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I disagree with the content creators again

I disagree with the content creators again

Jul 30, 2021, 20:0907/30/21

I disagree with the content creators again

HH says the community is  in  RAGE mode over the daily logins

I for 1 love the daily login changes coming

I ABSOLUTELY will trade my rank five chicken and sacred shard (which equals a EPIC) for a free Legend champion

All you others can play that RNG . I will always take the guarantee. THANKYOU Plarium 😀

Jul 30, 2021, 20:2507/30/21

I'm on your side with this one. Ill take a Free Lego over a sacred shard and chicken any day. They've already given us one free one just for logging in 7 days I think thats pretty awesome ( Especially considering Ninja is my ONLY Lego so far)

Jul 30, 2021, 21:0307/30/21

I'm on your side with this one. Ill take a Free Lego over a sacred shard and chicken any day. They've already given us one free one just for logging in 7 days I think thats pretty awesome ( Especially considering Ninja is my ONLY Lego so far)

Heck yes. Sacred shards might pull you a legend after 20 or so and lets not forget its going to be a DUPE!

The 5 star chicken. Well I am likely the minority here but I am sitting  on 80K energy and a ton of rare champs. I continue to rank those rare  up as 5 star chickens

But a Guarantee FREE legend that I do not already own. ABSOLUTELY a no brainer for me

But like I said, there are apparently many out there who LOVE RNG chances  in this game so I am sure Plarium will implement more changes to accomodate them :/

Jul 30, 2021, 21:1007/30/21

What does RNG stand for?

Jul 30, 2021, 21:2707/30/21

Random Number Generator

Jul 30, 2021, 21:2907/30/21

Ahh. Thx. Knew what it was, but couldnt think of the word for 'N'

Jul 30, 2021, 22:2707/30/21
Jul 30, 2021, 23:03(edited)

Why not replace some of the other useless daily login rewards and replace with fragments?  10 type charms x 2? 300K Silver even?  The 4 star chicken?

If I had to choose between fragments and sacred shards, I'd rather the sacred shards to be honest.  From what I read it will take 4 months to collect the legendary through fragment logins, which translates to 4 sacred shards lost.  With those 4 sacred shards I could have used them in a summon rush (500 points each) for any of the 4x fusion events that would have happened over that same time, each of which would give me a guaranteed legendary champion anyway, not to mention any legendaries that I get while opening them.  

Even if you save all 4 sacred shards and participate in only 1 fusion event, you would still have only broken even against the 4 months of fragment, but you are missing any other champions that would have been summoned.

As I mentioned above, if the interest was to get fragments out there then there are heaps of other daily logins that could be replaced instead of the sacred.  Also, why replace the two best ones?  Why not just replace one and double the fragment count so it is still 4 months if that is required?

Edit: I forgot to mention that I can convert Sacred shards to books in the champion chase/summon rush events, but I cannot convert fragments to books.  This means that the reduction of Sacreds per month is a reduction of books per month too.  The sacred shards are much more versatile in their benefits

Jul 30, 2021, 22:5307/30/21

Little question, how many people reach 1 year??

Jul 30, 2021, 22:5607/30/21

Why not replace some of the other useless daily login rewards and replace with fragments?  10 type charms x 2? 300K Silver even?  The 4 star chicken?

If I had to choose between fragments and sacred shards, I'd rather the sacred shards to be honest.  From what I read it will take 4 months to collect the legendary through fragment logins, which translates to 4 sacred shards lost.  With those 4 sacred shards I could have used them in a summon rush (500 points each) for any of the 4x fusion events that would have happened over that same time, each of which would give me a guaranteed legendary champion anyway, not to mention any legendaries that I get while opening them.  

Even if you save all 4 sacred shards and participate in only 1 fusion event, you would still have only broken even against the 4 months of fragment, but you are missing any other champions that would have been summoned.

As I mentioned above, if the interest was to get fragments out there then there are heaps of other daily logins that could be replaced instead of the sacred.  Also, why replace the two best ones?  Why not just replace one and double the fragment count so it is still 4 months if that is required?

