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Clan vs Clan changes are trash !

Clan vs Clan changes are trash !

Aug 20, 2021, 15:5408/20/21

Clan vs Clan changes are trash !

I guess this game has entered it's "whale milking phase" as there's no other explanation for these changes that do nothing but hurt the game. 

You already removed uncommons & commons from the pool without adjusting the milestones aka forcing players to work harder with the things we had, you didn't have to nerf crypts and great hall bonuses. 

You removed 12000 points from us now when there's 3 crypts open after we built champs that can auto 21 just for this, since farming Crypt 21 outside of CVC is USELESS. 

You further remove points from another thing that took effort beyond "swiping your credit card" - Great hall upgrades, this one specifically hurts the newer players and casuals trying to reach their milestones since it has zero effect on the whales these CvC changes are for as they already maxed out their GH. 


And how do you compensate? 20k points for WASTING your resources outside of Fusion event / 2x / 10 x by pulling a leggo? Hahahaha. That's crazy.

Bonus points for swiping your credit card and playing the game on auto and farming dungeons? Wow, only need HUNDREDS of dungeons just to get back the points we lost from Crypts.

Nah I'm done, and to think that I was defending CvC as "p2w only on the surface" now they went and changed that completely, it's full credit card wars with zero regard for anyone except the top whales. 

Pathetic changes Plarium, you're bleeding players and once the little guys get fed up - the whales will too as they have noone left to impress. 

Aug 20, 2021, 16:3708/20/21

I suspect it's mostly the mid-tiers of players that will suffer for this. The top will just spend as per usual and be mostly unaffected, and the bottom has as far as I can tell never cared about CvC at all and only see it as some bland free stuff once in a while for doing what they always do anyway.  At least that's how it is for me, and what I've heard people say about it. It's the people in the middle who don't just outspend all their problems but still want to be competitive that will have had their focused shifted from more F2P-friendly activities to P2W-activities, the champion acquisition being the most blatant example, though it also applies to just buying energy to do runs as well.

Now, to be fair, getting champions should be valued higher if you balance the point rewards in terms of resources/effort involved. For example it's way more expensive resource-wise to (with the old scores) get an epic than it is to beat dragon 20 2.5 times. Unfortunately, it is as mentioned, something that is most easily solved by spending money on shards, so while the point distribution may be more balanced in terms of "difficulty", it also heavily favors those willing to spend money to dodge that difficulty. It's a problem with the game that Plarium has no interest in solving, and I don't think it's even possible in a game like this unless you change the business model entirely.

We'll be seeing more of it, I can promise you that. I'm generally not too fond of the doomsday prophets that predict that surely the game will die after change X, but fact of the matter is that the game has a life cycle and Plarium is well aware of it. I'd be surprised if it isn't part of their business model to have a best-before date on the game. They'll continue to make changes that are increasingly aggressive in order to squeeze more money out of the game, and yes, it will slowly kill it as people are turned away. Their goal isn't to keep it alive, it's to kill it as slowly and profitably as possible, because at some point it's cheaper to just start over with a new game. Especially if they can just reboot the same game in a new skin with brand new spending opportunities. Are we there yet? I don't know, but I don't think so. I doubt we'll be seeing any significant improvements though.

Aug 20, 2021, 16:4208/20/21

The op has made one good point, i have seen this happen elsewhere

Whales fund the game, but when middle level players leave then whales often follow as there is no-one to dominate anymore.

Aug 20, 2021, 17:1608/20/21

First, I honestly wanna continue hearing y'alls opinions on these changes so I can pass them up to Plarium.

I may be a moderator, but I am free to play myself and I largely find these changes to be a positive for me personally. Overall, I am pleased that the huge amounts of farming I do now gives me double the points, in campaign and dungeon.

