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Anyone seeing any decent team here?

Anyone seeing any decent team here?

Aug 22, 2021, 07:1308/22/21

Anyone seeing any decent team here?

after pullingtotal and utter crap from the ancient 2x I am wonderig if anyone sees anything remtotely capable of doing the following:

Dragon 16, Mino 14, Spider 13, Brutal clanboss pushing into NM.

My current status: Dragon 13, Mino 13 (safe), Mino 14 (touch and go), Spider 10. Hard cb 7.5 mill/key, brutal cb 4.2-4.5mill/key on void.

Core champions: Elhaine (maxed), Apo booked and ascended, Ninja ascended 3 and mastered

Rotating: 6star Sinesha, Psylar, Coffin smasher, High Khatun, 3 star all ascended at least. Books for smasher available., 

Access to Dark Elhaine (5star), Hope, Adriel, Lodric, Knight Errant, Catacomb Councillor and Yaga.

Gems available to buy masteries for 3 champions.

Current team on Clanboss: High Khatun, Smasher, Ninja, Elhaine, Apo.

Dragon: Elhaine, Apo, Ninja, Sinesha, Psylar.

Mino: Elhaine Apo Ninja Smasher, Psylar.

Spider: Elhaine, Apo, Ninja, Sinesha, Psylar.

Aug 22, 2021, 08:1308/22/21
Aug 22, 2021, 08:13(edited)

Do you have Frozen Banshee?  I'd be keen to get a poisoner into that CB team, possibly to replace High Khatun which, apart from the speed aura, isn't bringing much to the table.  You mention Yaga but I wouldn't go out of my way to use him though

Edit: Also, how far away are you from getting Scyl from the daily logins?

Aug 22, 2021, 08:4508/22/21
Aug 22, 2021, 08:50(edited)

No banshee, coldheart,58 days in. Can fusion lich for Rhazin. Missing half the rares for the other Rhazin fusions. Can fusion Relickeeper.

Will have 2 - 3 sacred shards for the next 2x event. 

Doom tower I can do up to floor 27, first 2 bosses safe an first secret room safe.

Arbiter missions on third batch, only major hindrance is reaching gold in arena, I am currently solid silver 3 (bouncing around 1680-1730)

Aug 22, 2021, 16:2008/22/21
Aug 22, 2021, 16:22(edited)

You need more champs. 

I don't see any AoE def debuffer among the champs you named. That speeds up your fight vs. dungeon waves and it's absolutely needed in arena. Warmaiden (farmable in campaign stage 9) could help out for the start. Later on you will get better debuffers from shards, but Warmaiden is ok. 

From the champs that are not lvl 60 so far, Dark Elhain is worth lvl 60. She is good at Ice Golem and fantastic in arena. Her ability to buff herself before attacking makes her a much, much better damage dealer in Arena than her non-dark counterpart. 

There is no team hitting NM Clanboss among your champs. The fact that you have to put in Elhain at your actual CB-team proofs that. You're lacking poison in your team. I personally would wait for a better poisoner before upgrading a bad champ like Yaga, but from your actual champs he would fit in best. Further you don't have any defensive buffs (def, ally protection) in your team. These buffs would make your team lasting for much longer time. 

Coffin Smasher as only decrease attack champ probably sometimes misses to land the debuff. It's a 3-time-hit with a (booked) 30% chance per hit. Maybe you could bring in another champ with decrease atk to increase the chance. Lodric would be a good choice. Some players here in the forum don't like Lodric, but HellHades gives 5 stars (from 5) to him vs. CB (overall rating is lower, of course, but best rating vs. CB). You can deactivate his shield move at the team setup, so he only attacks and removes the stun and gives ally protection to the stun target. In dungeons his shield move is great to protect squishy team members and in Spider he can remove the poisons. I personally think he is worth lvl 60.

Another great Spider and Fire Knight fighter you can get for free is Armiger. If you have problems with the bosses in minor dungeons like potion keeps or Mino he could even be in your teams here. Turn meter control is a big help, and there is no reason for a small champion roster like yours to regret a free champ that is better than most rares and a lot of epics.


Aug 22, 2021, 17:1208/22/21

You need more champs. 

I don't see any AoE def debuffer among the champs you named. That speeds up your fight vs. dungeon waves and it's absolutely needed in arena. Warmaiden (farmable in campaign stage 9) could help out for the start. Later on you will get better debuffers from shards, but Warmaiden is ok. 