Edit: I forgot to mention that I can convert Sacred shards to books in the champion chase/summon rush events, but I cannot convert fragments to books.  This means that the reduction of Sacreds per month is a reduction of books per month too.  The sacred shards are much more versatile in their benefits

Hey we are all different and have such opinions, so I respect yours

I am the minority here and felt the need to voice  my minority opinion of what I value in this game. Being a somewhat Tiny Whale I hope Plarium will value  my feedback as  much as the majority whom value the RNG aspect of this game

I want Guaranteed  non dupes. With 20+ Dupe Legends I care not to summon more with sacreds. My vote is for the new daily logins coming

Jul 30, 2021, 23:0107/30/21
Jul 30, 2021, 23:06(edited)

Hey we are all different and have such opinions, so I respect yours

I am the minority here and felt the need to voice  my minority opinion of what I value in this game. Being a somewhat Tiny Whale I hope Plarium will value  my feedback as  much as the majority whom value the RNG aspect of this game

I want Guaranteed  non dupes. With 20+ Dupe Legends I care not to summon more with sacreds. My vote is for the new daily logins coming

I guess I cannot see why both of us cannot get what we want.  There's no reason fragments cannot be added to daily logins, but not at the cost of the sacred shard removal.

After thinking about it some more, I came to realize why this change sits so uncomfortably with me.  I see it as a change that removes some agency from players.  When a person gets a sacred shard, they get a chance to interact with many other areas of game, including summon rush, champion chase, 2x summon events, 10x summon events, fusion/fragment events, guaranteed legendary (e.g. use 12 x sacreds, get a specific one on the last pull), etc.  When they instead get some fragments, they don't really gain anything, except to wait for 4 months for that reward to materialize.

It's this loss of choice that bothers me the most.  Plarium is asking me to play the game and by giving shards out I am doing that.  But by removing shards, they are reducing the ability to participate in any number of the above functions. 

There's nothing wrong with giving people free rewards and legendaries (we've seen this with Ninja), but I'd rather they didn't do it by reducing the options people have to engage in the game

Jul 30, 2021, 23:0107/30/21

Little question, how many people reach 1 year??

Not sure that answer but I have and also collected the 5 star chicken and sacred from continuing to roll that month over

However  my CB team nets far more sacreds than the daily login and I farm rares to make 5 star chickens. Meanwhile  pulling Dupe legends

So getting a free non dupe guaranteed legend from daily logins is awesome for a player  like ME 😀

Jul 30, 2021, 23:0507/30/21

I guess I cannot see why both of us cannot get what we want.  There's no reason fragments cannot be added to daily logins, but not at the cost of the sacred shard removal.

After thinking about it some more, I came to realize why this change sits so uncomfortably with me.  I see it as a change that removes some agency from players.  When a person gets a sacred shard, they get a chance to interact with many other areas of game, including summon rush, champion chase, 2x summon events, 10x summon events, fusion/fragment events, guaranteed legendary (e.g. use 12 x sacreds, get a specific one on the last pull), etc.  When they instead get some fragments, they don't really gain anything, except to wait for 4 months for that reward to materialize.

It's this loss of choice that bothers me the most.  Plarium is asking me to play the game and by giving shards out I am doing that.  But by removing shards, they are reducing the ability to participate in any number of the above functions. 

There's nothing wrong with giving people free rewards and legendaries (we've seen this with Ninja), but I'd rather they didn't do it by reducing the options people have to engage in the game

Meh, like I said if a player has a decent NM or UNM CB team they are rolling  in sacreds every month. At least I am

Jul 30, 2021, 23:5207/30/21

Meh, like I said if a player has a decent NM or UNM CB team they are rolling  in sacreds every month. At least I am

Then I'm not sure why you have a horse in this race my friend.  Even if I was rolling in sacreds I would still prefer keeping in an option that gives people a choice in the game, then to remove it.

Hell, I'd be happier if what they did instead was give x number of generic fragments each month, which could go towards any fragment summon, old or new.  This at least gives players a choice to interact in the game.  They could use those fragments during a fragment event, but at a cost of making progress on a brand new legendary that is only available from these daily logins.  

Perhaps even put 3 brand new legendaries in and players can choose which one they want to work towards.   All I'm asking is to keep the login rewards as something that encourages players to interact with the game.  If you don't care about that interaction, then why don't we just change the game now so that every day you log in you get a champion, and then after 300 odd days you have then all.  Raid: Champion login collection game.  No need to do anything past the first screen.

Jul 31, 2021, 00:5407/31/21

Then I'm not sure why you have a horse in this race my friend.  Even if I was rolling in sacreds I would still prefer keeping in an option that gives people a choice in the game, then to remove it.