Most of my 60k or so points per CvC is just from farming, cause until this week, I hadn't finished my UNM clan boss team. So I haven't yet been collecting a ton of books to use, and with my limited gear, I have to take apart most of my teams to beat a FW21. So I just farm somewhere between 18-20 on most of my FW. (My dwarves and banner lords are terrible though, so that's more like 14 xD)

Last time, because we were behind but close, I felt obligated to crack some great hall points even though what was best for my account was to continue saving for the rank 10 upgrade I need. I also felt like I needed to crack shards, so I don't know how I feel about a legendary champ being worth so much when it's just RNG.

Aug 20, 2021, 18:1508/20/21

First, I honestly wanna continue hearing y'alls opinions on these changes so I can pass them up to Plarium.

I may be a moderator, but I am free to play myself and I largely find these changes to be a positive for me personally. Overall, I am pleased that the huge amounts of farming I do now gives me double the points, in campaign and dungeon.

Most of my 60k or so points per CvC is just from farming, cause until this week, I hadn't finished my UNM clan boss team. So I haven't yet been collecting a ton of books to use, and with my limited gear, I have to take apart most of my teams to beat a FW21. So I just farm somewhere between 18-20 on most of my FW. (My dwarves and banner lords are terrible though, so that's more like 14 xD)

Last time, because we were behind but close, I felt obligated to crack some great hall points even though what was best for my account was to continue saving for the rank 10 upgrade I need. I also felt like I needed to crack shards, so I don't know how I feel about a legendary champ being worth so much when it's just RNG.

Let me give you my perspective.

60k is literally nothing in CvC, I'm a leader of a rank 200 clan - the type of clan that is affected by these changes the most. 

The minimum requirement I set for my members is 180k, and while all my members are able to reach it - some (especially the f2ps) already struggle to hit the mark. It's not only taxing in resources, but it's also taxing in playtime. It is basically a 2nd job that makes the game not exactly pleasant for most.

Now, we're losing a major source of our points in favor of pay to win points. That means that whales have an even bigger influence on the outcome, and the low, mid-spenders and f2ps now have to struggle even harder.

We built champions specifically for CVC Faction Wars 21 auto-farming, now it is pretty much pointless, when it used to be a prestigious achievement that helped the entire clan a lot. 

Shard opening giving this amount of points is COMPLETELY asinine. It promotes bad resource managment, and even if our f2ps / mid tier / low tier spenders take advantage of this, they are ultimately hurting their progression by not opening these shards during 2x or 10x or even for fusion. 

Dungeon changes should've happened, but limited to X amount of bonus points per day (just like we have right now, but doubled or even tripled). 

Great hall bonuses are another thing the most affected could've contributed with with just saving and playing arena a lot. Now that's HALVED. 

Milestones CONTINUE to stay the same, so I am forced to keep the same 180k / member requirement while they are killing the gains and making people work harder / more. Completely stupid, unnecessary especially since they already removed green shards from the reward pool. 

If you want to buff the whales points, then for the love of god, don't also nerf points for everyone else. That's just crazy. 

With the latest clan quest addition, and this one I am contemplating if it's even worth to keep playing this game as Plarium seems to keep pushing their boundaries and stepping on the majority of the playerbase. 

Aug 20, 2021, 18:4108/20/21

I understand that in a clan who asks minimum points for their members in cvc, these changes are bad news.

Knowing Plarium, now that they boost points in acquiring champions, I will not be surprise if they sell shard packs during cvc 🤣

Aug 20, 2021, 19:2608/20/21
Aug 20, 2021, 19:30(edited)

Let me give you my perspective.

60k is literally nothing in CvC, I'm a leader of a rank 200 clan - the type of clan that is affected by these changes the most. 

The minimum requirement I set for my members is 180k, and while all my members are able to reach it - some (especially the f2ps) already struggle to hit the mark. It's not only taxing in resources, but it's also taxing in playtime. It is basically a 2nd job that makes the game not exactly pleasant for most.