From the champs that are not lvl 60 so far, Dark Elhain is worth lvl 60. She is good at Ice Golem and fantastic in arena. Her ability to buff herself before attacking makes her a much, much better damage dealer in Arena than her non-dark counterpart. 

There is no team hitting NM Clanboss among your champs. The fact that you have to put in Elhain at your actual CB-team proofs that. You're lacking poison in your team. I personally would wait for a better poisoner before upgrading a bad champ like Yaga, but from your actual champs he would fit in best. Further you don't have any defensive buffs (def, ally protection) in your team. These buffs would make your team lasting for much longer time. 

Coffin Smasher as only decrease attack champ probably sometimes misses to land the debuff. It's a 3-time-hit with a (booked) 30% chance per hit. Maybe you could bring in another champ with decrease atk to increase the chance. Lodric would be a good choice. Some players here in the forum don't like Lodric, but HellHades gives 5 stars (from 5) to him vs. CB (overall rating is lower, of course, but best rating vs. CB). You can deactivate his shield move at the team setup, so he only attacks and removes the stun and gives ally protection to the stun target. In dungeons his shield move is great to protect squishy team members and in Spider he can remove the poisons. I personally think he is worth lvl 60.

Another great Spider and Fire Knight fighter you can get for free is Armiger. If you have problems with the bosses in minor dungeons like potion keeps or Mino he could even be in your teams here. Turn meter control is a big help, and there is no reason for a small champion roster like yours to regret a free champ that is better than most rares and a lot of epics.


Elhaine is my starter champ, therefore is on all of my teams.

Consider me unpleasantly surprised, since HarleQuinn asserted that my roster is at least NM capable...Hm....wonders...

Is ice golem worth farming, though? Since I need to advance in Arena, I will definitely level Dark Elhaine. I will have 3 sacred shards ready in 2 weeks for the next 2x will definitely level Lodric should nothing better materialise at that weekend.

I have warmaiden and armiger. 

With spider, it's the spiderlings which are the problem for me, not the big one.  I am quite happy with psylar turn metter reduction/Ninja frost as crowd control. also Psylar hits everything in the wave on her attacks.

Aug 22, 2021, 17:3908/22/21

Elhaine is my starter champ, therefore is on all of my teams.

Consider me unpleasantly surprised, since HarleQuinn asserted that my roster is at least NM capable...Hm....wonders...

Is ice golem worth farming, though? Since I need to advance in Arena, I will definitely level Dark Elhaine. I will have 3 sacred shards ready in 2 weeks for the next 2x will definitely level Lodric should nothing better materialise at that weekend.

I have warmaiden and armiger. 

With spider, it's the spiderlings which are the problem for me, not the big one.  I am quite happy with psylar turn metter reduction/Ninja frost as crowd control. also Psylar hits everything in the wave on her attacks.

All dungeons are worth farming during tournaments. Some generally good champ fit everywhere, and you just have to move in some specialized champs in addition to your core. My Icegolem 20 team shares 3 champs with my Dragon 20 team: Urogrim, Scyl, Chani.

HarleQuinn recommended High Khatun, Apo, Ninja, Coffin Smasher and Hope. I don't know if that team is able to beat ( = get the highest chest) from NM. That team has a very big hole in form of a missing poisoner. But as 4 of 5 champs are allready lvl 60, and Hope - even if she wouldn't be my priority champ to max - is not wasted, as she is at least great in Faction Wars, you could just try it.

Aug 22, 2021, 21:2208/22/21

The reason why Poison is so crucial for CB is that a decent poisoner will effectively add 3+ million damage to your brutal by themselves.  Yaga could help on this front even if you don't max him out (and I wouldn't).  Get him to 5 star, throw him in retailation set with high accuracy, HP and defense and see how he goes.  You can re-use him later on as a 5 star chicken once you have a better source

Aug 22, 2021, 21:3008/22/21

Awesome to see you posting the roster Stormwind. I think your roster is a at least good for most content, but as Skadi pointed out, you're missing two big pieces.

First is an AoE Decrease Defense champ. Seems like you already have her in Warmaiden, and fortunately her "books" are farmable in campaign stage 9. I just used 9-3 for all my farming until she was done. Until you pull a better one, which you will eventually, she's 100% in every single dungeon team in my opinion. I would get her built out to at least 50.