Hell, I'd be happier if what they did instead was give x number of generic fragments each month, which could go towards any fragment summon, old or new.  This at least gives players a choice to interact in the game.  They could use those fragments during a fragment event, but at a cost of making progress on a brand new legendary that is only available from these daily logins.  

Perhaps even put 3 brand new legendaries in and players can choose which one they want to work towards.   All I'm asking is to keep the login rewards as something that encourages players to interact with the game.  If you don't care about that interaction, then why don't we just change the game now so that every day you log in you get a champion, and then after 300 odd days you have then all.  Raid: Champion login collection game.  No need to do anything past the first screen.

Clone from some company working =))

Jul 31, 2021, 01:5407/31/21
Jul 31, 2021, 02:31(edited)


One other thing I forgot to mention is that this free legendary that you will finally be able to get after 390 days of activity, can also be summoned from a shard.  It isn't even a restricted champion like the doom tower ones, which means that by the time some player even gets to this stage they could possibly already have this legendary to begin with.  

In other words, their next 4 months of login activity will involve them working towards a duplicate.  Yes, this sounds like a great login incentive.

Just give me my 4 sacred shards instead please

Jul 31, 2021, 03:2507/31/21


One other thing I forgot to mention is that this free legendary that you will finally be able to get after 390 days of activity, can also be summoned from a shard.  It isn't even a restricted champion like the doom tower ones, which means that by the time some player even gets to this stage they could possibly already have this legendary to begin with.  

In other words, their next 4 months of login activity will involve them working towards a duplicate.  Yes, this sounds like a great login incentive.

Just give me my 4 sacred shards instead please

Scared shard doesn't only chance to get lego, scared shard also is an item to tranfer to lego book. Who agree with remove scared and chicken 5 star, I guess only staff from Plarium can do that.

Jul 31, 2021, 06:0007/31/21

@Rose Royal I am not saying your idea to give frags for legends but keep the sacreds and chickens  is bad. Heck lets have a month of just sacreds / voids / chickens / frags

All I am stating is given the choice between the current 2. I want my guaranteed  NON dupe vs a few sacred that will get me either another dupe legend (most likely with RNG) or some  more dupe Epics. If you all value the chickens that much then your either lazy to farm rares for chickens  or your accounts are just not at end game lvl

Because farming chickens is too easy for me (farming as  in ranking  up rare food)

Jul 31, 2021, 06:0307/31/21

Scared shard doesn't only chance to get lego, scared shard also is an item to tranfer to lego book. Who agree with remove scared and chicken 5 star, I guess only staff from Plarium can do that.

Back at you M8. I guess  only a Plarium employee would want us to play that RNG game they keep pushing

I bet I am really going to love the Dupe system when it comes because sure it will have a RNG aspect to it.  But I am guessing your going to love that

Jul 31, 2021, 06:5407/31/21

My closing arguement is this

Each month along with the arena threads we see sacred shard  pull threads and  no legends from pulls

Going forward I will keep reminding you all in those threads that this is what you wished  for. More RNG and less guarantee Legends. Every time I see these threads I will rub your  noses  in it just like rubbing the nose  of a puppy in its doo doo to drive it  home

Peaceout and thanks for the debate and diverse  opinions. I now give last words to you all  on this thread as I have said  my piece

Jul 31, 2021, 06:5407/31/21

@Rose Royal I am not saying your idea to give frags for legends but keep the sacreds and chickens  is bad. Heck lets have a month of just sacreds / voids / chickens / frags

All I am stating is given the choice between the current 2. I want my guaranteed  NON dupe vs a few sacred that will get me either another dupe legend (most likely with RNG) or some  more dupe Epics. If you all value the chickens that much then your either lazy to farm rares for chickens  or your accounts are just not at end game lvl

Because farming chickens is too easy for me (farming as  in ranking  up rare food)

But nothing seems to indicate that the current plan will help with your anti-dupe cause.   Cleopterix can still be summoned, so either someone will get this champion before the 4 months fragment loop starts, and then get a dupe afterwards, or they will get this champion during those 4 months and then still have a chance to pull it later on.


Jul 31, 2021, 07:5207/31/21

I don't have a Cleopterix yet, so for me personally it's a good change right now. 

But when they ever put a champion you allready own on the sheet, that will be very frustrating. You get a dupe lego, and you know it will be a dupe allready for months.

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