Now, we're losing a major source of our points in favor of pay to win points. That means that whales have an even bigger influence on the outcome, and the low, mid-spenders and f2ps now have to struggle even harder.

We built champions specifically for CVC Faction Wars 21 auto-farming, now it is pretty much pointless, when it used to be a prestigious achievement that helped the entire clan a lot. 

Shard opening giving this amount of points is COMPLETELY asinine. It promotes bad resource managment, and even if our f2ps / mid tier / low tier spenders take advantage of this, they are ultimately hurting their progression by not opening these shards during 2x or 10x or even for fusion. 

Dungeon changes should've happened, but limited to X amount of bonus points per day (just like we have right now, but doubled or even tripled). 

Great hall bonuses are another thing the most affected could've contributed with with just saving and playing arena a lot. Now that's HALVED. 

Milestones CONTINUE to stay the same, so I am forced to keep the same 180k / member requirement while they are killing the gains and making people work harder / more. Completely stupid, unnecessary especially since they already removed green shards from the reward pool. 

If you want to buff the whales points, then for the love of god, don't also nerf points for everyone else. That's just crazy. 

With the latest clan quest addition, and this one I am contemplating if it's even worth to keep playing this game as Plarium seems to keep pushing their boundaries and stepping on the majority of the playerbase. 

Thank you for a clearly explained response. Perspective is such an interesting word choice. While I'm hoping to get into Tier 2 finally now, you guys have a 180k point requirement. Is that just to hit the tier rewards for your particular tier?

I understand that 60k isn't a lot, but it's what I can do with my time and my acct with where it was at. It was a lot for me. But I know that true endgame accounts drop hundreds of thousands without much trouble at all. As a whole, I encourage my members to keep progressing their accounts, but try to save the rank upgrades and GH and etc for CvC so that we can not only reach our milestones, but also be competive. 

I totally and completely see your point on shard opening. It really is going to make it hard for my F2P clan to win another CvC, and we're 8/1. I'm not holding onto any shards for CvC, I need to use them in the boosted summon periods. And I opened all my blues today with the boost in spite of CvC point changes. 

AirMaxxx, as Zoe Washburn once said to Mal, I don't disagree on any particular point. 

Aug 20, 2021, 20:3608/20/21

I just want to say I hate wallet vs wallet.

It could have been cool but was implemented to just get more money out of the player base. I've moved from being a moderate spender to f2p/low spender. The only purchase I continue to make in the game is the monthly gem packs.

I hate sitting on things I want to do like booking a champ, upgrading my great hall, ect ect. Just to try to help for a "trophy" that does dick.

I could not care less about winning wallet vs wallet period.
I do want the milestone rewards, but even getting to better tiers is stupid.

Everything going on with clans sucks. Clan quests should have been cool, nope they suck, they suck fucking ass in fact. The only thing worse than clan quests? Yes wallet vs wallet.

Aug 20, 2021, 20:4008/20/21

Thank you for a clearly explained response. Perspective is such an interesting word choice. While I'm hoping to get into Tier 2 finally now, you guys have a 180k point requirement. Is that just to hit the tier rewards for your particular tier?

I understand that 60k isn't a lot, but it's what I can do with my time and my acct with where it was at. It was a lot for me. But I know that true endgame accounts drop hundreds of thousands without much trouble at all. As a whole, I encourage my members to keep progressing their accounts, but try to save the rank upgrades and GH and etc for CvC so that we can not only reach our milestones, but also be competive. 

I totally and completely see your point on shard opening. It really is going to make it hard for my F2P clan to win another CvC, and we're 8/1. I'm not holding onto any shards for CvC, I need to use them in the boosted summon periods. And I opened all my blues today with the boost in spite of CvC point changes. 

AirMaxxx, as Zoe Washburn once said to Mal, I don't disagree on any particular point. 

Sorry I didn't mean to sound condescending. I was just trying to put it in perspective so you can understand better the ails we face with these changes. 