I would also agree with Skadi that you should build out Dark Elhain. I think she's def worth a 6, even with how much work it is to level anyone for free to play folks. She just hits SO HARD as your arena nuker, laughs at Tormin, and she does a fantastic job against Ice Golem. For me, it's okay to just farm whatever dungeon you're best at when you're not in events. Cause stats over sets. You're just looking for 5 and 6 star epic and legendary pieces with Crit Rate, Crit Damage, Accuracy and Speed substats. Or speed boots and crit rate gloves. You can get those in any sets as you get your first CB team built out.

Warmaiden plus Dark Elhain will put you over the top in Arena to getting to Gold. I would personally run:

Lead: High Khatun for the speed aura, she should be your fastest champ. She'll Turn Meter boost and Increase Speed. She can do a great job at this even at 50. 

Second: Warmaiden. AoE decrease def. Highest accuracy you can get on her.

Third: Elhain. AoE nuke times. When you get Dark Elhain, she goes in this spot as she just hits harder.

Fourth: Ninja. He is a great clean up champ. Can Freeze and lock enemies down, has great damage modifies, etc...

I think you can get to Gold even only at about 200-220 speed on your speed lead. If you're having trouble getting cut by the enemy team before all your champs have gone, I might switch to 2 turn meter boosters. So that team would be High Khatun, Apothecary, Warmaiden and Elhain/DarkElhain.

Aug 22, 2021, 21:4108/22/21

Warmaiden, not Dark elhain. Replace elhain in most teams with Warmaiden. Elhain can be farmer and arena nuker. You have 2 attack champs, dark elhain will be redundant in most content. Warmaiden brings something u r lacking. Gear is holding u back. Focus on dragon 20 only. Improve gear on current champs, add Warmaiden to mix and can probably beat dragon 20 without poison. 

Aug 22, 2021, 21:5208/22/21

All dungeons are worth farming during tournaments. Some generally good champ fit everywhere, and you just have to move in some specialized champs in addition to your core. My Icegolem 20 team shares 3 champs with my Dragon 20 team: Urogrim, Scyl, Chani.

HarleQuinn recommended High Khatun, Apo, Ninja, Coffin Smasher and Hope. I don't know if that team is able to beat ( = get the highest chest) from NM. That team has a very big hole in form of a missing poisoner. But as 4 of 5 champs are allready lvl 60, and Hope - even if she wouldn't be my priority champ to max - is not wasted, as she is at least great in Faction Wars, you could just try it.

Yes, we are definitely missing a competent poisoner in the roster. I was stuck with Rowan for a very long time. Couldn't pull a Frozen or Kael to save my life, and Athel was my starting champ.

I did recommend High Khautn, Apothecary, Ninja, Coffin Smasher and Hope. I think that team can maybe get you to 10m per key on NM, but if definitely hinges on Coffin Smasher going always and often with the help of the two speed/turn meter boosters. Keeping that Decrease Attack up is of singular importance for the surivability of that team. 

In that clan boss team you're looking at each champ really needing to shine. High Khatun is meant to speed up your team with her Speed Aura, Turn Meter Boosts and Increase Speed. This lets you put other champs in slower gear and still hit an effective 171 speed for NM. Apothecary's job is to keep those Turn Meters boosted and to heal the stun target. Coffin Smasher should be laying down the decrease attack, and you'll want to try and get him 2:1 or more with the clan boss to give him more opportunities to land that debuff. Ninja speeds himself up, so he can be built with only damage and accuracy in mind. He's there to Decrease Defense, he hits crazy hard, and should play nice by immediately activating Coffin Smasher's burn. Hopefully his damage can help make up for the lack of a poisoner. Hope's job is to lay down shields as much as possible, and extend any expiring buffs. I would run her in a shield set too, for those initial turns, but really you want her speed tuned to soak up as much damage as possible. 

Seeing that you have Catacomb Councilor, I might actually want to try a team that had him on it instead. He heals himself some, sure, but his big benefit is his ally attack, giving you more chances for Coffin Smasher and Ninja to land their vital A1 debuffs. So that means more uptime for Decrease Attack and Defense. I might replace High Khatun to give him a shot.

The other team I might would try would be Apothecary, Ninja, Coffin Smasher, Catacomb Councilor and Yaga. This gives you lots of A1 debuffs for Catacomb to activate, including Decrease Attack, Decrease Defense and Poison. There's no shields though. So the trick with this team is getting your champ defense as high as possible (2.5k+, using immortal gear and lifesteal if you can), and just laying down debuffs and trying to outlast CB to 10mil damage per key. You'd want to replace Yaga as soon as you get a better poisoner.

