a hoarder at heart, and digital hoarding takes less space ;). None of the companies are angels when it comes to player relations (it takes a certain nasty attitude to even market gachas, I believe), but none are anywhere as greedy, graceless, and uncaring as Plarium.

The rage comes from players somewhere deep inside realizing that they're being exploited and bamboozled. And then the game goes down at a time when they've been exhorted to spend more than usual, both time and real money, because NEATO PERSONAL REWARDS (*rolls eyes*). All the rage is well-deserved. There is no mutual respect here, except newbs usually still feel there ought to be. I am polite to moderators because none of this is their doing, but the company itself has no feelings, and deserves no respect.

As a developer myself, I don't feel particularly sorry for the devs now working overtime (everyone in the industry has been there, and the pay is commensurate with that). But neither do I blame them since it's not their fault either; they don't make the command decisions about when to roll out what new features. The quality control at Plarium feels understaffed and/or underfunded to me because too much obvious stuff slips through, and sooner or later that will always come to bite you, *shrug*. As damage control the company will dole out come digital "compensation" (which does not cost them anything) so they can appear generous and contrite without affecting their bottom line. I don't get het up about this game breaking, but I also no longer take it at all seriously, and most importantly, no longer spend a single cent. IMO that's the only way to get any value out of the pretty graphics.

Great summarize man!!!

Never in my life ( and i am not so young now) I didnt play a game with so many bugs and errors . I really do not understand how is even possible to have something going bad on every upgrade/new path .

Just look on Newsfeed to see how many messages that have  words - " bug, we are aware , working...." you will find .

Than Plarium will trow something - some energy , 1 CB key ( that actually not cost them anything) and we all move on to the next crash/bug. And again and again..

i respect the Moderators because I FELT that each and every time they tried to solve issues ( as much as they can). But for the rest of Plarium employess ....

Oct 14, 2021, 05:0110/14/21

 I've seen plenty of evidence Plarium is working to improve dev-player relations. Changing Geomancer from emulating Warmaster to emulating Giant Slayer on his passive was directly a result of them listening to players.

 I have also seen things that indicate there's some problems in the graphics and coding departments. Sachi, Lifetaker and Geomancer have all gotten nerfs to their animations recently and that's just the ones I've noticed. Roric has a semi-transparent ghost crossbow superimposed on his hammer. Obviously the Geomancer changes recieved little or no playtesting. It could just be growing pains, honestly I don't think Raid was ever intended to get as big or last as long as it has. Obviously something is going on. I wish we had the kind of relationship where Plarium would come out and say "we're having X problem because of Y but if you guys keep playing we'll keep coding and get eachother through this." I don't want an antagonstic relationship with the devs so I'm going to hold up my end of that. I believe they want to hold up their end and if not, well, there's plenty of other fish in the sea. Either way I think all of us with any degree of maturity can agree that raging isn't really going to do anything useful and it really just makes everybody more miserable.

Oct 14, 2021, 05:3510/14/21

 I've seen plenty of evidence Plarium is working to improve dev-player relations. Changing Geomancer from emulating Warmaster to emulating Giant Slayer on his passive was directly a result of them listening to players.

 I have also seen things that indicate there's some problems in the graphics and coding departments. Sachi, Lifetaker and Geomancer have all gotten nerfs to their animations recently and that's just the ones I've noticed. Roric has a semi-transparent ghost crossbow superimposed on his hammer. Obviously the Geomancer changes recieved little or no playtesting. It could just be growing pains, honestly I don't think Raid was ever intended to get as big or last as long as it has. Obviously something is going on. I wish we had the kind of relationship where Plarium would come out and say "we're having X problem because of Y but if you guys keep playing we'll keep coding and get eachother through this." I don't want an antagonstic relationship with the devs so I'm going to hold up my end of that. I believe they want to hold up their end and if not, well, there's plenty of other fish in the sea. Either way I think all of us with any degree of maturity can agree that raging isn't really going to do anything useful and it really just makes everybody more miserable.

I have played Everquest from its inception for a decade.

Never was there an unexpected outage with absolutely no communication.

Maintenance was announced well in advance and not 15 minutes before it happened.

And as much as Harlequinn and Harbby are friendly and post often, they are no official spokespeople or employees of Plarium. 

Plarium does not listen to the playerbase at all. It takes huge outrage time and time again to force partial backtracking if any happens at all. Andd thne you wonder, why raaging is the usual mode of communication to Plarium?

Riad getting popular is also easy to solve, just expand the infrastructure. Unless you are a a pennypinching greedfest, that's a nonissue.

Oct 14, 2021, 05:4810/14/21
Oct 14, 2021, 05:49(edited)

I have played Everquest from its inception for a decade.

Never was there an unexpected outage with absolutely no communication.

Maintenance was announced well in advance and not 15 minutes before it happened.

And as much as Harlequinn and Harbby are friendly and post often, they are no official spokespeople or employees of Plarium. 

Plarium does not listen to the playerbase at all. It takes huge outrage time and time again to force partial backtracking if any happens at all. Andd thne you wonder, why raaging is the usual mode of communication to Plarium?

Riad getting popular is also easy to solve, just expand the infrastructure. Unless you are a a pennypinching greedfest, that's a nonissue.

There was a ton of communication on discord. Thea kept providing updates.

And as far as I know, Raid has only had one or two major outages like this since it came out. 

Oct 14, 2021, 06:0310/14/21

It absolutely hit at the worst possible time, CvC and hard to complete fusion, really hope they realize that.

Oct 14, 2021, 06:1510/14/21

I have 1 big question for Moderators - how is possible for some comments simply be deleted?

It was a comment of some player - I was quote him 2 hours ago .

Now his comment was deleted and did not appear to be quoted by me also.

In that comment was nothing that could justify an erase.... 

Really guys .... i am more and more disapointed by Plarium actions and atitude :(((((((((((((((((((

Oct 14, 2021, 06:2410/14/21

It absolutely hit at the worst possible time, CvC and hard to complete fusion, really hope they realize that.

They do, we have been told we can confirm compensation will be sent to everyone. We don't know what or when though.

Oct 14, 2021, 07:0310/14/21

They do, we have been told we can confirm compensation will be sent to everyone. We don't know what or when though.

let me guess : 500 energy, 1or 2 CB keys and 1 experience boost for 1 day? And everything will be perfect :(

btw who can answer to my question added 44 mins ago?????/

Moderators? CM ronnie? Not Ronnie since he didnt bother to answer a question posted 2 days ago :)

Still any1 will answer? Who is responsible of deleting players posts?

Oct 14, 2021, 07:5010/14/21

Ok everything is back, but the latency is still present

There is a lot of lag like yesterday before the crash

Oct 14, 2021, 07:5310/14/21

let me guess : 500 energy, 1or 2 CB keys and 1 experience boost for 1 day? And everything will be perfect :(

btw who can answer to my question added 44 mins ago?????/

Moderators? CM ronnie? Not Ronnie since he didnt bother to answer a question posted 2 days ago :)

Still any1 will answer? Who is responsible of deleting players posts?

Me usually, and thanks for the reminder. I hid it so I could read it and edit if need be, but then got distracted. 

Oct 14, 2021, 08:0010/14/21

Question ? 

The incident is still being resolved (or stabilize phase ?)

Because not really pleasant to play in these conditions

it's painful as soon as the game is waiting for information from the servers, there are between 5 and 10 seconds of waiting