60k might not be a lot for us, but I'm sure it's plenty for many. 

But yeah our f2ps and low spenders are already running a tight show, with barely being able to reach the needed points and now they are losing influence on the outcome while at the same time whales are gaining.

Aug 20, 2021, 22:2608/20/21

I just want to say I hate wallet vs wallet.

It could have been cool but was implemented to just get more money out of the player base. I've moved from being a moderate spender to f2p/low spender. The only purchase I continue to make in the game is the monthly gem packs.

I hate sitting on things I want to do like booking a champ, upgrading my great hall, ect ect. Just to try to help for a "trophy" that does dick.

I could not care less about winning wallet vs wallet period.
I do want the milestone rewards, but even getting to better tiers is stupid.

Everything going on with clans sucks. Clan quests should have been cool, nope they suck, they suck fucking ass in fact. The only thing worse than clan quests? Yes wallet vs wallet.

I  challenge you to a wallet  duel.  :)

Aug 21, 2021, 04:1908/21/21

I  challenge you to a wallet  duel.  :)

Don't do it evilized! It's a classic Harbby trap!!! :P

Aug 21, 2021, 04:2808/21/21

Don't do it evilized! It's a classic Harbby trap!!! :P

jokes on him im so broke from wallet vs wallet I already pawned my wallet and have nothing but lint left in my pokets.

Aug 21, 2021, 08:3108/21/21

It is time for players, not spending any cash, to greed masine Plarium at least 2 weeks.

Maybe they starting using their brain, because they are live for players, not vica versa.

They just nerfing every time this game, but want more and more money for nothing.

I started a new account, just ask me, how many epic character got form blue shard, which have 8 percent  chance. From 30 got no one. But instantly got an advert window, buy  15 blue shard from 49.99 dollar. Really ??

Instantly came an explanation, when they using a game manipulation, RNG.

RNG my sh..., Where is the mercy system counter ? They are hide.

RNG here everything, use Forge charms, because you want to speed boots and see how you get everything else, just no speed boots.

At spider 20 i have a Ult Galek with almost 400 Acc and many times cant use on HP burning more than 4 spiderling. Really ? Against the weak affinity enemies ? Pathetic.

Lvl 20 dungeon bosses cant drop good items, just flat substats ? 

The CB bosses shard drops nerfed ?

270+ days login rewards nerfed and gave to us a 4 months crap legendary ?

They change everything harder and harder, but no speed up the games. 2x speed bost the maximum, but game times growing up. Man we wont live in 16 hours in the game.

The new legendaries need 2x more books.

Not enough item slot, but they just, flooding the game with new and new characters, no matter the palyers base, how ask a little developing there...  

I should continue this more and more, what they doing at least 1 years ago...

Aug 21, 2021, 09:1908/21/21

Hey Plaium

You missed one, crafting makes you no money I am pretty sure you should cut the points gained from it in 1/2 also.👎

Aug 21, 2021, 10:0208/21/21

It is time for players, not spending any cash, to greed masine Plarium at least 2 weeks.

Maybe they starting using their brain, because they are live for players, not vica versa.

They just nerfing every time this game, but want more and more money for nothing.

I started a new account, just ask me, how many epic character got form blue shard, which have 8 percent  chance. From 30 got no one. But instantly got an advert window, buy  15 blue shard from 49.99 dollar. Really ??

Instantly came an explanation, when they using a game manipulation, RNG.

RNG my sh..., Where is the mercy system counter ? They are hide.

RNG here everything, use Forge charms, because you want to speed boots and see how you get everything else, just no speed boots.

At spider 20 i have a Ult Galek with almost 400 Acc and many times cant use on HP burning more than 4 spiderling. Really ? Against the weak affinity enemies ? Pathetic.

Lvl 20 dungeon bosses cant drop good items, just flat substats ? 

The CB bosses shard drops nerfed ?