Good luck Stormwind! I think you can do it. :D

Aug 22, 2021, 22:5308/22/21

Yes, we are definitely missing a competent poisoner in the roster. I was stuck with Rowan for a very long time. Couldn't pull a Frozen or Kael to save my life, and Athel was my starting champ.

I did recommend High Khautn, Apothecary, Ninja, Coffin Smasher and Hope. I think that team can maybe get you to 10m per key on NM, but if definitely hinges on Coffin Smasher going always and often with the help of the two speed/turn meter boosters. Keeping that Decrease Attack up is of singular importance for the surivability of that team. 

In that clan boss team you're looking at each champ really needing to shine. High Khatun is meant to speed up your team with her Speed Aura, Turn Meter Boosts and Increase Speed. This lets you put other champs in slower gear and still hit an effective 171 speed for NM. Apothecary's job is to keep those Turn Meters boosted and to heal the stun target. Coffin Smasher should be laying down the decrease attack, and you'll want to try and get him 2:1 or more with the clan boss to give him more opportunities to land that debuff. Ninja speeds himself up, so he can be built with only damage and accuracy in mind. He's there to Decrease Defense, he hits crazy hard, and should play nice by immediately activating Coffin Smasher's burn. Hopefully his damage can help make up for the lack of a poisoner. Hope's job is to lay down shields as much as possible, and extend any expiring buffs. I would run her in a shield set too, for those initial turns, but really you want her speed tuned to soak up as much damage as possible. 

Seeing that you have Catacomb Councilor, I might actually want to try a team that had him on it instead. He heals himself some, sure, but his big benefit is his ally attack, giving you more chances for Coffin Smasher and Ninja to land their vital A1 debuffs. So that means more uptime for Decrease Attack and Defense. I might replace High Khatun to give him a shot.

The other team I might would try would be Apothecary, Ninja, Coffin Smasher, Catacomb Councilor and Yaga. This gives you lots of A1 debuffs for Catacomb to activate, including Decrease Attack, Decrease Defense and Poison. There's no shields though. So the trick with this team is getting your champ defense as high as possible (2.5k+, using immortal gear and lifesteal if you can), and just laying down debuffs and trying to outlast CB to 10mil damage per key. You'd want to replace Yaga as soon as you get a better poisoner.

Good luck Stormwind! I think you can do it. :D

Wow,  you covered  everything  I  could  think  of.  I  think  both  of  these  teams,  if  set  up  the  way  you  described  would  definitely  hit  10m  per  key.  

Aug 22, 2021, 22:5608/22/21

Wow,  you covered  everything  I  could  think  of.  I  think  both  of  these  teams,  if  set  up  the  way  you  described  would  definitely  hit  10m  per  key.  

Thanks! It's just one girl's opinion though. We'll see how it works if Stormwind ends up building it out, really everyone should try out whatever they think works/is best for their own accounts.

Aug 23, 2021, 11:0208/23/21

Yes, we are definitely missing a competent poisoner in the roster. I was stuck with Rowan for a very long time. Couldn't pull a Frozen or Kael to save my life, and Athel was my starting champ.

I did recommend High Khautn, Apothecary, Ninja, Coffin Smasher and Hope. I think that team can maybe get you to 10m per key on NM, but if definitely hinges on Coffin Smasher going always and often with the help of the two speed/turn meter boosters. Keeping that Decrease Attack up is of singular importance for the surivability of that team. 

In that clan boss team you're looking at each champ really needing to shine. High Khatun is meant to speed up your team with her Speed Aura, Turn Meter Boosts and Increase Speed. This lets you put other champs in slower gear and still hit an effective 171 speed for NM. Apothecary's job is to keep those Turn Meters boosted and to heal the stun target. Coffin Smasher should be laying down the decrease attack, and you'll want to try and get him 2:1 or more with the clan boss to give him more opportunities to land that debuff. Ninja speeds himself up, so he can be built with only damage and accuracy in mind. He's there to Decrease Defense, he hits crazy hard, and should play nice by immediately activating Coffin Smasher's burn. Hopefully his damage can help make up for the lack of a poisoner. Hope's job is to lay down shields as much as possible, and extend any expiring buffs. I would run her in a shield set too, for those initial turns, but really you want her speed tuned to soak up as much damage as possible. 

Seeing that you have Catacomb Councilor, I might actually want to try a team that had him on it instead. He heals himself some, sure, but his big benefit is his ally attack, giving you more chances for Coffin Smasher and Ninja to land their vital A1 debuffs. So that means more uptime for Decrease Attack and Defense. I might replace High Khatun to give him a shot.

The other team I might would try would be Apothecary, Ninja, Coffin Smasher, Catacomb Councilor and Yaga. This gives you lots of A1 debuffs for Catacomb to activate, including Decrease Attack, Decrease Defense and Poison. There's no shields though. So the trick with this team is getting your champ defense as high as possible (2.5k+, using immortal gear and lifesteal if you can), and just laying down debuffs and trying to outlast CB to 10mil damage per key. You'd want to replace Yaga as soon as you get a better poisoner.

Good luck Stormwind! I think you can do it. :D

I am currently levelling Coffin smasher to 60 and will buy him masteries and book him.

Got Skarg on my last shard from the weekly.

The next sacred 2x is 2 weeks away and I will have 3 sacred shards until then. Until thne I need to develop Dark Elhaine, Skarg and split my time between gear farming and mino.

Of course I might be wrong, but I feel Yaga to be a dud without books. And epic books are very hard for me to come by. Yaga doesn't seem to be that amazing even booked, so I am quite hesitant to invest so many hard to come by ressources on him.

My hopes rest on the upcoming 2x sacred and the following 2x void. I might book yaga if nothing better materialises after the 2x void.

Also Drexthar is about 70 days away.

Aug 23, 2021, 18:5008/23/21

I am currently levelling Coffin smasher to 60 and will buy him masteries and book him.

Got Skarg on my last shard from the weekly.

The next sacred 2x is 2 weeks away and I will have 3 sacred shards until then. Until thne I need to develop Dark Elhaine, Skarg and split my time between gear farming and mino.

Of course I might be wrong, but I feel Yaga to be a dud without books. And epic books are very hard for me to come by. Yaga doesn't seem to be that amazing even booked, so I am quite hesitant to invest so many hard to come by ressources on him.

My hopes rest on the upcoming 2x sacred and the following 2x void. I might book yaga if nothing better materialises after the 2x void.

Also Drexthar is about 70 days away.

I don't know I would book Yaga if I absolutely didn't have to. I hope you pull someone better. I'd recommend just seeing how he does without books or too many resources.

Honestly though, I use him. My Skinwalker faction is still so bad that he is currently in my Faction Wars team.

Aug 23, 2021, 21:0508/23/21

I wouldn't book Yaga either, but instead try him with just decent equipment.  I used Yaga quite a bit before I got Frozen Banshee, and I recall him adding a decent total with his poison.  The level of investment to test him out should be minimal

Aug 24, 2021, 22:0608/24/21

You  could  use  the  Uncommon  hero  Outlaw  Monk.

Aug 24, 2021, 22:5708/24/21
Player J

You  could  use  the  Uncommon  hero  Outlaw  Monk.

I do hear about people running him occasionally. Do you find him better than an unbooked Yaga?

Aug 25, 2021, 08:5508/25/21

I used a lvl 40 Outlaw Monk at the beginning of my Raid playtime vs. easy and normal CB. That worked really well, he did by far the most damage in my team. But he has very (very!) low def and is probably hard to keep alive vs. higher stages of CB if you don't use decent gear on him. And definetly a higher lvl needed than 40.

Aug 25, 2021, 11:3608/25/21
Aug 25, 2021, 21:53(edited)

I do hear about people running him occasionally. Do you find him better than an unbooked Yaga?

The  truth  is  an  unbooked  Yaga  does  more  damage  vs.  fully  booked  Outlaw  Monk.

Players  did  test  showcasing  the  damage.

The  difference between  Yaga  &  Outlaw  Monk  was  100k  -  200k.

However,  I  wanted  to  mention  Outlaw  Monk  so  the  OP  doesn't fall  into  the Beginner  Yaga  Trap.

Aug 30, 2021, 05:3008/30/21

I took Dark elhaine up to 60.

I am sorely lacking equipment, though.