270+ days login rewards nerfed and gave to us a 4 months crap legendary ?

They change everything harder and harder, but no speed up the games. 2x speed bost the maximum, but game times growing up. Man we wont live in 16 hours in the game.

The new legendaries need 2x more books.

Not enough item slot, but they just, flooding the game with new and new characters, no matter the palyers base, how ask a little developing there...  

I should continue this more and more, what they doing at least 1 years ago...

Friend opened 18 ancients, got Royal guard and Pharsalas.

My main afccunt got Dark Elhaine iout of 35.

My 2nd account gt Mordecai, Zargala, Fahrakin, Geomancer, Chamfort, Karam, Lordly Legionaire,Baroth out of 30...

I know it's only anecdotal evidence but it seems true rng to me. Out of 3 pulls one within expected range, one extremely unlucky and one extremely lucky.

Yes everything is rng in this game. You known this for a long time, if you dislike it so much, then don't play. D2 was the same. That is to say, Blizzard moved on and improved on the rng factor and plarium is still stuck in the d2 mentality.

Yes the login reward nerf was a serious blow. The shard needs to come back, either to the monthly rewarrds added or a free claimable shar dlike the anciebnt one once a month. 

Aug 21, 2021, 14:3008/21/21

jokes on him im so broke from wallet vs wallet I already pawned my wallet and have nothing but lint left in my pokets.

Hah! Harbby already pays with lint and buttons and bubble gum wrappers.

Aug 21, 2021, 17:2108/21/21
Aug 21, 2021, 17:21(edited)

Hah! Harbby already pays with lint and buttons and bubble gum wrappers.

Shhh,  I  want  people  to  think  I'm  rich.

Aug 21, 2021, 18:4208/21/21

I just want to say I hate wallet vs wallet.

It could have been cool but was implemented to just get more money out of the player base. I've moved from being a moderate spender to f2p/low spender. The only purchase I continue to make in the game is the monthly gem packs.

I hate sitting on things I want to do like booking a champ, upgrading my great hall, ect ect. Just to try to help for a "trophy" that does dick.

I could not care less about winning wallet vs wallet period.
I do want the milestone rewards, but even getting to better tiers is stupid.

Everything going on with clans sucks. Clan quests should have been cool, nope they suck, they suck fucking ass in fact. The only thing worse than clan quests? Yes wallet vs wallet.

I have to agree, the new clan quests are an excellent example, they SHOULD have been an excellent opportunity for clans to work together, but plarium has this strange aversion to rewarding clan cooperation.

Everything as you say is geared towards maximizing the amount people spend, which i sort of understand as they are a business at the end of the day.

The recent changes seem designed to push ftp away though, from the daily rewards to the clan systems.

Aug 22, 2021, 13:2208/22/21
Aug 22, 2021, 14:08(edited)

What I don't like about CvC change is that getting new champions are worth huge points. what if someone makes 5 to 10 accounts hoard shards for 3 months. bring some in before CvC open all shards get 75,000+ points.  kick them out after CvC and bring new alt in next CvC what if multiple people in clan do this? I can see that happening. Not high tier clans. But low tier clans. It's that easy to get points. thanks for the "re-balance" lol

Aug 22, 2021, 23:0508/22/21

What I don't like about CvC change is that getting new champions are worth huge points. what if someone makes 5 to 10 accounts hoard shards for 3 months. bring some in before CvC open all shards get 75,000+ points.  kick them out after CvC and bring new alt in next CvC what if multiple people in clan do this? I can see that happening. Not high tier clans. But low tier clans. It's that easy to get points. thanks for the "re-balance" lol

The amount of work that would be seems crazy for a ring or two. I am asking seriously, not sarcastically, do you really think people would want to do this? I know I wouldn't myself.

Aug 22, 2021, 23:1508/22/21

Some people spend a lot for a few ring, others will create accounts.

But dont worry, most people only play.