Currently my Arena team consists of:

Apo, Elhaine, Ninja. Psylar. It is not speed tuned but I am almost happy with the order. Apo first, Elhaine second, Ninja Frosting, then Psylar A2. Opponents team suitably frosted up, once they thw out Psylar uses turn meter reduction. I have to do it manual but it works. I haven't done much arena unfortunately. IUf I had done more I wouold have landed in silber 4 before reset.

I am comfortably getting beteen 240 and 360 gold bars every day frot ag team, drexthar is about 60-70 days away. Clanwars help with Yannica fragments, I am 19 weeks away unless plarium decided to rotate the shop earlier so that the majority of people have sunk clangold into fragments without being able to acquire her. I cactually expect that happening. 

3 sacred shards saved up, waiting for the 2x to see what I get. 

Meanwhile Yaga is resting in the sparring pit and I am levelling food, since my xop boost will run out today. I was for over 2 months under continous xp boost.

Doing faction wars practically daily, mostly extrenme low stages. Apo and Elhaine made it past first boss to stage 13, Holy order, Dark elves, Knights revenant just before the first boss, the rest stages 1-2 mostly.

Doom tower: I can get to floor 30. Team for waves: Elhaine, Appo, Sinesha, Psylar, Ninja. I am comfortable killing Magma dragon and Griffin, but spider on floor 30 destroys me. I can do the first secret room also thanks to the rares I levelled up for faction war.

Doing about 5.5 mill on brutal. Farming Dragon 13 and Mino 14 from today onwards until clanwars. 

Spider 10 takes a while but is doable. Dragon 14 is doable with a bit of luck but there is no point in progressing since my daamge is not enough for dragon 16.

Brutal clanboss currently at about 5.5 mill damage. I now use 2-3 keys on brutal and the rest on hard or normal, depending on the affinities.

I roadblocks to finishing third batch of arbiter missions are only stage 13 force keep, stage 13 magic keep and getting into gold arena.

Aug 30, 2021, 05:4108/30/21

I took Dark elhaine up to 60.

I am sorely lacking equipment, though.

Currently my Arena team consists of:

Apo, Elhaine, Ninja. Psylar. It is not speed tuned but I am almost happy with the order. Apo first, Elhaine second, Ninja Frosting, then Psylar A2. Opponents team suitably frosted up, once they thw out Psylar uses turn meter reduction. I have to do it manual but it works. I haven't done much arena unfortunately. IUf I had done more I wouold have landed in silber 4 before reset.

I am comfortably getting beteen 240 and 360 gold bars every day frot ag team, drexthar is about 60-70 days away. Clanwars help with Yannica fragments, I am 19 weeks away unless plarium decided to rotate the shop earlier so that the majority of people have sunk clangold into fragments without being able to acquire her. I cactually expect that happening. 

3 sacred shards saved up, waiting for the 2x to see what I get. 

Meanwhile Yaga is resting in the sparring pit and I am levelling food, since my xop boost will run out today. I was for over 2 months under continous xp boost.

Doing faction wars practically daily, mostly extrenme low stages. Apo and Elhaine made it past first boss to stage 13, Holy order, Dark elves, Knights revenant just before the first boss, the rest stages 1-2 mostly.

Doom tower: I can get to floor 30. Team for waves: Elhaine, Appo, Sinesha, Psylar, Ninja. I am comfortable killing Magma dragon and Griffin, but spider on floor 30 destroys me. I can do the first secret room also thanks to the rares I levelled up for faction war.

Doing about 5.5 mill on brutal. Farming Dragon 13 and Mino 14 from today onwards until clanwars. 

Spider 10 takes a while but is doable. Dragon 14 is doable with a bit of luck but there is no point in progressing since my daamge is not enough for dragon 16.

Brutal clanboss currently at about 5.5 mill damage. I now use 2-3 keys on brutal and the rest on hard or normal, depending on the affinities.

I roadblocks to finishing third batch of arbiter missions are only stage 13 force keep, stage 13 magic keep and getting into gold arena.

It sounds like you're doing a lot of the things you'd want to. I especially like to hear you're doing Faction Wars every day. FW was HUGE for me. A lot of my champs were geared in 4-6 pieces of 5 star Perception gear for a long time. I still use the best of those pieces in my UNM Clan Boss team.

I farmed A LOT of Dragon 13 too. It would take FOREVER, so that was my 30 autos every night. Twice a week I'd farm Spider instead.

I HOPE they don't rotate Yannica. I'd be peeved myself, as I am trying to get her too.